FIK Exproposal

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Title: Love is War

Chapter 1: Problem Definition

Nowadays being singles and not in a relationship is considered a problem. This used to happen to
old people. But now, time has changed. This has become a problem for younger people
especially for those in High school and University life. Relationship between people starts from
the stage of friendship. However, there are several symptoms that can be missleading to suggest
someone to pursue a more romantic pursuit.

If a person decides to push their relationship to the next stage, he/she has a risk to endanger the
current relationship. This might lead to an ackward friend zone or becoming stranger.

Because of this, someone who wants to pursuit a romantic relationship must be able to read the
signs and make sure do the right step that can lead the other person to confess if his/her feeling is

Chapter 2: Research and Analysis

Based on research from Website X, there are some signs showing the opposite sex has an
attraction towards you.
1. He/she has focused attention towards you.
2. His/her body constantly leading towards you.
3. He/she always tries to get an approval from you.
4. He/she always laughs at your jokes.
5. He/she unconsciously stays close to your position.

Based on book Y written by Dr. Z, some signs can be misleading. However, using the right
words and gestures can hint that you have taken interest to the other person. What should be
done next is making an approach to confirm if the other person has mutual feelings.

Based on research from website V, during the friend zone, people have a time span to get to
know each other. During this time, one can assess if his/her friends really show true personality
or a facade. When you have gained someone's trust, it is more likely to get their secret out as
soon as possible. Make him/her comfortable enough to reveal his/her true nature. From here on,
you can create a stronger bond among friends or move a certain relationship to a more romantic

Based on the based-selling Romance Novel T writter by novelist U, the act of confessing a
feeling may backfire. One side may have advantage over the side that has made the first
confession. It is becoming more strategic to make sure the other side does not gain control of
your life. Some steps which may be successful or not can be perform to maintain a stable
romantic relationship.

Based on research by Doctor S, it is revealed that internet and smartphone has contributed in
boosting relationship or destroying them. One can use the current technology to research data on
their target. This is happening because people tend to post their information and habits on social
media. People can also interact within the internet and create a different bond than in the real

Chapter 3: Approach on problem solving

The problem with friendship today is that it can be made and broken as fast as possible. Younger
people are fond of social media. They post information of themself onto cyberspace including
their daily day activities. When someone engages fast and replies to your post, this creates an
unconscious bond. The more you see this person engage your post, the more you look forward
for his/her next reply. This pretense bond can be used to manipulate relationship. This can also
be a tool to help long distance relationship.

Gadgets are a part of life now. Younger people tend to have their gadget like smartphone next to
them all the time. They want to immediately response to post and messages. For couples, they
use it to most of time find out what their couples are doing and sometimes their location.
Smartphone today has access to GPS. So, it will be easy to locate your location. This makes
people more difficult to lie. The video message is also a tool that can help couple communicate
better. However, some people may feel offended if their couple does not reply his/her message or
post within a certain amount of time. Seeing their couple status is replied by another love interest
can also make them jealous. Sometimes this leads to couple break-up.

A youngster who is single may have a hard time revealing his/her feeling to an opposite sex.
They are scared with rejection. They might have a hint if the opposite sex has a feeling for them
but it will be a gamble if they assume it wrong.

Chapter 4: Implementing Problem solving

For single young people, before they get into more serious romantic relationship, it is best to
understand their target. There are several signs that can show that the opposite sex may have
interest in you.

1. He/she has focused attention towards you.

2. His/her body constantly leading towards you.
3. He/she always tries to get an approval from you.
4. He/she always laughs at your jokes.
5. He/she unconsciously stays close to your position.

These signs may not be accurate but they are worth to try. You must try this within 1-3 weeks. If
the target has shown continuous pattern of the above then there is a higher chance that he/she has
feelings for you.

Using the internet to find information is a choice. A normal choice would be to ask the target
directly for their information. But, today youngster may be shy. So, you can try accessing the
target social media to know more about his/her personal life, activities, hobbies, etc. Using this
information can give advantage. However, information does no good unless you confirm it by
approaching the target. Do not be surprise if his/her true personality might be different from
his/her personality online. People tend to be wearing mask in the online world.

Opposite sex, mostly female, have the tendency to get excited with something she cannot get
easily. But, once they have it, they feel less value of it. That is why sometimes the "cool guy"
mode is an effective approach. On the other hand it can also backfire making it you give sign of
not having mutual interest with them. This also applies for males. So, the from this you can make
strategy to make sure the other side will give a confession first to make sure that he/she values
you more.
There are several approaches.
1. Preparing a scenario to lure the target.
2. Getting all information to know the target's weak point.
3. Use a bargaining strategy to make the target confess first.
4. Set a scenario as if the target has successfully conquers you and then reverses the situation.

The first one to confess is considered the losing side. But, in a positive way, this confirms that
the other side does have a mutual feeling for you. The only problem with this is the endurance. If
the target plays the same strategy, both sides can prolong the outcome. So, there should be a time
limit do this.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Pursuing a romantic relationship is not as smooth as a fairy tale story. There is no magic or
music to set the mood. There is also no exact way to confirm the other side has mutual feeling.
However, information technology has changed all of that. Relation can now be accessed online.
You have more access to people and information. However, relationship must be pursued in real
life. When you make a confession, you want to make sure you can get a higher percentage of
positive respond. That is why love can be considered like a war. The winning side gets all. You
can use strategic method to achieve victory.

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