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“Youth delegate for a year”

Participation of Youth Delegates in

the April and the October 2019 Strasbourg sessions

In line with its “Roadmap for youth participation”, the Conference of INGOs of the Council of
Europe will invite 5 young persons representing their member NGO to Strasbourg (France),
to take an active part, as a youth delegate, in its coming April and October sessions

The deadline for applications is 12 of March 2019, 12.00 noon CET.

What is the Conference of INGOs?

More than 300 INGOs enjoy participatory status and make up, since 2005, the Conference
of INGOs. Together, they constitute civil society’s pillar in the Council of Europe so called
“quadrilogue” with the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.
Through this status, the Council of Europe includes INGOs in its intergovernmental activities
and encourages dialogue between the members of Parliament, local and regional authorities
and those of diverse INGOs on the various challenges facing society.

IF you wish to learn more about the Conference of INGOs, please see

The Conference of INGOs and youth participation

In April 2018, the INGO Conference has adopted a new Roadmap for youth participation.
Following its youth Strategy, it is now inviting 5 youth delegates representing member
organizations to take part in its two 2019 sessions:
- to have their say in the debates
- to exchange with Conference of INGOs members on the issues on the agenda.

To learn more please read the “Roadmap for youth participation” of the Conference of

By inviting a number of young people to take an active part in its 2019 sessions the
Conference of INGOs aims to give young people an opportunity to be an active and direct
contributor to issues being discussed during these sessions .

The specific objectives are to:

- involve young people directly in all aspects of the Conference of INGOs’ work;
- make young people aware about the Conference of INGOs’ work and the tools it
has developed to support NGO participation in the Council of Europe work and in its
member countries;
- discuss with young people on how youth participation can be boosted in NGO life;
- bring the youth perspective to all thematic debates within the Conference of INGOs;
- motivate the youth delegates to multiply the information and experience acquired
during the sessions on their return to their sending organisation;
- share information about existing models of youth-led structures and motivate young
people to spread the word about the Conference of INGOs’ work;
- promote co-operation between members of the Conference of INGOs and youth
- demonstrate the importance of including more young people as active members.

Participating in the Conference of INGOs’ work for 2019

Being a youth delegate for a year is a unique opportunity to gain international experience,
become a part of a diverse group of young activists, network and make an impact by
stimulating the debates from a youth perspective thereby highlighting and strengthening the
Conference of INGOs’ commitment to youth empowerment.

Participating as a youth delegate in the sessions

Firstly, the youth delegates will attend both the Conference of INGOs 2019 sessions. A
preparatory session will be organised prior to each session. Youth delegates must commit to
taking part in the whole of the two 2019 sessions: from April and October 2019 - April (arrival
in Strasbourg on 8th of April and departure on the 12 of April, after 16.00) and the October
2019 (arrival in Strasbourg on the 28th of October and departure 31October after 16.00).

Application procedure and selection of participants

Those wishing to apply to take part in the April and October Conference of INGOs sessions
must do so by means of the application form enclosed. Participation in only one session is
not possible.

The deadline for submitting completed applications is 12 of March 2019, 12.00 noon CET.

The youth delegates will be selected by a selection panel which includes the President of the
OING Service, 2 Bureau members of the Conference of INGOs, coordinators of the Youth
Road Map, and two members of the Council of Europe’s Advisory Council on Youth. The
panel will ensure that the selected applicants represent a balanced group with regard to
gender, cultural background and experience.

Applicants will be informed of the results of the selection procedure mid-March 2019.

Travel, subsistence and accommodation

The youth delegates’ travel and subsistence expenses will be covered by the INGO Service
according to its rules.

Accommodation will be provided and paid for by the organisers, in single-occupancy or

shared rooms according to availability. The organisers cannot cover the cost of
accommodation elsewhere.
Aims and objectives

The entire youth delegate programme is compulsory. Youth delegates who do not take part
in one or more of these aspects will be replaced by their national substitute delegate.

Compulsory activities include:

- participation in preparatory activities related to each session;

- full attendance during both sessions (which included the preparation day on the eve
of each session and the evaluation meeting on the last afternoon of each session);

Profile of participants

The youth delegates should meet the following criteria:

 represent a INGO member of the Conference of INGOs

 be open, committed and motivated to develop and strengthen dialogue between
young people and civil society;
 be between 18 and 30 years old;
 have an interest in actively participating in the policy making processes supporting
civil society;
 be able to multiply the information obtained during the session on their return in their
sending organisation;
 speak English fluently

For more information please contact:

Rareş Augustin CRĂIUŢ
Member of Bureau of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe
+32 479 633 577
Skype ID: craiutrares
Application form
“Youth delegate for a year”
Participation of Youth Delegates
In the April and October 2019 sessions

Personal details

First name

Last name

Date and place of birth

Gender (M/F/other)


Address where you will be residing at the

time of the sessions If you are selected, the
Conference of INGOs will cover your cost of
travel from this address and return, no


Mobile number

Working language(s)

Do you have any special needs or

requirements, for example dietary, medical,
allergies, disability, etc?

If you are invited to take part in the sessions,

will you require assistance in obtaining a visa
for France?

Experience and motivation (no more than 200 words for each reply: longer answers will be

Name of the NGO, member of the

Conference of INGOs, that you will be

What is your personal motivation to

take part in the Conference of INGOs
2019 sessions?

What do you expect to be able to

contribute to the sessions?

What do you expect to learn from this


How will you disseminate the

information obtained during the session
on your return home?

Why do you think non-Governmental

Organisations play a significant role in
today’s society?

What would be the added value of

young people contributing to the work
of the INGO Conference?

Please return the completed application forms to, by the 12 of March

the 12.00 noon CET, at the latest. For any questions please contact Rares Augustin Craiut at or 0032 479633577.

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