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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana

Mechanical Particular Specification t1embt'r ol tht'! SNC· _tt•;l:llin Grou:>

The General Conditions of Conbact shall be applicable as part of this specification.

The Contractor shall become familiar with other sections of the Specifications affecting the work of
these mechanical serviCEs.

The ContradDr shall furnish all labour, mater1als, plant, equipment and appliances and perform all
necessary operations required to exeaJte the work of this section.


The proposed H09 - AI Mouj Rayhaan by Retana is a +Star Hotel located at AI Mouj development,
one of the most prestigious locations In the Sultanate of Oman.
The site has an area of 10,575 m2 located near Muscat International Airport. The hotel shall be a
G+6 storey structure with one Basement.

The hotel shall have 251 well-appointed guestroom and suite keys located at Levels 1 to 6. The
Ground Aoor Front of House (FOH) fadlities include guest lobby lounge, business centre, cafe,
meeting rooms, pre-func.tion area, All Day Dining and Speciality Restaurant. TreatmentJwellness,
Gym, Swimming Pool and Pool Bar are located at the Level 1. Kitchen and Back of House (BOH)
fadlities are diSbibuted across Ground and Basement floors.

In addition to ~r partdng fadlities provided at the arrival plaza near the entrance ample ~r
parking facilities are provided at -1 Level (Basement).


The scope cl works in this specifiaition includes the complete mechanical services as described on
the drawings and within this spedfic:ation, for the building, including but not limited to: -

• Enabling Works
• Ventilation and air conditioning systems
• Potable water systems
• Hot water systems
• Waste water and rain water drainage systems
• Fire Fighting systems
• LPG and Diesel Oil Fuel Systems
• Swimming Pool
• Building management system

The exdusion from this contract is as follows: -

• PAEW main water supply to site boundary

• Haya sewage /surface (storm)dralnage and treated water connections to site boundary
• Chilled water connections up to the ETS room's Plate Heat Exchangers

The scope cl works for medlanical building services starts and finishes at interface points with the
PAEW and Haya authority connections and AI Mouj' s chilled water provision up to the ETS room's
Plate Heat Exchanger as fellows:

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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana ATKINS
Mechanical Particular Specification

• AI Mouj' s PAfW potable water Infrastructure up 1D the valve chamber complete wlttl valves
and water meter. The Contractor is responsible to connect to the water supply provision
and obtain all necessary approvals from PAEW to mmmence water supply.
• AL Mouj' s Haya sewage Infrastructure up to the main connecHon manhole and capped for
connection. Contractor is responsible to mnnect to main connection manhole from the last
manhole. Contractor Is responsible to obtain all necessary approvals from Haya to
commence service.
• AL Mouj' s Haya surface water Infrastructure up to the main mnned:lon manhole and
capped for connection. Contractor is responsible to connect to main connection manhole
from ttle last manhole. Contractor Is responsible to obtain all necessary approvals from
Haya to mmmence service.
• AI Mouj' s Haya TSE infrastructure up to the valve chamber mmplete with valves and water
meter. The Contractor Is responsible to mnnect to the water supply provision and obtain all
necessary approvals from Haya to commence water
• AI Mouj will connect from chilled water Infrastructure up to ETS Room and finally to Plate
Heat Exchangers (2 Nos) at -1 Level (basement) complete with chilled water pipework
valves and energy (BTU) meter and Plate Heat Exchangers.

The Contractor shall arrange to visit sitE pr1or to submitting his tender to ac:qualnt himself wlttl ttle
site conditions and scope of works and make all necessary contact witt! the local authorities and
relevant bodies.

The Contractor shall indude for carrying out the following works in full compliance witt! ttle
specifications included, except where superseded by the specifiCation.

• ProaJre, deliver, install and commission building services in acx:ordance witt! this
Specification and assodated documents.
• The Contractor shall produce a full set of coordinated working drawings to submit to the
Oient's approved Engineer on site for approval, and revise/resubmit where necessary.
• carry out all enabling works necessary to complete the project.
• The removal and disposal of all waste and existing redundant materials which occur as part
of ttlese works.
• Setting out of all services and ttle production of detailed and co-ordinated installation
drawings, ensuring ttlat adequate space is provided for installation, repair and
• Oear1y label all plant and equipment.
• The Contractor shall provide assurance that all principles and polides noted in this
spedfication shall be applied to the Cient's approved Engineer on site.
• Provide the Clenrs approved Engineer on site with detailed technical submissions;
including manufacturer's data, delivery confirmation and supplier contact details for all
services equipment for comment and approval.
• Where required the contJactor shall ensure that the ftnallnstallat:lon complies fully with ttle
necessary British Standard.
• Upon completion, all services systems shall achieve full operating capacity, as defined by
ttlis specification.
• The Client's approved Engineer on site shall be advised of all necessary Test, Maintenance
and Support activities
• Submit List of Recommended Spares for all equipment installed during Material Approval
• The Contractor to price for minimum spares required for all equipment to be installed.
• The Contractor shall provide a mmprehenslve set of Operating and maintenance
instructions to the Cient's approved Engineer on site for approval. The format shall follow
that set out in the BSRIA Application Guide BAGOl/87.

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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana ATKINS
Mechanical Particular Specification

The Contractor shalllndude the msts for all assodated works, lndudlng the following Items;

• Appoint an Independent specialist contractor/agency to cany out commissioning of, chilled

water system and air distribution system Including but not limited to chilled water balandng
and air balancing.
• Appoint a spedallst contractnr tD cany out all the lifting and craning activities.
• Appoint a specialist to assist in the final design of Are, LPG, BMS, acoustic louvers, and
attenuators for approval by the Olent's approved Engineer on site.
• On completion of the new works, all services systems shall be fully tested and
commissioned and set tD work. All costs associated with the testing and mmmissioning of
equipment, induding fine tuning of HVAC and BMS system shall be induded within the
• Removal, cutting up and safe disposal of all redundant mater1als from site.
• Making safe and cutting back, modifying and reinstallation of services affected by the
works, as required.
• All builders work
• Preparation of record drawings and operating/maintenance manuals.
• Demons!Jat:lon and training of the completed Installation to the Clients' staff.
• Safe disposal and removal of contaminated water treatment effluent to an authorised agent
following any water treatment exercise.


This general specifiCation shall be read in conjunction with the following sections and standard

01040 Builders work

01060 Statutory and General obligations
01070 Abbreviations and symbols
01090 Reference standards
01100 Management and Administration ProcEdures
01300 Submittals
01340 Shop drawings, product data and samples
01400 Quality Control
01500 Resources, Temporary works and services
01600 Materials and equipment
01720 Project record documents
01730 Operating and Maintenance (0 a. M) data, materials and spares
01740 Warranties


This document shall be read in conjunction with the General Requirements

The installation works shall comply in all respects with local regulations and codes of practice
together with International Standards induding but not limited tD British Standards.


Section 01300 - Submittals, shall be mmplied with for this project. In addition, the following
dauses shall apply.

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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana ATKINS
Mechanical Particular Specification

Submit a compliance statement, samples, spedflcatlons, englneer1ng calculations, catalogue rut

sheets, c:lesaiption of produc:t and installation method in accordance with the ContJact
Documents. Submissions shall Indicate all dimensions, details of construction, and details of
Installation, relation and connections with adjoining work. All shall be or1glnal copies

Submit copies of test reports required to be performed on the proposed products. Submit a list
of installation completed where proposed products were used.

Submit Performance characteristic details of the equipment as selected for indusion into the
works and include, in a format tD be agreed with the Engineer, the fallowing information as

• Plant item desaiption, reference identifiart:ion and serial number.

• Specification compliance statement
• Design performance temperature
• Maximum operating Temperature
• Electrical dlaracterist:ics including but not limited to;
• Electrical input rating - kVA, Volts, Phase
• Electr1cal output rating under normal project specific operating conditions

Where preliminary and builder's work and structural Information has already been given on the
Tender Drawings such information is to be checked bv the ContJactor, amended as necessary,
and Incorporated In the contractor's drawings.

When selecting makes and types of equipment, the Contractor Is deemed to have ascertained
that facilities for proper maintenance, repair and replacement can be provided without such a
delay as could cause inconvenience or loss to the Employer in the future.

Physical stzes of all plant and equipment are to be suitable for the spaces allocated tD
acmmmodate them with due allowances for access for testing and commissioning and
maintenance purposes at the time of submitting the materials. No materials shall be submitted
that do not fit within the allocated spam on the design drawings. The mrltractor to verify and
~ordinate shop drawings to be submitted for Engineer's approval.

Before commencing work on site co-ordinated services layout drawing for all building shall be
submitted tD consultant/dlents end user for their approval. lhe MEP Contractor to ensure that
samples of products to be used in the project are approved bv Con$l.lltant/Ciient before pladng


All work shall be carried out in accordance with relevant industry standard codes. lhe Corltractor
shall comply always to manufacturers installation requirements.

lhe following applicable codes I standards shall be complied with. lhese Include (but are not
limited to}: -

• BSI - British Standards Institute

• CIBSE - Olartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
• ASHRAE - American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
• NFPA - National Rre Protection Association
• CIPHE- Cllartered Institute of Public Health Engineers
• lEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers
• ROP Ovil defence
• Lccal Omanl Regulations where applicable

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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana ATKINS
Mechanical Particular Specification Member ol tile ~Nl: · Lavaun l:irou:.~

StatuiDry Authorttles

There shall be no statutory approvals required from authorities assodated witt! the Mechanical
services in this project, but PAEW standards shall be followed for the installation works.


All work elements shall be coordinated as under provisions of Section 01100. care shall be taken
to ensure that the installation of all mechanical and electrical services is co-ordinated to ensure
acx:esslblllty and maintainability.

All final connections of water, drainage lines to equipment shall be checked and co-ordinated
with the final kitl:hen equipment layout, which may differ from the design.

1.8 PRODUcrs

All references within this Specification to trade names of products, manufacturers and suppliers
are the requirement of the standard required under this Contlact. If the ContraciDr requires
submitting alternative products and/or suppliers for approval, this shall be notified with the
Tender. All products shall have been used in Oman and be supported by local agencies resident
in the Sultanate of Oman.

The ContraciDr shall provide proprietary items manufacb.necl in the Sultanate of Oman where
they can be fully demonstrated to comply with the standards and requirements set out In these
specifications and noted on the drawings.

Specialist Installation- Ensure spedalist or approved third party carries out delivery, installation
and commissioning of specialist equipment.

All equipment shall be installed to operate on a 240 volt 1 phase 50 Hz or 415 volts 3 phase 50
Hz electrical supply.

All products and materials shall be specified to have product conformity certification (e.g. BSI
kites mark, BSI safety Mark) or product approval and have the recognized "CE mark attached.
References to BSI documents within this document or within the MEP contract spedfic:at:ions (for
tender issue) shall be to the latest versions and amendments listed in the British Standards
catalogue or updates.

MENA products and/ Far Eastern products shall be considered subject to the products meeting
the required performance and safety standards.

All components and materials to be proposed and Installed shall be rated to the local
atmospheric conditions induding high salinity abnospheric content.

samples shall be given for all common items of equipment where the quantity is large. A sample
shall be fixed and installed as a mock up for review on site.

Only equipment previously installed in Oman shall be submitted and used. All materials shall be
having local agencies In Oman, who hold spare parts and can service the equipment.

All products installed on the roof shall be W protected.

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H09 Rayhaan AI Mouj by Ratana ATKINS
Mechanical Particular Specification Member ol tile ~Nl: · Lavaun l:irou:.~


Verify site conditions under provisions of Sections 01400 and 01100.

Before ordering any materials or commendng work, verify that building structure assodated
with the system is within tolerance and take full account of shape configuration and material
properties of the structure.

Before beginning installation in any area, examine all parts of the structure into which the
applicable work is to be placed. Should any conditions be found which shall prevent the proper
execution of this work, installation work shall not proceed in that area until such conditions are
corrected by the ContJactor and at no extra expense to the Employer.

Samples of installation work shall be made on site as a sample of the quality of work to be
undertaken by the contractor. These shall serve as an example of the quality of work required
and be approved by the engineer.

1.10 PREPARA110N

Provide and detail all builders work about the services requirements.

Provide concrete piers, structural openings and plinths, as required. Follow manufacturer's
requirements In all respects.


The mechanical Installations within the building shall be Installed to maintain the Internal
conditions based on the external conditions as slated.

• Winter 160C(DB)
• Summer 460C(DB) 300C (WB}

All services and equipment shall be Installed and selected to operate In the ambient temperature
slated below:

• Maximum Ambient 52 OC(DB)

All Equipment should be de-rated to suit the dlmatlc conditions.

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