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Who is MUHAMMAD (‫)ﷺ‬

God Almighty says, “And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.” (Al-
Anbiyaa’ 21:107). Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings be upon him and his house) and his House, is the Prophet of
mercy, sent by God as a mercy to all mankind; believers, non-believers, and
hypocrites. His mercy sheltered all humanity: men, women and children.
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his house) was merciful to all
creatures including animals and birds. God almighty describes Muhammad’s pity,
kindness, and mercy to all the creatures:
“Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him
is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the
believers (he is) compassionate,” (At-Tawbah 9:128).

Shamail Tirmidhi (The Noble Features Of Rasoolullah)

Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu anhu) says: "The front teeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu
alaihe wasallam) were a bit wide (spread out). They were spaced out and not
close together. When Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) talked, an
illumination emitting from his teeth could be seen."

Umar Suharwardy
Our Beloved Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬, For The 'Dust' Beneath His Sandal we Would sacrifice
Our Lives, the Lives of Our Parents or Trade Their Souls For ....
And Still we wouldn't do justice With the Love we have for our Beloved ‫ﷺ‬.
"More is known about the Beloved ‫ ﷺ‬,more than anyone else in history.
We know his genealogy. We know all the events that took place right before his
birth. We know how he was born and even the manner of how he landed onto the
ground as a newborn during his delivery. We know about his younger days. We
know about his travels. We know about his mannerisms. We know about his
growing up. We know about his marriage. We know about his children. We know
about his family. We know about what people used to say about him. We know
about his interactions. We know his exact Arabic accent. We know about his
We can describe his way of speech and how he sat, stood, and walked. We know
his skin tone and we know his physique to the most intricate of details. We even
know how many gray hairs he had and how his eyebrows were and even his eyes
to the details of his eyelashes. We know his favorite food and how he ate it. Many
of us try to emulate him in our daily actions, to the point of how to enter the
bathroom and how to exit it. We all conduct our acts of worship in exactly the
same manner that he did. We can sit down for hours, days, and even months
talking about the Beloved ‫ ﷺ‬and we would not be done."
Such is our Beloved ..

The Prophet Muhammad (Sallaho Alaihe Wa Aalihe Waslam) stood up for the
funeral of a Jew , out of respect for The humanity .
Ibn Abu Laila reported: (Part of a Longer Hadith)
.....A funeral passed by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
and he stood up. It was said to him, “It is a Jew.
"The Prophet said, “Was he not a soul?”
Sahih Bukhari Hadith # 1250, Sahih Muslim Hadith #961 .

Mohiuddin Al Hanafi

Their leader (Satan) cannot imitate his form ,even in dream and they think they
can make his cartoon.

Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a) reported:

We went along with Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬on an expedition towards Najd and
Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬found us in a valley abounding in thorny trees. Allah's
Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬stayed for rest under a tree and he suspended his sword by one of
its branches under which he was taking rest. The persons scattered in the valley
and they also began to take rest under the shade of trees, and Allah's Messenger
(‫ )ﷺ‬said: A person came to me while I was asleep and he took hold of the sword. I
woke up and found him standing upon my head and I had hardly become alert
(and saw) that the sword was in his hand. And he said ( in challenging way): ‘ Who
can protect you from me?’ I said: ‘ Allah ’. He again said: Who can protect you
from me? I said: Allah. He put his sword in the sheath (and you can see) this man
sitting here. Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬did not punish him ( nor touched him ) .
Sahih Bukhari , #2910 ; # 4135
Sahih Muslim # 843
~ Allah himself is his protector ~
~ They tried to harm & kill him and he kept on forgiving them,inspite having
power over them ~
And assuredly you(Beloved Muhammad) are placed high on the Most Glorious and
Exalted (seat of) Character (i.e. adorned with the Qur’anic morality and endowed
with the character traits of Allah) .
Soon you will see and they (too) will see .
[ Quran ,68 : 4,5 ]

Sheikh Muhammad Taahir

The one who commanded us to honour our parents, help the poor, feed the needy
and look after our neighbours.

The one whose description of physical elegance as described by his Companions

is mind-boggling :
"It would look as if the sun was moving on his blessed face."
"Had you seen him, you would have seen a rising sun."
"He was more beautiful than the full moon."
"I have never seen anyone more handsome than him."
"When he would be pleased, his blessed face lit up as if it were a part of the
"It would look as if he was moulded in silver."

The one who would shorten the congregational prayers if he heard children
crying so that their parents could attend to them.
He is the one who they try to mock, all the while not realizing that his name is
"Muhammad", The Praiseworthy.

Aamir Khan

How the Prophet of Mercy (Peace and Blessings be upon him) reacted to insults
out of ignorance?
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A bedouin urinated in the mosque and the people ran to (beat) him. Allah's
Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Do not interrupt his urination (i.e. let him finish)." Then the
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬asked for a tumbler of water and poured the water over the place of
Reference : Sahih Bukhari (English) reference : Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 54
Remember O Muslims, and also those who hate Islam: Allah has Himself raised
the fame of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in Glorious
Qur'an so there is no way his praise/fame/status/respect/honour could be lowered
by illogical cartoonists or anti Islamic propagandists.
Muslims need to learn a lesson from the above mentioned hadith itself. Stand tall
and forgive the ignorant people out there, If you cannot forgive as it is tough for
lovers to forgive those who say bad to our beloved, then at least guide them with
your character and patience. Believe you me our Prophet (Peace be upon him)
shall be happy.

In another version the Prophet (Peace be upon him) advised his lovers (i.e. Companions) who
were about to beat the person:

You have been sent to make things easy (for the people) and you have not been sent to make
things difficult for them."

Ruhan Madni Naqash

Non Muslim and Muslim friends alike, please take 5 minutes of your time and
read :-
In a time when we have so called Muslims maligning the name of Islam by
various heinous acts, its time for the World to ponder over what the founder of
Islam, Prophet Muhammad was like.
1) He said “Whoever doesn’t show mercy to people, will not be shown mercy (by
2) When he was asked by his companions to curse those who had rejected him,
he said “I’ve not been sent to curse people, but rather as a Mercy to Mankind”.
3) “Whoever has two (or three) daughters, or three sisters, and teaches them
manners, and is affectionate to them, till they come of age, may God apportion
Paradise for him” (He didn’t say any such thing about having sons, and remember
in Pre-Islamic times, in Arabia, female children were buried alive by people. He
ended all this. Modern day Muslims who treat women like they were treated in
Pre-Islamic times, as if they’re liabilities, should learn from the Prophet
Muhammad. Remember also that the only surviving children of the Prophet
Muhammad were daughters! ).
4) When asked as to Who was more entitled to be treated with the best
companionship by a son/daughter?, He said , “Your Mother”. When asked "Who
next?", he said "Your mother." When asked who next, he said ,"Your mother."
When asked “Who next?”, he said, "Your father.”
5) He said “Do not beat your wives”. He also said “The best among men is he who
treats his wife in the best manner”.
6) When there were legitimate wars going on, he ordered his soldiers not to harm
any religious place of the opponent, nor harm any religious personality, nor harm
the Children, the Women or the Old (The non-combatants), nor destroy cattle, nor
fight with fire (put the opponent on fire), nor destroy property. He ordered his
soldiers to be just; and if someone surrendered during fighting, to leave him and
take him to a secure place so that he wouldn’t be harmed. He taught us that
messengers (ambassadors) of other lands should not be harmed, rather honored.
7) He said that the person who breaks a promise or betrays someone’s trust has
hypocrisy in him. He said whoever feeds and takes care of Orphans will enter
8) He used to encourage everyone to free slaves (this was in a time when slavery
was a very common practice all over the World), and freeing of slaves became
one of the best deeds one could commit as a Muslim.
9) He said in his last sermon “A white person has no superiority over a black
person, and a black person has no superiority over a white person”. (This was
about 1500 years ago!)
10) He used to get up out of respect when someone’s funeral procession was
passing, even if the one who had died was a Non Muslim.
11) He said whoever utters a good word (beneficial and sweet), is actually
committing an act of charity.
12) His companions say that they never saw anyone who smiled more than the
Prophet Muhammad.
He said meeting people with a cheerful face was a good dead.
13) When he was abused, humiliated and driven out of Makkah along with his
companions by the elders of Makkah, he didn’t say a bad word about them. Many
years later when he entered Makkah as a victor, he had full right to punish all
those who had driven him, according to the Pre-Islamic Arab tradition; but he
said to them “You are all free”, and cried profusely out of mercy for them.
Such was the Prophet Muhammad. This is the month of his birth and great people
are mentioned more by the World on their Birth anniversaries. Everyone should
read more about his life, and learn more. He is not just a personality for Muslims,
rather for all people, irrespective of creed, religion and culture.

Mohammad Rafiq Kashmiri

The Courtesy of the Prophet of Mercy towards the Needy:-

The Prophet (peace be upon him) behaved with compassion towards the needy in
order to
compensate for their shortage of material wealth. Abdullah ibn Amr narrated the
following story:
“One day, the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to the masjid. The poor were
sitting to one side.
He went and sat among them to honor them. He chatted with them and said:
‘Good tidings to the poor
Immigrants! They will enter the gardens of Paradise forty years earlier than the
rich. The reckoning of
the poor on the Day of Judgment will end sooner than that of the rich because
they do not have money
and property’.
Tirmidhi, Zuhd 37; Darimi, Riqaq 118; Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, III, 63; Nasai,
al-Sunan al-
Kubra, III, 443; al-Bayhaqi, al-Sunan al-Kubra, VII, 12.
“O my Lord! Make me live as the poor. Let me die as the poor. Resurrect me
among the poor.”
Tirmidhi, Zuhd 37; Ibn Majah, Zuhd 7; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, IV, 358; al-Bayhaqi,
al-Sunan al-
Kubra, VII, 12

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