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Section 100

Table of Contents

101 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS .......................................................................................................... 101-1
101.1 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................ 101-1
101.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... 101-1

102 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROVISION .......................................................................... 102-1

102.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 102-1
102.2 SERVICES ................................................................................................................................. 102-1
102.3 ROAD INTERSECTIONS AND JUNCTIONS ...................................................................................... 102-2
102.4 PROGRAMME OF WORK ............................................................................................................. 102-2
102.4.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................... 102-2
102.4.2 Programme of Work for Rehabilitation Work.................................................................. 102-3
102.5 WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY CONTROL ..................................................................................... 102-3
102.6 THE SETTING OUT OF WORK AND PROTECTION OF SURVEY BEACONS ........................................ 102-3
102.7 NOTICES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS .................................................................................... 102-4
102.8 MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 102-5
102.8.1 Units of Measurements................................................................................................... 102-5
102.8.2 Schedule of Quantities ................................................................................................... 102-5
102.8.3 Measurement of Completed Work.................................................................................. 102-5
102.9 PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................. 102-5
102.9.1 Contract Rates................................................................................................................ 102-5
102.9.2 Rates to be Inclusive ...................................................................................................... 102-5
102.9.3 The Meanings of Certain Phrases in Payment Clauses................................................. 102-6
102.10 CERTIFICATE OF TAKING OVER OF THE WORKS .......................................................................... 102-7
102.11 TRAFFIC OVER COMPLETED PAVEMENT LAYERS. ....................................................................... 102-7
102.12 ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS AND OFFERS ......................................................................................... 102-7
102.12.1 Tenders........................................................................................................................... 102-8
102.12.2 Design Codes ................................................................................................................. 102-8
102.12.3 Preliminary Calculations ................................................................................................. 102-8
102.12.4 Preliminary Drawings...................................................................................................... 102-8
102.12.5 Quantities........................................................................................................................ 102-8
102.12.6 Further Details ................................................................................................................ 102-8
102.12.7 Preliminary Adjudication of Alternative Designs............................................................. 102-9
102.12.8 Acceptance of Alternative Design................................................................................... 102-9
102.12.9 Final Drawings and Calculations and the Priced Schedule of Quantities ...................... 102-9
102.12.10 Responsibility for Alternative Design .......................................................................... 102-9
102.12.11 Payments for Alternative Designs .............................................................................. 102-9
102.12.12 Cost of Checking Alternative Designs ...................................................................... 102-10
102.12.13 Alternative Offers ...................................................................................................... 102-10
.............................................................................................................................................. 102-10
SERVICES MOVED, DAMAGED OR ALTERED.............................................................................................. 102-11
102.15 REMEDIAL WORK .................................................................................................................... 102-12
102.15.1 Earthworks.................................................................................................................... 102-12
102.15.2 Stabilising ..................................................................................................................... 102-12
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102.15.3 Local Defects in Pavement Layers ............................................................................... 102-13

102.15.4 Concrete........................................................................................................................ 102-13
102.16 WATER ................................................................................................................................... 102-13
102.17 AUTHORISED MEASUREMENTS AND TOLERANCES ..................................................................... 102-13
102.18 SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND QUALITY OF MATERIALS .................................................................... 102-14
102.19 LOCAL MATERIAL SOURCES ..................................................................................................... 102-14
102.19.1 AACRA-Provided Sources ............................................................................................ 102-14
102.19.2 AACRA-Listed Sources................................................................................................. 102-14
102.19.3 Contractor-Located Sources ......................................................................................... 102-14
102.20 MATERIAL SOURCE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 102-14
102.21 STORING AND HANDLING MATERIAL ......................................................................................... 102-15
102.22 USE OF MATERIAL FOUND IN THE WORK................................................................................... 102-15
102.23 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK........................................................................................................... 102-15
102.23.1 Conformity with Contract Requirements. ...................................................................... 102-15
102.23.2 Visual Inspection........................................................................................................... 102-15
102.23.3 Certification ................................................................................................................... 102-16
102.23.4 Measured or Tested Conformance ............................................................................... 102-16
103 CONTRACTORS ESTABLISHMENT ON SITE............................................................................. 103-1
103.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 103-1
103.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 103-1
103.2.1 Camps, Equipment and Testing Facilities ...................................................................... 103-1
103.2.2 Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public............................................................ 103-1
103.2.3 Electricity Supply............................................................................................................. 103-3
103.2.4 Handing Over Of the Site................................................................................................ 103-3
103.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 103-3

104 ENGINEER'S ESTABLISHMENT ON SITE................................................................................... 104-1

104.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 104-1
104.2 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................. 104-1
104.3 OFFICE AND LABORATORY ACCOMMODATION ............................................................................. 104-2
104.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 104-2
104.3.2 Offices ............................................................................................................................. 104-2
104.3.3 Radio Communication System for the Engineer............................................................. 104-3
104.3.4 Laboratories .................................................................................................................... 104-3
104.3.5 Air Conditioning Units and Heaters................................................................................. 104-4
104.4 HOUSING ACCOMMODATION FOR THE ENGINEER ........................................................................ 104-4
104.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 104-4
104.4.2 Description ...................................................................................................................... 104-5
104.4.3 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 104-6
104.5 SERVICES ................................................................................................................................. 104-6
104.5.1 Sanitary Arrangements ................................................................................................... 104-6
104.5.2 Water, Electricity and Gas .............................................................................................. 104-7
104.6 VEHICLES ................................................................................................................................. 104-7
104.7 ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................ 104-7
104.8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 104-8

105 PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC........................................................................................................... 105-1

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105.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 105-1

105.2 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 105-1
105.3 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN................................................................................. 105-3
105.4 CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS ............................................................... 105-4
(b) Side Tracks............................................................................................................................. 105-5
105.5 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ...................................................................................................... 105-5
105.6 TEMPORARY DRAINAGE WORKS ................................................................................................ 105-7
105.7 EARTHWORKS FOR NEW TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS ........................................................................... 105-7
105.8 USE OF EXISTING ROADS FOR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS ............................................... 105-8
105.10 THE CONTRACTORS USE OF TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS ..................................................................... 105-9
105.11 OBSTRUCTIONS AND SIDE TRACKS ............................................................................................ 105-9
105.12 REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY WORKS .......................................................................................... 105-11
105.13 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................. 105-11

106 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK ............................................................................................................ 106-1

106.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 106-1
106.2 CERTIFICATE OF TAKING OVER (COMPLETION OF WORKS).......................................................... 106-1
106.2.1 Time for Completion ....................................................................................................... 106-1
106.2.2 Limit of outstanding works .............................................................................................. 106-1
106.2.3 Employers Taking Over (Clause 48(1) Certification of Completion of Works) ............... 106-1
106.2.4 Final Inspection and Acceptance.................................................................................... 106-2
106.3 FINAL CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................... 106-2
106.3.1 Statement at Completion ................................................................................................ 106-2
106.3.2 Application for Final Payment Certificate ....................................................................... 106-2
106.3.3 Discharge........................................................................................................................ 106-3
106.3.4 Cessation of Employers Liability (Clause 62(2)-Cessation of Employer’s Liability) ....... 106-3

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101.1 Description
In this Specification the following terms, words or expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to

101.2 Terms and Definitions

Hard mineral elements of construction material mixtures, for example: sand, gravel (crushed or uncrushed)
or crushed rock.
Angle of Slope
Unless otherwise stated, is given in terms of the ratio of the vertical difference in elevation between any two
points and the horizontal distance between them.
This ratio may also be expressed as a percentage.
Approved Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s)
An arrangement of temporary signs and devices to warn traffic and guide it through or past a work area or
temporary hazard that has been approved for use by the relevant Statutory Officer under the appropriate
Arrising Tool
A tool used to round off the edge of a concrete slab.
A mixture to predetermined proportions of aggregate, filler and bituminous binder material prepared off the
road and usually placed by means of a paving machine.
Asphalt Concrete
A mixture to predetermined proportions of aggregate, filler and bituminous binder material plant mix and
usually placed by means of a paving machine.
Asphalt Surfacing
The layer or layers of asphalt concrete constructed on top of the road base.

Back Fill
Excavated material, which is placed and compacted in trenches and around footings.
A layer of material constructed on top of the sub base, or in the absence thereof, the selected layer. A base
may extend to outside the travelled way.
Batter Board
A board of timber fixed to posts at the top of cuttings or the bottom of embankments, which indicates the
slope at which the cutting or embankment is to be constructed.

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A material such as bitumen, cement or lime, which is added to and mixed into aggregate, granular materials
or soils to bind the mixture together.
A class of black or dark-coloured (solid, semisolid, or viscous) cementitious substances, natural or
manufactured, composed principally of high molecular weight hydrocarbons, of which asphalts, tars, pitches,
and asphaltites are typical.
Bond Stone
A bond stone is an elongated primordial stone incorporated with the longest dimension at right angles to the
face of a masonry structure to provide structural integrity.
Borrow Area/Borrow Pit
An area, within designated boundaries, outside the Permanent Works, approved for the purpose of obtaining
fill or pavement materials. A borrow pit is the excavated pit in a borrow area.
Borrow Material
Borrow material is a general term used to describe material obtained from a borrow pit.
A boulder is a fragment of rock, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with a minimum dimension of
20 mm or more.
A bridge is a structure erected over a depression, river, watercourse, railway line, road or other obstacle for
carrying motor, railway, pedestrian or other traffic or services and having a length, measured between
abutment faces along the centreline of the superstructure, of 6 m or more.

California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of an untreated soil or gravel as determined by means of AACRA Test S-
12 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.12) is the load in Newtons,
expressed as a percentage of California Standard Values, required to allow a circular piston of 1 935 mm2 to
penetrate the surface of a compacted material at a rate of 1.27 mm per minute to depths of 2.54, 5.08 and
7.62 mm. The California standard values for these depths are 13.344, 20.016 and 25.354 kN respectively.
Capping Layer
A layer of selected fill material placed on the top of the topmost embankment layer or the bottom of
That portion of the roadway including the various traffic lanes and auxiliary lanes but excluding shoulders.
Catch water Drain or Bank
A longitudinal drain or bank outside the road prism for diverting water that would otherwise flow into the road
Cemented Material
Cemented Material is material in an existing pavement, which cannot be broken up with the tines of a type
1400 Caterpillar or similar road grader.
Cemented crushed stone is cemented material constructed with crushed stone.
An existing stabilized pavement layer will not necessarily be classified as cemented material.

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A Channel is a natural or artificial water course.
Characteristic Strength of Concrete
The characteristic strength of concrete is that strength below which only a pre-selected proportion of test
results (i.e. 1%, 2% or 5%) are expected to fall.
Chippings are single sized particles of crushed rock, crushed boulders, crushed cobbles or crushed gravel
used for surface dressing.
Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate is material retained on the 4.75 mm sieve.
A Cobble is a fragment of rock, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with a minimum dimension of 60
mm. and a maximum dimension of 200 mm.
Coefficient of Uniformity
The coefficient of uniformity is the ratio of the sieve size through which 60% by mass of the material passes
to the sieve size through which 10% by mass passes.
Compliance Testing
Compliance Testing is the testing of the completed works to ascertain compliance of the requirements of the
Crushed Particle
A Crushed Particle is a particle of coarse aggregate, which has at least three fractured faces when obtained
by crushing rock and boulders, and at least two fractured faces when obtained by crushing gravel.
Crushed Ratio
The Crushed Ratio is the percentage of crushed particles of coarse aggregate to the total number of
particles in coarse aggregate.
A Culvert is a drainage structure, which provides an opening under the carriageway or median for the
passage of water.
Curing Compound
A Curing Compound is a liquid which is applied as a surface coating to (newly placed) concrete and hardens
to form a membrane that inhibits the evaporation of moisture from the concrete.
Cut shall mean all excavated material from the road prism including side drains.
Cutting is that portion of the road prism from where material is excavated to sub-grade or road bed level.

A Detour is a diversion of traffic on existing roadways because of obstruction of the existing roadway is
required to facilitate safe construction of the works.
Delineation Barrier
A Delineation Barrier is a barrier used to define hazards and guide traffic through the work site.
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A Delineator is the small retro-reflectors or panels of retro-reflective sheeting that are attached to guideposts,
or in the case of traffic barriers to a mounting plate to provide a coherent pattern of delineation of the edges
of the carriageway as an aid to night driving.
Departure Terminal
A Departure Terminal is a safety barrier system of a type which is used only at the departure end with
respect to the direction of flow of traffic.
Device is a generic term used to refer to a safety barrier, a terminal or a transition. In this context a device is
usually part of a safety barrier system.
Durability is the term used to indicate the presence (degree of wear) and longevity of the markings

Earthworks is the excavation of material from cuttings and/or the construction of embankments.
An Embankment is that portion of the road prism composed of approved fill material, which lies above the
original ground and is bounded by the side slopes, described in the Contract, extending downwards and
outwards from the outer shoulder breakpoints and on which the pavement is constructed.
Equipment is all machinery, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and maintenance, and also all
tools and apparatus necessary for the proper construction and acceptable completion of the work.
Excess Overburden
Excess Overburden is the surplus material within a borrow area which is not required or otherwise is
unsuitable for use in construction.

False work
False work is the support for concrete formwork.
Fill is material, which is used for the construction of embankments.
Filler, is either processed or naturally occurring material passing the 75 µm sieve which is principally used to
improve the combined aggregate grading and thus reduce the air voids content of bituminous mixtures.
Fine Aggregate
Fine aggregate is crushed or naturally occurring material passing the 4.75 mm sieve.
Flexible Guide Post
A Flexible Guide Post is one that deflects when impacted by a vehicle and then returns to the vertical
position, without maintenance intervention.
A Footway is an area normally adjacent to the carriageway provided for the use by pedestrians.

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Formwork is temporary boarding or sheeting erected to contain concrete during placing, compacting and
initial hardening.
Furrow Ditch
A Furrow Ditch is a longitudinal drain or bank outside the road prism provided for diverting water that would
otherwise flow onto the road prism.

Gabions consist of woven steel mesh boxes or mattresses filled with stone.
Grade line
The Grade line is a reference line in the drawings of the longitudinal sections of the road indicating, at
regular intervals, the elevations according to which the road is to be constructed. The grade line may refer to
the level of the completed road, base or any other layer and may indicate the elevations either along the
carriageway centre line or along any designated position on the road cross-section.
Grading Modulus(GM)
The Grading Modulus is the cumulative percentages by mass of material in a representative sample of
aggregate, gravel or soil retained on the 2.00 mm, 0.425 mm and 75 µm sieves, divided by 100.
Gravel is a naturally occurring, rounded, granular material with a particle size between 2 mm and 60 mm. (it
does not apply to Gravel Wearing Courses).
Grout Check
A Grout Check is a recess formed at concrete construction joints, which may be filled with grout; to mask,
and ensure a straight line to, the joint.
Guide Post
Guide Posts are used to mark the edge of the road carriageway. They assist the road user by indicating the
alignment of the road ahead, especially at horizontal and vertical curves, and under some circumstances, by
providing a gauge with which to assess available sight distance.

A Highway is the general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the
right -of - way.

Inlet and Outlet Drainage Channels
Inlet and Outlet Channels lead into or discharge from culverts, storm-water drains and minor bridges.
An Inspector is the authorised representative of the Engineer assigned to make detailed inspections of
materials or contract performance.

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A Kicker is a concrete plinth at least 70 mm high above the concrete floor, forming the start of a concrete
wall or column.

A Lane is part of a travelled way intended for a single stream of traffic in one direction, which has normally
been demarked as such by road markings.
Lateral Distance
Lateral Distance is the distance from the edge of a sign blade to the centre of the edge line of a roadway,
kerb face or other measurement point designated on the sign inventory form.
Leading Terminal
The Leading Edge is the approach end of a safety barrier system with respect to the direction of flow of
Levelling Course(s)
A Levelling Course(s) is one or more layers of asphalt or granular material, of varying thickness, which are
applied to improve the regularity of an existing road surface.
Longitudinal Line Marking
Longitudinal Line Marking comprises all lines that are generally parallel to the traffic flow i.e. - Separation,
Barrier, Lane, Merge and Edge lines, as shown in the standard drawings.
A Lot is a sizable portion of work or quantity of material which is assessed as a unit for the purpose of quality
control and selected to represent material or work produced by essentially the same process and materials.
Luminance Factor
The Luminance Factor is the ratio of light reflected from a surface to that of an ideal white diffusing surface
when illuminated and viewed under the same conditions and viewing geometry. It is expressed as a decimal
point in the range of 0 to 1 where the surface has a matt finish. The values can also be expressed as a

Manufacturer’s Recommendations
The Manufacturer’s Recommendations are the methods and procedures for the installation of components,
systems or devices.
Masonry is stonework constructed with interlocking stones more than one stone thick.
The Median is the area between the two carriageways of a dual carriageway road.
Median Drain
A Median Drain is a longitudinal drain situated in the median of a dual carriageway road.

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Milling is the excavating and removing a layer of material exceeding 10 mm in thickness from an existing
pavement by means of an approved milling machine. Milling is normally used only on asphalt and cemented
Mitre Drain/Mitre Bank
A Mitre Drain is a drain constructed at an angle to the centreline of the road to divert water from the side
drains. Mitre drains will include mitre banks placed across side drains.
Mortar is a mixture of fine aggregate, cement and/or hydrated lime usually in predetermined proportions, with
water, to create a fine grained cementious material suitable for the bedding of bricks and masonry etc.
Multi-Panel Sign
A Multi-Panel Sign is a sign with a blade manufactured from more than one sheet of aluminium but erected
as one section
Multi-Section Sign
A Multi-Sector Sign is a sign with a large blade manufactured from more than one section-allowing field
bolting together. Individual sections may be of single panel or multi-panel construction.

Nested Rails
Nestled Rails are two or more steel rails erected together (one inside the other) to increase stiffness. Nested
rails share bolts.
Non Retro-reflective Raised Pavement Markers
Non Retro-reflective Raised Pavement Markers are road markers applied directly to the pavement surface or
installed by means of a suitable adhesive which reflect ambient light during daylight hours and to a limited
degree when illuminated by vehicle headlights or roadway lighting at night.

An Obstruction is any works, or otherwise, on or adjacent to an existing carriageway that requires
modification to the existing traffic control arrangements.
Other Markings
“Other Markings” comprise all diagonal and chevron markings, messages on the pavement including words,
numerals, arrows and symbols, kerb markings, markings for parking control and any other markings not
covered under longitudinal line markings and transverse lines.
Optimum Moisture Content for Compaction
The Optimum Moisture Content for Compaction is the moisture content of a soil calculated on the basis of
dry weight of soil at which the soil can be compacted to the approximate maximum density under a specified
standard method of compaction.
Overburden is unsuitable material which overlies suitable material within a borrow pit or quarry.
Overhaul distance is that distance in excess of the free-haul distance.

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An additional pavement layer applied on top of an existing road for strengthening the pavement and/or for
improving the riding quality.

Parking Lane
A Parking Lane is an auxiliary lane adjoining the travelled way for the purpose of vehicular parking.
Pavement is a multi-layered horizontal structure, which is constructed for the purpose of carrying traffic.
Pavement Layers
Pavement Layers are the layers of different materials, which comprise the pavement structure.
Pavement Markers
Pavement Markers is the term used to include non retro-reflective raised pavement markers and retro-
reflective raised pavement markers.
Pavement Marking
Pavement Marking comprises all longitudinal line marking, transverse lines, other markings and raised
pavement markers used on the road pavement and kerbs for the purposes of guiding traffic.
Pavement Planing
Pavement Planing is the alteration of an existing road surface by the removal of a layer of material by means
of a milling machine or other equipment.
Performance Requirement
Performance Requirements are objective values of reflectivity, skid resistance and durability measured to
ensure that the pavement marking meets the requirements of this specification under day and night as well
as wet and dry conditions.
Physical Barrier
A Physical Barrier is a temporary safety barrier required to provide a strong physical barrier between the
travelled way and the work area.
Pioneer Layer
A Pioneer Layer is the initial layer constructed over a weak roadbed where selected material is used to
provide a stable platform for the construction of subsequent layers.
Pre-stressing is the inducement of compressive stress into a structural concrete element either by pre-
tensioning or post-tensioning tendons comprising of cables, wires or bars incorporated into the element.
Prime Coat
Prime Coat is a bituminous treatment applied to the surface of a newly constructed unbound road base prior
to the construction of a bituminous layer or surface treatment.
Project Specifications
The Project Specifications are the specifications relating to a specific project, which form part of the contract
documents for the project, which contain supplementary and/or amending specifications to the standard

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Quality Control
Quality Control is the procedures, and/or testing, carried out prior to, or during, the construction of the Works
for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Specification.
A quarry is an area within designated boundaries, approved for the purpose of obtaining rock.

Recycling is the processing of salvaged material in a plant for re-use.
Regulatory Traffic Control Device
A Regulatory Traffic Control Device is any sign, signal, marking, or installation indicating an obligation to
comply with a legally enforceable instruction.
Rehabilitation is work undertaken to significantly extend service life and improve the condition or riding
comfort of an existing road.
Reinforcement for Asphalt
Reinforcement for Asphalt is the provision of a cloth or grid of synthetic material placed underneath or
between asphalt layers for strengthening the asphalt.
Reproducibility of Equipment
Reproducibility is the ability of a device to produce identical readings at relatively the same point.
Reverse Cut
Reverse Cut is a sign manufacturing process whereby a white retro-reflective background is overlaid with a
coloured, translucent, electronically cutable film (ECF), from which the legend has been cut to expose the
white background
Retexturing is the treatment of an existing road surface to restore the texture to a specified depth of texture
or skid resistance.
Retro-reflective Raised Pavement Marker
Retro-reflective Raised Pavement Markers are markers applied directly to the pavement surface or installed
by means of a suitable adhesive which provide a point source of reflected or internal light when illuminated
by vehicle headlights when viewed at normal night time viewing angles by vehicle drivers. There may be
some delineation during daylight hours due to their contrasting colour, reflection and profile with respect to
the pavement surface.
Retro-reflectivity is the term is used to indicate the reflectivity provided by solid glass beads and is expressed
in millicandelas per lux per square metre (mcd/lux/m2) as measured by a retro-reflectometer approved by the
Right-of - Way
Right of Way is the land secured and reserved by the Department for the construction and maintenance of

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Rigid Guide Post

A Rigid Guide post is a post which either fails by fracturing or remains intact and straight, but not vertical,
when impacted by a vehicle.
Rip-rap is unbonded stone provided to protect the surfaces of slopes and the beds of watercourses from
erosion and scour.
Road Base
Road Base is a layer of material of defined thickness and width constructed on top of the sub-base, or in the
absence thereof, the sub-grade. A road base may extend beyond the carriageway.
Road Bed
The Road Bed is the natural in-situ material on which the embankment or capping layers are to be
Road Bed Material
The Road Bed Material is the material below the roadbed extending to such depth as affects the support of
the embankment structure or capping layer.
Road Prism
The Road Prism is the cross sectional area bounded by the original ground level and the sides of slopes in
cuttings and embankments excluding the pavement.
Road Safety Barrier System
The Road Safety Barrier System comprises the roadside devices that provide a physical restriction to
penetration of a vehicle in a way that reduces the risk to vehicle occupants, pedestrians and other traffic.
The Roadside is the portion of the highway out side the roadway.
Road Reserve
The Road Reserve is the entire area included by the boundaries of a road as proclaimed.
The Roadway comprises the carriageway, shoulders and median.
A Rock is a mass of hard mineral material which, when excavated, requires the use of explosives, sawing or
splitting by mechanical means.
Roller Passes
Unless otherwise specified in the specifications or the project specifications, an area will be taken to have
received one roller pass when a roller has passed over such area once. Additional passes made only as a
result of nominal overlapping so as to ensure full coverage shall not be taken into account.

Safety Barrier
A Safety Barrier is a longitudinal structure, excluding terminals, whose prime purpose is to restrain and/or
redirect, in a controlled manner, vehicles which are out of control.
Safety Barrier System
A Safety Barrier System comprises one or more safety barriers with associated terminals and transitions.

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Scabbling is the use of a hand-held or self supporting percussion machine to remove the surface of
hardened concrete without damaging the structure.
Scarify is the process of loosening and breaking-up soil or existing pavement layers by means of a machine
fitted with tines.
A Screed is a layer of fine-graded asphalt or slurry placed to fill in cracks in existing seals and to improve the
riding quality of the road.
A Seal is the application of one or more layers of bituminous binder with or without layers of crushed stone,
sand or slurry in successive layers on the carriageway, shoulders or on any other compacted layer on which
movement of traffic takes place.
Selected Layer
Selected Layer is the lower layer or layers of the pavement, which is constructed, direct onto the fill, or in
some cases the roadbed. It may include roadbed material compacted in- situ.
Services comprise cables, pipes or other structures to provide, inter alia, conduits for electricity, telephone
and telegraph connections, water, sewage, etc.
Semi-Flexible Guide Post
A Semi-Flexible Guidepost is a guidepost which fails by bending when impacted by a vehicle, but can be
straightened with maintenance intervention.
(a) When referring to Shoulder as a surface, it is the area between the outside edge of the travelled way and
the shoulder breakpoint.
(b) When referring to Shoulder as a pavement layer, it is the upper pavement layer lying between the
outside edge of the base and the shoulder breakpoint.
Shoulder Breakpoint
Shoulder Breakpoint is the point on a cross section at which the extended flat planes of the surface of the
shoulder and the outside slope of the fill and pavement intersect.
Side Drain
A Side Drain is a longitudinal drain offset from, and parallel to, the carriageway.
Side Fill
Side Fill is either surplus or additional fill which is used to extend and flatten the slope of an embankment
and which is often compacted to a lower standard than the embankment.
Side Track
A Side Track is a length of temporary pavement constructed for the detour of traffic to allow safe construction
of the works.
The Sidewalk is the portion of the roadway primarily constructed for the use of pedestrians.
Sign Blank
A Sign Blank is an aluminium plate or extruded section substrate forming support for sign face materials.

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Definitions and Terms
Final November 2004
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Sign Blade
A Sign Blade is a sign blank complete with background and legend.
Slip Base
A Slip Base is a signpost base which incorporates special mating flanges bolted or otherwise fixed together
to provide tension and compression capacity but which allows controlled shear failure to occur in the event of
vehicular impact.
Skew or Skew Angle
The Skew or Skew Angle is the acute angle formed by the intersection of a line normal to the centreline of
the roadway with a line parallel to the centreline of bents, piers or abutments of a bridge, or in the case of a
culvert, with the centreline of the culvert barrels.
Skid Resistance
Skid Resistance is an estimation of adherence quality on a wet pavement surface as measured by friction
between the surface and the friction equipment. The abbreviation SRN (Skid Resistance Number) is used to
describe the value.
Unless otherwise stated, Slope is given in terms of the ratio of the vertical difference in elevation between
any two points and the horizontal distance between them. The ratio may also be expressed as a percentage.
Spalls comprise chipped or splintered fragments of stone.
Specifications is the general term comprising all the directions, provisions and requirements contained
herein, entitled “Standard Specifications for AACRA Urban Infrastructure Works” together with such other
documents as may be added or adopted as supplemental specifications or as special provisions,, and all
further documents of any description, including notes on plans, pertaining to the method and manner of
performing the work or to the quantities and qualities of materials to be furnished under the contract.
Spoil (Material)
Spoil is surplus material originating from construction operations.
Stabilisation is the treatment of pavement materials by the addition of lime or Portland cement.
Stone Pitching
Stone Pitching is a single course of stones placed on edge with spalls rammed into the spaces between the
Stripe is that part of longitudinal line marking comprising pavement marking material.
Structures comprise bridges, culverts, catch basins, drop inlets, manholes, retaining walls, cribbing, end
walls, buildings, sewers, service pipes, under drains, foundation drains, and other miscellaneous items,
which may be encountered in the work, and which are not classified herein.
Sub-base is the pavement layer of material of specified dimensions on top of the sub-grade and below the
road base.

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Definitions and Terms
Final November 2004
Page 101-12

A Sub-contractor is any individual, firm or corporation to whom the Contractor sublets any part of the
Sub-grade is the surface upon which the pavement structure and shoulders are constructed.
The Sub-structure is all of that part of the structure below the bridge seats or bellow the spring lines of
concrete arches. Back walls and wing walls of abutments shall be considered as parts of the substructure.
Sub-surface Drain (Sub-soil Drains)
A Sub-surface Drain is a covered drain constructed to intercept and remove sub-soil water. It includes all
pipes and filter material in the drain.
Surface Dressing
Surface Dressing is the sealing or resealing of the surface of the carriageway or shoulders by means of one
or more successive applications of bituminous binder and chippings.

Tack Coat
Tack Coat is a bituminous treatment applied to the surface of an existing bituminous layer prior to the
construction of a new bituminous layer.
A Tendon is a cable, wire or steel bar used to apply a pre-stress to structural concrete elements (see pre-
A Terminal is a device to protect vehicle occupants from injury in an impact with the end of a safety barrier
and includes the end section of a safety barrier system. Terminals may be leading terminals or departure
Texture Treatment
Texture Treatment is the treatment of an existing road surface to obtain a uniform texture.
Triple Beam:
Triple Beam is the triple corrugated beam component of a non rigid road safety barrier system.
Topsoil is a surface layer of soil, which contains organic matter and is capable of supporting the growth of
Traffic includes vehicles, pedestrians and animals travelling along a route.
Traffic Lane
A Traffic Lane is the part of a carriageway intended for a single stream of traffic in one direction. It is
normally marked as such by road markings.
Transition is a connecting device to provide effective continuity of the protection offered by a safety barrier
between safety barriers of different properties or dimensions. The part of a safety barrier system with
varying properties such as stiffness and dimensions, between and linking safety barriers with different
properties or dimensions. A transition may be also link or connect a safety barrier to a fixture.
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Definitions and Terms
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Page 101-13

Transverse Lines
Transverse Lines comprise all lines that are marked at angles, including right angles, to the general traffic
flow i.e. - Cross Walk, Stop, Hold and Transverse plus continuity lines as shown in the standard drawings.
Travelled Way
Travelled Way is that portion of the carriageway which includes the various traffic lanes and auxiliary lanes
but exclude the shoulders.
Unbound Material
Unbound Material is naturally occurring or processed material which is not bound together by the addition of
a binder such as cement, lime or bitumen.

The Verge is the area between the outer edge of the road prism and the boundary of the road reserve.

Wheel Track
The Wheel Track is the path followed by the wheel of a vehicle during normal riding movements. The wheel
tracks cover approximately the outer metre width on both sides of a traffic lane.
Work Area
The Work Area is the specific area where work is being done.
Working Drawings
Working Drawings comprise stress sheets, shop drawings, erection plans, false work plans, cofferdam plans,
bending diagrams for reinforcing steel, or any other supplementary plans or similar data which the Contractor
is required to submit to the Engineer for approval.
Work in restricted areas
No additional or extra over payment will be made for work in restricted areas, unless the items of work to
which it will apply and the pay items under which payment will be effected, are explicitly specified in these
standard specifications or in the project specifications and listed in the schedule of quantities.
Work Site
The Work Site is an area that includes the work area(s) and any additional length of road required for
advance signing, tapers, sidetracks or other areas needed for associated purposes.

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Definitions and Terms
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Page 101-14


102.1 Scope
(a) This section covers matters, which relate to the Contract as a whole.
(b) Definitions, phrases or wording which would otherwise require repetition in other sections of the
specifications are also covered by clauses in this section.
(c) Matters covered by the General Conditions of Contract are not repeated in this section, except
where necessary for providing more detailed information.

102.2 Services
(a) This Contract may include certain work relating to the moving and reinstating of existing services
that may be affected by the construction of the works.
(b) The Employer will, in the contract documents, provide information regarding the location of existing
utility services, but the Employer does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information.
(c) The Contractor shall check and determine on the site the positions of any services shown on the
(d) This shall be done by visual inspections, using detecting apparatus, and by making excavations to
expose the position of the services at critical points. This shall also be done where no services are
shown on the drawings but where such services are nevertheless believed to be present.
(e) The positions of all services so detected shall be marked carefully and then drawn in on the
drawings. These services will then be defined as known services. The Contractor shall take all
reasonable precautions not to damage the services during the search, where the onus shall rest
with him to prove that, in the event of damage being done to such services during the search, it
was not his fault that they had been damaged.
(f) The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage caused by him to known services, unless
he can prove that he has taken all the above precautions and that the damage has nevertheless
been caused because the position of the known service had deviated by more than one metre from
the position as may reasonably have been deduced from the investigation made by him.
(g) The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to protect existing services during construction
and during the relocation of such services. Where protective measures involve the construction of
permanent work, the Contractor shall execute the work in accordance with the Engineer's
instructions, and payment shall be made as provided in the project specifications.
(h) All pipes, cables, conduits or other known services of any nature whatsoever damaged as a result
of the Contractor's operations shall be repaired and reinstated forthwith by the Contractor or by the
authority concerned, all at the expense of the Contractor and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
(i) It shall be clearly understood that, in certain instances, existing services can be relocated only after
the Contractor has advanced sufficiently on or has completed certain sections of earthworks or
certain structures.
(j) Whenever services are encountered which interfere with the execution of the works and which
require to be moved and relocated, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer, who will determine
the extent of the work, if any, to be undertaken by the Contractor in moving, relocating and
reinstating or protecting such services.
(k) Any work required to be undertaken by the Contractor in protecting, moving and relocating the
services for which no provision has been made in the contract documents, or for which there are no
appropriate tender rates, will be classed as a variation, as provided in the General Conditions of

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General Requirements and Provisions
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Page 102-1

(l) The Contractor shall work in close co-operation with private owners or public authorities controlling
services, which have to be protected, moved or relocated. Details regarding the state of
negotiations concluded between the Employer and the owner at the time of tendering in respect of
the time when either the owner is prepared to start moving such services or when the Contractor is
required to or will be allowed to start moving the services, and the duration of such operations, will
either be stated in the tender documents or be made available to tenderers. Should the owners of
services refuse to co-operate with the Contractor in a reasonable manner in connection with the
protection or moving of services belonging to them, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the
(m) When the Contractor details his programme of work, he shall, in consultation with the Engineer,
clearly indicate as to when he proposes to start with and conclude the moving of each service or
when he will require the owner to start with and conclude the moving of each service. Should it
thereafter, through delays on the part of the Employer or the owner of the service to be moved, be
impossible to adhere to the programme of work, such programme shall be suitably amended by the
Contractor in consultation with the Engineer so as to limit, in so far as is possible, the extent of any
damages or delays. Should it be impossible to limit entirely the damages or delays resulting from
the amendments necessary to the programme of work, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for any
additional costs incurred or damages suffered by him.

102.3 Road Intersections and Junctions

(a) Except where otherwise specified, no additional payment over and above payment for the various
items of work included in this contract will be made for the construction, in a confined space, of
curves, tapers, bell mouths, traffic islands, farm accesses and other appurtenant works in
connection with the construction and maintenance of road intersections and junctions.
(b) The Contractor shall be required to provide the safe and unrestricted flow of public traffic at all
times during the construction and maintenance of such intersections and junctions.

102.4 Programme of Work

102.4.1 General Requirements
(a) The Contractor shall base his initial programme of work on the scope of work as described in the
project specifications, and, apart from any other programme to be submitted by him, he shall also
submit a network programme in accordance with the critical-path method.
(b) Should the Contractor fall behind with the approved programme the Employer may, without
prejudice to the Employer's rights, require the Contractor to submit, within seven days of the date
on which he has received a notice to this effect, a revised programme, which indicates the manner
in which the Contractor undertakes to complete the works within the required time. Any proposal in
the revised programme to accelerate the rate of progress shall be accompanied by positive steps
to increase production by more and/or better labour and equipment being provided on the site or by
the available labour and equipment being utilised more effectively.
(c) The approval by the Engineer of any programme shall have no contractual significance other than
that the Engineer would be satisfied if the work is carried out in accordance with such programme
and that the Contractor undertakes to carry out the work in accordance with the programme,
neither shall it limit the right of the Engineer to instruct the Contractor to vary the programme
should circumstances so require. The above shall not be taken to limit the right of the Contractor to
claim for damages or extension of time to which he may be fairly entitled in terms of the General
Conditions of Contract for delay or disruption of his activities.
(d) Should the Employer request and the Contractor undertake to finish the whole or part of the works
ahead of the time originally required by the contract, payment for accelerating the work shall be
made only if agreed on beforehand, in writing, and in terms of such agreement.

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General Requirements and Provisions
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Page 102-2

102.4.2 Programme of Work for Rehabilitation Work

(a) The Contractor shall note that the examination of a road with a view to rehabilitation is normally
undertaken a considerable period of time before the commencement of the contract, and that
conditions may subsequently change. The Engineer will make further examinations during the
period of contract, and, depending on the results of such examinations, the quantities of any items
of work may be drastically increased or decreased.
(b) The Contractor shall base his initial programme of work on the scope of the work as described in
the project specifications, and, apart from any other programme to be submitted by him, he shall
also submit a network programme in accordance with the critical-path method. This programme
shall be reviewed on a regular basis, eg monthly, by the Contractor in accordance with changing
circumstances, delays and amendments to the work ordered by the Engineer as a result of further
examinations made by him, and the revised programme shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval. The revised programme shall then be used by the Contractor in order to determine the
necessary adaptations to the resources required by him for the work.
(c) Adjustments to the critical-path programme will, inter alia, serve as the basis for determining any
extension of time to which the Contractor may be entitled. Any deviation from the approved
programme by the Contractor will be at the Contractor’s risk, and no claim for delay arising there
from will be considered.

102.5 Workmanship and Quality Control

(a) The onus rests with the Contractor to produce work which conforms in quality and accuracy of
detail to all the requirements of the specifications and drawings, and the Contractor shall, at his
own expense, institute a quality- control system and provide experienced engineers, foremen,
surveyors, materials technicians, other technicians and other technical staff, together with all
transport, instruments and equipment, to ensure adequate supervision and positive control of the
works at all times.
(b) The Contractor shall conduct tests or have them conducted continually on a regular basis, to check
the properties of natural materials and processed natural materials and of products manufactured
on the site, such as concrete and asphalt. Although not a requirement for the Contractor to conduct
regular tests on any commercially produced products such as cement, bitumen, steel and pipes,
the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for any defective material or equipment provided by
him. Similarly, the quality of all elements of the works shall be checked on a regular basis so as to
ensure compliance with the specified requirements.
(c) The intensity of control and of tests to be conducted by the Contractor in terms of these obligations
is not specified but shall be adequate to ensure that proper control is being exercised.
(d) Where any natural materials or products made from natural materials are supplied, and upon
completion of each element of the construction work, the Contractor shall test and check such
materials, products and/or elements for compliance with the specified requirements and shall
submit his results to the Engineer for approval. Such submission shall include all his
measurements and test results and shall furnish adequate proof of compliance with the specified
(e) No specific pay items are provided as compensation for the above obligations, including the
provision of all samples delivered to the Engineer, the repair of places from which samples were
taken, and the provision of the necessary personnel and testing apparatus and facilities, for which
compensation shall be included in the tendered rates of the Contractor for the various items of work
to which these obligations apply.

102.6 The Setting Out of Work and Protection of Survey Beacons

(a) The Contractor's attention is drawn to the requirements of Sub-Clause 4.7– “Setting Out” -of the
FIDIC General Conditions of Contract for Construction, and Clause 17 “Setting Out” of the Ministry
of Infrastructure (MoI) General Conditions of Contract, and he shall also comply with all legal
provisions in regard to surveying and setting out work.
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Page 102-3

(b) The Contractor shall check the condition of all reference and level beacons and shall satisfy himself
that they have not been displaced and are true in regard to position and level. If beacons have
been destroyed, displaced or damaged before the site is handed over to the Contractor, the
Engineer will arrange to have new beacons installed. A beacon which has been displaced shall not
be used unless its true position and level have been re-established and the new values verified by
the Engineer.
(c) Where a beacon is likely to be displaced during construction operations, the Contractor shall
establish suitable reference beacons at locations where they will not be displaced during
construction. No beacon shall be covered over, displaced or destroyed before accurate reference
beacons have been established and details of the position and levels of such beacons have been
submitted to and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor's reference beacons shall be of at
least the same quality and durability as the existing beacons.
(d) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the method of setting-out he proposes to employ. To
ensure beyond all doubt that the complex elements of the road, such as traffic interchanges,
structures and other important features are located truly and correctly, the Contractor shall check
all setting-out by a second method. The Engineer may at any time request the Contractor to submit
proof that his setting-out has been satisfactorily checked.
(e) In cases where the displacement of or damage to property beacons or trigonometrical-survey
beacons is unavoidable, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in good time so that he may
arrange to have such beacons suitably referenced and later on reinstated. The cost of such work, if
paid for by the Contractor, shall be reimbursable as extra work, as provided in the Conditions of
(f) For the purposes of this clause, any beacon made from a metal peg cast in concrete and any
boundary beacon, whether or not cast in concrete, shall be regarded as a beacon. Centre-line pegs
shall not be classified as beacons.
(g) To protect beacons, the boundary fences of the road reserve shall be splayed at corners so as to
avoid the use of corner posts in the same position as property or trigonometrical-survey beacons,
all as shown on the drawings.
(h) Accurate control of line and level shall be provided by the Contractor at all stages of construction.
In respect of the road itself, control shall be at 20 m intervals or such closer intervals as may be
directed for horizontal and vertical curves. Wherever necessary, but particularly on completion of
the fill and the base, the Contractor shall re- establish stake-line pegs at sufficiently close intervals
to determine accurately the position of the edges of the base, surfacing and especially kerbing,
guardrails and other permanently visible road elements.
(i) The setting-out of work will not be measured and paid for directly, and compensation for the work
involved in setting- out will be deemed to be covered by the rates tendered and paid for the various
items of work included in this contract.

102.7 Notices, Signs and Advertisements

(a) The Contractor shall not erect any signs, notices or advertisements on or along the works or the
site of the works without the written approval of the Engineer.
(b) At each end of the works the Contractor shall provide and erect, as part of his obligations on
approved locations, at the starting and ending points of the works, signboards of sound,
weatherproof construction, painted by an approved firm of sign writers in accordance with the
details shown on the drawings.
(c) These signs are to be erected not later than one month after the Contractor has been given access
to the site.
(d) The signboards shall be painted with the legend alternately in English and Amharic.
(e) No signboards other than those specified above will be permitted on or adjacent to the works,
except that the Contractor may permit each of his subcontractors to display one signboard, and
one only, of less than 2 m2 at the works office.

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General Requirements and Provisions
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(f) The Engineer shall have the right to have any sign, notice or advertisement moved to a better
position or to have it removed from the site of the works if it should in any way prove unsatisfactory,
inconvenient or dangerous to the general public.
(g) All advertisements, notices and temporary signs shall be removed by the Contractor upon
completion of the works.

102.8 Measurements
102.8.1 Units of Measurements
All work shall be measured in accordance with the SI System of metric units.

102.8.2 Schedule of Quantities

The quantities set out in the schedule of quantities are estimated quantities and are used for the comparison
of tenders and for awarding the contract. It must be clearly understood that only the actual quantities of work
done or materials supplied will be measured for payment, and that the scheduled quantities may be
increased or decreased as provided in the general conditions of contract.

102.8.3 Measurement of Completed Work

(a) All distances along the centre line of the road as shown on the drawings are horizontal distances,
which will be used in calculating the quantities of fill and pavement layers for purposes of payment.
All cross-sections shall be taken in a vertical plane.
(b) All materials which are specified to be measured in a vehicle shall be hauled in vehicles of such
type and size that the actual volume may be readily and accurately determined. Unless all vehicles
are of uniform capacity, each vehicle shall bear a plainly legible identification mark indicating its
specific approved capacity.
(c) The quantity of bituminous and similar materials to be paid by volume shall be measured at the
specified temperature.
(d) Structures shall be measured to the neat lines shown on the drawings and shall include any
changes ordered in writing by the engineer and, for purposes of payment, the calculated volume of
concrete structures shall include the volume of reinforcing steel, and minor ducts up to 150 mm in

102.9 Payment
102.9.1 Contract Rates
(a) In computing the final contract amount, payment shall be based on the actual quantity of authorized
work done in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The tendered rates shall apply,
subject to the provisions of the General Conditions of Contract, irrespective of whether the actual
quantities are more or less than the scheduled quantities.
(b) Where no rate or price has been entered against a pay item in the schedule of quantities by a
tenderer, it shall be understood that he does not require any compensation for such work. Where,
however, a pay item described in these specifications or in the project specifications does not
appear in the schedule of quantities, the Contractor will receive reasonable compensation for such
work if required, unless anything to the contrary has been determined elsewhere.

102.9.2 Rates to be Inclusive

(a) The Contractor shall accept the payment provided in the contract and represented by the rates
tendered by him in the schedule of quantities, as payment in full for executing and completing the
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General Requirements and Provisions
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Page 102-5

work as specified, for procuring, furnishing, placing and installing all materials, for procuring and
providing labour, supervision, constructional plant, tools and equipment, for wastage, transport,
loading and off-loading, handling, maintenance, temporary work, testing, quality control including
process control, overheads, profit, risk and other obligations and for all other incidentals necessary
for the completion of the work and maintenance during the period of maintenance.
(b) The Contractor shall note that the cost of all works and materials for minor construction details at
bridges, for example small quantities of caulking compound and joint filler (other than expansion
joints), anchor-bar covers, etc, not shown in the schedule of quantities, shall be included in the
tendered rates for concrete.
(c) This clause shall apply in full to all pay items except where these requirements may be specifically
amended in each case.

102.9.3 The Meanings of Certain Phrases in Payment Clauses

(a) Procuring and furnishing ...(material)
(i) Where any of the words "supply", "procure", "provide", "provision of" or "furnish (material)"
are used in the description of a pay item, it shall mean the supply and delivery to the point
of use of all materials of any kind required for the work covered by the particular pay item,
including all tax, purchase costs, claims, damages, royalties and transport costs involved,
but excluding overhaul. In the case of borrow materials, stone and sand, it shall also
include all negotiations with the owners concerned, excavating, producing, preparing,
processing, testing, hauling and delivering the material to the point of use; the
construction, repair, maintenance and making good after completion of all access roads,
and all work required in opening, using and finishing off borrow pits unless covered by
other pay items in the schedule of quantities.
(b) Placing material
(i) The phrase "placing material" shall mean the off-loading, spreading, blending, processing,
watering, mixing, shaping and compacting (where specified) of the material in the
pavement layers, fills and bypasses, as well as the procuring, furnishing, applying and
admixing of water; the breaking-down of oversize material, the removing of oversize
material which cannot be broken down, correcting irregular or uneven surfaces or layers,
the thickness of which is not to specification, finishing-off to within the specified
tolerances, the refilling of test holes and maintaining the completed work. In the case of
asphalt courses and bituminous seals, it shall also mean the heating and spraying of
binder, the spreading of aggregate or asphalt mixtures, rolling, compacting, finishing-off to
within the specified tolerances, and maintaining the completed work.
(ii) The phrase "procuring, furnishing and placing" shall mean procuring and furnishing in
addition to placing, all as defined herein.
(c) Pay items
(i) The descriptions under the pay items in the various sections of the specifications,
indicating the work for which allowance shall be made in the tendered rates for such pay
items, are for the guidance of the Contractor and do not necessarily repeat all the details
of work and materials required by and described in the specifications.
(ii) These descriptions shall be read in conjunction with the relevant specifications and
drawings, and the Contractor shall, when tendering, bear in mind that his rates shall be
inclusive as specified in subclause (b) above.

(d) Materials on the site

(i) Payment for materials on the site, which have not yet been incorporated in the works, will
be calculated at 80% of their purchase price, or, in the case of crushed stone, which has

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General Requirements and Provisions
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Page 102-6

not been purchased but has been produced on the site, at 80% of a fair evaluation of the
value of such material.
(ii) The Engineer may, at his sole discretion, allow payment under "materials on the site" in
respect of articles such as precast beams manufactured and stored off site, subject to
their having been completed, to proof of their ownership as being that of the Contractor,
and to the articles being clearly marked with the Contractor's name, the contract number
and other particulars in accordance with the Engineer's instructions,
(e) Rate-only items
(i) Against an item in the schedule of quantities where no quantity is given but a rate only is
required, the Contractor shall fill in a rate or amount which will constitute payment for
work which may be done in terms of this item, Such rate-only item is used where it is
estimated that little or no work will be required under the item, or where the item is to be
considered as an alternative for another item where a quantity is given, or for variations in
rates of application or mix proportions in terms of Clause 102.13 of this section.
(ii) Work under rate-only items will be paid for only if it has been executed in terms of a
written instruction by the Engineer,

102.10 Certificate of Taking Over of the Works

Amongst others the following sections of the works are to be duly completed to the satisfaction of the
Engineer to justify the issue of a Certificate of Taking Over in terms of the FIDIC General Conditions of
Contract for Construction, the FIDIC Short Form of Contract, or the Certificate of Completion in terms of the
AACRA Standard Conditions of Contract:
(a) The gravel wearing course, seals, asphalt or concrete pavement;
(b) All above-ground and subsoil drainage structures;
(c) All fencing;
(d) The finishing-off of medians and slopes of cuts and fills;
(e) All the necessary road signs and road-surface markings;
(f) All guardrails;
(g) All structures; and
(h) The finishing-off of all borrow pits.

102.11 Traffic Over Completed Pavement Layers.

(a) Traffic over structures or pavement layers of an uncompleted road shall, in addition to other
restrictions specified elsewhere, be restricted to equipment required for its construction, with the
proviso that traffic for hauling material over pavement layers, in so far as is possible, shall be
limited to a minimum by construction roads and deviations being used.
(b) Traffic over structures or the completed road will be restricted to the maximum axle load permitted
in terms of the contract as directed by the Engineer. Any damage to structures or completed layers
caused by the Contractor's traffic shall be repaired at the Contractor’s own cost.

102.12 Alternative Designs and Offers

Unless anything to the contrary has been determined elsewhere in the contract documents, a Tenderer
may,together with his tender for the original designs contained in the contract documents, submit alternative
designs and offers for consideration. Such alternative designs and offers shall be subject to the following
conditions and requirements.

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General Requirements and Provisions
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Page 102-7

102.12.1 Tenders
(a) An alternative offer or design will be considered only if the tender for the original items has been
fully priced and completed.
(b) Unless the alternative offer stipulates to the contrary, it shall be assumed that the period for
completion of the works shall be the same as for the original design.
(c) An alternative offer or design shall be submitted together with the tender for the original items or
design, otherwise it will not be considered when tenders are adjudicated.
(d) Calculations, drawings and a modified schedule of quantities in respect of each alternative offer or
design shall accompany the alternative tender offer.

102.12.2 Design Codes

Alternative designs shall be executed strictly in accordance with the appropriate design codes and
prescriptions of the Employer. Copies of such codes and prescriptions will be available for perusal at the
office of the Engineer, but the onus rests with the Contractor to ensure that he complies with the design
requirements of the employer.

102.12.3 Preliminary Calculations

Preliminary calculations for an alternative design shall be submitted with the tender. Such calculations shall
give adequate details so as to enable an assessment to be made of the general efficacy of the design and of
its principal elements, also of the degree to which the design prescriptions and codes of the employer are
being complied with. The calculations shall be clear and in a logical sequence and shall clearly reflect all the
design assumptions.

102.12.4 Preliminary Drawings

Preliminary drawings of the alternative designs shall also be submitted with the tender. These drawings shall
comprise adequate layout plans, elevations and sections and shall clearly illustrate the general efficacy of
the design and its principal elements. Foundation depths and other elements depending on foundation
conditions shall, in so far as may be applicable, be in accordance with foundation particulars appearing in the
contract document.

102.12.5 Quantities
Each alternative offer shall be accompanied by a modified priced schedule of quantities compiled in
accordance with the Standard Specifications, in so far as it is applicable, which clearly shows the manner in
which the price for the original schedule of quantities which fall away or are being changed. In addition to the
schedule of quantities, a set of calculations shall be supplied to show how the quantities have been
determined. All assumptions in regard to foundation conditions or other factors which will determine
quantities shall be clearly and conspicuously marked by underlining or colouring, and shall indicate whether
or not the assumptions have been based on information furnished in the contract documents (with the
necessary references).

102.12.6 Further Details

Should the Engineer find that the calculations and drawings submitted for alternative designs are not
complete enough for proper adjudication of the alternative designs, it may mean that no further consideration
will be given to such alternative designs. The Employer, however, reserves to itself the right to call on the
Tenderer to submit such further calculations and drawings as may be required. If such further details are not
submitted within ten days of having been requested, the alternative designs may possibly not be given
further consideration.

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102.12.7 Preliminary Adjudication of Alternative Designs

The Engineer will undertake a preliminary scrutiny of any alternative designs for compliance with the
specified requirements of the Employer. Should he find any mistakes or unsatisfactory aspects, he may
afford the Contractor the opportunity to rectify them within a period to be determined by the Engineer.
However, it is emphasised that the preliminary scrutiny of the design and tender by the Engineer, by its very
nature, cannot be comprehensive, and no guarantee can be given in this regard that all the mistakes made
by the Contractor will in fact be detected. Any correction of such mistakes shall be made with the tender
price of the Contractor being retained, and, wherever necessary, the priced schedule of quantities for the
alternative design shall be adjusted accordingly.

102.12.8 Acceptance of Alternative Design

The Contractor shall note that the acceptance of a tender which includes alternative designs shall mean that
the alternative designs have been approved in principle only. If the final calculations, drawings and details do
not comply with the specified requirements, such alternative designs may be rejected, unless they are
suitably amended by the Contractor so as to be acceptable to the Engineer.

102.12.9 Final Drawings and Calculations and the Priced Schedule of Quantities
(a) Where a tender with an alternative design has been accepted, the Contractor shall, not less than
three months before he intends starting with the construction of such design, submit to the
Engineer a complete set of working drawings, detailed calculations and a complete schedule of
quantities, for approval.
(b) The schedule of quantities shall be based on the preliminary schedule of quantities, but with the
necessary adjustments in quantities and prices and with the tendered price for the alternative
design being retained.
(c) Within six weeks of having received the above, the Engineer will indicate which drawings,
calculations, quantities, prices and other particulars are acceptable to him and which not, with
reasons furnished.
(d) The Contractor shall then submit to the Engineer in good time any modified drawings and other
particulars for approval, for which he will require two weeks. Any delay arising from the fact that the
amended particulars do not meet the requirements shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
(e) No work which will be affected by an alternative design may be commenced, unless the drawings,
schedule of quantities and prices for such alternative design have been approved.
(f) Should the Contractor fail to modify any drawings, calculations, quantities, prices or any other
particulars to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the alternative design will be rejected and the original
design shall be constructed for the same amount as has been tendered for the alternative design.

102.12.10 Responsibility for Alternative Design

(a) The approval of a design by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility
to produce a design which conforms in all respects to all the specified requirements and which will
be suitable for the purpose envisaged.
(b) Should it appear later during construction or during the maintenance period that the design does
not conform to the specified requirements, the Contractor only shall be liable for any damage
arising there-from and he shall, at his own expense, do all the necessary work to ensure that the
structure conforms to all the specified requirements.

102.12.11 Payments for Alternative Designs

Payments for alternative designs will be based on the finally approved schedule of quantities and rates for
such designs. The lump sum for an alternative design will remain fixed and will be the final amount payable
to the Contractor in regard to such design, except only for deviations arising from -
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(a) foundation conditions which differ from foundation conditions shown in the contract documents, or
in regard to assumptions regarding foundation conditions stated in his tender by the Contractor and
accepted by the Engineer; and/or
(b) changes not arising from any failure or fault of the Contractor, but from modifications requested by
the Engineer.

102.12.12 Cost of Checking Alternative Designs

The Contractor shall, in his tender for each alternative design, include a provisional sum to cover the cost for
checking his design. This provisional sum shall be 5% of the tendered amount of the design without any
price adjustment in terms of the General Conditions of Contract being considered, and the amount will be
payable to the Engineer only upon an authorization issued by the Employer.

102.12.13 Alternative Offers

Alternative offers in this context shall mean offers not relating to a structure, such as a bridge, which requires
a comprehensive structural analysis. It involves, in the main, offers for the use of other materials,
construction programmes, alternative routes, etc. In this case the provisions of Clause 102.12 will still apply,
except in the case where the Contractor, in consultation with the Employer, may agree to amend or delete
certain of the provisions, depending on the nature of the offer, but subject to a written agreement beforehand
with the Employer.

102.13 Variation From Specified Nominal Rates of Application Or

Nominal Mix Proportions.
(a) The various sections of these specifications specify nominal rates of application or nominal mix
proportions for materials such as bituminous materials, aggregates, fillers, stabilising agents, paint
and the like.
(b) Tenderers shall base their tenders on these nominal rates of application and mix proportions.
(c) Where such nominal rates of application or mix proportions are specified, provision is made for
deviations in the quantities of material in consequence of the rates of application or mix proportions
prescribed by the Engineer in each particular case in consideration of the available materials and
the conditions on the site.
(d) Where the actual rates of application or mix proportions used in the works vary from the specified
nominal rates and mix proportions, adjustment of compensation will be made -
(i) as a payment to the Contractor in respect of any authorised increase in quantities which
exceed those specified, where such increase has been ordered, in writing, by the Engineer;
(ii) as a refund to the Employer in respect of the decrease in quantities which are less than
those specified, irrespective of whether such decrease results from an authorised decrease
in the rates of application or mix proportions, or from unauthorised reductions on the part of
the Contractor.
(e) Payment for a prescribed rate of application or mix proportion shall be based on the actual rate of
application or mix proportion used, provided that this does not exceed the prescribed rate of
application or mix proportion, plus any tolerance in the rate of application or mix proportion allowed.
(f) If the actual rate of application or mix proportion exceeds the prescribed rate or proportion,
payment shall be based on the prescribed rate of application or mix proportion plus any tolerance
(g) If the actual rate of application or mix proportion is below the prescribed rate of application or mix
proportion ordered, payment shall be based on the actual rate of application or mix proportion
regardless of any tolerance allowed. Notwithstanding the above, the Engineer shall be fully entitled

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to reject work which has not been constructed in accordance with the specifications or the rates of
application or mix proportions prescribed by him.
(h) The Employer shall be refunded for any decrease in the specified rates of application or mix
proportions at the same rate per unit of measurement as that tendered by the Contractor for
additional materials required by an increase in the rates of application or mix proportions.

102.14 Contractor’s Activities in Respect of Property Outside the Road

Reserve and of Services Moved, Damaged or Altered.
(a) The Contractor shall exercise any rights that may be ceded to him by an authority in terms of any
statutory provisions for purposes of executing the contract, on condition that -
(i) the Contractor complies strictly with the requirements of such statutory provisions,
particularly in regard to the matters relating to serving notice on the owner or consultation
with him; and
(ii) in each case a written agreement is made with the Engineer regarding the details of the
Contractor's proposed actions before the rights of the Contractor in terms of the statutory
provisions are exercised,
(b) The Contractor shall put in writing all his agreements with owners of property outside the road
reserve or of services inside or outside the road reserve in respect of the following matters:
(i) The location, extent and use of borrow pits, haul roads, construction roads and bypasses
outside the road reserve,
(ii) Compensation, if applicable, for land or materials taken or for land temporarily used or
(iii) The reinstatement of property occupied, used, damaged or destroyed, or compensation
therefore in lieu of reinstatement.
(iv) The procedure for the moving of services and details as to how and when this is to be done.
(v) Any similar matter directly related to the Contractor's activities on or in respect of private
property or services.
These agreements shall be signed by all the parties concerned and delivered to the Engineer.
Where the Contractor cannot obtain the owner's agreement in writing, he shall refer the matter to
the Engineer and shall furnish him with details, in writing, of any verbal agreement made.
(c) Where, in addition to any agreement with the owner of any property to be entered upon or
temporarily occupied or any service to be moved, it is understood or required that the Contractor
shall serve notice on the owner immediately before actually entering upon or occupying the private
property or moving a service, and shall give proper notice thereof in writing, and the Engineer shall
be supplied with a copy of such notice, together with acknowledgement of receipt.
(d) On completion of his operations, the Contractor shall obtain, from the owner concerned, a written
statement to the effect -
(i) that the Contractor has fulfilled his obligations under any written agreement, or, in the
absence of a written agreement, and
(ii) that the owner has received all the compensation he is entitled to and is also satisfied that all
property occupied, including borrow pits, haul roads and construction roads, has been
properly restored and is in a satisfactory condition.
In respect of services moved, altered, damaged or affected in any way, the Contractor shall
similarly obtain a written statement from the owner that the services have been taken over in a
satisfactory condition.
All such statements shall be signed, dated and delivered to the Engineer.

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(e) Should the Contractor wish to use land outside the area provided by the Employer for storing or
keeping material or equipment required for the construction of the permanent works, it will be
subject to the following:
(a) That the Engineer approves any area selected for this purpose.
(b) That such land be physically separated from any production plant or activities and suitably
fenced in.
(c) That the area used for the aforesaid purpose be surveyed, and, where the land does not
belong to the Contractor, he shall enter into a contract of lease with the owner of such land
in respect of the full period for which such land shall be used for such purpose, which
contract shall stipulate that the owner shall not have any right whatsoever to any material
stockpiled on such land during the currency of the contract of lease.
(d) That suitable, permanent reference beacons, approved by the Engineer, be placed next to
the area, at the cost of the Contractor, for use by the Engineer with a view to, if applicable,
taking cross-sections for determining quantities.

102.15 Remedial Work

(a) When any part of the works or any equipment or material is found, upon examination by the
Engineer, not to conform to the requirements or at any stage before final acceptance is damaged
so that it no longer conforms to the requirements of the specifications, the Engineer may order its
complete removal and replacement, at the Contractor's expense, with satisfactory work, equipment
or material, or he may permit the Contractor to apply remedial measures in order to make good any
such defects or damage. The actual remedial measures taken shall at all times be entirely at the
Contractor's own initiative, risk and cost, but subject to the Engineer's approval regarding the
details thereof.
(b) In particular, remedial measures shall ensure full compliance with the requirements of the
specifications of the final product, shall not endanger or damage any other part of the works, and
shall be carefully controlled and submitted to the Engineer for examination when completed or at
any intermediate stage as may be required.
(c) For the guidance of the Contractor, an indication is given below of what would normally be required
in the more common cases of defects or damage, but the Engineer will in no way be bound to
accept or approve the measures given below, as the actual remedial measures will be dictated by
the circumstances of each particular case.

102.15.1 Earthworks
(a) Where a cut slope has been over-excavated or undercut, backfilling will not normally be allowed
and the entire slope may have to be re-trimmed to obtain a uniform slope.
(b) Where the floor of a cutting has been taken too deep, it will normally require backfilling and re-
compaction with selected gravel in the case of soil or gravel excavation, and with crushed stone or
suitably sized rock in the case of hard excavations. All necessary measures shall be taken to drain
away groundwater that may accumulate in backfilled sections.
(c) Excess width of fills will have to be trimmed down.
(d) Where erosion has damaged the surface of cuts or fills, the damage shall be made good by
backfilling with suitable material and re-trimming. In more serious cases, the slopes may have to be
cut back by benching, backfilled and compacted to the required standard of compaction with
suitable light equipment, and then re-trimmed.

102.15.2 Stabilising
Any sections failing to meet the requirements specified or damaged to the extent that they require breaking-
up and re-compaction will have to be re-stabilised with the type and quantity of stabilising agent ordered by

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the Engineer. The Engineer may also order that the layer be removed entirely and replaced with fresh
material to be stabilised.

102.15.3 Local Defects in Pavement Layers

Where remedial measures are taken to make good local defects, the width of the area to be repaired by
machines shall be such as will be necessary to accommodate the full width of the machines used, and it
shall be of a reasonable length to ensure effective operation by the machinery. The depth to which material
will have to be removed will depend on the type of material. Gravel will require breaking up to a depth of at
least 75 mm and crushed stone will usually require breaking up over its full depth. Asphalt material will
normally require removal over its full depth.

102.15.4 Concrete
Concrete work will normally require the cutting-back and complete removal of any weak or honeycombed
sections and making good by using special epoxy adhesives to bind fresh concrete to old concrete. Cracks,
when permitted to remain, shall be injected with suitable epoxy compounds, and test cores shall then be
drilled for testing the efficacy of the injection process.

102.16 Water
(a) The Contractor himself shall make arrangements for procuring, transporting, storing, distributing
and applying the water needed for construction and other purposes, except where otherwise
specified. No direct payment will be made for providing water, the cost of which shall be included in
the rates tendered for the various items of work for which water is needed.
(b) Only clean water, free from undesirable concentrations of deleterious salts and other materials,
shall be used. All water sources used shall be subject to the Engineer's approval.

102.17 Authorised Measurements and Tolerances

(a) The work specified in the various sections of these specifications shall comply with the various
dimensional and other tolerances specified in each case.
(b) Where no tolerances are specified, the standard of workmanship shall be in accordance with good
practice. No representation is made that the full specified tolerances will be available independently
of each other, and the Contractor is cautioned that the liberal or full use of any one or more
tolerances may deprive him of the full or any use of tolerances relating to other aspects of the work.
The latter would apply particularly in respect of level tolerances on layer work and the related
requirements regarding layer thicknesses.
(c) In the description of certain pay items, where it is stated that quantities will be determined from the
authorised dimensions, this shall be taken to mean the dimensions as specified or shown on the
drawings or, if changed, as finally instructed by the Engineer, without any allowance for tolerances
being specified. If the work is therefore constructed in compliance with the authorised dimensions,
plus or minus any tolerances allowed, quantities will be based on the authorised dimensions
regardless of the actual dimensions to which the work is constructed.
(d) Where the work is not constructed in accordance with the authorised dimensions, plus or minus
any tolerances allowed, the Engineer may nevertheless, in his sole discretion, accept the work for
payment. In such cases no payment will be made in respect of quantities of work or material in
excess of those calculated from the authorised dimensions and where the actual dimensions are
less than the authorised dimensions, minus any tolerance allowed, quantities for payment shall be
based on the actual dimensions as constructed.

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102.18 Source of Supply and Quality of Materials

(a) The sources of supply of each of the material specified may be required to be approved by the
Engineer before delivery is started, and representative preliminary samples shall be submitted as
directed by the Engineer.
(b) The Engineer may, at his discretion, approve material at the source of supply before delivery is
(c) Approval does not constitute acceptance. If an approved source does not continue to supply
acceptable material during the life of the project, further use of that source may be denied.

102.19 Local Material Sources

(a) Sources of rock, sand, gravel, earth, or other natural material located by the Government in the
vicinity of the project may be identified in the contract. These identified sources may be listed as
provided for the project or only listed as information to aid the Contractor in locating a source.
(b) The decision to use an identified source is solely that of the Contractor.

102.19.1 AACRA-Provided Sources

(a) AACRA will acquire the permits and rights to remove material from provided sources identified in
the contract and to use such property for a plant site and stockpiles. Test reports and available
historical performance data verifying the presence of acceptable material are available upon
(b) The Contractor shall not perform work within an AACRA-provided source until a Plan of Operation
for the development of the source is accepted.
(c) The quality of material in provided sources is acceptable in general, but may contain layers or
pockets of unacceptable material. It is not feasible to ascertain from samples the quality of material
for an entire deposit and variations may be expected.

102.19.2 AACRA-Listed Sources

(a) AACRA may list possible material sources.
(b) AACRA makes no representation as to the quality or quantity of material, or rights to the availability
of material from these sources. These sources are considered to be Contractor-located sources
under Sub Clause 102.19.3 below.

102.19.3 Contractor-Located Sources

(a) The Contractor is responsible for these sources, including established commercial sources. The
Contractor shall use sources that fulfil the contract quantity and quality requirements. The
Contractor shall determine the quantity and types of equipment and work necessary to select and
produce acceptable material.
(b) The Contractor shall provide laboratory test reports and available historical performance data
indicating that acceptable material is available from the source. The Contractor shall not use
material from a source that is unacceptable to AACRA.
(c) The Contractor shall dispose of unacceptable material and locate another source at no cost to

102.20 Material Source Management

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 14 days before starting pit operations. The Contractor shall develop
and operate within a material source according to the accepted plan of operation or written agreement for
developing the source. The Contractor shall comply with the following applicable requirements:
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(a) Shall measure the sediment content of bodies of water adjacent to the work area that will receive
drainage from the work area before developing a material source.
(b) Shall control all erosion so the sediment levels in the bodies of water within the drainage area of
the work area do not increase.
(c) Shall strip and stockpile the overburden. After operations are complete, shall move all waste back
into the source. Shall neatly trim and flatten the side slopes to the extent practicable.
(d) Shall spread the stockpiled overburden uniformly over the sides and bottom of the mined area.
(e) Shall establish a vegetative cover to blend the site into the surrounding area.

102.21 Storing and Handling Material

(a) The material shall be stored and handled to preserve its quality and fitness for the work. Stored
material approved before storage may again be inspected before use in the work.
(b) The stored material shall be located to facilitate prompt inspection.
(c) The Contractor is responsible for the security of all stored material.

102.22 Use of Material Found in the Work.

(a) Material, such as stone, gravel, or sand, found in the excavation may be used for another pay item
when acceptable.
(b) When there is an applicable excavation item in the bid schedule, such material will be paid both as
excavation and as the other pay item for which it is used.

102.23 Acceptance of Work

102.23.1 Conformity with Contract Requirements.
(a) Inspection of construction is supplemented as follows: References to standard test methods of
AACRA, AASHTO, ASTM, BS, as approved standards authorities, shall be referred to the methods
in effect on the date of solicitation for bids.
(b) The work shall be performed according to the contract requirements. All work shall be performed to
the lines, grades, cross-sections, dimensions, and processes or material requirements shown on
the plans or specified in the contract.
(c) Plan dimensions and contract specification values are the values to be strived for and complied
with as the design values from which any deviations are compared. The work shall be performed
and material provided that is uniform in character and reasonably close to the prescribed value or
within the specified tolerance range. The purpose of a tolerance range is to accommodate
occasional minor variations from the median zone that are unavoidable for practical reasons.
(d) The primary method of acceptance might be specified in each division of work. However, work may
be rejected at any time it is found by any of the methods not to comply with the contract. Work that
does not conform to the contract shall be removed and replaced, or to prevailing industry standards
where no specific contract requirements are noted at no cost to AACRA.
(e) When standard manufactured items are specified (such as fence, wire, plates, rolled shapes, pipe
conduits, etc., that are identified by gauge, unit mass, section dimensions, etc.), the identification
will be considered to be nominal masses or dimensions. Unless specific contract tolerances are
noted, established manufacturing tolerances will be accepted.

102.23.2 Visual Inspection.

Acceptance is based on visual inspection of the work for compliance with the contract and prevailing industry

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102.23.3 Certification
(a) For material manufactured off-site, a manufacturer with an ISO 9000 certification or an effective
testing and inspection system shall be used. Require the manufacturer to clearly mark the material
or packaging with a unique product identification or specification standard to which it is produced.
(b) Material accepted by certification may be sampled and tested at any time. If found not in
conformance with the contract, the material will be rejected whether in place or not.

102.23.4 Measured or Tested Conformance

(a) The Contractor shall provide all necessary production and processing of the work and control
performance of the work so that all of the work complies with the contract requirements.
(b) Results from inspection or testing shall have values within the specified tolerances or specification
limits. When no tolerance values are identified in the contract, the work will be accepted based on
customary manufacturing and construction tolerances.

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103.1 Scope
This Division covers all work involved in the establishment of the Contractor's Organisation, camp(s) and
plant and equipment on or adjacent to the Site, and the removal thereof after completion.

103.2 General Requirements

103.2.1 Camps, Equipment and Testing Facilities
1. The Contractor shall establish his construction camp on or adjacent to the Site. This will include all
accommodation, sanitary conveniences, maintenance and testing facilities necessary for his
personnel, plant, equipment, stores, process control, etc.
2. He shall bring all necessary plant, equipment and personnel to the Site prior to the Commencement
of the Works, and remove the same from the Site after completion of the work leaving all areas that
have been occupied by him in a clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3. It is the Contractor's responsibility to identify a suitable site for the Engineer's office, laboratory
accommodation and working areas, and camp sites for himself, his senior staff and his junior staff,
houses, offices, labourers' accommodation, etc.
4. The choice of all sites for the establishment of camps shall be subject to the approval of the

103.2.2 Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public

The Contractor shall take steps necessary to comply with the terms of the General Conditions of Contract,
particularly in respect of the insurances and indemnities required, and he shall comply with all regulations of
Statutory Authorities.
(a) Laws to be Observed.
The Contractor shall:
(i) Comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, safety codes, regulations, orders, and
(ii) Protect and indemnify the Government and its representatives against any claim or
liability arising from or based on the alleged violation of the same.
(iii) All permits and agreements obtained by the Government for performing the work shall be
included in the contract. Comply with the requirements of these permits and/or
(iv) Obtain all additional permits or agreements and modifications to Government obtained
permits or agreements that are required by the Contractor's methods of operation.
(b) Protection and Restoration of Property and Landscape
The Contractor shall:
(i) Preserve public and private property and protect monuments established for the purpose of
perpetuating horizontal, vertical, cadastral, or boundary control. When necessary to destroy a
monument, re-establish the monument according to applicable Federal statute or by the
direction of the agency or individual who established the monument.
(ii) not disturb the area beyond the construction limits.

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(iii) not excavate, remove, damage, alter, or deface any archaeological or paleontological
remains or specimens. Control the actions of employees and subcontractors on the
project to ensure that protected sites are not disturbed or damaged. Should any of these
items be encountered, suspend operations at the discovery site, notify the Engineer, and
continue operations in other areas. The Engineer shall inform the Contractor when
operations may resume at the discovery site.
(iv) When utilities are to be relocated or adjusted, the AACRA will notify the owners of utilities
affected by the relocations or adjustments. The relocations or adjustments will be required
to be performed by others within the time frames specified or otherwise as soon as
(v) Before beginning work in an area, the Contractor shall arrange with all owners of utilities
- Locate their utilities;
- Protect their utilities from construction operations.
The Contractor shall cooperate with owners of utilities to expedite the relocation or adjustment of
the utilities so as to minimize interruption of service and duplication of work.
(vi) If utility services are interrupted as a result of damage by the construction, the Contractor
shall immediately notify the owner and other proper authorities and shall cooperate assist
them until service is restored.
(vii) Not work around the location of fire hydrants until provisions for continued service are
made and approved by the local fire authority.
(viii) If utility adjustment work, not included in the contract, is required, compensation for the
work will be provided under applicable Clauses of the contract.
(ix) Satisfactorily repair damage, due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor, at no cost to
the Employer.
(x) Repair of damage to underground utilities that were not shown on the plans or identified
before construction and not caused by the fault or negligence of the Contractor will be
paid for by the Employer.
(c) Railroad Protection.
(i) The AACRA will obtain the necessary permits and agreements from the Rail Authorities
for specified contract work for relocating railroads or for work at railroad crossings and
make arrangements for all other work that, due to the method of operation, may also
impact the railroad.
(ii) The Contract shall furnish copies of all permits and agreements.
(iii) The Contractor shall conduct the work covered by the railroad permit or agreement in a
manner satisfactory to the Rail Authorities
(iv) The Contractor shall not interfere with railroad operations.
(v) If the construction damages Rail Authorities’ property, the Contractor shall reimburse the
Rail Authorities for all damages or, at the railroad's option, repair the damage at no cost to
the AACRA.
(vi) The Contractor shall not cross railroad tracks, with vehicles or equipment, except at
existing and open public grade crossings or railroad approved temporary grade crossings.
(vii) If there is a need for a temporary grade crossing, the Contractor shall make the
necessary arrangements with the Rail Authorities for its construction, protection, and
eventual removal.

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(viii) The Contractor shall reimburse the Rail Authorities for all temporary grade crossing work
or, at the Rail Authorities option, perform the work.
(d) Responsibility for Damage Claims
(i) The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the AACRA, its employees, and its
consultants from suits, actions, or claims brought for injuries or damage received or
sustained by any person, persons, or property resulting from the construction operations
or arising out of the negligent performance of the contract.
(ii) The Contractor shall procure and maintain until final acceptance of the contract, liability
insurance of the types and limits specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall obtain
insurance from companies authorised to carry out such business. The insurance shall
cover all operations under the contract whether performed by the Contractor or by their
(iii) The Contractor shall furnish "certificates of insurance" certifying that the policies will not
be changed or cancelled until 30 days written notice has been given to the AACRA,
before work begins. Insurance coverage in the minimum amounts set forth in the Contract
shall not relieve the Contractor of liability in excess of the coverage.
(e) Legal Relationship of the Parties
(i) In the performance of the contract, the Contractor is independent and neither the
Contractor nor anyone used or employed by the Contractor shall act in the capacity of
agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Employer.
(ii) The Contractor's independent status does not limit the Employer's general rights under
the contract including inspection of work, specification of safety measures and equipment,
and ability to stop work.

103.2.3 Electricity Supply

(a) The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense his own electrical supply. This supply
must be adequate to supply the areas set aside for the housing of his staff and for his own and the
Engineer’s office, and for any housing of the Engineer’s staff.
(b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary temporary power and lighting and all
associated apparatus for the duration of the Contract at his own expense. Allowance shall also be
made for the use of the said supplies and equipment by all subcontractors free of charge.
(c) Once equipment becomes redundant, and having received the approval from the Engineer, the
Contractor shall disconnect and remove said equipment and make good any works disturbed at his
own expense.

103.2.4 Handing Over Of the Site

Unless otherwise specified, the Employer will endeavour to hand over the site to the Contractor in a line with
the Contractor’s work program.

103.3 Measurement and Payment

Pay Item 103 P 1: The Contractor's General Obligations:
Payments shall be on the following bases:
Pay Item 103 P 1(a): Fixed obligations in lump sum;
Pay Item 103 P 1(b): Value-related obligations in lump sum; and/or
Pay Item 103 P 1(c): Time-related obligations in month.
Payment of the lump sums tendered under sub items (a) and (b), and the rate per month for sub item (c)
shall, for the three sub items together, include full compensation for all the Contractor's charges in respect of
the following items, collectively termed the "Contractor's General Obligations".
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Contractors Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 103-3

(a) Setting up and maintaining his organization, personnel, camps, accommodation, ablution and other
facilities, offices, stores, workshops, other temporary structures, fencing testing facilities and
constructional plant on the site and their removal on completion of the contract.
(b) Complying with the requirements of the General Conditions of Contract and the specifications,
including the effecting of insurances and providing the sureties required.
(c) All general site and office overheads, profit, financing costs, risks, legal and contractual responsibilities
and other costs and obligations of a preliminary or general nature which are not specifically
measured for payment under any other items of payment.

The lump sum tendered under pay item 103P1(a) above shall represent full compensation for the fixed part
of the Contractor's general obligations, i.e. that part which is substantially fixed and is not a function of the
time required for the completion of the contract or of the value of the work.
Should the final value of the work (excluding any payments in terms of clause 11 of the General Conditions
of Contract for Construction,) increase or decrease by twenty (20) per cent or less in relation to the tendered
amount (less any allowances, if any, in the tender for price adjustments in terms of Clause 11 of the General
Conditions of Contract for Construction), the lump sum tendered for pay item 103P1(a) shall not be subject to
any variation whatsoever.
Payment of the lump sum tendered under pay item 103P1(a) will be made in three instalments, as follows:
(a) The first instalment, 50% of the lump sum, will be paid in the first payment certificate after the
contractor has met all his obligations under this section and has made a substantial start with
construction in accordance with the approved programme.
(b) The second instalment, 35% of the lump sum, will be paid when the value of the work done reaches
one half of the tendered amount, excluding contingencies and price adjustments in terms of clause
49 of the general conditions of contract.
(c) The third and final instalment, 15% of the lump sum, will be paid when the works have been
completed and the Contractor has fulfilled all the requirements of this section.
(d) Before any payment is made under this pay item, the Contractor shall satisfy the engineer that he has
provided camps and construction plant of good quality on the site, the value of which exceeds that of
the first instalment.
The Contractor may also be required to furnish documentary proof that he owns the camps and construction
plant on the site, the value of which shall exceed that of the first instalment.
In the event of the Contractor not being able to satisfy the Engineer as to the ownership of the camps and
construction plant, the Engineer shall have the right to withhold parts of any payments to be made under this
pay item, until the works have been completed.
The lump sum tendered under pay item 103P1(b) shall represent full compensation for that part of the
Contractor's general obligations, which is a function of only the value of the work, but not of the period of
completion. The lump sum tendered for pay item 103P1(b) will be increased or decreased pro rata in full
settlement of any difference in value-related general obligations resulting from an increased or decreased
value of the work.
The lump sum tendered in pay Item 103P1(b) will be payable monthly in instalments in relation to the value
of work done (excluding the value of any price adjustments in terms of the general conditions of contract).
The tendered rate per month for pay Item 103P1(c) represents full compensation for that part of the
Contractor's general obligations, which are mainly a function of construction time. The tendered rate will be
paid monthly, pro rata for parts of a month, from the date on which the Contractor has received the letter of
acceptance in terms of the conditions of contract, until the end of the period for completion of the works, plus
any extension thereof as provided in the Conditions of Contract, provided that -
(a) should the works be certified as having been completed before the contractual date for completion of
the works, the Contractor will then be entitled to payments in regard to the unexpired period for

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Contractors Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 103-4

(b) should the progress of the Contractor in terms of the value of work done be in arrear in regard to his
approved original programme, payments in respect of this item may be limited to payments for this
period, which, in his original programme (after suitable adjustments in respect of the extension of
time granted) agree with the actual value of work done.
Any payment made under pay item 103P1 will not be taken into account when determining whether the value
of a certificate complies with the 'minimum amount of interim certificate", as laid down in the Appendix to
Tender. The adjustments specified in pay items 103P1 (a), (b) and (c) will be made only if the value of the
work or the period for completion were to change and it is agreed that such adjustments will be in full
settlement of the changed compensation for amended general obligations.

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Contractors Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 103-5


104.1 Scope
This Division covers the provision of office accommodation, vehicles and attendance for the Engineer's
supervisory staff. The accommodation shall include the necessary office building, laboratory, furniture,
equipment, as well as the provision of all services required
Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, the main camp of the Contractor as well as the location
of the Engineer's office and laboratories has, in the case of a road project, to be at or near the mid-length of
the project.

104.2 General
1. The offices and laboratory will be erected by the Contractor on the Site or on land that has been
provided by the Employer adjacent to the Site for this purpose and are to be in close proximity to the
Contractor's offices and laboratories. If the Contractor should decide to move his own offices and/or
laboratories to a new site, the offices, laboratory and other buildings erected for the use of the
Engineer shall be rebuilt by the Contractor at the new site if required, at no additional charge.
2. The Contractor shall locate and arrange to lease or rent suitable houses for the exclusive use of
supervisory staff. Rental agreement shall not be finalised until the accommodation has been approved
as suitable by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor may not proceed with the permanent works before he has provided the required
equipment. If the offices for the Engineer and his staff are not ready for occupation when the
permanent works is commenced, the Contractor shall provide suitable temporary offices acceptable to
the Engineer at no cost to the Employer.
4. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure the general security and to prevent
unauthorised entry to the offices and laboratories of the Engineer. A security fence shall be erected by
the Contractor around the offices and laboratory of the Engineer.
5. The layout, siting and orientation of the offices and laboratory or other accommodation shall be to the
Engineer's approval and shall be decided upon in consultation with him. Laboratories and office
accommodation complete with their contents, access roads and hard standings shall be ready for
occupation and the use of the Engineer within 120 days of the date for commencement of the Works
unless otherwise approved in the Contract.
6. All offices, testing laboratories and residential accommodation shall be regularly cleaned for so long as
they are in use and suitable arrangements shall be made for the disposal of waste arising from the
offices, testing laboratories and residential accommodation.
7. All offices, testing laboratories and residential accommodation equipment shall be of a quality and
precision appropriate to its use and shall be delivered in a serviceable condition to the Engineer. The
Contractor shall keep all equipment in good order and shall repair or replace, as instructed by the
Engineer, any equipment that becomes unserviceable. The Contractor shall ensure that any
equipment needing periodic calibration shall be calibrated on delivery, annually and at other times as
and when required the nature of its duty and by the Engineer.
8. When major components of the Works are manufactured off the site the Contractor shall arrange to
make available adequate and secure accommodation at or adjacent to the place of, and during the
period of, manufacture and testing.
9. Ownership of the Engineer’s offices, laboratory building and sanitary facilities will transfer to the
Employer on completion of the project. Also, the ownership of the Engineer’s office furniture and
equipment will also transfer to the Employer on completion of the project. The ownership of the
mobile radios and laboratory equipment remains with the Contractor.

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Engineers Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 104-1

104.3 Office and Laboratory Accommodation

104.3.1 General
Buildings for offices and laboratories shall be constructed from hollow blocks or bricks or of an approved
equivalent material. The construction material to be used shall be strong, durable and of an acceptable
quality. The office building shall have concrete floors with vinyl floor tiles and the laboratory buildings shall
have a concrete floor. Alternatively, offices can be of prefabricated or portable type. The clear height of all
offices between floor and ceiling shall be 3.0 m minimum. All windows shall be of the type that can open over
the full window area.
1. The area for the Engineer's office and laboratory shall be secured with a 1.8 m high chain link or
barbed wire security fence.
2. Office and laboratory buildings shall be painted with an approved paint after erection.
3. Each door shall be provided with a lock and two keys.
4. The various units of accommodation and the fittings shall be constructed in accordance with details
approved by the Engineer.
5. Each hand washbasin shall be serviced with hot and cold water and drainage.
6. Lights shall be of the fluorescent type double 40 W, single 80 W or of the incandescent type ac-
cording to what is required and approved by the Engineer.
7. Electric power plug points shall be provided. Each office shall have at least two 15 A plug points.
8. Telephone extensions shall be provided as specified and rates bid shall include the cost of all local
calls and rental charges. A means of monitoring time and destination of calls made shall be provided
as part of the telephone system.
9. When required by the Contract, telephones shall have a separate connection direct to a telephone
exchange for the exclusive use of the Engineer.
10. Blinds shall be provided for each window. They shall be one of two types:
11. Venetian blinds adjustable so as to permit light to enter to room but excluding direct light; or
12. Opaque roller blinds.
13. All office and laboratory fitments shall be provided in a clean and reasonable condition to the
Engineer’s approval and all equipment shall be new.

104.3.2 Offices
(a) The Engineer’s Offices shall be contained in a single building unit and shall consist of separate
accommodation within the building.
(b) The fittings, furniture and equipment provided shall conform to the requirements listed in the
(c) The various sizes of offices required shall be as shown in Table 104.03-1, and schedules of supplies
and equipment to be provided as listed in the Contract.
(d) Areas around Offices
Sufficient all weather access and other roads around the offices shall be provided by the Contractor.
He shall keep them free of mud and dust either by using crushed stone, suitable dust laying oils,
bituminous surfacing or other approved means. They shall be well-drained and kept trafficable at all
times. Footpaths shall be similarly treated to provide convenient access to all buildings, between the
car park, offices, and laboratory for the Engineer.

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Engineers Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 104-2

Table 4.1
Minimum floor area for Engineer’s Office
Item Description Area (m2)
1 Resident Engineer's Office 12

2 Assistant Resident Engineer's Office 10

3 General Office (partitioned as required) 20

4 Secretary's Office 8

5 Conference Room 15

6 Computer Room 8

7 Kitchen Unit 6

8 Ablution Unit 2

9 Toilets + 1 wash basin 6

104.3.3 Radio Communication System for the Engineer

(a) When described in the Contract, the Contractor shall provide a radio communication system for the
Engineer within 120 days of the date for the commencement of the works.
(b) The radio system shall be entirely separate from any provision for radio communication made by the
Contractor for his own use except that the aerial installation may be shared.
(c) The system shall have an operating range, which ensures reception at all parts of the Site in Addis
(d) The Contractor shall maintain the system, dismantling and removing it on the completion of the
Contract. An equivalent replacement shall be provided if the system is out of service for more than
24 hours.

104.3.4 Laboratories
(a) The laboratory shall consist of a single building adjacent to the Engineer's offices, and shall consist
of separate accommodation within the building (minimum internal area indicated m2) as indicated in
Table 104.1 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
(b) The various sizes of the laboratories required shall be as shown in Table 104.2, and schedules of
equipment to be provided as listed in the Contract as per the type of pavement construction.
(c) The laboratories, fittings, furniture to be provided as listed in the Contract.

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Engineers Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 104-3

Table 4.2
Minimum floor area for Laboratory
Item Description Area (m2)

1 Soils Laboratory 40
2 Oven and soaking room 20
3 Sample storage 15
4 Office 10

104.3.5 Air Conditioning Units and Heaters

(a) Unless specified otherwise, the Contractor shall provide and install air-conditioning units and
(b) The air-conditioning units shall be of the electrically operated compressor type with closed circuit and
not of the evaporation type. The capacity of the air-conditioning units shall be at least 2.2 kW each.
(c) Heaters shall be of a space-heating type without exposed elements and shall have a capacity of not
less than 1.5 kW each.
(d) The Contractor may also be required to install air-conditioning units in any other housing
accommodation provided.

104.4 Housing Accommodation for the Engineer

104.4.1 General
Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall lease or rent, furnish, equip and maintain for
the duration of the Contract period, any of the following facilities including air-conditioning, if required, and
services where so indicated elsewhere in the contract. The type of facility and the numbers required are
shown in the Bill of Quantities.
(a) Houses – for the Engineers shall be;
(i) Type A houses - 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining area, kitchen, and a toilet area (having a
western style toilet bowl, a wash basin, bath with shower, or separate shower, and a
mirror). The built up area shall satisfy the minimum floor area indicated in Table 104.3
(ii) Type B houses - 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, and a toilet area (having a western style
toilet bowl, a wash basin, bath with shower, or separate shower, and a mirror). The built
up area shall satisfy the minimum floor area indicated in Table 104.3
(iii) Type C houses - 2 bedrooms and a common toilet area (having a western style toilet
bowl, a wash basin, bath with shower, or separate shower, and a mirror). The built up
area shall satisfy the minimum floor area indicated in Table 104.3.
(iv) Apartments - 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms in walled garden with garages and staff quarters. The
built up area for one bedroom apartment shall not be less than 40 m2 and multiples
(v) Motel style accommodation - bedroom, lounge/study and bathroom, self contained units
in terraced arrangement attached to a common kitchen, dining and recreation room area.
The built up are shall not be less than 125 m2.

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Engineers Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 104-4

Table 4.3
Minimum floor area for Housing Accommodation for the Engineer
Room Type Minimum Floor Area (m2)

Lounge 20
Dining Area 12
Kitchen 8
Bedroom 15
Toilet Area 9

104.4.2 Description
(a) The buildings shall be constructed from hollow blocks or bricks or of an approved equivalent
material. The construction material to be used shall be strong, durable and of an acceptable quality.
(b) The accommodation to be provided under this item shall be provided on a location to be approved by
the Engineer.
(c) Furnishings and equipment shall be as selected by the Engineer.
(d) The buildings shall be fully air-conditioned unless specified otherwise. All areas except kitchen and
bathrooms shall have ceiling fans.
(e) The facilities shall be fully wired and connected to a 220/250 V AC power source, with at least two
power points in each room and five points in the kitchen.
(f) The living/dining rooms shall have reverse cycle air conditioning / heating units of at least 1.2 kW.
(g) The furniture and equipment for the facilities are to be supplied new unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer in writing and after the completion of the contract all items shall become the property of
the Employer.
(h) There shall be a waterproof protection below concrete floors and waterproof layer (damp course) at
the same level within the brick walls. The quality and thickness of the waterproofing material to be
used shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.
(i) All buildings/ facilities shall have hot and cold running water.
(j) Where the water supply is not connected to the water main, an external elevated cold water storage
tank with a capacity of 5000 litres shall be provided in order to obtain a minimum head of 3 m of
water at the taps, together with the pipes leading to the supply tank.
(k) The living quarters, at the Contractor’s option if they are designed to be moved and re-erected on
another site on completion of Works, shall be made of timber, fibre cement or other approved
material and shall have double walls fitted with insulating material. Walls and ceilings shall be lined
on the inside with timber or other approved material.
(l) Floors shall be of timber or alternatively of concrete covered with suitable carpeting or vinyl tiles.
(m) The living quarters shall have a minimum clear height from floor to ceiling of 3.0 m.
(n) The total area of windows shall be at least 20% of the exterior floor area and all windows shall be of
an approved type that open and close readily. All exterior doors and windows shall be provided with
insect screens and the windows and doors shall be provided with suitable curtains.
(o) Each facility shall be properly painted inside and outside with an approved paint and the paintwork
shall be maintained during the Contract period.

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Final November 2004
Page 104-5

(p) All facilities shall be provided with adequate carports.

(q) Living quarters shall be located as approved by the Engineer. Water, and electrical supply shall be
provided on a 24-hour basis, which may require the installation and maintenance of a standby
generator of sufficient capacity to satisfy all power requirements, and the Contractor shall make
allowance in his bid for this probability together with any associated statutory charges. Pure drinking
water shall also be supplied or made available for all the facilities.
(r) All the living areas shall be surrounded with their own compound wall or 2.5 m. high chain link
security fence with a cranked top with three strands of barbed wire. The fence shall be provided with
one gate to each facility.
(s) Suitable gravel roads with a minimum width of 3.5 m shall be provided to connect all the facilities.
Roads shall be adequately illuminated with overhead lights.
(t) The Contractor shall provide a day watchman/gardener and night watchman for each facility.
(u) The Contractor shall finalise the leases prior to commencement of the Construction Contract but in
no case shall this period exceed one hundred twenty days. In case living facilities are not ready for
occupation when the permanent works are started, the Contractor shall provide for the
Engineer/Employer Representative’s personnel, suitable temporary boarding and lodging at the
Contractor’s cost.
(v) Except where provided otherwise, the land and associated accommodation shall be for the exclusive
use of the Employer/ Engineer personnel for the period of the Contract to the end of the
maintenance period.
(w) Details of accommodation units proposed for leasing, their services and furnishing shall be supplied
by the Contractor within one month of the date of being instructed by the Engineer.

104.4.3 Maintenance
(a) The Contractor shall arrange to maintain the residential accommodation until the issue of the Taking-
Over Certificate for the complete Works.
(b) Maintenance includes attending to repairs to various parts of the building, fittings etc. and the
connecting services as and when necessary, including the annual interior and exterior paint work
and periodic painting of wood and steel work; replacing the broken window/door, maintenance of
internal roads and other repairs as directed by the Engineer.
(c) The Contractor shall arrange to provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity and water for the
facilities. In case of failure of mains water or power supply, suitable arrangements shall have been
made for providing uninterrupted supply.
(d) All sources/tapings and connected equipment and fittings, piping, tanks, wiring and all other
accessories of the main and alternate power/water supply for the residential accommodation shall be
the property of the Employer.

104.5 Services
104.5.1 Sanitary Arrangements
(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all sanitary services necessary to keep
latrines in a clean, neat and hygienic condition.
(b) The Contractor shall also provide for the removal of all rubbish.

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Final November 2004
Page 104-6

104.5.2 Water, Electricity and Gas

(a) The Contractor shall provide a supply of fresh clean potable water at a constant head of not less
than 3 m at the taps. Storage capacity in respect of the laboratory water supply shall not be less than
700 litres.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the necessary electric power supply at 220/250 volts to the Engineer's
offices and laboratory. The power available shall not be less than 10 kVA for the office and 10 kVA
for each 40 m2. of laboratory space. If 380 volt 3-phase electricity is required for the laboratories, the
power available shall not be less than 12 kVA per 50 m2 of laboratory space with a minimum of
12 kVA.
(c) Electrical power shall be supplied to the offices and laboratory 24 hours per day.
(d) The Contractor shall, where required, also supply liquid petroleum gas for any burners used in the
laboratory and for any other gas equipment supplied to the Engineer.
(e) The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, his own electrical supply. This
supply must be adequate to supply the areas set aside for the housing of his staff and for his own
and the Engineer’s office and, if applicable, for any housing of the Engineer’s staff.
(f) The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary temporary power and lighting and all
associated apparatus for the duration of the Contract at his own expense. He must make allowance
for the use of the said supplies and equipment by all subcontractors free of charge.
(g) Once equipment becomes redundant and having received the approval from the Engineer, the
Contractor shall disconnect and remove said equipment and make good any works disturbed at his
own expense.
(h) The Contractor shall maintain all equipment provided by him in serviceable condition and shall
replace any item which becomes unserviceable or is lost.

104.6 Vehicles
(a) The Contractor shall provide vehicles for the sole use of the Engineer and his staff. The vehicles
shall be new. The vehicles must be comprehensively insured to cover any driver. The vehicles shall
be replaced after 150,000 km. Ownership of vehicles reverts to the Employer at the end of the
(b) The Contractor shall provide the type of vehicles listed in the Contract. The vehicles shall be
provided with drivers, fuel and lubricants as required and shall be serviced, maintained and repaired
so as to be in a reliable and roadworthy condition at all times.
(c) All vehicles shall be available to the Engineer prior to commencement of the permanent works and in
accordance with the Engineer’s supervisory requirements or, in default, the Contractor shall make
other arrangements to cover the cost of alternative transport.
(d) The Contractor shall be responsible for replacement whether temporary or permanent of any vehicle
through repair or accident where such vehicle is unavailable to the Engineer for a period of more
than 24 hours.

104.7 Attendance
(a) The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with and maintain continuity of technicians equal to the
task and capable of performing the functions described in the Contract. Surveying technicians shall
be capable of assisting Surveyors in manual tasks. Laboratory assistants shall be capable of
assisting the Engineer’s laboratory staff in manual tasks. Drivers provided for the Engineer’s site
vehicles shall have a valid driving license and driving experience suitable for the vehicles supplied.
Cleaning staff shall be capable of carrying out duties to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
(b) The Contractor shall provide soap and towels in the offices and laboratories of the Engineer, the
services of cleaners and sanitary staff, together with cleaning equipment, and day and night
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Engineers Establishment on Site
Final November 2004
Page 104-7

(c) The Contractor shall provide all assistance such as labourers, all tools and protective clothing,
wooden pegs, iron picks and pickets, water, cement and aggregate for concreting, transport for
labourers and materials, as may be required by the Engineer and his staff for checking, setting out,
surveying, measuring or testing the work.
(d) The Contractor shall include in his rates in the Bill of Quantities, the cost of all attendance upon the
Engineer and his staff.

104.8 Measurement and Payment

Pay Item 104 P1: Office Building Complete Including Furniture
Pay Item 104 P2: Laboratory Building Complete Including Furniture
The measurement of construction of the office and laboratory buildings shall be on square metres of plinth
area (including corridor and verandah) of the accommodation. Except for items detailed elsewhere in the
contract, the payment includes that of providing the necessary fittings, installations in accordance with the
details and the furniture, equipment and supplies given in the Contract.
Pay Item 104 P3: Items Measured and Paid for by the Lump Sum
The measurement of items listed below shall be in lump sum, equipment and supplies as listed in the
Pay Item 104 P3.1: Office Equipment as per Contract in lump sum
Pay Item 104 P3.2: Laboratory Equipment as per Contract in lump sum
Pay Item 104 P3.3: Provision of Total Station surveying instrument including targets and tripods
in lump supervision of photocopier including cost of stationary and other
supplies in lump sum
Pay Item 104 P3.4: Provision of computers, printer and software including cost of stationary in lump sum.
Payment at the lump sum tendered shall be in full compensation for providing the complete service or
installation and the use thereof including any fixed and usage charges payable to local or other authorities.
Pay Item 104 P4: Services
Provision of water, electricity, L.P gas, tanks, sewage and rubbish removal, cleaning services, all as specified in
Sub-Clause 104.5 and including the construction and maintenance of the access roads, footpaths, fencing, car
parks etc:
Pay Item 104 P4.1: Maintenance and Services for offices and laboratories in month
Payment of the lump sum tendered shall be in full compensation for providing the services specified.
Pay Item 104 P5: Vehicles for Engineer and His Staff
The unit of measurement shall be the number of vehicles as specified in the Contract, which are provided on
the Engineer's instructions.
Pay Item 104 P6: Provision of fuel and lubricants and the servicing, maintenance, and repair of
vehicles for the Engineer and his staff
The unit of measurement shall be the number of vehicles as specified in the Contract multiplied by the calendar
Pay Item 104 P 7: Attendance upon the Engineer and His Staff
Pay Item 104 P7.1: Driver for the Engineer's vehicles in man - month
Pay Item 104 P7.2: Chain man in man - month
Pay Item 104 P 8: Additional office and Laboratory Equipment Ordered by the Engineer
Pay Item 104 P8.1: Additional equipment in Provisional Sum (Prov. Sum).
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Final November 2004
Page 104-8

Pay Item 104 P8.2: Percentage on-cost to be invoiced in amounts for equipment supplied under
Pay Item 104 P8.1
Payment for Pay Item 104 P8.1 shall be the sum of the invoiced amounts for any additional equipment ordered
by the Engineer under this item.
Payment for Pay Item 104 P8.2 shall be the tendered percentage on-cost of the amount paid under Pay Item
104 P8.1
Pay Item 104 P9: Building, House Type, Complete Including Fixtures
Pay Item 104 P10: Building, Apartment Type, Complete Including Fixtures
Pay Item 104 P11: Motel Style Accommodation Complete Including Fixtures
The measurement of the residential accommodation shall be on the number of units leased or rented. Except
for items detailed elsewhere in the contract, the payment includes that of providing the necessary fittings,
installations and the furniture, equipment and supplies in accordance with the details given in the contract.
The work provided in this item shall be as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The Contract unit rate for leasing or
renting residential accommodation for Engineer/Employer supervisory staff shall include all the expenses for
the work described, supply of furniture and equipment, including provision of uninterrupted supply of water
and power.
Pay Item 104 P 12 Items measured by number
The unit of measurement shall be the authorised number of units supplied and installed, complete and in
accordance with the Specifications and Drawings together with all minor fittings, brackets, connections, leads,
mountings, etc.
(i) Air conditioning unit in (No.)
(ii) Heater in (No.)
(iii) Gas burners (including provision of gas installation) in (No.)
Pay Item 104 P 13 Services
Provision of water, electricity, LP gas, tanks, sewage and rubbish removal, cleaning services, all as specified in
this section and including the construction and maintenance of the access roads, footpaths, fencing, car parks
Pay Item 104 P13.1 Services for residential accommodation(s) in per month
Payment of the lump sum tendered items shall be in full compensation for providing the services specified
For lump sum items 80% of the amount shall be paid when the item is provided and fitted or installed to the
Engineer's satisfaction. A further 20% shall be paid when the accommodation(s) are accepted by the Engineer
and any and all minor works have been completed.
Payment for services provided under Pay Item 104 P3 and 104 P13 shall be made in four equal instalments,
when the value of the permanent work done has reached 25%, 50% and 75% of the Contract Amount. Final
payment will be made when all accommodation has been returned to the owner or otherwise has been
dismantled cleared or removed to the Engineers satisfaction.
Payment at bid unit rates for the various items of payment scheduled in this Division, shall be in full
compensation for providing, procuring, erecting or leasing, installing and/or fitting the item or service as may be
required or specified, for the use of the item or service including replacements when defective and all transport,
handling and other costs.
Payment for Pay Item 104 P 3 and 104 P13 shall be increased pro rata for the time it is required during any
extended time of construction for which extension of time has been granted.
Payment under Pay Item 104 P 5 shall be made in full in the payment certificate following the date of
handover of the vehicles to the Engineer.

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Final November 2004
Page 104-9


105.1 Scope
This Section of the specification covers all work necessary to provide for the safe movement of traffic and the
protection of persons and property through and/or around the work site for the duration of the project.
The extent of work includes the design, construction, maintenance and removal of temporary roadways and
sidetracks, the provision of traffic controllers, lights, barriers, ramps, signs, road markings, fences, detours,
and any other items required for the safe and easy passage of all public traffic and shall apply where any
public place or road is affected by the works. Unless otherwise specified all temporary traffic arrangements
required by works under the Contract are included under this Specification.
The Contractor must conform to the requirements of this Specification, and the drawings when planning and
carrying out traffic control and shall conduct all operations with the least possible obstruction and
inconvenience to the public. The Contractor shall have under construction no greater length or amount of
work than can be prosecuted properly with due regards to the rights of the public. To the extent possible, the
Contractor shall finish each section before beginning work on the next. In this regard the Contractor should
note that wherever the word 'should' occurs the word 'shall' applies and the required action is the
Contractor's responsibility.

105.2 General
APPROVED An arrangement of temporary signs and devices to warn traffic and guide
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC it through or past a work area or temporary hazard that has been
MANAGEMENT approved for use by the Engineer and the Employer
REGULATORY Any sign, signal, marking, or installation indicating an obligation to comply
TRAFFIC CONTROL with a legally enforceable instruction.
WORK AREA: The specific area where work is being done.
WORK SITE: An area which includes the work area(s) and any additional length of road
required for advance signing, tapers, side tracks or other areas needed
for associated purposes.
OBSTRUCTION: Any works or otherwise on or adjacent to an existing carriageway that
requires modification to the existing traffic control arrangements.
SIDE TRACK: A length of temporary pavement constructed for detour of traffic to allow
safe construction of the works.
DETOUR: Diversion of traffic on existing roadways because of obstruction of the
existing roadway required to facilitate safe construction of the works.
DELINEATION A barrier used to define hazards and guide traffic through the work site.
PHYSICAL BARRIER: A temporary safety barrier required to provide a strong physical barrier
between the travelled way and the work area.
(a) Install and maintain temporary traffic control devices adjacent to and within the project as required by
the traffic control plan, Clause 105.03, and the Engineer.
Install and maintain the traffic control devices as follows:
(i) Furnish and install traffic control devices before the start of construction operations;

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(ii) Install only those traffic control devices needed for each stage or phase;
(iii) Relocate temporary traffic control devices as necessary;
(iv) Remove devices that no longer apply to the existing conditions;
(v) Immediately replace any device that is lost, stolen, destroyed, or inoperative;
(vi) Keep temporary traffic control devices clean; and
(vii) Remove all temporary traffic control devices upon contract completion or when
(b) Traffic safety officer
The safety of the travelling public is of utmost importance and every effort must be made to ensure
that all road signs, barricades, delineators, flagmen and speed controls are maintained and effective
and that courtesy is extended to the public at all times.
The Contractor shall nominate a knowledgeable member of his staff on site who shall be the
responsible person for the arrangements and maintenance of all accommodation of traffic measures
required for the duration of the contract. The responsible person shall liaise daily with the Resident
Engineer in order to maintain proper traffic arrangements.
The traffic safety officer will be required to perform the following duties and this list shall not be
deemed to be comprehensive. He shall:
(i) be responsible for keeping the temporary traffic accommodation requirements up to
specification 24 hours a day 7 days a week;
(ii) compile and maintain a complete daily record of traffic signs installed and the traffic signs
sequence at each location during the execution of the contract;.
(iii) inspect and report to the Engineer on the state of all required road signs as often as the
Engineer may require but in any event not less than once a day or at such other intervals as
may be specified;
(iv) exercise control in terms of traffic safety over the safe movement of personnel, visitors
and plant on site including the wearing of high visibility clothing, the operation of amber
flicker lights, and the display and cleanliness of "construction vehicle" signs, all as
(v) be responsible for keeping all road signs and traffic cones clean and visible at all times.
The Contractor shall remove all bituminous and other foreign matter from road signs and
traffic cones or provide new road signs and traffic cones all at the Contractor's own cost,
and all as directed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer;
(vi) compile complete records of traffic accident scenes which are in any way connected with
construction activities, and draw up accident reports (including amongst others
(vii) attend to the training and performance of flagmen and all other personnel involved in the
control of traffic; and
(viii) attend to all complaints and claims from the public with regard to traffic safety and report
on such matters to the Engineer.
(c) Provision of Side Tracks
The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe and easy passage of public traffic past and/or over
sections of roads that he has occupied. The Contractor shall take the necessary care at all times in
his operations and use of his equipment to protect the public and to facilitate the flow of traffic.

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Where the Engineer determines that the existing road cannot remain in use by through traffic, the
Contractor shall provide details of a proposal for a bypass, to be included in a Temporary Traffic
Management Plan, for the approval of the Engineer before the construction Commences
(d) Minimum vertical clearance
The minimum vertical clearance over any portion of a bypass shall be 5.3 m
If the minimum clearance available is less than 5.3 m, the minimum clearance shall be indicated on
approved signs at approved locations on and in advance of the obstruction.

Hold Point 105.1

Process Held: Traffic Control by Traffic Controllers.

Submission Details: At least two (2) working days prior to proposed traffic control utilising
traffic controllers provide to the Engineer names of the proposed traffic
controllers and the training undertaken.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will consider the submitted document prior to authorising
the release of the Hold Point.

(e) Property and Survey Markers

Where possible, side tracks shall be constructed so as not to damage or displace property markers,
or original points, lines and levels of reference. In cases where this is not possible the Contractor
shall notify the Engineer in good time so that he may arrange to have these suitably referenced
before they are displaced.
(f) Avoidance of Interference

The Contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public, or,
the access and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public
or in the possession of the Employer or of others.
This shall include the safe and convenient passage for pedestrians and vehicles to and from
entrances and buildings at all times as detailed on the approved Temporary Traffic Management
Plan(s). Temporary connections to intersecting roadways shall be provided and maintained as
necessary. Any areas of excavation adjacent to pedestrian and vehicular accesses shall be suitably
fenced and sign posted.

Prior to the commencement of construction the Contractor shall provide written notice to all traders
and occupants of adjacent properties where access to or from those properties is affected by the
works to be undertaken.

Short term incidental works which affect the use of side roads, vehicular and pedestrian access shall
not be undertaken without providing adequate alternative provisions in accordance with this

No separate payment shall be made for the provision and maintenance of such access and facilities.

105.3 Temporary Traffic Management Plan

The Contractor shall obtain all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities for temporary traffic
arrangements except where specified otherwise.
At least five working days prior to undertaking any work which would involve any obstruction whatsoever to
traffic, the Contractor shall prepare and submit Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s) to the Engineer for
endorsement. When endorsed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall proceed.

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Where the approved Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s) involve regulatory traffic control devices, the
Contractor shall forward copies of the approved plans to the local traffic police so that such traffic regulations
may be enforced.
The Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s) shall include:
(a) Design drawings for any temporary roadways and sidetracks in accordance with Clause 105.11
showing pavement, wearing surface and drainage details;
(b) Details of arrangements for construction under traffic; and
(c) A signpost layout plan showing:
(i) location, size and legend of all temporary signs;
(ii) temporary regulatory signs and temporary speed zones; and
(iii) all traffic control devices such as temporary traffic signals, road marking, pavement
reflectors, guideposts, safety barrier systems, barrier boards etc.
Special consideration shall be given in the preparation of the Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s)
to the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and workers. Particular care shall be taken when requiring
reversal of traffic flows or the separation of unidirectional flow by medians or other physical
Where Temporary Traffic Management Plans are included as part of the drawings, they shall be
used as the basis for preparation of Temporary Traffic Management Plans
No extension of time will be granted or allowed relative to any delay associated with the obtaining of
the necessary approvals unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Engineer that all necessary
steps have been taken by the Contractor within the specified timeframe.

Hold Point 105.2

Process Held: Work which would involve any obstruction whatsoever to traffic.

Submission Details: At least 5 working days prior to undertaking any work which would
involve any obstruction whatsoever to traffic, the Contractor shall
prepare and submit Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s) to the
Engineer for endorsement.
Release of Hold Point: On return by the Engineer to the Contractor of a copy of the Temporary
Traffic Management Plan(s) authorising the release of the Hold Point.

105.4 Construction of Temporary Traffic Diversions

(a) General
Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to
design, construct and operate any side tracks, detours or obstructions to traffic, to maintain these in
good condition, to remove these when finished and restore the area to match existing or as required
by the Contract.

Where an arrangement for a side track, detour or obstruction is specified or shown on the drawings,
and the Contractor chooses to utilise that arrangement, this in no way relieves the responsibility of
the Contractor with respect to the adequacy in all respects of the design, construction and operation
of any side track, detour or obstruction.

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(b) Side Tracks

(i) Design Standards
Where sidetracks, not detailed on the approved Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s)
are proposed, the standard of alignment and grading adopted shall be in accordance with
the current best practice for the geometric design of rural roads and road intersections
and to the approval of the Engineer.

Table 105.3

Unless otherwise approved, pavements shall be at least 6 4m wide with appropriate shoulders and widening
as necessary at horizontal curves. The minimum design speed of 40 km/h shall be adopted unless
otherwise approved.
Process Held: Construction of temporary side tracks not detailed on the approved
Temporary Traffic Management Plan(s).

Submission Details: At least ten (10) working days prior to the proposed construction of the
side track, the Contractor shall submit the design of the temporary side
track for assessment by the Engineer.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will review the design for compliance with the relevant
standards prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point.

(ii) Surfacing
Provide a wearing surface of a standard suitable for the traffic using the road being side
The wearing surface type and pavement design shall be in accordance with the drawings
or approved Traffic management Plan. It shall be firm, even and skid resistant under all
weather conditions and shall be designed to remain sound for the duration of its use.
The wearing surface widths shall extend across the full width of the traffic lanes and
The wearing surface shall be carried onto any existing connecting roadway so as to finish
square to the existing roadway centreline.
For deviations expected to operate for less than forty-eight (48) hours, the requirement for
sealing may be waived subject to the employment of dust control measures.
Provide line marking, delineation and safety barriers in accordance with the approved
Traffic Management Plan

105.5 Traffic Control Devices

REGULATORY Any sign, signal, marking, or installation indicating an obligation to comply
TRAFFIC CONTROL with a legally enforceable instruction.
This work consists of furnishing, maintaining, relocating, and removing temporary traffic control devices and
services as ordered for the control and protection of public traffic through the project.
(a) Construction Requirements
(i) Install and maintain temporary traffic control devices adjacent to and within the project as
required by the traffic control plan, Section 105.03
(ii) Install and maintain traffic control devices as follows:
- Furnish and install traffic control devices before the start of construction
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- Install only those traffic control devices needed for each stage or phase;
- Relocate temporary traffic control devices as necessary; and
- Remove devices that no longer apply to the existing conditions.
(iii) Immediately replace any device that is lost, stolen, destroyed, or inoperative.
(iv) Keep temporary traffic control devices clean.
(v) Furnish and maintain traffic control devices that meet an appropriate Quality Standard for
Work Zone Traffic Control Devices and are approved by the Engineer as such.
(vi) Repair or remove and replace "marginal" devices within 48 hours.
(vii) Repair or remove and replace "unacceptable" devices immediately.
(viii) Remove all temporary traffic control devices upon contract completion or when approved
to do so.
(b) Delineation Barriers
Barricades shall comply with all statutorily required road signage requirements and shall be
constructed of lightweight commercial quality materials as approved by the Engineer.
Trestles supporting barrier boards shall be constructed of metal, sawn timber or other suitable
materials and shall be yellow. Trestles shall serve as firm support for the barrier board but the bases
of the trestles shall not protrude beyond the ends of the boards. The trestles shall be kept in place by
sandbags or other suitable means.
Tapes, mesh fencing, interconnected lightweight units and bollard fences may all be used as
delineation barriers.

(c) Physical Barriers

Where physical barriers are required to undertake safe construction of the works they shall be
designed with regard to the relevant Legislation.
Their intent is to prevent vehicles leaving the permitted lanes and may consist of movable barriers of
approved construction for separating two opposite traffic streams, or ordinary guardrails
(i) Temporary Concrete Barriers

Furnish temporary concrete barriers. Used barriers may be used provided they are not
badly damaged. Lifting holes no larger than 100 mm or lifting loops are permitted.
Individual sections may vary in length. Connect sections so they do not separate when
struck by a vehicle. Mount 80 mm minimum dimension white or yellow retro reflectors, as
applicable, to the top or side of the barrier on 7.6 metre centers. Mount the retro reflectors
at a uniform height at least 600 mm above the pavement surface.
(ii) Channelisation Devices and Barricades
Channelisation devices shall include delineators, cones, barricades, guardrails, barriers,
road studs or road markings, or any appropriate combination of these devices.
(d) Traffic Signals
Traffic Signals for the control of traffic, either portable or temporary, may be used as described

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(i) Portable Traffic Signals for Controlling Traffic

Portable traffic signals may be used for shuttle control where a single lane has to be used
alternately by traffic from opposite directions or at road crossings or intersections. They
are intended for relatively short-term applications.
(ii) Temporary Fixed Traffic Signals
Temporary fixed traffic signals may be used for long-term shuttle operations or for non-
shuttle control of intersecting traffic flows.
(e) Warning Lamps
Warning lamps shall be of robust construction and shall be capable complying with a reasonable
level of Photometric performance for the intended application.
When steady-burn warning lights are installed on barricades or drums and used in a series for
delineation, use flashing warning lights on the first 2 barricades or drums in the series. Mount
batteries for warning lights a maximum of 300 mm from ground or roadway surface as measured to
top of the battery casing.
(f) Traffic Guidance Flaps and Cones
Cones or flaps shall not be used as a substitute for barriers and signs at any location within the work
Traffic guidance cones shall not be left in position at night unless there is a watchman in attendance
who can reposition cones dislodged by traffic. Otherwise they shall be removed and replaced with
flaps or barriers. Flaps fixed to the pavement may be left in position at night.
Traffic guidance cones to be used at night shall be reflectorised.

105.6 Temporary Drainage Works

Drainage shall be provided so as to prevent water flowing over the road in any storm of intensity less than 1
in 5 year occurrence. No temporary formation shall be constructed so as to dam water at any time.
Pavements must be designed and constructed so as not to pond any water at any point.
The Contractor shall construct the necessary temporary drainage works such as side drains, catch water
drains, mitre drains, culverts, etc, to deal adequately with any surface run-off.
Temporary culverts of the type and size required by the Engineer shall be installed on existing drainage
channels wherever required by the Engineer. Any damage caused to temporary deviations on account of
temporary culverts being unable to cope with floods effectively shall be repaired.
Drainage structures and drains shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 200 and 610 of this
Subsurface drainage shall be installed where the risk and consequence of side track pavement failure due to
subsurface moisture is considered by the Engineer to be high.
Payment for the construction of temporary culverts will be made under the appropriate items provided in this
section and payment for the construction of the other drainage works for temporary deviations and for the
maintenance of all drainage works shall be included in the rates tendered for item 105P1: Accommodating
traffic and maintaining temporary deviations.

105.7 Earthworks for New Traffic Diversions

The Contractor shall perform all necessary clearing and grubbing, which shall include the removal and
disposal of all trees, bushes, vegetation, rubbish, fences and all other material that in the opinion of the
Engineer is superfluous.

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The Contractor shall shape and grade the earthworks for the traffic diversion so as to make full use of all
material that can be obtained from alongside the diversion, from the side cuts or from the immediate vicinity
of the works.
If sufficient material cannot be obtained in this manner he shall import material from other sources.
Where necessary, cuttings shall be carried out in such a manner as to obtain a satisfactory vertical alignment.
Where the sub grade is not sufficiently dense in its natural state, it shall be scarified to a depth of 200 mm,
mixed, watered, and compacted to 90% density according to ACCRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA
Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) .
Any fills which may be necessary for any reason, eg for the construction of fords, shall be constructed and
compacted by the Contractor as described above. Wherever possible, fords shall be constructed from rock
fill or coarse material so as to limit, in so far as is possible, damage caused by floodwaters. The Contractor
shall construct cuttings where required. When the earthworks for temporary deviations as described in
clause 105.07 have been completed, those sections of the temporary deviations and of existing gravel roads
used as temporary diversions, as indicated by the Engineer, shall be provided with a wearing course of
suitable gravel approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide, spread, water, mix and compact such material to 93% of AACRA Test S-11
(ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density.
If gravel shoulders are to be used for the accommodation of traffic and if the existing shoulders are unsafe
for traffic, the shoulders shall be reconstructed as specified. All grass and other superfluous vegetation shall
be bladed from the surface. Approved gravel material shall be imported from the road reserve or from borrow
pits. The material shall be spread, watered, mixed and compacted to 93% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division
802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density in layers of the specified thickness.

105.8 Use of Existing Roads for Temporary Traffic Diversions

Where existing roads are to be used as temporary diversions, the Contractor shall, after consultation with the
owner or authority having control of such road, carry out any repairs, alterations or additions to such roads
as may be required to bring them to a condition suitable for the diversion of traffic.
(a) Bitumen Surfaced Temporary Diversions
Where required in the project specifications or by the Engineer, temporary diversions shall be
provided with bituminous surfacing in accordance with the requirements of Division 402, or as may
be prescribed by the Engineer.
(b) Gravel Temporary Diversions and Existing Gravel Roads
All gravel temporary deviations and existing gravel roads used as temporary diversions shall be
maintained by the Contractor in a safe trafficable condition. Whenever required by the Engineer, the
roads and temporary diversions shall be bladed by means of self-propelled road graders to provide a
smooth riding surface free from corrugations. All potholes shall be repaired immediately.
The Engineer may also instruct the Contractor to water the temporary diversions to keep down dust
or to facilitate the proper blading of the surface. All drainage works shall be maintained in a good
working order.
The blading of surfaces of temporary diversions and the application of gravel and water shall be
measured and paid for separately, but all other maintenance shall be - deemed to be included in the
rate tendered for item 105.01: Accommodating traffic and maintaining temporary - diversions.

105.9 Maintenance of Gravel and Bitumen Surfaced Traffic Diversions

(a) Maintenance of Gravel Traffic Diversions
All gravel temporary diversions and existing gravel roads used as temporary diversions shall be
maintained by the Contractor in a safe trafficable condition. Whenever required by the Engineer, the
roads and temporary diversions shall be bladed by means of self-propelled road graders to provide a
smooth riding surface free from corrugations. All potholes shall be repaired immediately.
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The Engineer may also instruct the Contractor to water the temporary diversions to keep down dust
or to facilitate the proper blading of the surface. All drainage works shall be maintained in a good
working order.
The blading of surfaces of temporary diversions and the application of gravel and water shall be
measured and paid for separately, but all other maintenance shall be - deemed to be included in the
rate tendered for item 105P1: Accommodating traffic and maintaining temporary - diversions.
(b) Maintenance of Bituminous Surfaced Temporary Diversions
All temporary diversions with bituminous surfacing and existing gravel roads with bituminous surfacing
used by public traffic bypassing construction shall be maintained in a good and - safe trafficable
condition for the entire period during which such roads are used. Maintenance shall include:
(i) patching and repair of the bituminous surfacing and the clearing of shoulders;
(ii) clearing of all drains, including culvert inlet and outlet drains, and other incidentals and,
unless otherwise specified in the project specifications; and
(iii) care and maintenance of all road markings, road signs, delineators and guardrails.
The cost of all maintenance to temporary diversions with bituminous surfacing shall be included under the
provision sum – tendered in pay item 105P1. Accommodating traffic and maintaining temporary deviations,
except for the cost of repairs to the bituminous surfacing and pavement, shall be paid for separately under
pay item 105P10

105.10 The Contractors Use of Traffic Diversions

The Contractor shall have the Employer’s approval to use public roads, including temporary diversions open
to public traffic, but where the Contractor’s own traffic causes excessive damage or wear to such roads or
constitutes a condition hazardous to public traffic, the Engineer shall have the right to regulate the
Contractor's traffic over such temporary diversions and require the Contractor to provide, at his own cost,
such maintenance, including wearing-course gravel and watering, as in the Engineer's opinion will be
necessary in addition to that which would be required to maintain the temporary diversions properly when not
used by the Contractor's construction traffic.

105.11 Obstructions and Side Tracks

B OBSTRUCTION: Any works or otherwise on or adjacent to an existing carriageway that requires
modification to the existing traffic control arrangements.
SIDE TRACK: A length of temporary pavement constructed for detour of traffic to allow safe
construction of the works.
(a) Provide a wearing surface of a standard suitable for the traffic using the road being side tracked.
(b) The wearing surface type and pavement design shall be in accordance with the drawings or
approved Traffic Management Plan. It shall be firm, even and skid resistant under all weather
conditions and shall be designed to remain sound for the duration of its use.
The wearing surface widths shall extend across the full width of the traffic lanes and shoulders. The
wearing surface shall be carried onto any existing connecting roadway so as to finish square to the
existing roadway centreline.
For diversions expected to operate for less than 48 hours, the requirement for sealing may be
waived subject to the employment of dust control measures.
Provide line marking, delineation and safety barriers in accordance with the approved Traffic
Management Plan.

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Table 105.4
Process Held: Opening of side tracks to traffic (including portable or temporary traffic
signals sites)

Submission Details: At least 2 working days prior to proposed opening of the side track
provide notice that work is conforming and ready for inspection.

Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will inspect the site for compliance with the specification
prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point.

(c) Safety Barriers

Safety barrier systems in accordance with the approved Temporary Traffic Management Plan shall
be erected on all temporary embankments where the slope of embankment is steeper than 25% and
vertical height between the edge of the shoulder Opening of Side Track to Traffic and the
intersection of the embankment batter slope and natural surface exceeds 2 m.

(d) Opening of Side Track to Traffic

All sign posting, pavement marking, safety barriers and traffic control devices shall be completed
before the opening of sidetracks to traffic.
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, sections of existing roadway being replaced shall not
be disturbed for at least 2 days after opening a sidetrack to traffic, in the event that failure of the
temporary roadway or detour occurs traffic is to be redirected back onto the existing roadway.
The need to redirect traffic shall be determined by the Engineer. The costs associated with the
redirection of traffic back onto the existing roadway shall be borne by the Contractor.
(e) Maintenance
The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of sidetracks and shall ensure the road
surface is kept safe for traffic. Any potholes or other failures shall be repaired without delay.
(f) Obstructions
Where a sidetrack or a detour is not provided or available, then construction under or adjacent to
traffic may be permitted subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Operation and control of obstructions in existing carriageways shall be planned in accordance with
the requirements laid down by the AACRA who shall give specific guidance as to the minimum
requirements for arrangement and placement of warning devices for lane closure(s) and single lane
operations in various circumstances.
In the absence of specific guidance by the AACRA, the Engineer shall decide the arrangement and
placing of warning devices.
(g) Unless specified or approved otherwise the following further requirements shall apply:
Single lane operation will not be permitted at night or at times when work is not in progress.
In all cases of single lane operation, the minimum lane width shall be 3.2 m
On multi-lane roads, closure of more than one lane in the direction of peak traffic flow will not be
permitted during peak periods. At least one lane shall be left open for traffic travelling in the direction
opposite to the peak flow.
Where it is noted on the drawings that the simultaneous closure of several lanes of a multi-lane road
would cause undue disruption to traffic, then all or part of the work concerned shall be done during
off-peak periods, at weekends or at night.
The Contractor shall ensure the carriageway(s) is restored to a safe and trafficable state for through
traffic prior to cessation of work each day.

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All permanent sign posting, pavement markings, safety barriers and traffic signals where required
under the Contract shall be completed or reinstated prior to opening completed work to traffic.

105.12 Removal of Temporary Works

(a) Upon completion of the Work the temporary roadways and/or detour arrangements shall be removed
and the area restored in the following manner:
(i) within the area of the permanent works - finish as specified;
(ii) areas outside the permanent works which were formerly developed in any way - shall be
reinstated to a condition equivalent to that which existed at commencement of the Contract;
(iii) undeveloped areas outside the permanent works - reinstate as specified for “Dry-land

105.13 Measurement and Payment

Performance of work prescribed in this division is not payable directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary
obligation of the Contractor and covered under the contract unit price for performance of work done under
the various sections.

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106.1 Scope
This Division describes the procedures, to be followed in the normal course of acceptance that shall be duly
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer to justify the acceptance of the work and issue of the final
payment certificate.
Similarities in documentation between FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction as the principal
document and the Ministry of Infrastructure Standard Conditions of Contract for Construction of Civil Work
Projects have been outlined within brackets in italics. (MoI)

106.2 Certificate of Taking Over (Completion of Works)

106.2.1 Time for Completion
The Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works, and each section (if any) within the Time for
Completion for the Works or Section (as the case may be) including:
(a) achieving the passing of the Tests on Completion, and
(b) completing all work described under Sub-Clause 106.2.2 as being required for the Works or Section
to be considered completed for the purposes of taking over.

106.2.2 Limit of outstanding works

The following sections of the works shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer to justify the issue
of a Certificate of Taking Over (Certificate of Completion of Works) in terms of Sub Clause 10.1 of the
General Conditions of Contract for Construction (FIDIC) ( Clause 48(1):Conditions of Contract-MoI) :

(a) The gravel wearing course, seals, asphalt or concrete pavement;

(b) all above-ground and subsoil drainage structures;

(c) all fencing;
(d) the finishing-off of medians and slopes of cuts and fills;
(e) all the necessary road signs and road-surface markings;
(f) all guardrails;
(g) all structures; and
(h) the finishing-off of all borrow pits.

106.2.3 Employers Taking Over (Clause 48(1) Certification of Completion of

(a) Except in the case of the failure of the Contractor’s work to pass tests on completion, the Works shall
be taken over by the Employer when:
(i) the Works have been completed in accordance with the Contract, including the matters
described in Sub-Clause 106.2.1 and, except, as allowed in Sub-Clause 106.2.3(b)(i)
below, and,
(ii) a Taking Over Certificate for the Works has been issued, or is deemed to have been
issued in accordance with this Sub-Clause.

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The Contractor may apply by notice to the Engineer for a Taking-Over Certificate
(Certificate of Completion) not earlier than fourteen days before the Works will, in the
Contractor’s opinion, be complete and ready for taking over. If the Works are divided into
sections, the Contractor may similarly apply for a Taking Over Certificate for each section.

106.2.4 Final Inspection and Acceptance

(a) The Engineer will not make the final inspection until the physical work required by the Contract,
including final cleanup and all extra work ordered by the Engineer, has been completed.
(b) The Contractor must perform all the obligations under the contract before a final completion date and
the issue of a Performance Certificate can occur.
(c) It must be noted by the Contractor that the performance of the Contractors obligations will not be
considered to have been completed until the Engineer has issued the Performance Certificate to the
Contractor stating the date on which the Contractor completed his obligations under the Contract
(d) The Engineer will issue a Performance Certificate within twenty eight days after the latest of the
expiry dates of the Defects Notification Periods (Clause 49(1)-Definition of Period of Maintenance),
or as soon thereafter as the Contractor has supplied all the Contractors Documents and completed
and tested all the Works, including remedying any defects.
(e) Within twenty one days of receiving his copy of the Performance Certificate, the Employer will return
the Performance Security.
(f) Should the Engineer reject the application, he shall do so giving reasons and specifying the work
required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Performance Certificate to be issued.

The Contractor shall then complete this work before issuing a further notice to the Engineer.

106.3 Final Certificate

106.3.1 Statement at Completion
Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate (Clause 62(1) Maintenance Certificate) for the
Works the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a Statement at Completion (Clause 51(5)-Claims,) with
the following supporting documents.
(a) the value of work done in accordance with the Contract up to the date stated in the Taking-Over
Certificate for the Works;
(b) any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due; and
(c) an estimate of any other amounts which the Contractor considers will become due to him under the

106.3.2 Application for Final Payment Certificate

Within 56 days after receiving the Performance Certificate (issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 of the General
Conditions of Contract for Construction (FIDIC) the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a draft final
statement with the following supporting documents. (Clause 60(6)-Final Account)
(a) the value of all work done in accordance with the Contract; and
(b) any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him under the Contract or otherwise.
If the Engineer disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the draft final statement, the Contractor
shall submit such further information as the Engineer may reasonably require.
(c) Final acceptance shall not constitute acceptance of any unauthorised or defective work or material.
The Employer shall not be barred from requiring the Contractor to remove, replace, repair, or

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Acceptance of Work
Final November 2004
Page 106-2

dispose of any unauthorised or defective work or material or from recovering damages for any such
work or material.
Failure of the Contractor to perform all the obligations under the contract shall not bar the Employer
from unilaterally accepting the contract however failure to perform any of the obligations under the
contract by the Contractor may be held by the Engineer to be adequate reason for recommending
the withholding of payments until compliance is achieved.

106.3.3 Discharge
When submitting the Final Statement, the Contractor shall submit a written discharge which confirms that the
total of the Final Statement represents full and final settlement of all moneys due to the Contractor under or
in connection with the Contract.
Within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge, the Engineer will issue to the
Employer the Final Payment Certificate.

106.3.4 Cessation of Employers Liability (Clause 62(2)-Cessation of Employer’s

The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing under or in connection with the
Contract or the execution of the Works, except to the extent that the Contractor shall have included an
amount expressly for it:
(a) in the Final Statement and also
(b) (except for matters or things arising after the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works) in the
Statement at completion described in Sub-Clause 106.3.1
However, this Sub-Clause shall not limit the Employer’s liability under his indemnification obligations, or the
Employers liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the Employer.

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Acceptance of Work
Final November 2004
Page 106-3

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