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There are two kinds of articles, namely DEFINITE and INDIFINITE ARTICLES. “The” is called
the definite article. “An/A” is called the indefinite article.


1. The use of “a/an”

- “a” is used before a word beginning with a consonant, or a vowel with
consonant sound.
Examples: a man, a hat, a university, a European reputation, a one-way

I have my study at a University in Depok area.

- “an” is used before words beginning with a vowel (a,I,u,e,o) or words

beginning with a mute “h”
Examples: an apple, an island, an uncle, an hour etc
- “an” is also used before words with individual letter with vowel sounds.
Examples: an L-plate, an SMP, an SMA student, an SOS etc
- “a/an” is used before a singular noun which is uncountable
Examples: I need a visa
They live in a flat
- “a/an” is used with a noun complement. This include names of profession
Examples: It was an earthquake
She’ll be a dancer
He is an actor
- “a/an” is used in a certain expression of quantity
Examples: a lot of, a couple etc

2. Omission of “a/an”
- “a/an” is not used before plural nouns. So the plural form of a cat and of an
egg is eggs.
- “a/an” is not used before uncountable nouns
Examples: water, milk, etc
- “a/an” is not used before the names of meals, except when they are
preceded by an adjectives
Examples: We have breakfast at eight
He gave us a good breakfast


1. The use of “the”

- “the” is used for the singular and plural and for all gender.
Examples: the boy, the girl, the days, the toys
My mom bought me a new toy. I love playing with the new toy.

- “the” is used when the object or groups is unique or considered to be unique

Examples: the sky, the sea, the stars etc
- “the” is used before a noun which has become definite or as result of being
mentioned a second time
Examples: This car struck a tree, you can still see the mark on the tree
- “the” is used before the superlative degree and words such as only. First,
second etc
Examples: the first week, the best day, the only way
- “the” is used before adjectives represents the class itself
Examples: the old = old people in general
The lion is a wild animal
- “the” is used before certain proper names of seas, rivers, group of island etc
Examples: the City, the Mall, the Sudan, the Yemen etc
- “the” is used before other proper names consisting of adjectives + noun or
noun + of + noun
Examples: the National Gallery, the Tower of London
- “the” is used before names for familiar persons or objects in the home and
the community
Examples: He walked into the house and hung his coat in the closet

2. The omission of “the”

The definite article is not used:
-before names of games
Examples: He plays golf
He plays tennis

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