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Reflection: A Million Hallelujahs

Sometime, to say the least, I am dissatisfied with the life I live, I often wonder my purpose

and I ask myself, “is my existence truly worthy?”. Every time I feel the storm and the emptiness

inside, somehow, I long for someone who would guide me to the right path and walk with me

through my darkness. Cliché to say, I found all that in Jesus Christ. I was inspired to write our

poem that explains the greatness of our Lord, Jesus Christ; and honestly, words cannot describe

how amazing He is and His radical love for us. Jesus deserves a lifetime of worship and praise.

That is why my group and I are honored to create a composition dedicated to Him. Each line

expresses our sentimental thoughts, appreciation and our deep devotion for him.

The first and second stanza is about the centrality of Jesus Christ in our lives, the

happiness, and blessings that we receive in His unending grace, and the Christian ethics. On the

third and fourth stanza, it expresses about the current issues that majority of us faces today, but

despite all those touches of melancholy we tend to redeem ourselves to become the best version

of ourselves for our God. Lastly, the fifth and sixth paragraph expresses about us, the future

pharmacist or a medical practitioner who will try to become victorious to at least bring the favor

back to God, as he showered us with blessings to become a blessing to others. We also stated

to never forget our roots, and the reason why we are living and successful today that it is because

of Him.

What a beautiful love is all I can say. Since I grew up in a Sunday school, I can share all

the great stories that led Him up to the Calvary. But ask me why He loves me, then again it couldn’t

be expressed by mere words because his love for us is unconditional and surreal. He is everything

to me He’s more than this poem. I want to share this composition about Jesus So that someone

else might hear how great is our God.

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