Kimia Analisis: Kelas D Teknik Kimia 2019

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Disusun oleh:

Dida Imanuel Noviar (NIM: 21030119120012)

Imam Fauzi (NIM: 21030119130154)
Moh. Reza Fahlefi (NIM: 21030119120044)
M. Yusa’ (NIM: 21030119120016)
Hal. 187 Nomor 55

The combined weight of LiOH, KOH, and Ba(OH)2 in a mixture is 0,5000 gram, and 25,44 ml of
0,5000 N acid are required for neutalization. The same amount of material with CO2 gives a
precipitate of BaCO3 that when filtered is found to require 5,27 ml of the above acid for
neutralization. Calculate the weights of LiOH, KOH, Ba(OH)2 in the original sample !

Diketahui :

N asam = 0,5000 N, V asam = 25,44 ml, massa campuran LiOH, KOH, Ba(OH)2 = 0,5000 gram

Asam 5,27 ml dengan kenormalan sama dititrasi dengan Ba(OH)2 menghasilkan endapan BaCO3

Ditanyakan :

Massa LiOH, KOH, Ba(OH)2

Jawaban :

Misalkan, x = massa LiOH, y = massa KOH, z = massa Ba(OH)2

1 Mencari massa Ba(OH)2

= N asam. V asam
 BM Ba  OH 2 
 
 2 

= 0,5000 . 5,27
(137,34  2.16  2.1).103

= 2,635
0, 08567

z = 0,226 gram

2 Mencari massa LiOH & KOH

x + y + z = 0,5000

x + y + 0,226 = 0,5000

x+y = 0,274

x = 0,274 - y (I)
x y z
  = N asam. V asam
BM Ba  OH 2 
1 1 2

x y
 + 2,635 = 0,5000 .25,44
(6,939  16  1).10 (39,102  16  1).10 3
1 1

x y
 = 12,72 - 2,635
0, 023939 0, 056102

 0, 056102 x  0, 023939 y 
= 10,085 (II)
0, 001343

Subtitusi (I) ke (II)

0,056102(0,274 -y) + 0,023939y = 0,013544

0,01537 - 0,056102y + 0,023939y = 0,013544

0,001826 = 0,032163y

y = 0,0567 gram

x = 0,274 - 0,0567 = 0,217 gram

Jadi massa LiOH = 0,217 gram , massa KOH = 0,0567 gram , massa Ba(OH)2 = 0,226 gram
Hal. 166 no. 481

How many millilitres of normal sodium hydroxide solution are required to neutralize 5 ml of (a)
N HCl, (b) N/2 HCl, (c) N/5 H2SO4 (d) N/5 HCl?

Diketahui : N NaOH = 1 N

Ditanya : berapa banyak larutan NaOH untuk menetralisasi 5 ml dari (a) N HCl, (b) N/2

HCl, (c) N/5 H2SO4 (d) N/5 HCl?

Jawab : (a) N1 . V1 = N2 . V2 (c) N1 . V1 = N2 . V2

N . V1 = N . 5 N . V1 = N . 5
V1 = 2,5 ml V1 = 5 ml

(b) N1 . V1 = N2 . V2 (d) N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
N . V1 = N/5 . 5 N . V1 = N/5 . 5
V1 = 1 ml V1 = 1 ml

Hal. 205 No. 592

A sample of sodium carbonate containing sodium hydroxide and only inert impurities weighs
1,197 grams . It is dissolved and titrated in the cold with phenolphthalein as the indicator. The
solution turns colorless when 48,16 ml of 0,2976 N HCl have been added. Methyl orange is
added , and 24,08 ml more of the acid are required for complete neutralization.Calculate the
percentages of NaOH and Na2CO3 in the sample!


N HCl = 0,2976 N , m sampel = 1,197 gram , V PP = 48,16 ml , V MO = 24,08 ml


% NaOH & % Na2CO3

( V.N ) HCl .BM NaOH
% NaOH = . 100%
m sampel .valensi

( 24,08 .10−3 .0,2976 ) 40

= . 100%
1,197 .1

= 23,95 %
( V.N ) HCl .BM Na2CO3
% Na2CO3 = . 100%
m sampel .valensi
( 48,16 .10^−3 .0,2976 ) 106
= . 100%
1,197 .2

= 63,46 %

Hal. 228 No. 638

If 25,0 ml of ferrous sulfate solution in sulfutic acid require 31,25 ml of 0,100 N K2Cr2O7
solution for oxidation, how much water must be added to 200 ml of the reducing solition to make
it exactly one-twentieth normal?

Diketahui :

N K2Cr2O7 = 0,1 N, V K2Cr2O7 = 31,25 ml, V FeSO4 = 25 ml

V1 FeSO4 = 200 ml, N2 FeSO4 = N = 0,05 N

Ditanyakan :

V1 FeSO4?

Jawaban :

V FeSO4 . N FeSO4 = V K2Cr2O7 . N K2Cr2O7

31,25 .0,1
N FeSO4 = N = 0,125 N

V1 FeSO4 . N1 FeSO4 = V2 FeSO4. N2 FeSO4

200 . 0,125
V2 FeSO4 = = 500 ml

Volume pertambahan air = V2 FeSO4 – V1 FeSO4 = 500 - 200 = 300 ml

Hal. 238 No. 688

A solution of sodium thiosufate is freshly prepared, and 48,00 ml are required to titrate the iodine
liberated from an excess of KI solution by 0,3000 gram of pure KIO3. What are the normality of
the thiosulfate and its value in terms of iodine?

Diketahui :

V Na2S2O3 = 48 ml, m KIO3 = 0,3 gram

Ditanyakan :

N & m thiosufate

Jawaban :

IO3- + 6I- + 6H+ 3I2 + I- + 3H2O

m KIO3 .ek
V Na2S2O3 . N Na2S2O3 =

0,3 .6
0,048 . N Na2S2O3 =

N Na2S2O3 = 0,1752 N

N Na2S2O3 .V Na2S2O3 . BM Na2S2O3


0,1752 .0,048 .158

= = 0,664 gram

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