Morocco Bac English Test

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English Test : (1)

Exercise 1: Prefixes and Suffixes

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets: (10p)

1-When you start speaking ……………… you can never find anyone around you. (DULL)

2-Some TV shows are totally ………………… for children. They mustn't watch them. (SUITABLE)

3-Everybody enjoys the companionship of ……………….. people. (HUMOUR)

4- ………….. of speech and belief is extremely important for the health of an individual. (FREE)

5- ……………….. is an adventurous person who likes long walk. (HIKE)

6-Gary and Kara like to spend a lot of time at the …………….. center. (FIT)

7-My best friend and I talk …………… many times. (PRIVATE)

8-If you talk to people ……….. you can offend them and they may even react aggressively. (FIERCE)

9-Beckham is very famous and he has thousands of ………………. .(ADMIRE)

10-Some people enjoy ……………. sports like climbing and canyoning. (RISK)

Exercise 2: Gerund or Infinitive

Use the verbs in brackets to fill the gaps: (10p)

1 We arranged _____________ under the station clock at half nine. (to meet )
2 I always try to avoid _____________ him whenever I can. (to see )
3 I long _____________ in Scotland again. (to be )
4 My Mum demanded _____________ the manager. (to see )
5 My brother denied _____________ my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. (to eat )
6 I tried _____________ but I just couldn't. (to understand )
7 In the end I gave up _____________ to persuade her. (to try )
8 Charlie was pretending _____________ a chicken. (to be )
9 They chose _____________ in a cheap hotel but spend more money on meals. (to stay)
10 We like Galicia so much that we keep _____________ back there. (to go )
11 He deserves _____________ severely punished. (to be )
12 When we visit my aunt, they expect me _____________ on my best behavior. (to be )
s13 I didn't mean _____________ her feelings. I'm really sorry. (to hurt )
14 I always put off _____________ my homework until the last possible moment. (to do )
15 He goes on _____________ me the same thing over and over again. (to tell )
16 I can't stand _____________ in the queue at the baker's. (to wait )
17 The firemen managed _____________ the fire pretty quickly. (to put out )
18 I never risk _____________ through that part of town. (to go )
19 Clare offered _____________ me to the airport, which was very kind of her. (to take )
20 Dad threatened _____________ my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. (to stop )
Exercise 3: Wishes and Regrets

Rewrite these sentences using ´I wish/If only ´: (16p)

1. I don´t know many people.

2. I can´t give up smoking.

3. I haven´t got enough money for the concert.

4. George isn´t here.

5. It´s cold and I hate this weather.

6. I´m sorry because Tina can´t come to my party.

7. He was driving very fast when he had the accident.

8. I have to work tomorrow and I´d like to stay in bed.

9. My car is broken and I don´t know anything about cars.

10. My husband didn't remember to bring his credit card with him on holiday.

11. I should have travelled more when I was young.

12. He was driving very fast when he had the accident.

13. I hate it when you drive fast in the city.

14. It's a pity I didn't bring my camera with me.

15. I would like to go out more at the weekend.

16. He keeps arriving late for class. It's getting on my nerves.

Exercise 4: Functions

Match the following sentences with their functional meaning: (6p)

Expressions Answers Functi

1 - I apologize for that 1- A - DISAGREEING
2 - If only Tom stopped being absent from school 2- B - AGREEING
3 - I don't share your view. He is a good boy. 3- C - RESPONDING TO COMPLAINTS
4 - That’s ok .but please don’t do it again. 4- D - EXPRESSING REGRET
5 - I agree with you about this issue. 5- E - APOLOGIZING
6 - If I were you, I would talk to him about it. 6- F - GIVING ADVICE

1-You are staying in a hotel. The room is dirty.

You: (complain to the hotel manager)……………………………………………….........

Teacher: You are late again!

You: (apologize) ……........................................

2-You didn’t bring your textbook to class today. Apologize to your teacher and give a reason.

You: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3-You need a mobile to call your parents. Make a request to your friend.

You ……………….

4-Friend: I have a terrible fever.

You: (Give advice) …………………………………………………………..…………………………

5-Neighbor: You were playing loud music late last night. I couldn’t sleep.

You: (Apologize to your neighbor)…………………………………………………………………….

6-Your classmate lent you a dictionary but you lost it.

You: (Apologize) ........................................................................................................................

7-Your friend has just got her university degree. She has two options: look for a job or continue her studies.

You: (give her advice) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8-You don't know how to write a CV in English.

You: (Make a request to your teacher.)……………………………………………………………………………………..

9-Manager: Can I help you sir?

You: (complain about the bad service in the restaurant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Manager: (apologize and promise to talk to the waiter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You: Thank you.

10- You (ask your friend to help you with your exercise)………………………………………………………..

Your friend (apologizes because he is busy)…………………………………………………………………..

11- Your friend thinks girls are more intelligent than boys
You (give your opinion)……………………………………..

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