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Learning is very difficult, breaking the anatomy of life is also very

difficult but after you have learnt something unlearning something is
even more difficult just like the eagle who plucks all the feathers
from its body with the help of his beak when it is old. That process of
learning and unlearning is nothing other than being cognitive in
behavior. To start building our cognitive flexibility we should start
changing our everyday routine and do everything differently.
Seeking new experiences to learn something.
As technology is killing us, going out of way and meeting new
people, meeting people of different cultures, works of life whose
perspective and view of life are different will help us to be less rigid
in our way of thinking, and except that there may be other one who
is right. If we don’t know what we are we will undergo stress and
then we will go through what is called ‘burnout’. Today the world
needs human intervention. Human resources is now getting
transferred to human relations. Following passion is important,
peace won’t come when we will get our salary on the 1st day of the
Value yourself, put a tag on your life, don’t be afraid of making
mistakes, so when we make mistake it means at least we are
working. We should tell our superior about our mistakes at work at
least we should not hide it. Become a good individual, there is no
substitute in becoming a good individual. But being a good individual
does not mean that we let everybody else trampled up. Don’t get
sucked in, washed out, and blown apart. Stand on your ground to say
I don’t agree with you but tell you disagree to agree with you but
that does not mean I don’t like you because at the end of everything
people are more important than anything. So we should know how
to deal with emotions and people. Invest into trusting people, be
truthful with your emotions, about knowing yourself, and your
dealing with others. Sir discussed everything with examples.

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