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By Pratik Parkar Roll No.26


The first electronic television was invented in 1927.The world's first electronic television was
created by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Electronic television was first
successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor
Farnsworth, a 21-year-old inventor who had lived in a house without electricity until he was 14. The
main purpose of television is to educate, rather than simply to entertain.

Why television is so important?

Imagine for a moment that, as of tomorrow, your television set stopped working. ... But TV's
importance in society goes deeper than that. Television is a medium that improves the world, triggers
imagination, raises curiosity, encourages education and gathers millions around common interests.

What are the benefits of TV?

Provides valuable family time. Television provides a reason for families to spend time together.
Provides educatonal exposure. Educational television puts kids in touch with cultures from around the

Is TV a mass media?
Broadcast media transmit information electronically via media such as films, radio, recorded music, or
television. The organizations that control these technologies, such as movie studios, publishing
companies, and radio and television stations, are also known as the mass media.

Advantages of television
Televison helps us to learn more about the world and things happening around us. This has
become possible due to relaying of news, geography and other TV channels. Television presents
information in very effective way. This makes things memorable easily. It is one of the great tool for
entertainment as it relays movies, reality shows, serials etc. It also helps alleviate depression of mentally
suffering patients.

Disadvantage of television
TV can make us passive. This makes our brain lazy as we do not apply our mind.
TV advertisements encourage us to buy things which we do not need. This incurs additional cost to us.It
takes our time away from useful activities such as reading and writing. This ruins our education if proper
attention is not given. Certain TV programmes may make people violent with the relaying of crime and
vulgar movies/serials. This has huge impact on our society.

Benefit of television advertisement

Advantages of advertising on television are the ability to target specific audiences and expand reach by
encouraging further engagement on social media. Advertisers can target their audience by purchasing ad
spots during shows their intended demographic is likely to be watching.

Pros of television
When you air a television advertisement, you often have a captive audience. The average American
spends four or more hours a day watching television, according to the Nielsen Company. You have a wide
range of time during which to reach viewers with your ad. You also create an environment with your ad
that has the ability to truly convey your message and draw the viewer in; you use sight and sound to
influence the way people view your business. Depending on the time of day you air your ad, you can
reach a targeted population. For example, if you have a home cleaning business, consider advertising
during the day, when more homemakers are at home.

Cons of television
According to a study by management consulting firm McKinsey & Co., as of 2010 the
effectiveness of television advertising is anticipated to be one-third of what it was in 1990.
Consumers, especially younger ones like teens, seem to turn more to alternative sources of
entertainment, such as MP3 players or watching shows online. With people watching traditional
television less often, fewer people will view your TV ad.

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