Folha de Tradução 2 - III Unidade (Clima e Alimentação) - ALUNO

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Folha de tradução- tema: (Mudança de clima e distúrbios alimentares).

Parte 1-
1-Satellites have enabled scientists to collect information__________________________________
2-about our planet and its climate on a global scale._____________________________________
3-Learn about Nasa’s satellites._____________________________________________________
4-Sattelites are some of the best sources of data________________________________________
5- for climate change research._____________________________________________________
6-Nasa currently has more than a dozen Earth Science spacecraft/instruments
7- in orbit studying all aspects of the Earth system.______________________________________
8-The agency’s research encompasses solar activiy, sea level rise,_________________________
9- the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans,___________________________________
10- the state of the ozone layer, air pollution, and changes in sea ice and land ice.
Parte 2-
1-Compulsive eating disorder is a mixed group of symptoms______________________________
2- in people who cannot control or stop how much or how often they eat.
3-This has been called an addiction to food. __________________________________________
4-They may eat all day, particularly sugary foods or other foods that they crave.
5-They may be very rapid eaters and go through withdrawal when they stop eating.
6-Patients may feel anwious and panicked while eating and guilty and depressed after eating.
7-Binge eating is characterized by patients eating large quantities of food
8-even when they are not hungry (and even when feeling “stuffed”).
9-Unlike some of the other eating disorders,
10-these patients are often obese and suffer from problems that excesso weight causes.
1-about- sobre 1-for- para 1-planet- planeta
2-and- e 2-food- em comida / alimentos 2-pollution- poluição
3-a- uma / um 3-feeling- se sentindo 3-people- pessoas
4-are- são / estão 4-from- de 4-patients- os pacientes
5-all- todos G 5-panicked- em pânico
6-aspects- os aspectos 1-global- global 6-patients- pacientes
7-agency’s- da agência 2-group- grupo 7-problems- problemas
8-activity- atividades 3-go through- sofrem
9-atmosphere- atmosfera 4-guilty- culpados Q
10-air- do ar 1-quantities- quantidades
11-an addiction- vício H
12- addiction- vício 1-have enabled- permitiram R
13-anwious- angustiante 2-has- tem 1-research- pesquisas (sobre)
14-after- depois de 3-how much- quanto 2-rise- aumento
B 4-how often- com que 3-rapid- rápidos
1-best- melhores frequência
2-been- sido 5-hungry- com fome S
3-be- ser 1-satellites- satélites
4-Binge eating- compulsão I 2-scientists- (aos) cientistas
alimentar 1-information- informações 3-scale- escala
5-by- por 2-its- seu 4-some- algumas / alguns
3-instruments- instrumentos 5-sources- fontes
C 4-in- em / no 6-Science- de Ciências
1-climate- clima / climáticas 5-ice- gelo 7-spacecraft- de naves
2-change- mudanças 6-is- é 8-studying- estudando
3-currently- atualmente L 9-system- sistema
4-changes- mudanças 1-learn- aprenda 10-solar- solares
5-compulsive- compulsivo 2-level- do nível 11-sea- do mar / marinho
6-cannot- não conseguem 3-layer- camada 12-state- estado
7-control- controlar 4-land- terrestre 13-symptoms- sintomas
8-called- chamado 5-large- grandes 14-stop- parar / param
9- characterized- caracterizada 15-stuffed- estufados
10-causes- causa M 16-suffer- sofrem
1-more- mais
D 2-mixed- misto T
1-data- dados 3-may- podem 1-to collect- coletar
2-dozen- dúzia 2-than- do que
3-disorder- O distúrbio N 3-the- a, as, o, os
Disorders- distúrbios 1-Nasa’s- da Nasa 4-temperature- temperatura
4-depressed- deprimidos 2-Nasa- A Nasa 5-they- eles
3-not -não 6-this- Isso
E O 7-to food- em comida
1-Earth- da Terra / terrestre 1-our- ao nosso 8-these- esses
2-encompasses- abrange 2-on- em U
3-eating- alimentar / 3-of the- das / do / da / dos 1-unlike- diferente de
alimentares / de comer / 4-of - de V
comem / que comem / 5-orbit- órbita 1-very- muito
4-eat- comem 6-oceans- oceanos W
5-eaters- comedores 7-ozone- de ozônio 1-who- que
6-even-mesmo 8-or- ou 2-withdrawal- abstinência
7-excess- o excesso 9-others- outros 3-when- quando
10-often- frequentemente 4-while- enquanto
11-obese- obesos 5-weight- de peso

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