CBSE Class 4 EVS Worksheet Done

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CBSE Class 4 EVS Worksheet

1. What is the function of the leaf?

2. Where do plants store their extra food?

3. Fill in the blanks: Water needed to make _____ is taken in from the soil by the roots.
A) Clothes
B) Food
C) Shelter
D) Roof

4. State TURE/FALSE: Food and water is passed through veins

A) true
B) false

5. Fill in the blanks: The _____ absorb water and minerals from the soil.
A) Root
B) Stem
C) Leaves
D) Shoot

6. State TURE/FALSE: Stomatal openings are very large

A) true
B) false

7. What are veins?

8. Fill in the blanks: A part of the food is used up by the plant for _____
A) Reproduction
B) Growth
C) Circulation
D) Development

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9. State TURE/FALSE: Root is called as the food factory of plant
A) true
B) false

10. State TURE/FALSE: Starch is stored in leaves, roots and stem

A) true
B) false

11. State TURE/FALSE: Synthesis means forming food

A) true
B) false

12. State TURE/FALSE: Photon means light

A) true
B) false

13. Fill in the blanks: Green leaves contain ______

A) Carbon dioxide
B) Air
C) Chlorophyll
D) Nitrogen

14. Fill in the blanks: In photosynthesis, ____ is formed by plants

A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Argon
D) Carbon dioxide

15. What is photosynthesis?

16. State TURE/FALSE: Chlorophyll traps sunlight

A) true
B) false

17. Why is sunlight so important for a plant to make its food?

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18. Fill in the blanks: Process of making own food by the plants is called as _____
A) Reproduction
B) Photosynthesis
C) Growth
D) Development

19. Fill in the blanks: Leaves take in _____ from the air to make food.
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Nitrogen
C) Hydrogen
D) Helium

20. Why can food not be made without chlorophyll?

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CBSE Class 4 EVS Worksheet


1. Leaf stores food formed during photosynthesis hence called as food factory of plant

2. Plants store their extra food as starch in roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds

3. Option B

4. Option A

5. Option A

6. Option B

7. Veins are the tube that takes water to all parts of the plant

8. Option B

9. Option B

10. Option A

11. Option A

12. Option A

13. Option C

14. Option A

15. The process of preparation of its own food by the plants is called as photosynthesis

16. Option A

17. Sunlight is important because they provide the energy needed for a plant to make its food.

18. Option B

19. Option A

20. Without chlorophyll, food cannot be made because chlorophyll traps the sunlight.

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