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The Hero’s Journey Project Outline

6th grade Humanities, Fall 2016

We just can’t seem to escape from our past; buildings copy their architectural
style, museums and collectors covet their art, modern authors rehash their
stories, and governments try to incorporate their politics. What is it about ancient
times that keeps us looking back? Why is it that we focus on certain civilizations
more than others? What are we trying to learn from them?

These are questions that will drive our focus throughout our year of historical
discourse, but for now we will look in on the ancient Greeks. By looking closer at
their art, architecture, and literature, we will try to understand how the Greeks
are still inspiring people today.

Essential Questions
● Why do we tell stories?
● What is the best way to tell a story?
● What makes a story worth retelling?

Project Overview:

This project will bring together the worlds of art and humanities in its study of art
and architectural history. Students will see how ancient Greek legends and myths
have been immortalized in art pieces that are still visited and treasured today. We
will focus particularly on the Parthenon friezes and how they tell several stories.
In groups of two, students will serialize the most important events of ​The Odyssey
or the literary archetype of The Hero’s Journey in mosaic frames.

● Artist Statement explaining the process of the project, the story your piece
represents, and why you choose to represent it in that way.
● Mosaic frieze piece.
● Literary Analysis paper answering the question of whether or not ​The
Odyssey i​ s a story worth retelling and why it has been so popular for the
last 3,000 years.

Students will:

● Learn about different ways Greek stories have been represented in art.
● Learn how to represent a story in a frieze/metope-like style.
● Learn about the history of mosaics.
● Become experts on the heroic journey archetype and Odysseus’ journey
through ​The Odyssey​.
● Will work with a partner to create a mosaic piece that represents a part
of T​ he Odyssey o
​ r the hero’s journey.
● Learn how to identify the most important parts of a story.
● Create a mosaic art piece.
● Write an artist statement.
● Write a literary analysis paper about why or why not they think ​The
Odyssey ​is a story worth retelling.
● Discuss why people create art.
● Discuss how certain cultures can become more “memorable” than others.
● Discuss what medium makes the longest lasting impression.

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