Changelogs - Radious Total War Attila

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Radious Total War: Attila


Campaign Changes
- ​Complete Economy system rebalance - this includes all building effects, costs, sanitation,
squalor, food and public order mechanics,
- Religion, cultural conversion and population growth rebalanced to play more important role.

New army, navy and agents limits:

Army:​ 2,4,10,16,22,28,34,40 (fame 0-7)

Navy:​ 1,3,5,7,9,12,15,18 (fame 0-7)
Agents: ​1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5 (fame 0-7)
Edicts:​ 0,2,4,6,8,10,11,12 (fame 0-7)

- Zone control of armies reduced.

- Unit minimum strength increased from 0,05 to 0,15.
- Small rebalance of army action points.
- Edited civil wars so they can be avoided even on highest fame levels.
- Generals and Armies getting 3 skill points from level 3.
- Rebalanced amount of experience needed for units to level up.
- Rebalanced diplomacy status numbers: Friendly (35), Hostile (-90), Unfriendly (-55), Very
friendly (70)
- ​Rebalanced conquest decisions - more options and potential gold income from various
- Only Nomads now can raze settlements.
- ​Improved Garrisons for all factions in main and minor city buildings. Progressive system -
higher tier buildings provide more and better soldiers
- Increased ambush chance in almost all terrain types.
- Kids are adult and can be used since age of 18 (instead vanilla 20), increased chance to have a
child by 5% and increased maximum number of family kids by 1.
- ​Several politics and family tree tweaks​ to be even more interesting to play with.
- Loyalty factors rebalanced.
- Several technologies slightly rebalanced.
- Colonise settlement cost reduced to 12000.
- ​Many changes to building recruitment system - additions which helps Ai to be able to handle
many building types.
- Reworked unit replacements - about 65% of them were removed and units got their own
recruitment requirements - more unit variety in campaigns for all factions.
- Rebalanced general and army skills - several got their effects and values changed.

Battle Changes
- ​Complete battle and units rebalance - every single unit got its stats, costs, upkeeps, abilities,
weapons and equipment rebalanced. Battles are longer, more enjoyable and more tactical.
Radious Total War: Attila

- ​New morale system - progressive, changes during battle rapidly, various effects changed.
Overall longer and more interesting battles.
- ​Introducing new Weapon and Shield Tier system - Attila’s one of many new features are
unit tiers, this was enhanced to create for these tiers unique tier weapons and shields which
enhancing unit variety and offer ultimate gaming experience. Higher tier units having simply
higher tier equipment which makes battles way more interesting. Levy farmers has no longer
same quality spears/shields as Elite Immortals. Every single weapon and shielded has now 3 tier
variations which were assigned to all units as their tier is set.
- ​Every single weapon has its stats rebalanced​, same as bonuses vs infantry, AP damage or
cavalry/elephants. Every single armor and shield has also been rebalanced.
- Reworked unit formations and spacing.
- Complete rebalance of all projectiles - every single bow, javelin, sling and crossbow has been
edited to offer larger differences between types including reworked ranges, standard and AP
damages, reload times - all stats and changes reflects directly in the game and also various
ammunition types plays very important role when you choose your targets.
- Removed fire arrows from horses - simply fire scares the :wub: out of them!
- Doubled the health of walls and small city barricades.
- Increased ammo for a
ll ranged units and arty to fit with new balance changes.
- ​Rebalanced all unit abilities - every ability got its stats, effects and duration changes. Also
time when they can be used again is longer. Many abilities are unique for various cultures -
Romans having different then barbarians etc.
- ​Rebalanced level up bonuses for units​ - more experienced units will play higher role.
- ​Unit masses and health system rebalanced - shock cavalry charges are really deadly if you not
- ​Fatigue system rebalanced - soldiers get tired quickly in battles but once they are out for the
moment they can get fresh faster.
- Increased reload time of Stone and Wooden Towers (50%) and slightly reduced their damage
(20%) - they do hurt but no longer machine gun style.

AI Changes:
- ​Reworked AI recruitment system - AI will produce more balanced armies of various types of
units when they are available.
- Ensured AI will use all units classes for future unit packs and won't ignore any unit types.
- Rebalanced AI campaign difficulty bonuses - on higher difficulties it will be really challenge
for players.
- AI budget slightly reworked, added higher funds limits to operate with every turn.
- ​Rebalanced most diplomacy effects and offers which results in more logical approach when
deal is accepted or refused and the outcome of it.

Graphics Changes:

- Added new logo to the main menu and campaign loading screens, representing the mod and
you know it’s activated.
Radious Total War: Attila

- Removed dust effects when arrows hit the ground.

- Removed various dust effects when army marches on places where no dust would ever appear.
- ​Improved user interface tab for unit stats - now it shows bonus vs cavalry, bonus vs infantry,
range and reload as well.

Updated - 21.2.2015:

Rebalanced Fame Levels, new limits:

Army:​ 2,4,10,16,22,28,34,40 (fame 0-7)

Navy:​ 1,3,5,7,9,12,15,18 (fame 0-7)
Agents: ​1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5 (fame 0-7)
Edicts:​ 0,2,4,6,8,10,11,12 (fame 0-7)

- Slightly increased upkeep of all units (5-10%).

- Significantly increased upkeep of mercenaries.
- Several technology requirements for low tier buildings removed.
- Many unit balance changes.
- Several bug fixes (thanks for reports).
- Minor politics and family changes.
- Faction traits rebalanced and reworked for several factions.
- Changes to Ai behavior, overall activity and aggressivity increased.

Updated ​- 22.2.2015:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several weapons rebalanced.
- Improved and increased AI budget, will be able to operate now with more funds.
- Reduced diplomacy penalty from higher Imperial levels (around 25-35%).
- Roman Religious Technologies no longer disable other buildings.
- Technologies from Tier 7 have longer research time ( around 15%), (11 tiers totally, so first 6
tiers are untouched).
- Technologies which cost money - price increased.
- Research speed bonuses from buildings and character traits/skills increased so it’s more useful
to select/build those.
- Reduced building conversion penalty for Barbarians.

Updated - 23.2.2015:

- Additional minor fatigue balancing.

- Barricades got additional health increase.
- Testudo formations added to most mid and late Roman infantry.
- Siege Escalation negative effects on moral, melee and defence skills reduced.
Radious Total War: Attila

- ​Faction Traits for cultures and factions reworked - most of the traits got rebalanced, plenty
new for cultures and specific factions to offer more variety and unique gameplay.
- Reduced cost of influence of many political actions - you can play more with these epic things
- Local province food shortage reworked, adds more negative public order but less hit to income.
- Several balance changes to character skills and technology effects.
- ​More variety to Religion - each type of religion got some additional effect which offers more
options and interesting choices.
- Additional balance changes to food and sanitation numbers. Higher tier buildings (level 3-4)
require more food.

Updated - 24.2.2015:

- Several diplomatic values rebalanced.

- Minor faction traits changes.
- Additional unit and weapon balancing.
- Global food surplus now adds +1 global public order (which negates -1 public order in local
food shortage provinces).
- Minor bug fixes.
- Reworked several mod tables for easier adaptations to CA patches and DLCs.

Updated - 25.2.2015:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Additional morale changes.
- Several Ai tweaks and changes.
- ​Reworked Garrisons ​- Tier 3 and 4 city buildings (minor aswell) will provide bit more men
and mainly higher quality soldiers. So while attacking cities on level 1-2 seems easy, from level
3 they will be much bigger challenge to conquer.

Updated - 25.2.2015:

Radious Total Units Mod​ ​Released!

So here it is and this is how it begins. Our team presents you first 25 brand new and unique units
for all playable factions. Units were created with very special care, same as translations, unit
cards and all is perfectly balanced to Radious Total War Mod. Our plans are big, way more to
come. We hope you enjoy these first units and let us know your feedback!

Have fun everyone.

Alani Axemen
Alani Light Swordsmen
Sarmatian Spear Warriors
Radious Total War: Attila

Alani Slingers
Alani Heavy Skirmishers

Frankish Spearmen

Danish Archers
Danish Spearmen
Danish Warriors
Danish Noble Cavalry
Danish Scout Cavalry

Gauti Warriors

Hunnic Axemen

Spears of Jutes

Ostrogothi Swordsmen

Eastern Roman Empire:

Eastern Roman Elite Guards

Western Roman Empire:

Western Roman Spearmen

Sassanid Empire:
Sassanid Heavy Macemen

Saxons Axes

Vandal Swordsmen

Visigothi Heavy Axemen

Units for all Viking factions​ (made by our friend ​Zaskar70​):

Viking Despoilers
Radious Total War: Attila

Viking Ravagers
Viking Hunters
Mounted Viking Ravagers

Updated - 26.2.2015:

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Minor balancing changes.

- Added improved visuals and more variations for 4 Viking units. Also 2 new officers.
- Prepared pack for additional 3 new factions from Longbeard DLC.
Updated - 4.3.2015:

- Full and Complete adaptations for ​Longbeards DLC​ and ​latest game patch​.

Radious Total War Mod:


- Small increase to naval replenishment.

- Food consumption increased on various buildings from level 3-5.
- Income from various late level structures slightly reduced.
- Buildings Upkeep slightly increased.
- ​AI changes​: Recruitment improvements, occupation decisions rebalanced for various AI
personalities, activity increased, several diplomacy tweaks.
- Slightly more income from various occupation decisions.
- Several faction traits rebalanced.
- Many character traits rebalanced.
- ​Army morale changes​: Various actions which effects increase/decrease results has been
- ​Corruption reworked​: Higher Political Power level = slightly smaller corruption, higher
Imperium level = slightly more corruption.
- Forced March and Double time distance bonus slightly reduced.
- ​Mercenaries changes: Chance to replenish 1 mercenary unit per turn was increased by 5%
(except onagers which were reduced in numbers and chance), max amount of several mercenary
types was increased by 1. Merc Unit costs increased.
- ​Climate and fertility changes​: Number of turns needed for another infertile level has been
increased (75, 150, 225, 300).


- ​Projectiles changes: Javelins and Slings are tier weapons now, depending on the unit tier they
will use different javelin, which differs from each other by base damage, AP damage, range,
reload and amount of ammo.
Radious Total War: Attila

- ​Arrow and Bow types rebalanced - differs from each other by damage, AP damage, range,
reload and amount of ammo.
- Additional unit balancing.
- ​Fatigue system rebalanced - Unlike previous system where units got tired super fast and
recovered super fast, it takes longer between each stage of fatigue, unit don’t tire extremely fast,
but also recovery takes longer, overall way more variety and options how to use this system to
your advantage. Also each fatigue level has now different debuffs for unit speed, attack and
defence skills.
- ​Battle abilities reworked ​- added several new abilities, changed effects of plenty others - their
buffs, debuffs, fatigue penalties, active and recharge times.
- Additional melee weapons balancing + few more weapon tiers.
- ​Horses will refuse to charge into Charge reflectors more often (spear infantry, from 30% to
- Slightly increased mass of medium, heavy and very heavy infantry to be slightly harder to "run
over them" with horses. Boosted mass bonus for shield wall and spear wall so its now essential
defence vs strong cavalry charges.
- ​Rebalanced Battle Climate possibilities - smaller chance for FoG or Rain (chances before were
too high).
- ​Adjusted unit heights​ - no longer tiny Romans vs gigantic Barbarians.


- Improved Main menu ​Logo ​by ​Silent Resident

- Improved visuals of campaign water with the inclusion of ​"Legionaire' Better Water Mod"
(thanks to ​Little Legionaire​)

Radious Total Units Mod

Additional 20 brand new units.

- Many balance changes and other unit improvements.

Hunnic Elite Axemen
Hunnic Noble Hunters
Hunnic Veteran Swords
Iranic Spearmen

Jutes Chosen Axemen
Jutes Sword Regulars
Jutes Veteran Slingers
Jutes Cavalry Hunters

Radious Total War: Attila

Gauti Chosen Spearmen

Gauti Elite Archers
Gauti Heavy Axemen
Gauti Noble Swordsmen

Ostrogoths Chargers
Ostrogoths Elite Warriors
Ostrogoths Noble Skirmishers
Ostrogoths Sharp Spears

Sassanid Empire
Sassanid Light Brigade
Sassanid Noble Spearmen
Sassanid Swordsmen
Sassanid Veteran Skirmishers

Updated - 5.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Slightly reduced income from various buildings.

- Additional unit balancing.
- Small weapon damage increase vs gates.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Fixed several wrong english names (thanks to​ ​Troubleshooter​ for feedback)
- Additional unit balancing.

Updated - 8.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing - stats, costs, upkeep, tier and many other changes to several units.
- Additional weapon balancing.
- ​New crossbow type​ - for elite units, slightly better range, damage, ammo and reload speed.
- Several unit recruitment changes.
- Increased upkeep of naval units + further land unit adjusments.
- Rebalanced building costs and upkeep.
- Several economy changes.
- Barricades health rebalanced.
- Additional climate/fertile changes, previous version caused less cutscenes from some reason +
their delay.
- ​Army stances rebalanced​ - new effects for ambush, garrison, fortification, raiding.
Radious Total War: Attila

Updated - 9.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- ​Naval Balance changes: Reduced speed and acceleration of transports, they are now slowest
ships on the battlefield. Health of most ships slightly increased, transports health slightly
- Fixed recruitment of several units.
- Additional building costs and turn time balancing.
- Slightly increased Artillery capture chance.
- Minor fatigue changes.
- Additional projectile balance changes.
- Additional weapon damage changes.
- AI recruitment priorities improved.
- Removed additional unit replacements and offer them as standalone versions with proper

Radious Total Units Mod:

22 brand new units.

Saxons Noble Spearmen
Saxons Swordsmen
Saxons Men at Arms
Saxons Elite Axemen

Vandal Recruits
Vandal Spear Warriors
Vandal Ambushers
Vandal Lunatics

Visigothic Spearmen
Visigothic Fresh Forces
Visigothic Loyal Swordsmen
Visigothic Fast Axemen

Frankish Royal Crossbowmen
Frankish Light Spearmen
Frankish Heavy Guards
Frankish Loyal Swordsmen
Radious Total War: Attila

Frankish Chosen Warriors

Frankish Shock Axemen
Frankish Armored Warband
Frankish Noble Raiders
Frankish Mounted Swordsmen
Frankish Elite Javelinmen

Updated - 13.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Fixed broken experience bonuses from character skills and ancillaries.

- Many character and ancillary skills rebalanced.
- Additional unit balancing.
- Small range increase for all land infantry bow types.
- Additional fatigue tuning.
- Slightly increased chance for matched combat (from 40% to 50%).
- Small tweaks to AI occupation decisions.
- Additional balance changes to Ai personalities, slightly more agressive behavior.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Fixed several wrong unit names.

- Additional unit balancing.
- Fixed wrong Bow type on Viking Hunters.

26 brand new units:

Svehan Cavalry
Gutan Axes
Sami Hunters
Bronding Skirmishers
Vallda ShieldMaidens
Ramshult Hirdmen

Alemannic Light Infantry
Alemannic Noble Swordsmen
Alemannic Axemen
Alemannic Veteran Warriors
Alemannic Skirmishers

Burgundian Spear Warriors
Radious Total War: Attila

Burgundian Heroic Spearmen

Burgundian Swordsmen
Burgundian Axe Warriors
Burgundian Noble Heavy Axemen

Langobardic Spearmen
Langobardic Chosen Spearmen
Langobardic Swordsmen
Langobardic Noble Clubmen
Godans Axemen

Alani Armoured Axemen
Alani Chosen Archers
Alani Elite Spearmen
Alani Noble Warriors
Alani Swordsmen

Updated - 16.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Additional AI recruitment priorities balancing.
- Additional AI budget changes - will spend slightly more on armies, construction and
diplomacy, will spend less on agents and navies.
- Several morale changes.
- Few unit tiers changed, swapped and balanced.
- Crossbows can no longer use fire arrows.
- Several changes to push AI to accept several diplomatic actions when its obvious it should do
- Additional tweaks to Great Power effect - further reduced diplomacy penalty.
- Several immigration effects slightly reduced.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

20 brand new units

Hunnic Devil Spearmen
Hunnic Light Infantry
Hunnic Elite Swordsmen
Radious Total War: Attila

Bosporan Veterans
Hunnic Chosen Cavalry

Jutish Sword Band
Jutish Elite Warriors
Jutish Noble Archers
Jutish Royal Skirmishers
Jutish Horse Guards

Sassanid Empire:
Sassanid Spearmen
Sassanid Armored Warriors
Sassanid Royal Camelry
Sassanid Chosen Guards
Sassanid Noble Raiders

Ostrogothic Chosen Guards
Ostrogothic Noble Pikemen
Ostrogothic Sword Band
Ostrogothic Veteran Axemen
Ostrogothic Skirmishers

Updated​ - 25.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

Complete Adaptations for Patch 2 and Celtic Culture Pack DLC

- Many unit balance stat changes.

- Several unit tiers and their recruitment reworked.
- Additional unit replacement changes.
- Additional changes to weapons, projectilec and shields - changed several stats, anti cav, anti inf
bonuses, block chances.
- Many AI recruitment changes and improvements.
- Several AI personalities tweaked.
- Additional economy changes and improvements.
- Increased Horde Growth rate around 20%. Slightly reduced population requirements for level
2-3 nomad/migrators buildings. Increased building costs and slightly build times.
- Reduced minimum religion support percentage for state religion change from 35% to 30%.
- Fixed not working charge bonus from cattle herding for Nomads.
- Additional faction traits and changes for Celtic culture and Celtic Factions.

Radious Total Units Mod:

Radious Total War: Attila

- Many additional balance changes.

- Several unit visual changes.
- Prepared the pack for 3 new Celtic factions.

5 new Danish Units:

Danish Slingers
Danish Noble Spearmen
Danish Elite Warriors
Danish Chosen Raiders
Danish Elite Javelinmen

Radious Blood Mod: - Released!

Updated - 26.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Minor hotfix which allow Celts to recruit navy.

- Added navy garrisons for Celtic factions.

Updated - 31.3.2015:

Radious Total War Mod

- Several unit recruitment changes.

- Additional weapons/armors balancing.
- Small health and moral adjusments.
- Unit balancing.
- Small additional bonuses for Ai on higher difficulties.
- Minor nerf to infantry running speed.
- Minor unit abilities changes.
- New main menu logo created by​ ​Verzione

Radious Blood Mod

- Some time optimisations for effects and splatters.

Radious Total Units Mod

- Several fixes for unit visuals.

- Additional improvements to unit visuals.
- Additional balance changes.
- Several unit names reworked to be more fitting.
Radious Total War: Attila

16 brand new units:

Vandal Light Spearmen
Vandal Elite Spearmen
Vandal Trappers
Vandal Warriors
Vandal Noble Swordsmen
Vandal Chosen Axemen
Vandal Axe Berserkers
Vandal Royal Cavalry

Visigothic Levy Spearmen
Visigothic Noble Spearmen
Visigothic Swordsmen
Visigothic Heavy Warriors
Visigothic Deserters
Visigothic Elite Heavy Axemen
Visigothic Skirmishers
Visigothic Mounted Raiders

Updated - 4.4.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Minor unit balancing.

- Several recruitment and unit tiers changes.
- Fixed few minor bugs and missing things.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several unit visual fixes.

21 brand new units:

Alemannic Elite Band
Alemannic Light Cavalry
Alemannic Noble Cavalry
Alemannic Warriors
Alemannic Young Swordsmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Burgundian Chosen Skirmishers

Burgundian Horses
Burgundian Light Infantry
Burgundian Royal Axemen
Burgundian Royal Horsemen

Langobardic Noble Crossbowmen
Langobardic Horsemen
Langobardic Mounted Swordsmen
Langobardic Lancers
Langobardic Chosen Axemen

Sassanid Empire:
Sassanid Royal Swordsmen
Sassanid Desert Warriors
Sassanid Mounted Spearmen

Hunnic Devil Swordsmen
Hunnic Warriors
Hunnic Bonebreakers

Updated - 8.8.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Additional weapons balancing.
- Small recruitment changes.
- Wardogs having now 20 more men, 60 more animals and slightly higher health.
- Many buildings have changed building costs and build time.
- Slightly reduced Horde Rivalry effects.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several minor bug fixes.
- Large Onagers added to the Celtic factions.

24 brand new units

Jutish Chosen Nobles
Jutish Royal Cavalry
Radious Total War: Attila

Jutish Selected War Dogs

Jutish Veteran Swordsmen

Saxon Bondsmen Slingers
Saxon Chosen Fyrd Archers
Saxon Fyrd Raiders
Saxon Heavy Fyrd Axemen
Saxon Mounted Nobles

Danish Light Swordsmen
Danish Royal Guards
Danish Chosen Line Breakers
Danish Elite Hunters

Alemannic Swordsmen
Alemannic Royal Guards
Alemannic Noble Spearmen
Alemannic Steady Archers
Alemannic Chosen Javelinmen

Burgundian Nobles
Burgundian Royal Archers
Burgundian Spearmen
Burgundian Trained Infantry
Burgundian Veteran Swordsmen
Burgundian Warriors

Updated - 13.4.2015:

Radious Total War:

- Additional balancing.
- Recruitment changes.
- Several bug fixes.
- Reworked and rebalanced garrisons in major/minor cities level 3-4 for all cultures.
- ​Visual and Artistic Overhaul​:
- Complete set of new loading screens, backgrounds, logo and layout for all what is loading.
- Whole new and unique UI designed for every culture differently:

Radious Total Units:

Radious Total War: Attila

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several visual fixes.

25 brand new units

First part of our Unit Showcase videos made by excellent video maker -​ ​helmersen

Saxon Heavy Spearmen
Saxon Noble Swordsmen
Saxon Royal Cavalry

Alani Veteran Swordsmen
Alani Chosen Guards
Alani Heavy Spearmen
Alani Mounted Swordsmen
Alani Elite Cavalry
Alani Noble Raiders

Ostrogothic Warriors
Ostrogothic Royal Swordsmen
Ostrogothic Spearmen
Ostrogothic Slingers
Ostrogothic Noble Cavalry
Ostrogothic Elite Lancers

Vandal Looters
Vandal Royal Infantry
Vandal Elite Heavy Axemen
Vandal Noble Hunters
Vandal Skirmishers

Visigothic Warriors
Visigothic Noble Pikemen
Visigothic Elite Javelinmen
Visigothic Noble Cavalry
Visigothic Elite Lancers

Updated - 21.4.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:
Radious Total War: Attila

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several recruitment changes.

- Small AI recruitment priorities changed.

- Minor bug fixing.

- New UI for Western and Eastern Roman Empire:

Radious Blood Mod:

- Small adaptations to Blood DLC hotfix.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several visual fixes.

10 brand new units:


Kven Spearmen

Ranarriki Nobles

Suehan Axe Infantry

Telemark Trackers

Ylfingar Skirmishers


Langobardic Bow Masters

Langobardic Elite Swordsmen

Langobardic Mounted Nobles

Radious Total War: Attila

Langobardic Trained Javelinmen

Langobardic Warriors

Updated - 26.4.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional balancing and cost changes - plenty changes into various units, buffed T3 Hunnic
Missile Cavalry for example.

- Several recruitment changes - for example Large Onagers are recruitable only from level 4
buildings and normal Onagers from level 3-4.

- Minor AI recruitment priorities changed.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several bug fixes.

Additional 29 brand new units for 2 Celtic factions:


Pictish Spearmen

Pictish Spear Masters

Pictish Noble Spearmen

Pictish Swordsmen

Pictish Sword Regulars

Pictish Heavy Band

Pictish Elite Swordsmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Pictish Chosen Warriors

Pictish Noble Axemen

Pictish Archers

Pictish Skirmishers

Pictish Elite Raiders

Pictish Noble Cavalry

Pictish Chosen Hounds


Caledonian Spearmen

Caledonian Noble Spearmen

Caledonian Sword Warriors

Caledonian Swordsmen

Caledonian Veterans

Caledonian Chosen Swordsmen

Caledonian Chief Guardsmen

Caledonian Heavy Axemen

Caledonian Elite Axemen

Caledonian Crossbowmen

Caledonian Skirmishers

Caledonian Mounted Spearmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Caledonian Horsemen

Caledonian Chosen Cavalry

Caledonian Elite Wardogs

Updated - 28.4.2015:
With our latest update you finally can get your hands on ​20 brand new Roman units for which
you were waiting very long, they are absolute top quality, with every detail done to perfectly fit
into Radious Total War. ​We have created till today ​264 custom units ​which cover rosters of
most playable factions!​ Now the promised Roman update:

Western and Eastern Roman Empire​ - ​Unit Addon Phase 1​:

Release post by​ DramaBelli:

Hello, followers of the Past Ages,

I hope you had a good 2016 ... ops, what? it's still 2015? oh gods, we were fast with these units!

Here you have the first wave of units for 'Romani'. They are historically inspired in names,
visuals and shields. They come perfectly balanced by Swiss Halberdier and ready to be adapted
for future upgrades and additional balancing by Radious, perfectly fitting into his units roster.
Ernst von Jacob provided a massive and systematical daily research about each single unit,
helping us with an online document collecting all infos. Plissken3 provided a massive daily
testing of each single unit in custom battle and campaign and supported us with visual inputs and

In details you have now available:

- 13 units for the Eastern Roman Empire

- 7 units for the Western Roman Empire

Many of these units are not strictly defined into a traditional role. Accordingly with infos we
reached and discussed, you can have a javelin "light infantry" unit with tight formation and
normal infantry abilities (i.e: the Victores Iuniores). So we hope you can have an original and
richer experience leading the empires.
Radious Total War: Attila


The 'FLESH & BONES' team:

Mr. FLESH (the visible work = custom textures and icons): DramaBelli

Mr. BONES (the invisible work = DB tables): Swiss Halberdier

Testing: Swiss Halberdier, plissken3, DramaBelli

UPC texts: DramaBelli

Promotional pictures: DramaBelli

Historical Sources: Ernst von Jacob, plissken3

Extra credits:

General K​ all scabbards, gladium steath and a spatha

XIIICaesar - Kaziel​ silver and gold squamata armours with custom pteruges ('Comites Taifali')

Zaskar70​ custom pteruges and leather skirt (exclusively created for the 'Petulantes Seniores').

Personal thanks:

I would say thanks to Pascal (Swiss Halberdier) for being a friend and not only a fellow in this
path, supporting my work in any way possible with daily presence and creating the "bones" for
my "flesh". I would say thanks to Colin (plissken3), for his enthousiasm and concrete help
providing pics and reports during his tests, he could teach many people about how to be humble
in life, many people need this lesson. I would say thanks to Erno (Ernst von Jacob) for his
spontaneous help, offered in a practice, massive and concrete way. I always appreciate the man
who mantains what he promises. I would say thanks to Jan (Radious) who started to accept my
exceeding "belly" made of addictional MB :smile: and to Niklas (Aguirre) for his constant

Thanks to Zaskar70, because of his smooth approach in teaching when necessary, encouraging
personal approach to challenges but at same time offering concrete helps in making stuffs. He
always shared his excellent work and his help since Rome II. Thanks to XIIICaesar, for his
smooth and friendly approach. Thanks to Kaziel, invisible but always an inspiring man. Thanks
to GeneralK, the veteran who does not refuse to accept help from the newbies ;)
Radious Total War: Attila

Thanks to Gaios Antiochus Philoppaphos for his "little tiny help" (cit. himself) and all the people
active in the Fabrica thread with suggestions, questions and good words, Feudal is one of them,
RemyKalda is one of them, SharpedEye too. Thanks to the Italian mate Fresco who wrote me in
private to share his enthousiasm, glad to see sometimes Italians. ;)

Thanks to all people following daily our works here.

Thanks to each one who maintains what he promises because he promises what he can maintain.
Each thing we do here is based on this, thank you, Patres.

Updated - 14.5.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional balance changes.

- General units buffed in various statistics.

- Several recruitment changes.

- ​Separatists for Alemans, Burgundians and Langobards now share same millitary group as their
basic versions, instead of 1 minor germanic core. ​Rebel and Separatists Celts are no longer
Nordic culture, but proper Celtic one. Few other wrong cultural selections fixed. (should be done
by CA, but oh well, why wait for something which may never come)

- Few bug fixes.

- Several changes to Loyalty and Honour systems.

- ​Upkeep changes​ - increased slightly for T2 units (+10) and T3 units (+20).

- ​Friendly fire changes ​- your units will no longer die more frequent then AI from own missiles
(vanilla game has from some reason build in negative effect - your units have bigger chance to
be hit by own projectiles = they catch more friendly arrows).

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several visual bugs fixed.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Several visual improvements on many units.

- Upkeep increased slightly for T2 units (+10) and T3 units (+20).

65 brand new units covering 3 minor faction groups, Ebdanians and Franks:
This is massive addon, which covers 3 of 4 minor faction groups with 45 new units (last minor
faction group will be in our next update). These units are in campaigns recruitable by many
factions which belong to these groups, in CB you can play with them if you use one of many CB
faction unlockers. This update also contains new roster for ​Ebdanians with 15 additional units to
them and 5 more units to ​Franks​!

Steppe/Nomadic Group

Nomadic Spearmen

Steppe Elite Spearmen

Nomadic Spear Masters

Nomadic Sword Band

Nomadic Warriors

Steppe Veterans

Steppe Swordsmen

Nomadic Noble Warriors

Steppe Elite Bonecrushers

Nomadic Axemen

Steppe Chosen Axemen

Nomadic Elite Hunters

Steppe Noble Cavalry

Nomadic Chosen Cavalry

Radious Total War: Attila

Steppe Heavy Lancers

Desert/Arabian Group

Desert Spear Warriors

Arabic Heavy Spearmen

Desert Noble Spearmen

Desert Levy Swordsmen

Arabic Swordsmen

Desert Warriors

Desert Sword Veterans

Arabic Noble Swordsmen

Desert Elite Warriors

Desert Noble Archers

Arabic Slingers

Desert Mounted Swordsmen

Desert Noble Cavalry

Desert Chosen Lancers

Arabic Elite Raiders

Eastern Group

Eastern Spearmen

Armenian Heavy Spearmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Eastern Spear Masters

Armenian Noble Spearmen

Eastern Brigade

Kurdish Swordsmen

Armenian Warriors

Persian Elite Guards

Eastern Chosen Infantry

Persian Elite Javelinmen

Kurdish Noble Cavalry

Persian Mounted Nobles

Eastern Heavy Lancers

Eastern Mounted Veteran Archers

Persian Elite Camelry


Frankish Heavy Armoured Swordmen

Frankish Royal Cavalry

Frankish Royal Archers

Frankish Veteran Swordsmen

Frankish Wild Swordsmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Fianna Bowmen

Irish Curaidh Axemen

Frankish Mercenary Spearmen

Irish Brigantes Warband

Irish Curaidh Spears

Northmen Mercenaries

Britannic Rebels

Scoti Piratae

Roman Auxilla

Aran Axes

Sons of Cú Chulainn

Young Riders

Cormac Cas Cavalry

Irish Mounted Curaidh

Erdini Cavalry

Updated - 15.5.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several recruitment changes.

- Additional small upkeep tunning.

- Few bug fixes.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Several UI changes and improvements

Radious Total Units:

- Several upkeep changes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Few more recruitment options for various units.

- Several unit visual changes/fixes.

21 new units:
Germanic Group:

Germanic Spear Warriors

Germanic Noble Spearmen

Germanic Light Swordsmen

Germanic Swordsmen

Germanic Warriors

Germanic Armored Swordsmen

Germanic Elite Infantry

Germanic Champions

Germanic Axemen

Germanic Chosen Axemen

Germanic Heavy Axemen

Germanic Heavy Veteran Axemen

Germanic Skirmishers
Radious Total War: Attila

Germanic Mounted Swordsmen

Germanic Chosen Cavalry


Visigothic Elite Swordsmen

Visigothic Royal Crossbowmen


Ostrogothic Noble Crossbowmen

Ostrogothic Elite Axemen

Sassanid Empire

Sassanid Champions

Sassanid Macemen

Updated - 20.5.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several recruitment changes.

- Small economy and upkeep changes.

- Additional UI and visual changes, new main menu.

- Minor AI changes.

Radious Total Units:

- Additional unit balancing.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Several unit visual improvements/fixes.

- Additional adjusments for unit recruitment.

18 new units for various factions:

Units for various factions:

Pictish Mounted Spearmen

Pictish Heavy Cavalry

Saxon Heavy Lancers

Saxon Chosen Raiders

Alani Warriors

Alani Champions

Vandal Heavy Warriors

Vandal Slingers

Alemannic Veteran Swordsmen

Alemannic Lancers

Caledonian Heavy Warriors

Caledonian Noble Cavalry

Burgundian Guards

Burgundian Champions

Geatic Mounted Royal Thegn

Geatic Royal Thegn

Jutish Karlar Swordsmen

Radious Total War: Attila

Jutish Guards of Alabu

Updated - 27.5.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Small AI recruitment changes.

- Several bugs fixed.

- ​Complete Unit Card Overhaul - ​all vanilla and custom unit cards have now different class
colours + visible Tiers directly on the cards:

Radious Total Units:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several unit visual improvements/fixes.

- Removed all unit cards and moved into Radious Total War Mod (saved some space + better for
future changes and updates).

Updated - 29.5.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- ​Improved visuals of all unit cards​, darker style which fits much better to Attila time period,
with new glowing and shadow effects for all units and tiers.

Updated - 25.6.2015
Radious Total War Mod:

Complete and Full adaptation for latest Patch and new ​DLC - The Last Roman - including all
new units balancing, unit cards update, integration of new buildings, technologies, weapons,
attributes, traits and skills. New campaign fully supported with adapted recruitment and all its
features perfectly connected with all Radious changes.

- New Custom made main menu and few other UI improvements.

- reworked loading Pictures

Radious Total War: Attila

- Level 4 food production buildings got small boosts for regular food production to balance
fertily changes due to climate at later stages of the game.

- Hunnic bonus range trait replace by increased missile damage.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Additional economy balancing.

Radious Total Units Mod:

Complete and Full adaptation for latest Patch and new ​DLC - The Last Roman - including all
new units balancing, unit cards update, integration of new buildings, technologies, weapons,
atributes, traits and skills. New campaign fully supported with adapted recruitment and all its
features perfectly connected with all Radious changes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several visual fixes.

- Minor recruitment changes.

- Several bug fixes.

Additional 25 units for ERE and WRE:

Western and Eastern Roman Empire​ - ​Unit Addon Phase 2​:

The 'FLESH & BONES' team:

Mr. FLESH (the visible work = custom textures and icons): DramaBelli

Mr. BONES (the invisible work = DB tables): Swiss Halberdier

Testing: Swiss Halberdier, plissken3, DramaBelli, Radious

UPC texts: DramaBelli

Promotional pictures: DramaBelli

Radious Total War: Attila

Historical Sources: Ernst von Jacob, plissken3

Extra credits:

- Ahiga and Counterparts from ​Talesworlds​ forum for the ​"Der El Medina"​ Helmet

- ​Rath0s from Mount and Blade mod "Brytenwalda", for the silver ​"Beraskovo" Helmet,
imported into this game by Hadrien Ier

- Aguirre for one of his padded armour (Foederati Franci)

- Avetis for the model of his mini-vambrace-shield (Equites Sagittarii Clibabarii)

DB Extra Thanks: ​Majorien, for his positive inputs, massive enthousiasm, appreciation and
because he still looks at mods not as product to click but creation made by people, keeping the
human side of this alive. Gaius Philopappus, for his discrete, humble and quiet approach each
time. boni viri like him are each day more rare. Thanks to my few mates and even less that few,
to my friends here in supporting my modding adventure (an unexpected journey;)) these units are
for you.

Eastern Roman Empire

Legio Comitatensis Tertia Diocletiana Thebaeorum

Legio Palatina - Primani

Milites Primi Constantini

Foederati Hunni

Pseudo Comitatensis - Legio I Isaura Sagittaria

Equites Brachiati Iuniores

Limitanei - Primi Parthi

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Cataphractarii Ambianenses

Schola Scutariorum Clibanariorum

Schola Scutariorum Sagittariorum

Radious Total War: Attila

Sagittarii Seniores Orientales

Western Roman Empire

Legio Comitatensis Secunda Britannica

Legio Palatina - Lanciarii Sabarienses

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Honoriani Seniores

Auxilia Palatina - Heruli Seniores

Vexillatio Palatina - Comites Alani

Legio Palatina - Octavani

Legio Pseudo Comitatensis - Martenses

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Mauri Feroces

Auxilia Palatina - Seguntienses

Foederati Franci

Foederati Heriban

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii

Legio Tertia Italica - Lanciarii

Legio Comitatensis - Cortoriacenses

Updated - 6.7.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Several AI changes. Various occupation decisions tweaked.

- Many AI personallities changes to support more agressive behavior.

- ​Several changes to occupation decisions for player and AI - Sacking is removed from all
cultures except Nomads (simple reason is silly AI who prefers sacking cities way too much
rather then capturing them, this change now makes sure that AI will capture citties which attacks
Radious Total War: Attila

as in every TW game before. Looting and Occupy stays, with reworked effects, same as liberate,
vassal and ressetle options. This is dynamic change and making campaigns way more interesting
and variable all the time.

- Additional changes to millitary morale system.

- Small changes to several building effects related to food and sanitation.

- Several balance changes.

- Additional balance changes to Edicts and Political Power.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Several visual fixes.

- Added few Roman units to Roman Expedition roster (those who fit).

- Additional unit rebalancing.

Suebi and others upgrade!

Here you have ​14 new and unique units to ride the wave of the invasions' age: ​6 for Suebians​,
2 for the Franks​, ​2 for the Alamans​, ​2 for the Alani and ​2 for the Burgundians​. All created
by Radious and DramaBelli and perfectly balanced to fit the Radious mod mechanics.

All are as usual provided by custom unit cards made by Swiss Halberdier and Dramabelli;
customised ("Verzionised") by Verzione with his backgrounds and Tier icons.


Suebian Elite Skirmishers

Suebian Sword Band

Suebian Swordsmen

Suebian Chosen Guards

Suebian Lancers
Radious Total War: Attila

Suebian Noble Archers


Frankish Mounted Champions

Frankish Swordsmen


Alemannic Champions

Alemannic Noble Lancers


Alani Heavy Infantry

Alani Finest Bonebreakers


Burgundian Swift Runners

Burgundian Heroic Warriors

Updated - 8.7.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Minor AI recruitment changes.

- Several campaign AI behavior changes.

- Several character and army skills rebalanced.

- Main Migrators buildings got small buff in income, growth and slightly reduced food
consumption to balance recently removed sack ability.

- Raiding provinces is now more valuable + all Migrators got new bonus trait related to it.
Radious Total War: Attila

- All character skills, traits and technologies related to sacking were reworked and offering now
different bonuses (except for Nomadic ones, which can still sack as they want).

- Plagues slightly rebalanced.

- Several family changes.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional balance changes.

- ​Several unit visuals improvements.

- Minor recruitment changes.

Updated - 20.7.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Reduced costs and % men lost of colonise option (no point having wasteland on the map, so
trying to rebuild this should be easier).

- Several political actions have now influence costs rebalanced.

- ​Garrison changes​ - reworked almost all garrisons for Grand and Last Roman campaigns.

- Fix for Frankish horse XP faction trait in BEL DLC.

- Additional building effects tweaking.

- Small political power changes.

- Few recruitment changes.

- Several unit balance changes.

- Siege turn time reduced.

- Several building technology requirements rebalanced.

- Few AI tweaks to occupation decisions + loot effect balancing.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Sea sickness effect balancing.

Radious Custom Battle Faction Unlocker - New Mod released

- Fully operational and adapted for latest game patch and all dlcs.

- Adapted to be balanced and compatible with both Radious Mods and AUM offical submod.

- Allows you to play and test all ingame minor factions (75 in total), to see and test all our
custom units we added to those cultures and factions.

- Download link is in ​Radious Total War Mod​ topic and on ​Steam Workshop​!

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional balance changes.

- Several unit visuals improvements.

- Minor recruitment changes.

- Several unit abilities changes.

2 new units for Danes:

Danish Hearthguard Champions

Descendants of Fenrir

Roman Minor Factions​ - ​Unit Addon Phase 3​:

Here you have ​22 new custom Roman units perfectly balanced and created by ​Radious​, planned
and designed by ​DramaBelli​ to deeply fit into your Radious Total War Attila Campaigns.

These units will be shared by the following Roman sub-factions + some are also available for
Western and Eastern Roman Empires and Roman Expedition in the Last Roman DLC:

Minor Roman Factions​ are:

- ​Egypt

- ​Africa
Radious Total War: Attila

-​ Asia

- ​Britain

-​ Dacia

- ​Gaul

- ​Hispania

-​ Illyria

-​ Italia

- ​Macedonia

- ​Judea

-​ Pontus

-​ Septimania

-​ Domain of Soissons


DramaBell​i: all visuals, unit names/descriptions, unit cards

Radious:​ all DB editing (profiles, recruitment, abilities, stats)

Gaius Antiochus Philopappos, Majorien, Ernst Von Jacob:​ historical research

Testing: ​Plissken3, Swiss Halberdier, DramaBelli, Radious

Extra credits:

- Avetis ​for two of his horse armour (It's a pleasure to rwork so much excellent stuffs). Thanks
for sharing with all.

- ​Frere Ane ​for 3 of his nice shiny plate armours.

Radious Total War: Attila

DramaBelli Thanks:​ To the Few Loyals, my music runs for you only.

Now to 22 new units:

Domestici Pedites

Tier 3​ - Also available for the ​Eastern Roman Empire​ in main campaign


Tier 3 - also available in main campaign for the ​Eastern Roman Empire and the ​Roman
Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC Campaign

Auxilia Palatina - Felices Seniores

Tier 3​ ​- Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign


Tier 3​ - Also available for ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC Campaign


Tier 2​ - Also available for ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC Campaign

Pedites Bucellarii

Tier 2​ - Also available for ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC Campaign

Legio Pseudo Comitatensis - Defensores Seniores

Tier 2​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in main campaign

Cuneus Sarmatarum

Tier 3 ​- Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Legio Comitatensis - Tertio Augustani

Tier 2​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign
Radious Total War: Attila

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Armigeri

Tier 2​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Auxilia Palatina - Honoriani Marcomanni Seniores

Tier 3​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Vandali Iustiniani

Tier 3​ - Also available for ​The Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC Campaign

Pseudo Comitatensis - Fortenses Auxiliarii (Funditores)

Tier 2​ - Also available for the ​Eastern Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Pseudo Comitatensis - Sexta Parthica (Sagittarii)

Tier 2​ - also available for the ​Eastern Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Vexillatio Comitatensis - Equites Constantes Valentinianenses Seniores

Tier 3​ - Also Available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in the main campaign

Auxilia Palatina - Sagittarii Venatores

Tier 3​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in main campaign

Milites Classiarii Riparienses

Tier 2​ - Also available for the ​Western Roman Empire​ in main campaign

Lybii Iustiniani

Tier 3​ - Also available for the ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman Campaign

Legio Quarta Parthica (Quartoparthoi)

Tier 2 - Also available for the ​Eastern Roman Empire in the main campaign and the ​Roman
Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman Campaign
Radious Total War: Attila


Tier 2 - Also available for the ​Eastern Roman Empire in the main campaign and the ​Roman
Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman Campaign

Numidae Iustiniani

Tier 2​ - Available for the ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman Campaign

Limitanei - Lykokranitai

Tier 1​ - Also available for the ​Roman Expeditionary Corp​ in the Last Roman DLC campaign

[Official Submod] Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods

Fully operational and adapted for latest game patch and all dlcs.

- Adapted to be balanced and compatible with both Radious Mods and AUM offical submod.

- Three AOR mods for the ​Western Roman Empire​, ​Eastern Roman Empire (Grand
Campaign) and the ​Roman Expedition Forces​ in the "The Last Roman" DLC Campaign.

Updated - 31.7.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Minor bug fixing.

- AI occupation decision changes.

- AI agressivity increased.

- AI will try to recapture razed settlements more often.

- Minor fertility changes.

- Several sanitation changes.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Characters can now stay in the office for twice as long.

- Reduced time for barbarian building conversion.

- Several mercenary changes.

- Several Ai recruitment changes.

- Minor difficulty changes.

[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:

- small improvements related to the campaigns in all three versions

- all updates are ​fully save-game compatible​ and you don't need to start new campaigns

- added this already included unit from the ​Radious Total Units to the
_Radious_AOR_TLR.pack (Roman Expedition Forces TLR-DLC campaign)

Numidae Iustiniani​ / T2 / AOR_BEL_Africa

- changes to the ​unit-to-AOR-values assignments related to our internal historical discussions in

the ​_Radious_AOR_ERE.pack (Eastern Roman Empire main campaign)

Legio Palatina - Ioviani Iuniores​ / T3 / AOR_att_prov_dardania

Auxilia Palatina - Sagittarii Seniores Orientales ​/ T3 / AOR_att_prov_syria

Auxilia Palatina - Hiberi​ / T3 / AOR_att_prov_thracia

Foederati Hunni ​/ T1 / AOR_Sarmatia

Foederati Gothi ​/ T2 / AOR_Dalmatia_Pannonia_Dardania_Macedonia

Updated - 21.8.2015
Radious Total War Mod:

- Several AI army composition changes.

- Several recruitment changes.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Minor AI behavior changes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Slightly reduced required exp amount for higher army levels.

- Several army and general skills reworked and rebalanced.

- Several technologies rebalanced.

- Most unique resource buildings got some additional effect.

- Reduced income bonuses from various technologies, traits and skills.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Several unit text fixes.

- Fixed invisible crossbow for Ballistari Seniores.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Many units got visual improvements.

- Several visual fixes.

4 new Barbarian Units:

Here you have 4 new custom barbarian units completely realised by ​Aguirre and balanced by
Radious​ to perfectly fit into Radious total war mechanics.

Ostrogothic Experienced Swordsmen

Burgundian Sword Infantry

North-Suebian Elite Riders

Vandal Noble Javelinmen

The Last Roman Campaign addon - Belisarius Army Addiction

Radious Total War: Attila

Hello, here you have 9 new custom units created by ​DramaBelli and supported by excellent core
profiles made by Swiss Halberdier ​with the help of ​Radious​. They're planned to perfectly fit
into the Radious Total war campaign and battle mechanics.

Ernst von Jacob ​and ​Gaius Antiochus Philopappos ​supported me with their precious research

Plissken3​ took care as usual of massive and accurate units testing in battle.



Extra credits:

- Thanks to the ​Swordmaster Dimitris Skourtelis ​for his shield pattern (central section of the
Primi Felices Iustiniani shield)

- Thanks to ​Ahiga and the FoTE team ​for the imported model of the Dar el Medina
spangenhelm (Lanciarii Iuniores) and to ​Counterpart​, creator of this model.

Roman Expedition:

Tier 3 sword cav

Lanciarii Iuniores

Tier 3 spear

Equites Armigeri

Tier 2 sword cav


Tier 3 spear

Primi Felices Iustiniani

Radious Total War: Attila

Tier 2 sword

Primi Theodosiani

Tier 2 sword

Toxoto Dalmatae

Tier 3 bow

Numerus Armeniorum

Tier 2 javelin

Socii Slavi

Tier 1 axe

Updated - 22.8.2015:
[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:

- updated all related units to the new ​Radious Total Units Mod​ in all three versions

- all updates are ​fully save-game compatible​ and you don't need to start new campaigns

- added these 9 units to the ​_Radious_AOR_TLR.pack (Roman Expedition Forces

TLR-DLC campaign)

Lanciarii Iuniores​ / T3 / AOR_bel_prov_byzacena

Primoscutarii​ / T3 / AOR_bel_prov_byzacena

Primi Theodosiani​ / T2 / AOR_bel_prov_italia

Primi Felices Iustiniani​ / T2 / AOR_bel_prov_africa_proconsularis

Toxoto Dalmatae​ / T3 / AOR_bel_prov_flaminia_et_picenum

Numerus Armeniorum​ / T2 / AOR_bel_prov_flaminia_et_picenum

Radious Total War: Attila

Equites Armigeri​ / T2 / AOR_bel_prov_flaminia_et_picenum

Socii Slavi​ / T1 / AOR_bel_prov_venetia_et_histria

Optimates​ / T3 / AOR_bel_prov_flaminia_et_picenum

DLC - Empires of Sand - 15.9.2015:

Radious Total War Mod:

Complete Adaptation for the ​Empires of Sand DLC and ​latest patch​. Over 50 new units
completely rebalanced to fit Radious mods (stats, abilities, recruitment). All new buildings,
traits, technologies and much more also fully rebalanced and updated for Radious mods. New
advanced and unique garrisons for T3 and T4 city buildings for every new playable faction.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Minor economy changes.

- Several Ai improvements.

- Updated UI visuals for WRE and ERE

- ​Major Sanitation buildings on Level 4 now provide +1 Fertility for whole province. Cost and
build time for Level 4 major sanitation buildings increased.

- ​Naval garrison reworked: All cultures and all factions have now reworked navy garrisons for
all T3 and T4 ports. Number of ships is reduced, but they are replaced by much higher quality
types. T3 ports will offer 5 naval units and T4 ports will offer 7 naval units. Always 3 different
types for wider variety. Fully adapted to work in both campaigns - Grand and The Last Roman.

- ​Tanukhids cant sack settlements yet, this will be enabled for them in future update, currently
you are suppose to settle with them very quickly.

- ​Radious Custom Battle Faction Unlocker Updated - to work properly with new dlc and latest

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Minor recruitment changes.

- All custom Desert units added to 4 new DLC/FlC factions - each faction will receive several
additional UNIQUE units later.

- Several visual fixes - DramaBelli's Reskin of two roman units previously released by Radious
and now replaced with historical ones:

This reskin is ​savegame compatible

Auxilia Palatina - Mauri Tonantes Iuniores (​ replaces the "Spearmen of the Western Roman

Tier 2 spear unit for the WERE

Legio Palatina - Fortenses (​ replaces the "Eastern Roman Empire Elite Guards")

Tier 3 Spatha unit for the ERE

Updated - 21.9.2015:
[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:

- updated all three AOR mods to the latest patch/DLC

- updated all related units to the new ​Radious Total Units Mod​ in all three versions

- added this unit to the ​_Radious_AOR_WRE.pack​ (Western Roman Empire campaign)

Auxilia Palatina - Mauri Tonantes Iuniores​ / T2 / AOR_att_prov_mauretania

- added this unit to the ​_Radious_AOR_ERE.pack​ (Eastern Roman Empire campaign)

Legio Palatina - Fortenses​ / T3 / AOR_att_prov_aegyptus

- changes to the unit-to-AOR-values assignments related to our internal historical discussions in

the ​_Radious_AOR_ERE.pack​ (Eastern Roman Empire main campaign)

Auxilia Palatina - Hiberi​ / T3 / AOR_att_prov_asia

Radious Total War: Attila

Updated - 24.9.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Tanukhids can sack settlements (no raze) - due to various missions and possible way to play
with new horde mechanics for them i decided to give them this option.

- Several unit balance changes.

- AI recruitment improvements.

- Several building requirements, effects and costs rebalanced.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Various unit visual fixes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several recruitment changes.

Desert Factions Addon - Phase 1

First add on of units to cover the 2 of 4 Desert Factions unlocked by CA. Here you have ​14 new
units,​ 7 for ​Aksum​, 7 for ​Himyar​. Visuals created by ​DramaBelli​. Db files, pack creation,
planning and balancing by ​Radious​. They come with unique unit cards, created by ​DramaBelli
and edited by ​Verzione​. All is deeply balanced and manged to perfectly fit into Radious Main

Thanks to ​Ernst von Jacob ​for several inputs while creating these units.

Thanks to ​Elvasat from TWC for his free pack of Arab shield patterns I've used and modified
with pleasure

T3 SW INF - Ras Swordsmen

T3 BOW INF - Adulis Bow Warriors

T2 AXE INF - Nubian Tribal Axemen

T3 AXE INF - Aksum Guard

Radious Total War: Attila

T3 BOW DOGS - Aksumite Hunters

T3 SHOCK CAV - Aksum Lance Cavalry

T3 Sling INF - Simièn Mountains Sling Warriors

T3 SPEAR INF -​ ​Sana'a Spearmen

T3 SPEAR INF - Ma'rib Spearmen

T3 AXE INF - Tihami Baltha Warriors

T3 JAV INF - Quraysh Chosen Skirmishers

T3 SWORD INF - Al Azd Heavy Infantry

T3 SHOCK CAV - Zafar Lance Cavalry

T3 BOW INF - Yafea Archers

Updated - 17.10.2015:
Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Minor recruitment changes.

- "Custom battle crash fix" included by Swiss Halberdier/Radious.

Attila had the same issue as it was in Rome 2 if a player uses too many Unit Pack mods
together. This crash happened when you selected for the AI any faction with a roster which
was larger than 70 units and it didn't matter how many of them were vanilla or custom units
(only for AI and it caused a CTD). We fixed this problem, returned all vanilla units back to
CB roster and now is possible to play against all factions, no matter how many unit packs you

- ​"Occupation decisions reworked"

It took a long time to rework AI and their various profiles to do what i wanted from them
exactly. But its done! Players will now be able to sack settlements again with all factions, but
Radious Total War: Attila

only various AI factions will have this option enabled, where it fits them. Rest all AI factions
will not abuse this option, since it really cant handle it well.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Several recruitment changes.

- Various unit visual fixes and changes.

- "Hunnic Scripting Added"

For months Hunns in AI hands were totaly broken, their army spawn logic didnt worked as it
should (vanilla game issue), they were always spawning 1 single army type in each campaign
time period. No more! I created many more variations (including our great custom units into
their rosters) so their armies will be much more different and interesting to fight against. This
script is savegame compatible, but ofcourse will start working once new armies will spawn.

Desert Factions Addon - Phase 2

Second add on of units to cover last 2 of 4 Desert Factions unlocked by CA.

Here you have 14 new units, 7 for ​Tanukhids​, 7 for ​Lakhmids​. Units' visuals created and
combined by DramaBelli. Db files, planning and balancing by Radious. They come with
unique unit cards, created by DramaBelli and edited by Verzione. All is deeply balanced
and manged to perfectly fit into Radious Main mod.


Ernst von Jacob for some inspiring pics and for having discovered the good arab source of
names listed by Brivime,​ ​

Swiss Halberdier for his help this morning in adapting and changing fast in the upc all the
units names.

Aguirre for some armours

Elvasat for some patterns

Radious Total War: Attila

Al Badiya Ramahat - T3

Tanukh Desert Warriors - T2

Tanukh Lance Cavalry - T3

Al Badiya Jundiyeen - T3

Al Hasa Ramahat - T3

Ha'il Desert Camelry - T3

Tanukh Rumat - T3

Anbar Sayyaf - T2

Banu Lakhm Jundiyeen - T3

Al Hira Horas - T3

Banū Lakhm Mace Camelry - T3

Al Manathira Mounted Rami Arum - T3

Tamim Ramahat - T3

Khaleeji Baharat - T2

Updated - 10.12.2015:
- Full adaptation and update for latest game patch + new DLC Age of Charlemagne! All
units completely rebalanced (stats, costs, upkeeps, equipment, abilities), recruitment
completely reworked, various Ai changes and improvements, whole new garrisons,
reworked all new unit cards, all buildings rebalanced, faction traits enhanced and much
much more. To ensure all fits perfectly into Radious standards!

Radious Total War Mod:

- Faction leader influence will go higher with every level + small amount will be added each
turn. So he can do now finally some politics!
Radious Total War: Attila

- Tanukhids are now allowed to Raze citties same as Hunns, razing requirements for
unlocking buildings have been reduced.

- Several AI changes in recruitment area.

- Further improved UI visuals, loading screens and main menu.

- Additinal unit balancing - all new GC units (Alans + White Hunns) fully integrated and

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Few visual fixes.

- White Hunns roster expanded with tons of nomadic units.

Updated - 13.12.2015:
[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:

- updated all three AOR mods to the latest patch

- updated all related units to the new Radious Total Units Mod in all three versions

Radious Custom Battle Faction Unlocker:

- Updated for latest patch and new DLC Age of Charlemagne

- Unlocked 7 additional factions for Age of Charlemagne custom battles.

[Official Submod] Renovatio Imperii

- Updated for latest patch and new DLC Age of Charlemagne

Updated - 25.1.2016:
[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:
Radious Total War: Attila

- changes to the unit-to-AOR-values assignments related to our internal historical

discussions in the _Radious_AOR_WRE.pack (Western Roman Empire main campaign)

Legio Tertia Italica - Lanciarii / T1 / AOR_att_prov_raetia_et_noricum

Updated - 9.2.2016
Radious Total War Mod:

- Small tweaking to Ai occupation decissions.

- Several minor bug fixes.

- Additional unit balancing

- Charlemagne building costs rebalanced.

- Charlemagne buildings effects balancing - various effects added to different buildings,

some changed and some reworked.

- Small changes to movement range in Charlemagne campaign.

- Adjusted ships speed, transports are the slowest and also weakest ships.

- Sligthly increased campaign action points for transport ships and for various millitary

- Several unit card fixes.

- Reworked most factional and cultural UIs.

- Updated Main Menu with our mod collection and team info.

- Fixed White Hunns general unit not being available.

- Various ancillary fixes and changes.

- Many diplomacy decisions and its effects got slightly rebalanced.

- AI difficulty slightly increased on Hard+.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Slightly increased health of Walls, Gates, Towers and Barricades.

- Preparations for our new unit pack - ​Radious Total Units 2 Mod - Age of Charlemagne
(release is very close!)

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Several visual fixes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Few unit card fixes.

- Various visual improvements to several units. T3 desert and Sassanid units got also
several new sword types.

Updated - 13.2.2016
Radious Total Units 2 Mod - Age of Charlemagne

- Brand new unit pack released - first version contains 113 unique units for all 8 playable

- Mod Link -​ ​

Updated - 25.2.2016
Radious Total War Mod:

- Full adaptation for latest game patch and Slavic Culture Pack DLC. ​(Includes all Radious
style changes - new AI, recruitment, garrisons, balance, tier system, cards, economy, traits,

- Various Ai changes and improvements.

- Several diplomacy changes.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Various economy and food tweaks for AoC campaign.

- Minor changes in various building and technology effects.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Level 5 legendary buildings cost and build time slightly increased.

- New tier weapon added - Bearded Axe (for various slavic units, with bonuses against
mounted units).

- Various difficulty tweaks - VH and Legendary challenge increased.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Full adaptation for latest game patch and Slavic Culture Pack DLC.

- Additional unit balancing.

- Minor recruitment changes.

Radious Total Units 2 Mod - Age of Charlemagne:

- Full adaptation for latest game patch and Slavic Culture Pack DLC.

- Several balance changes.

- Minor visual improvements and bug fixes.

Radious Custom Battle Faction Unlocker:

- Full adaptation for latest game patch and Slavic Culture Pack DLC.

- Several changes in available units for minor factions.

Updated - 26.2.2016:
[Official Submod] Radious Romani Units - Area of recruitment (AOR) Mods:

- updated all AOR mods to the latest patch/DLC

- updated all related units to the new Radious Total Units Mod in all three versions

Updated - 27.2.2016
Radious Total Units 2 Mod - Age of Charlemagne:
Radious Total War: Attila

- Minor balance changes.

- Several visual fixes for Asturians, Lombards and Danish units.

Updated - 12.3.2016:
Radious Blood Mod:

- Slightly changed few blood effects.

- Reduced blood time on the ground for 20 minutes max. (in massive and long battles this
was hitting fps quite a lot, this helps massively).

Massive Update - 9.4.2016:

The Most popular, subscribed and downloaded ​Total War: Attila mod just got its own Gold
Edition with its massive changes. We improved several things, fixed all reported and found
bugs. Enhanced several game features and did some final balancing touch. Part One of our
Gold Edition Update contains also 55 brand new unique units for Slavic factions and
Garamantia - last factions which were not covered by our unit pack. Gold Edition of
Radious Total War + its official submods offer you the best and most polished TW: Attila

Part Two (not yet finished, will come in near future) of our Gold Editon update will contain
complete Grand Campaign starpos overhaul with completely new diplomatic deals,
relations between factions, reworked starting buildings, added new armies to Migrators
and White Hunns, region ownership changes and several other things which all make
Grand Campaign totaly unique experience + massive roster addon for all minor factions in
Age of Charlemagne campaign!

Radious Total War Mod:

- Minor balance changes.

- Poison arrows rebalanced - range, damage, reload and effect.

- Slavic Garrisons slightly changed and improved.

- New main menu and the logo.

Radious Total War: Attila

- New trait for Slavic culture - 25% increased ambush chance + Venedi farming trait
reworked (original bugged)

- Migrators and Hunns got slightly faster building constructions and rebalanced some
building costs + effects.

- Boosted Horde AI bonuses to support settle stance.

- Minor campaign difficulty tweaks.

- Slightly changed health amount of various animals (increased for dogs) and units.

- Slightly rebalanced infantry and cavalry movement speed.

- Small changes to Imperium level effects in AoC campaign.

- Fine tuning to weapons damage. Some balances vs gates.

- Small balancing to several abilities.

- Minor tuning to autoresolve.

Radious Total Units Mod:

- Various balance changes.

- Several bug fixes.

- Added large onagers to 3 Slavic and 4 Desert factions.

- Various unit visual fixes and improvements.

Brand new 55 unique units for Slavic factions and Garamantia.

Now to our new content:

T2 SP INF​ - Sclavenian Spear Infantry

T3 SP INF​ - Perun Chosen Spears

Radious Total War: Attila

T3 SP INF​ - Stribog Spear Guard

T2 SW INF​ - Sclavenian Sword Infantry

T2 SW INF -​ Alkha Swordsmen

T2 SW INF​ - Sclavenian Warriors

T3 SW INF​ - Radigast Chosen Warriors

T3 SW INF​ - Sclavenian Heavy Swordsmen

T3 SW INF​ - Zosya Chosen

T2 HEAVY AXE INF​ - Svetovid Elite Axemen

T3 HEAVY AXE INF​ - Belobog Long Axes

T3 AXE INF​ - Jarilo Warriors

T3 BOW INF​ - As-iga River Hunters

T3 JAV INF​ - Svantevit Ambushers

T3 JAV CAV​ – Veles Jav Riders

Veles Spearmen - T3 sp Inf

Rod Heroes - T3 sp Inf

Družina - T3 sw/axe Inf

Svarog Champions - T3 sw Inf

Anti Warriors - T2 sw Inf

Volkh Warriors - T2 sw Inf

Danube Axemen - T2 Long Axe Inf

Radious Total War: Attila

Danica Axe Warriors - T3 Axe Inf

Rod Elder Guard - T3 Long Axe Inf

Družina Cavalry - T3 sword-axe Cav

Svantevit White Riders - T2 spear Cav

Semargl Raiders - T3 Spear Cav

Hors Riders - T2 axe Cav

Svarožič Ambush Warriors - T2 jav Inf

Anti Swordsmen - T2 sword Inf

Konung Oathsworn - T3 sword/axe Inf

Venedian Sword Infantry - T2 sword Inf

Veles Ambushers - T3 jav Inf

Vistula Spearmen - T2 Spear Inf

Dziewanna Hunters - T3 Bow Inf

Baltic Swordsmen - T2 Sword Inf

Chernobog Horse Hunters - T2 axe cav

Stribog Riders - T2 spear cav

Zbruch Guard - T3 axe inf

Bratchina Warriors - T2 axe inf

Venedian Heavy Swordsmen - T3 sword inf

Zorica Blades - T2 sword inf

Radious Total War: Attila

Dažbog Spears - T3 spear inf

Venedi Nobles - T3 sword/axe inf

Dazhbog Swift Riders - T3 spear cav

Tuareg Tribal Warriors - T3 sword inf

Tuareg Noble Camelry - T3 sword/axe cam

Garamantian Tribal Swordsmen - T2 sword inf

Chaoui Mounted Skirmishers - T3 jav cav

Chaoui Noble Lancers - T3 shock cav

Chaoui Noble Spearmen - T3 spear inf

Garamantian Veteran Archers - T3 bow inf

Chaoui Militia Spearmen - T2 spear inf

Garamantian Tribal Javelinemen - T2 jav inf

Garamantian Warriors - T2 sword inf

Credits for all this:

DramaBelli: Visuals, pics and cards (Antes, Venedi and Garamantia).

Radious: All main mod changes, all db unit profiles, testing, db editing, visuals for

Swiss Halberdier: Testing, cards for Sclaveni and UPC support.

Verzione: Background and tier icons for cards, new main menu and logo.

plissken3: Testing units

Radious Total War: Attila

Keona: Almost all names of slavic units and friendly support.

Aguirre: Thanks to him from DramaBelli because his old stuffs were incredibly useful and
a pleasure to use.

Avetis: Some of his old os stuffs from Rome II, some important inputs on slavic warfare.

Loonybinjin: Spontaneous and very precious research about Garamantian units (thanks
also to LinusLinothorax and Others discussing this in our Garama's thread).

Enjoy and have fun with new ​Gold Edition​ of Radious Total War!

Updated - 14.6.2016:

Part Two of our Gold Editon update is a massive roster addon for all minor factions in Age
of Charlemagne campaign!

Radious Total Units 2 Mod - Age of Charlemagne:

- Several visual fixes.

- Minor balance changes.

Now to our new units:

Theme of Sicily
DramaBelli: all visuals cards and vm files

Ernst von Jacob: research

Radious: unit profiles, stats, balancing (visuals for other minor groups)

Swiss Halberdier: testing and UPC

Aguirre: unit profiles and visuals for the Celtic and Danish Group, all unit cards besides
Theme of Sicily

Thanks to:
Radious Total War: Attila

-Avetis: a shield and a pair of armours. His good technical suggestions.

-AnthoniousII: for his friendly words and many historical posts in this forum

Arithmos - T3 sword inf

Exkubitoi - T3 axe inf

Menaulatoi - T3 spear inf

Kontaratoi - T2 pike inf

Akritoi - T2 jav-spear inf

Trapezitae - T2 jav-spear cav

Latiniki - T2 crossbow inf

Kastrophylakes - T2 sword inf

Alamanoi - T3 sword inf

Tagma ton Teikheon - T3 bow inf

Tagma tou Noumeroi - T3 spear inf

Hikanati - T2 spear cav

Slavic Mercenaries - T2 sword inf

Scholarii Klibanophoroi - T3 mace cav

Slavic Spear Sentinels

Slavic Oathbearers

Slavic Spear Druzhina

Slavic Mighty Spears

Radious Total War: Attila

Courageous Varangian Guard

Merciless Varangian Elite

Ruso-Varangian Druzhina

Blood Avowed Warriors

Famous Konung Druzhina

Slavic Elite Archers

Slavic Silent Raiders

Slavic Fearless Ambushers

Swift Bulgarian Marauders

Slavic Tundra Stalkers

Local Warband

Heroic Spearmen

Vikingr Spearmen

Hebrides Raiders

Highland Swordsmen

Fianna Swordsmen

Vikingr Swordsmen

Hebrides Warriors

Celtic Noble Ravagers

Celtic Highland Archers

Radious Total War: Attila

Dal Riata Bowmen

Hebrides Javelinmen

Celtic Elite Skrimishers

Hingland Hunters

Danish GROUP:
Hearth Guard Spearmen

Gautaland Noble Axemen

Birka Spearmen

Visby Crossbowmen

Finnic Spearmen

Gutland Chosen Warriors

Svear Cavalry

Gautaland Warriors

Svear Warriors

Gutland Warband


Svear Nobles

Nordic Rangers

Christian GROUP:
Noble Spearmen

Royal Spearmen
Radious Total War: Attila

Levy Swordsmen

Christian Swordsmen


Veteran Swordsmen

Elite Macemen

Royal Swordsmen

Veteran Guards

Noble Archers

Chosen Skirmishers

Heavy Raiders

Mounted Swordsmen


Mod Updated - 06.01.2017:

Radious Total War Mod​ and ​Radious Total Units Mod​:

- Several bug fixes, visual fixes and some fine tuning.

- Various balance improvements.

Radious Total War: Attila

- Increased ambush chances on various terrains.

- Various changes in cultural relations.

- Cavalry has slightly increased mass.

- Horde settlement stance cost 0 AP - can build/recruit even after depleting all movement

- Animation changes - spears will no longer decapitate enemies, big axes way less head

- Several AI changes to make it slightly more agressive and effective.

Enjoy the Gold Edition of Radious mods for Total War: Attila! This polishing update will
even improve your game experience!

Updated - 03.06.2017:

Radious Total War Mod:

- Additional unit balancing.

- Minor recruitment changes.

- AI budget spending changes.

- AI aggressivity increased.

- Improvements to Ai occupation logic.

- Several small economy tweaks.

- Various visual and gameplay bigfixes.

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