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5/9/2019 The rise of nationalism in europe Class 10 Notes - LearnFatafat

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10

History Notes
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The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Nationalism is a belief, love, devotion of an individual to motherland. National ag and national symbols are
national attributes and play major role in strengthening nationalism. 19th century marked emergence of
nationalism which brought sweeping changes in Europe. As a result of these changes the nation-state emerged in
which citizens and rulers developed sense of common identity and shared history.

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Dream of Worldwide Democratic and Social Republics print prepared by Frederic Sorrieu in 1848 depicted that –
peoples of the world are grouped into distinct nations identi ed through their national ags and costumes. Sorrieu
shown that from heaven Christ saints and angels showering blessings upon the scene to symbolise fraternity
among nations of the world.

What is Nation? Of ine

According to Ernst Renan, Nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours sacri ce and devotion. A nation is
a large scale solidarity, its existence is a daily plebiscite. A province is its inhabitants. French Revolution (1789 to
1799) is a period of social and political changes in France and emerging idea of nationalism. Principles of French
Revolution were Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In 1789 France was ruled by absolute monarch. Major impacts of
French revolution were – Abolition of Feudalism, Liberalism Increased, Formation of constitutional monarchy,
Emergence of nation state and Sense of unity. The revolutionaries replaced Standard royal ag by new French
“Tricolour” ag, spreaded ideas of la patrie (fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) for nationalism. Also, national
assembly was established with formulation of uniform laws for all the citizens within its territory. Composition of
new hymns and commemoration of martyrs, internal custom duties and dues were abolished and uniform system
of weights and measures was adopted
Use of regional dialects were discouraged and French became the common language of nation. Revolutionaries
declared it as a Mission. Revolutionaries helped peoples of Europe from despotism (autocracy) to become nations.
Students and some educated middle class members set up Jacobin clubs that is (political club) during french
revolution. French armies moved to Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy in 1790s with ideas of nationalism.

Advent of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

He was a french military leader. He ruled his contemporaries and made many changes within his area of territory.
These changes are –
Democracy destroyed in france, incorporation of revolutionary principles in administration to make system more
rational that is (intelligent) and ef cient.
Established Napoleonic code or the Civil code of 1804. This Code abolished all privileges based on birth. And
established equality before law. 1/7
Secured Rights to Property, Simpli ed The rise of nationalism in europe Class 10 Notes - LearnFatafat
administrative divisions, Abolished feudal system and freed peasants from
Removed guild that is (association) restrictions in towns, Made improvement in Transport and communication
Businessmen and small scale producers realised that uniform laws standardised weights & measures common
national currency will increase trade. But High tax Censorship, Compulsory enrollment of people in French army
started fall of Napoleon rule. In the end of Napoleonic era Congress of Vienna from (November 1814 to June
1815,) established to restore order in Europe.

Congress of Vienna
It was a political congress with powerful countries – Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia. It had two goals – To avoid
French hostility that is (Unfriendliness) and Keep balance of power that is (Stability).
Results of Congress of Vienna
Start of international co-operations and diplomacy
Britain signed trade agreements with new states and become colonial power
Slave trade stopped
Manufacturing production increased in Germany
Liberalism increased

Making of Nationalism in Europe –

In middle of 18th century, nation states does not existed in Europe. Today’s Germany, Italy and Switzerland were

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divided into kingdoms, territories, administrative divisions. There was absence of collective identity or common
culture among people. Habsburg empire of Austria-Hungary consists of French German and Italian speaking
people.Common binding among diverse groups was loyalty to emperor. Aristocracy and new middle class arose in
society. Aristocracy was landowning and dominant class They owned estates and town houses. The members of
these class were connected through marriages.
Majority of population were peasants that is farmer. Small landowners farmed in west, Servants cultivated in East
and Central Europe. In half of 18th century Industrialisation began in England. Due to Industrialisation New social
groups of Working class and Middle class are formed. Educated and broad minded people supported nationalism
and removal of aristocracy.
Liberal Nationalism arose where liberal means free. So Liberalism = Freedom. Liberal Nationalism means Individual
freedom Equality before law End of autocracy,Constitutional government Freedom of markets, Removal of
statewide trade restrictions. Suffrage (right to vote) – In revolutionary france only property owners had right to
vote, Women were not allowed to vote in Napoleonic Rule.
In 19th and early 20th century women,and non-propertied men demanded equal political rights. Zollverein formed
to remove trade barriers. It removed tax duty and types of currencies reduced from 30 to 2. Development of
railways was done to improve transportation. Opposition to change and innovation is called Conservatism.
European governments followed conservatism after fall of Napoleon. Conservative regimes were autocratic,
intolerant to comments and arguments of government and opposed questions on validity of autocratic
government. They imposed limitations on press during revolution.
European power ( Britain Russia Prussia Austria) who defeated Napoleon met at Vienna for new settlement of
Europe at Congress of Vienna. Congress was hosted by Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich. Main features of
Treaty of Vienna includes –
1st Bourbon dynasty restored to power in France.
Series of states were set up in France to prevent its expansion.
Kingdom of Netherlands including Belgium was set up in North and Genoa was added to Piedmont in South.
Prussia was given new territories and a portion of Saxony.
Austria gained control over northern Italy while Russia gained part of Poland.
Re-established single persons rule and Napoleon group of 39 states was not changed. 2/7
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Giuseppe Mazzini was an italian revolutionary born in 1807. He was member of secret society of Carbonari. At the
age of 24, He was sent away from home for revolution in Liguria. He founded two underground societies “Young
Italy in Marseilles,” and “Young Europe in Berne,”. He believed that equality in Italy could be basis of Italian
Metternich described him as “the most dangerous enemy of our social order,”

The Age of Revolutions during the rise of nationalism in europe

July Revolution
July Revolution took place in France in (1830). Here, Bourbon Kings were overthrown by revolutionaries. After
revolution, Louis Philippe was appointed as a constitutional monarch.

Greek war of Independence

Greek was part of Ottoman Empire since 15th century. Greece got support from other Greeks living in Western
Europe. Poets and artists thought Greece as base for European civilisation in their creation. Finally Treaty of
Constantinople in (1832) declared Greece as an independent nation

Hunger Hardship and Popular Revolt

Europe experienced economic pains around 1830s. Rise of population was more than employment generation.
Rural population start migrating to cities to live in overcrowded slums. Small producers (example textile
production,) in towns faced tough competitions from import of machine goods from England. Peasants suffered
feudal dues and duties in aristocratic regions of Europe. Rise in food price or a year of bad harvest led to poverty in

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town and country.

Peasants’ uprising – Silesia in 1845

Weavers revolted against contractors for their reduced payments.
Viewpoint of Journalist Wilhelm Wolff In Silesian village (with 18000 inhabitants) cotton weaving was widespread
occupation. Contractors took advantage of miserable conditions of workers by reducing goods price. On 4 June at
2 pm crowd of weavers marched to contractor’s mansion demanding higher wages. Group of weavers destroyed
many precious things They broke in storehouse and stolen the cloth due to which contractor ran away to another
village. Every village denied shelter to such person and he returned after 24 hours with army. All this resulted in
death of eleven weavers.
Revolution of the LiberalsThis revolution was led by educated middle classes. Liberal middle classes demanded for
justice with a nation state, a constitution and freedom of the press and association
The Frankfurt Parliament Germany in 1848
Political associations of middle-class professionals businessmen prosperous artisans came together in Frankfurt
and decided to vote for an all German National Assembly. On 18th May 1848. 831 elected representatives
marched to their places in Frankfurt Parliament assembled in St. Paul church. They drafted a constitution for
Germany headed by monarch. Still women are denied to vote they were only allowed to observe happenings in
Frankfurt Parliament by standing in visitor’s gallery. Women’s political rights was controversial in liberal
movement. Women formed their political associations, founded newspaper and participated in political meetings
and demonstrations.
Friedrich Wilhelm IV King of Prussia rejected the crown offer and joined monarchs to oppose elected assembly

The Making of Germany and Italy

Uni cation of Germany from 1866 to 1871 – In Germany nationalist feelings were widespread among middle-class
Germans. In 1848 middle-class Germans tried to unite Germans into nation-state head by elected parliament. This
initiative of nation-building was crushed by both Monarchy and Military, supported by Junkers (large landowners
of Prussia). Prussia took on leadership of movement for national uni cation. Otto von Bismarck, Prussian Chief
Minister designed uni cation process with the help of Prussian Army and government. Uni cation was achieved in 3/7
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over seven years, 3 wars with Austria,Denmark and France.
New Germany strongly focused on modernisation of currency, banking, legal and jurisdictional system in Germany
Uni cation of Italy from 1815 to 1871. Italy uni cation dates back to long history of political fragments. Italians
were scattered over several dynastic states and multinational Habsburg Empire. Italy Was divided into 7 states
during middle of 19th century. Only kingdom of Sardinia Piedmont was ruled by Italian princely house.
North was under Austrian Habsburgs, Centre was ruled by Pope and South were under Bourbon Kings of Spain.
Italian language was not common and had variations.
Italy in 1830s – Giuseppe Mazzini organised a programme for uniting Italian republic. He was founder of secret
society “Young Italy” for distribution of his goals.

Formation of Britain –
There was no Britain nation before 18th century. British peoples were identi ed by ethnicity that is common origin
or race such as English Welsh Scottish or Irish with their own cultural and political traditions. In 1688 England
established as nation-state and took power from monarchy.
The Act of Union in 1707 between England and Scotland formed United Kingdom. England dominated scotland
and its culture. Even they were denied to use their national identities.
A new British nation BRITAIN was formed with symbols such as British Flag by Union Jack, National anthem that is
God Save Our Noble King and English language.

Visualizing the nation

Artists in 18th and 19th centuries personi ed a nation. Nations were portrayed as female gures which became

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symbol of the nation. French revolution shown Liberty by broken chain or red cap, Justice by blindfolded woman
carrying pair of weighing scales.
France symbol was the christened Marianne. She was characterized by ideas of Liberty and Republic the red cap
the tricolour the cockade that is part of Hat. Marianne statues in public squares symbolize national unity, Marianne
images on coins and stamps marked national identity.
In Germany, Germania became the allegory that is symbol of German nation. Germania was painted by Philipp Veit
in 1848. It was painted on cotton banner. Visually Germania wears a crown of oak leaves that is symbols of German
strength. It is represented with imperial eagle, a hemp branch that is sign of peace and a banner. Sword expresses
an idea of defense and leadership. The black red and gold ag represents ag of Germany. Loose shackle that is a
metal link representing freedom and independence.

Nationalism and Imperialism

Nationalist feelings were narrowed to small faith in last quarter of 19th century. Nationalists groups became
intolerant and violent. European powers turned nationalism in to imperialism. (rule of emperor)

Word Meanings – The rise of nationalism in Europe

Utopian – Utopian is a vision of society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist.
Plebiscite – It is a direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
Serfdom – A person in bondage

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