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Creation and running of ERP event based flow in SOACS application:

 Open the compatible version of JDev (PS2 with couple of patches. Bugs of patch (24901339,
24902015)). For windows make sure to run Jdev with Administrator privilege.
 Create a SOA application and project
 Drag and drop the ERP adapter from the cloud section of component window into Exposed
service side (inbound).

 Provide endpoint name and click next

 Provide WSDL URL, Event URL and create CSF key, which holds the credentials of ERP instance.
Not to confuse this CSF key with the one, which we will be creating at FA application.
WSDL URL : https://<host:port>/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService?wsdl
Event URL : https://<host:port>/soa-infra
Also refer to documentation to get these URLs:;scope=document;status=o

 Click the Test link to test the connection. Once it is successful, you would see the success
message on the screen. If test fails, check the Jdev proxy settings.
 Then click on Next. It will download the metadata from the ERP FA server, will take some time
and you will be presented with a Request page.

Select the “Business Event” radio and the event, which you want to consume.

Then click on Next.

 You will be presented with Response page. Here you can choose to send Business object as
response or no-response.

For now, Delayed as response

None as response:

 Click on Next and Finish in Summary page.

Now you will see the adapter component created at inbound.

 Then create the complete flow in using BPEL components.

 After completion of flow creation, create a jar file using SAR option in deploy section.

Now you have composite project (jar file) ready to deploy.

Before you deploy the composite on to SOACS using EM, do the following task.

 Configure the key-store and proxy setting as per the requirement of the SOACS instance.
This can be configured in file.
 Add the SSL certificate of FA instance into SOACS instance. Certificate(s) can be downloaded
from WSDL file.
 Composite can be deployed.
 Check if SOACS endpoint was subscribed to FA. You can check using following curl command
curl -X GET https://<fa-host>/soa-infra/PublicEvent/subscriptions -u <username>:<password>
 In the curl response, if the subscription URLs host is null and port is 0 then, configure the
frontend URL at SOACS at file by adding the front end URL entry
-Dcloud.sdk.frontend.url=https://<soacs otd IP>:443
 If the curl response does not include your SOACS subscription entry. Refer to SOACS logs.

Few configuration has to be done at FA(ERP) side too:

 Using SOA composer, create CSF key entry into FA(ERP) application, this CSF entry will hold the
credentials for SOACS instance. (Not to confuse this CSF key with the other, which you used in
JDev). Name of the CSF key should be same as present in subscription entry of your SOACS
endpoint which you got from the curl response.

 SSL Certificate of SOACS instance registered should be installed on the trust store of FA(ERP)

Now create an Item in ERP.

To test the flow, please following the step (screen shots)

a) Click on Product Management ->Product Information Management
b) Click on Menu highlighted

c) Create Item
Choose Organization: Ex: “V1”
Item Class: select item class, Ex: Root Item Class
Click Ok

d) Add Item Detail and Description

Click Save and Close
Check the flow instances generated.
SOACS EM Console-->Deployed Composite-->Click on deployed composite-->Flow Instance –
'Total Message' count should increase after each item creation in ERP

 If you won’t see any instance being created at SOACS, then please refer to SOA logs of the
FA(ERP) application
Troubleshooting/Known Issues:

 EHF is failing after Maintenance / OPATCH applied
 Connectivity issue:

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