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Journal de la Société des


Urbanisation Process and Changes in Traditional Domiciliary

Behavioural Patterns in Papua New Guinea
Sababu Kaitilla

This paper explores the effect of urbanisation process on domiciliary behavioural patterns in Papua New Guinea. Urbanisation
process in PNG has had significant effects on traditional socio-cultural norms despite its low level. The rate of cultural change
has of course been exacerbated by many years of missionary and colonial activities. Using ethnographic and anthropological
evidence the paper first traces what has, for many years, been considered traditionally acceptable and expected domiciliary
behavioural patterns. These are then examined in the context of the current urbanisation process and its attendant effects. It is
then argued that any severance of the traditional domiciliary behavioural patterns are likely to cause considerable stress
amongst household members and kinship groups. Finally, the paper calls for detailed studies into cultural domiciliary patterns.
These will enable for the designing of appropriate dwellings in which culturally acceptable behaviours can unfold unimpeded. It
is argued that the built environment is extremely important for both expressing and structuring domiciliary behaviours.

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Kaitilla Sababu. Urbanisation Process and Changes in Traditional Domiciliary Behavioural Patterns in Papua New Guinea. In:
Journal de la Société des océanistes, 103, 1996-2. pp. 149-161;

doi :

Fichier pdf généré le 16/01/2019

Urbanisation Process and Changes in Traditional

Domiciliary Behavioural Patterns in Papua

New Guinea


Sababu KAITILLA (Ph.D)1

Introduction in many developing countries this is still at a very

low rate, often between 1 5 and 30 percent of the
Urbanisation and development processes are total population, but increasing rapidly. This is
inextricably linked. Both create economic, socio- also the case in Papua New Guinea (PNG) where
cultural and technological change, may vary the level of urbanisation is currently between 15
from place to place. Urbanisation is a process and 16 percent of the total population of 4
whereby a country or region undergoes a million people. However, the rate of urban
transition from agrarian subsistence to a cash population growth in major centres is unprecedented
'modern' 2 dependence. In other words, it is a elsewhere in the developed countries.
shift from agricultural to nonagricultural Nonetheless, almost everywhere, the process
employment. This process is often accompa- of urbanisation is often accompagnied by
gnied by changes in land-use, increase in urban serious problems such as socio-cultural change,
population, economic growth, industrial and shortage of housing, employment, lack of
technological development. Urbanisation adequate social and physical infrastructure facilities
process is also accompanied by a variety of other (see Segall 1979; Saile 1978, among other
features of 'modern' development and progress things). Similar concerns have often been echoed
such as the provision of schools, health-care, and by many scholars of urbanisation in PNG (see
infrastructure facilities (see Conroy 1977:59). Connell 1985, Oram 1989 and 1974, among
Consequently, it contributes to gradual but others). It is for these reasons that urbanisation
significant social and economic changes (Kai- in PNG is merely tolerated by successive
tilla 1990: Oram 1989; Rowley 1965). However, governments for lack of realistic alternatives. Several
social and cultural changes in most developing attempts to slow urbanisation process, for
countries is largely the result of missionary and example, forced repatriation of urban migrants have
colonial activities rather than of industrial and had little success (Oram 1974; 170).
technological developments (see Connell and The concept of town 3 in PNG was not only
Lea 1994). Unlike in most developed countries foreign but generally almost all settlements rarely
where the process of urbanisation has stabilised, exceeded a few hundred sparsely scattered (Oram
1 . The author is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Building at the PNG University of Technology. The
author is grateful to Dr. Paul Memmott of the Aboriginal Data Archive for his extensive and constructive comments. The
author is also indebted to three anonymous reviewers for their criticisms and valuable suggestions. However, any limitations
remain solely those of the author.
2. Also, the idea of modernisation is almost inseparable from industrialisation. McCarthy (1970:47) was of the opinion that
the introduction of any industry in PNG would considerably halt the changes to traditional families.
3. As in the whole of Melanesia, towns were built by colonial administrations to serve the interests of the few expatriates
communities (see, for example, Levine and Levine 1979). Urban houses too were built to serve the interests and meet the values
of the expatriate communities as in their countries of origin. Unfortunately, even independent governments have continued to
preserve and enhance expatriates social values in their housing programmes.

1974; 170). For many areas, this population personal relationships between and among
remained fragmented into small ethno-linguistic individuals. This means knowing what types of
groups or even on a clan basis (see Levine and behavioural patterns occur where, when, how and by
Levine 1979). On these premises, it is argued that whom, and to whom they are directed. It is
any urban conglomeration is likely to cause argued that strict compliance with socio-spatial
considerable stress to those who traditionally and distances are important to ensure that
culturally interacted only with relatively small interpersonal relationships are maintained at all times. In
groupings of their own kin or clan. As argued other words, how far apart or close can people be
below, stress may arise because urban life to each other when they interact? Indeed, this
operates on different value systems, different distance varies considerably between and among
conceptions and different forms of social organisations. cultural groups. This cultural 'distance' is
In addition, contemporary urban 4 housing significantly influential in the spacing of objects,
style in almost all PNG societis is also alien in sitting arrangements or even in the layout of
terms of layout, space utilisation and building rooms in a house.
style. Like elsewhere, in pre-contact period, This paper is not intended to offer a complete
Melanesians lived in traditional houses. But with theoretical foundation to this issue, but sets out
the coming of missionaries and colonial the basis for further exploratory studies in this
administrators alien housing styles and alien settlement important area. The paper is based on a literature
layouts were imposed upon the indigenous review on the subject. It also reviews
populations (Clay 1986; 100-1 19; 264). This is ethnographic and anthropological data, and where
particularly highlighted in the housing literature which necessary supplements it with written information by
shows a growing concern between user early explorers, travelers and missionaries.
dissatisfaction (Kaitilla 1993) in relation to space
utilisation and behaviour in the home environment. A
serious problem in most housing schemes is the Cultural generalisation
neglect by designers to consider socio-cultural
norms of the people that shape domiciliary PNG's population of nearly four million
behaviours (Mangar 1980). In PNG, these cultural inhabitants is sparsely and unevenly distributed
norms are collectively shared. These are in turn among the 700 small tribal groupings. Each has
fundamental in dictating domiciliary its own specific socio-cultural development.
behavioural patterns and spatial use of the home Although the people of PNG are very diverse, it is
environments by different members of a household. possible to make some generalisation about them
This paper explores the impact of urbanisation on the basis of their domiciliary behavioural
process on domiciliary, or dwelling, behavioural patterns. To a reader familiar with distinctive
patterns among the people of Melanesia and features of the people, for instance, facial différencies,
Papua New Guinea in particular. A historical such a generalisation would appear to do
exploration of this process is, therefore, injustice and perhaps distort some subtle internal
important to understand the basis of these changing differences. This bias must deliberately remain as
values and norms. A theoretical assumption the focus of the generalisation is restricted to
underlying this study is that traditional cultural commonly shared cultural norms (see, Rowley
norms of social organisation between and among 1965), social organisation and interactive use of
kinship groups are important in the ordering and space. When examined closely there are common
use of space. Any ordering and use of space in a threads that make this cross-cultural
dwelling that ignores these norms is likely to generalisation among Papua New Guineans possible.
cause considerable cultural changes leading to Many common similarities, such as social
psychological stress among its members (see organisation and behavioural patterns, considerably
Segall 1979; Pellow 1988 and Lawrence 1988). outweigh differences of facial appearances or
This historical exploration is beneficial in forms of subsistence. It is only when the different
understanding the changing domiciliary patterns, that societies are examined as one that specific and
is, individual behaviour and use of space on the common threads emerge (see Schieffelin 1976,
one hand. It is only when the changes in among others).
domiciliary patterns are thoroughly understood can This paper adopts a limited definition of
architects design dwellings and dwelling spaces culture as revolving on the concept of social
which are culturally appropriate. To achieve this, organisation and comprises shared common customs,
architects must be conversant with spacial beliefs and socio-cultural values by a group of
4. For a detailed coverage of urban housing satisfaction in PNG (includes plans and elevations) the reader should refer to
Kaitilla (1993).

people. These values are both factual and the rural - urban culture co-exists alongside as a
symbolic. Cultural groups confer common meanings constant reminder of the past; and that the past is
and significance to things. Meanings that are far from dead.
established are statements of particular In each society there are certain features that
associations and connections or disjunctions that most individuals or groups of individuals hold in
sustain specific understanding of the social world. common. For example, what makes Papua New
Social organisation also includes the means Guineans recognisably Melanesian as a
by which societies adapt to their distinctive cultural group from Micronesians or
environments for survival, protection, security and Polynesians? Firstly, Melanesians are connected
continuity. socially, culturally, and geographically (see,
One important aspect of socio-cultural norms Kaitilla 1990). Secondly, it is the pattern of how
is that they can be learnt, diffused, altered or Melanesians interweave common features in the
incorporated into other social and cultural process of social organisation, including those
systems, retaining the same form but with different socially and culturally determined behaviours
functions and meanings. It is often suggested that that make them a distinctive group. These
any changes or amendments in technology common features include shared systems of thoughts,
induces social and cultural changes in the persons who beliefs, lifestyle, behaviour, initiation rites,
either invent, introduce, implement and/or feasting, marriage and social exchange of goods of
respond to them (Jequier 1976 and Morgenthaler traditional value and so on. A Melanesian is,
1977). Although new features may be invented, therefore, no more than a convenient term for people
adopted or difffused in a relatively short-time who are "more or less in a common predicament"
Connell and Lea (1994:277), Connell (1988) and (Rowley 1965:33). Consequently, the concept of
Rowley (1965:45) further argue that traditional
a single culture can be extended to those societies,
rural habits often die hard. In other words, the
process of adaptation involves a continuous or communities, that are socially, culturally and
interplay between the need for stability and the geographically connected (Kaitilla 1990).
need for change. However, Marris (1975) argues
that although individual desire for change may Social organisation as the basis of cultural
predominate, collectively and verbally, generalisation
individuals may claim not having changed. This may
oblige some individuals to pretend to be In this paper social organisation is used in its
maintaining part or all of the rural socio-cultural broadest sense and refers to commonly held
traditions. beliefs about things and ways of doing things. It
How does this relate to the PNG situation? In also implies all the things, people in a given
PNG many people consider urban residence as society, do either in their daily social interaction
permanent only if they can accrue some such as reciprocal obligations between kinsmen.
economic benefits from it. Often, migrants show a In several parts of PNG this was, and still
strong desire to return to, and permanently retire remains, the basis of morality. It was also an
in, their rural areas (Kaitilla and Sarpong-Oti important way to ensure survival and security
1993; Connel and Lea 1994; Connell 1988). This among clan members. Reciprocal obligations
may exert pressure on individuals to maintain all were, usually, maintained through either trading
of rural cultural traits or parts of rural and urban {moka, tee, etc) or exchange of good and food
cultural norms. Available evidence, for example, stuffs (hiri, kula ring etc) between neighbouring
suggests that urban migrants usually seek the villages (Kaitilla 1992). The objects of exchange
support and security of those who are left in the were highly valued for ritual ceremonies (Feil
villages. This can be either during difficult times 1987:251). However, Oliver (1989:554) and
or when the urban sojourn is over (Kaitilla and Rowley (1965:37) argue that the primary reason
Sarpong-Oti 1993; Connell 1988; Levine and for exchange was to maintain friendly
Levine 1979 among others). In this sense relationship between neighbouring clans or villages.
urbanisation in PNG has created a 'sub-urban culture' A close examination of these is, therefore,
to use Levine and Levine 's (1979:132) important to decode ways members from different
terminology. It is common for migrants to regularly cultural groups, think, share and express their beliefs
oscillate between villages and cities. That is, a to one another.
sub-urban culture is one in which migrants hold Firstly, is the need to understand the system of
neither rural nor urban to the fullest (see also thoughts and beliefs and how these are connected
Connell and Lea 1994:274). As Rowley (1965:52) to the general domiciliary behavioural patterns of
rightly comments, despite obvious social changes the people. Some of these include: (i) shared

beliefs in sorcery 5 (ii) supernatural powers to too frequent sexual contacts with, and the
harm or cause disaster, (iii) ability to foretell menstrual conditions of, women (see, Meggitt 1964;
future events or (iv) to reveal the guilty or the Berndt 1962; Strathern 1972; Newman 1965;
innocent. An understanding of these beliefs is Read 1952; among others). According to Gelber
central in any study of domiciliary behaviour. (1986) many men believed, and some still believe
According to Rew (1974:22) and Rowley in the power of women to pollute and
(1965:34-35) particular cultural norms promote contaminate men. Using evidence from PNG, Brandewie
or inhibit certain behavioural display. Beliefs in (1981:119-122) further stress the debilitating
sorcery, for example, have had fundamental nature of women pollution. It was held that
impact on the social organisation including heterosexual intercourse drained the strength of
men, weakening them for battle and
family protection, among other things; Rowley diminishing their skills for hunting and trapping
( 1 965 :46) highlight a widespread "use of spells to (Meigs 1984; Kembol, et al 1972). Strathern
manipulate deities and ancestral spirits for (1972) offers a succinct insight into this fear
human purposes, ... as a means of dealing with
one's enemies, ...". Another cultural norm in thus:
common practise was that prohibiting ...sexual relations are held to be debilitating, so that
trespassing by a stranger in one's garden or hamlet. men lose their strenght through too frequent sexual
Reasons for this are not hard to find, as anyone contact with women; and since women [anyhow] are
who unnecessarily trespassed was regarded as not strong, their presence threatens men's strength,
(p. 164).
having bad intentions.
A second form of social organisation is that The fact that women's presence threatened
based on the structure and meaning of men's strength and hence the basis upon which
mythology (see, Finch, 1985). According to Finch the well-being of the household depended for
(1985:197) myth represents a very special and protection, security and livelihood provides
interesting form of communication - unique strong evidence for this segregation. Reasons for
repository of cultural information. Myth this fear and subsequent gender segregation are
operates on the principle of sacredness which protects not hard to find. Firstly, not too long ago, much
it from conscious tampering. It serves as a vehicle of the subsistence depended on what one could
for collective rather than individual thought. gather from the natural environment, either by
Finch ( 1 985) is of the opinion that myths provide gardening, hunting, fishing or food gathering in
moral order of society and they either: the forest. Secondly, the survival and the
...provide an account of the origins of social continuity of a society relied on its strength to defend
regulations, or they make a normative statement about itself from neighbouring hostile clans.
those regulations. ...rules developed do form an Intertribal warfare was particularly common between
important set of constraints on the behaviour of hostile clans especially before pacification. For
individuals. These moral regulations are an important the purpose of this paper inter-tribal hostility is
part of what prople see as making themselves considered as another form of social
distinctively human. Myth not only creates the distinction organisation. This was even when the same hostile groups
between nature and culture but also provides the maintained intact friendly trading contacts and
basis for cultural behaviour that makes this distinction
significant (p. 213, emphasis added). marriage relations between them (Bateson 1980;
Kaitilla 1992). The fear of attack being so real it
One such myth is the belief in gender was the responsibility of the male members to
separation. Gender separation was widespread in protect and ensure security and continuity of
Melanesia and included strict and distinct their own clans (Meigs 1984:15-6; Rowley
divisions of labour and space use in home 1965:41). For these reasons the need to maintain
environments. Gender separation was particularly strength to defend one's clan members greatly
notable in the display of domiciliary behaviour. influenced the defensive spatial layout of
Several villages still have prescribed places where settlements. This meant that tools of survival had
men and female gather separately. A number of to have 'good luck'. To achieve this it also
reasons have been advanced for excluding meant that such tools must be kept away from
women from men's affairs. One of the reason was women and uninitiated children. This fear of
the fear by men of being contaminated 6 from rendering tools of survival with bad luck is well
5. According to Bateson (1980:124) a man gains a social standing in the community by his achievement in sorcery.
6. Reay (1959:84) claims that the wealthier Kuma men practised taboo of avoiding sexual relations with their wives while
breast feeding or during menstruation. She also claims that the self-respecting clansmen did not sleep with their wives in
women's houses for fear that they might reveal clan's secrets to these women who might in turn reveal them to their own close
agnates (cited in Reay 1990:70-71).

highlighted by Kembol, et al (1972) among the ground; they are located in a circle or semi-circle
Engans: arount the plaza and are reluctantly entered by men,
...Men's houses, forbidden to women and children,
[...] if women happen to walk over any of our are generally larger and built on higher posts well off
property such as weapons, they might reduce the the ground at one or another end of the plaza circle
success of ...fighting or ...any of the activities carried or oval. (p. 20).
out by men. (p. 21).
This type of village layout (Figure 1) was by
Daily, therefore, men congregated in no means typical throughout PNG or
prescribed male areas not only for leisure purposes or to Melanesia. Where this was not the norm, gender
discuss village politics, hunting and fishing segregation among members of a household was
expeditions alone, but also to debate and plan wars. instead achieved, for example, through optimisation
By the same token, many women's activities of interior space. Alternatively, this was achieved
usually took place in prescribed female spaces. through body posture or avoiding eye contact
For example, meal preparation, cooking and between and among particular members of the
gossiping took place mainly in the 'haus-kuk', household. This was a common practice among
the kitchen, or at the rear of the houses. the residents of the longhouse, for example, the
To summarise, it is evident that some common Samp of Western province (Shaw 1990:34-38)
themes emerged from this generalisation. It is and the Kaluli of Southern Highland province
obvious from this discussion that uniformities in (Schieffelin 1976:32-41). Generally, the number
social organisation, system of thoughts and of occupants in any longhouse varied from place
gender segregation make cultural generalisation to place depending on a number of factors, for
possible. Almost everywhere social and cultural example, raiding, alliance selection and sorcery
beliefs, ideas, aspirations, and fears have accusation. But it was not uncommon to find up
contributed to particular lifestyles of domiciliary to 60 people 7 or 1 5 families from two or three
behaviours, building and layout of dwellings, clans residing in one longhouse (Schieffelin
sleeping and so on. To better understand 1976:38). However, even with such high
culturally appropriate domiciliary behaviour in any occupancy rate the interior space of the longhouse
society it is important to begin with was usually divided into several major areas as
anthropological and ethnographic accounts which detail shown in Figure 2. Fronting the main entrance is
space utilisation in home environments. an activity area predominantly for women and
where food was prepared and cooked. Beyond
Space utilisation in home environments the entrance are the male and female sleeping
areas. These are distinctly separated by a long
It is clear that gender segregation also generated and wide corridor that was often used as a male
distinct separation of spaces in which each activity area. From the women's activity area,
group congregated in isolation of the other. This there is a separate side entrance which leads to
segregation is marked in domiciliary space the females' sleeping area. Close to this entrance,
utilisation, building and settlement layout. Space use is located an alcove for the confinement of
and gender separation have preoccupied many women during menstrual period. The sleeping
anthropological studies especially those area for unmarried boys is located at the other
regarding domiciliary behaviour (see for example end of the longhouse, on each sides of the
Waterson 1990, and Brandewie 1981:53). Rules central corridor.
about space use provide potentially powerful Also, in West Britain province where
means of encoding cultural aspects of social traditionally husbands shared the same dwelling with
relations. In many traditional societies gender their wives, yet males spent a considerable part
has been a major factor in the layout of houses of their daily time in men's quarters - usually
and the use of space in other cultures as well. away from the females and children (see,
Barth (1975), for example, describes a Bakita Alexander and Cloutier 1980). A man who had more
village as consisting several: than one wife built separate houses for each wife.
[...] house types and areas of different degrees of According to McDowell (1991:49) and
sacredness and purity. Menstrual huts are placed on Brandewie (1981:51) this was necessary to reduce
the ground, outside the bounds of the village; conflict among agnate. But where two or more
...Women's huts, in which women, children, and pigs wives shared dwelling each had a separate
reside are built low but with their floors off the fireplace (see, also Bateson 1980:143). In many
7. According to other observers, longhouses in Gulf Province, for example could accommodated more then 100 people.
(Personnal communication with Professor W. Ruff). Also, in Western Province more then 1 00 Gogola resided in one longhouse
whereas for the Hesif, the largest number never exceeded 25 people (Anonymous Reviewer).
1G 10 ^ N/
o o •<
0 22
O in#
11 6 5
U O19
Ô 6
h>2.Vs house with cerenonial pla?.a
>taren ' s houâo FAHILY^'''"'-.'-./:^---1"'-"1"''
a Display liCHir^; rm-"-'
Spirit bousi?
f^nst-ruation hut
A: Mbowamb, Central Highlands after Brandewie (1981:41). B: Gwali village, Maprik, East Sepik after Nashikawa (198
Figure i . - Settlement layout.

rear veranda open end
j gowali '
dulunalu dulunalu (*> "lighting platform" O 50
I socializing
fire sbox I! main poslO w arrows I Jco g°-
bachelors and boys 'exclusive male ready 1 S "«
t activity arsa |Or use t

D □ 2
hchocli monsoon
"dance room"

male activity menstrual
area confinement
ga kudo ga kudo
women's women's
socializing area socializing area
nanlin monsoon
1 "tood room" n
predominantly female fl f\
activity area
(ront veranda main
entrance ladder
ID fire box overhang
• house post
" I wall or partition

A: Kaluli longhouse after Schieffelin (1976:32). B: Kandila longhouse after Shaw (1990:36).
Figure 2. Interior space utilisation in the longhouse.

rural areas, gender separation was, and still is, pants, a space for individual sleeping, sitting,
extended to the use of toilets and bathing areas. socialising and cooking as well as ritual and tribal
Gender as a basic concept in the organisation politics. At other times, it became a public space
of space and layout of houses and settlements in which socialising and sing-sing, or dancing,
has been observed in other cultures as well. took place with clans from other longhouses.
Waterson (1990) has shown in her work in South It can therefore be said that in village
East Asia that where social relations are rapidly environments males have had a special areas to which
changing it is important to apply certain rules in they retreated when they wished to be away from
the use of space. She goes on to show the merits the females and children, and vice versa.
of allowing people to behave as required their Inevitably, much of the traditional Melanesian and
preferred relationships to each other. This can be particularly PNG vernacular architecture has
achieved through, for instance, prohibition and responded well to local cultural values and
manipulation of objects in space and through systems of social organisation. However, such
body orientation and movement through responsive and conducive arrangements are not
particular spaces. For example, the longhouse, provided for in most urban housing schemes (see
discussed above could, at times, be used as a private Kaitilla 1993 for details of urban housing).
space, and at other times as a public space. But for Attention is now turned to examine
most part, the longhouse provided, for its interpersonal relations in the home environment.

Social relations among kin son's, wife or enter her house when the brother,
or the son, was not present (Bateson 1980:143).
Social relations refer to primarily The same avoidance rules also applied to women
interpersonal relationships among kinship 8 groups who hat to avoid their husband's brothers. If, for
through which most social organisation takes example, a woman entered a house in which her
place. Kinship systems provide patterns of husband's brothers was present she was obliged
domiciliary behaviour, define and regulate group to sit at one side of the house and address him
membership. They also prescribe rules of decent without staring directly into his eyes 10.
and marriage. Kinship obligations affect the Also, and according to McDowell (1991:209)
social behaviour of people with respect to their and Mead (1992:77) eating had strong cultural
spatial relations, relation between father and ramification in terms of avoidance and respect,
son, son-in law and mother-in-law and so on. even between affines of the same sex. It was not
Social relations may be manifested in positive or permitted for a woman to eat close to her
negative behaviour to certain members of the daughter-in-law nor was a man permitted to sit
household. This may refer, for example, to one's near his brother-in-law or near where his affine
body posturing such as body orientation, body had recently sat. This is well highlighted by
contact, or eye contact toward various kin 9 . Mead (192) of what she observed in Manus
Often, traditional cultural norms dictate the use where:
of space and oblige appropriate social distance ...a house is divided into two parts by one or more
for various types of interactions. mats hung from the ceiling. Such a house can
There are, generally, three types of accommodate two households in which live a man
interpersonal relationships centred on avoidance, respect and a woman whom he calls daughter-int-law and
and joking (see Mead 1992:56). Avoidance refers who must therefore avoid him, and never raise her
to behavioural display toward people whom one voice so that he can hear it at the other end of the
must avoid, whereas respect refers to house. Nor can she go into this section of the house
behavioural display which evoke shame toward certain except when he is absent, (p. 79).
people. However, respect is primarily an This arrangement allowed people to practise
avoidance behaviour and both potentially evoke respect and avoidance behaviours between
embarassment. Joking, on the other hand, is affinal relatives. As already mentioned above, it
usually a behavioural display addressed to was not uncommon for a female visitor to
people who may be jested or played with. This also remain outside the house because her affinal
included the right to behave disrespectfully male relative was inside the house. A mother-in-
towards a senior person (Rowley 1965:34). law, for instance, would not enter a house when
McDowell (1991:200), however, claims that her son-in-law was present nor a woman would
avoidance and respect behaviours may have also not attend a feast at which her brother-in-law
prevailed even among persons who exercised joking was also present (Mead 1992:80). Furthermore,
relationships. and according to Mead (1975:52), the use of
These forms of social organisations have as personal names among the people of Manus was
well been observed among several PNG likely to cause considerable strain to the
societies. Among the Mundugumor of the Sepik relationship between members of a household.
region, for instance, the relationship between
affine of the opposite sex was generally that of
respect and near avoidance (McDowell 1992: Social and cultural change in PNG 1 1
209; Mead 1975:51). Rules of avoidance affect
daily spatial behaviour including body These types of cultural domiciliary
orientation and eye contact. For instance, a man was behaviours still predominate in several rural
not permitted to directly address his brother's, or communities in PNG. Generally, avoidance behaviours
8. Kinship refers to culturally specific ideas and methods of categorising people in terms or real or putative ties of
consanguinity and affinity. One of the process of entering into a personal relationship is on the basis of shared blood or through
9. It is remarkable to especially note where people choose to sit and their sitting orientation. In PNG most people sit
anywhere, and their sitting arrangement (body orientation) does nos necessarily follow on any particular order. See, for example,
Mead (1992:53) on eating behaviour among the people of Manus.
10. In New Ireland province, tradition dictates that a sister-in-law cannot pass in front of her sister's husband without her
head being covered by a head dress (personal communication with Cletus Gonduan).
1 1 . Some writers claim that the destruction of old cultures is a form of development. This has been the case with the
replacement of men's houses - places of associations - with religious buildings which are places for worship (Kaitilla 1992;
Rowley 1965)

were not meant to express or signify hostility. and subsistence gardening are less prevalent and
But they were meant to maintain rituals, taboos often discouraged in most urban areas.
and respect for kin and elder members of the One fundamental effect of urban lifestyle is
clan. What happens to people who move to the severance of rural cultural norms that have
towns where cultural traditions are no longer been responsible for the maintenance of
closely maintained? Alternatively, are there any traditional domiciliary behaviours. The transition
cultural mechanisms to cope with stress brought from rural to urban lifestyle, although long and
about by social and cultural change? slow, often requires a change in social
Over a hundred years of cultural contact with organisation with respect to gender and kin (see
missionary and colonial agents have left a McCarthy 1970). Not only do migrants undergo
devastating effect on PNG although not on the same economic change, but their cultural ideals about
level as in other developing countries (Oram society undergo fundamental changes as well. In
1989:70). However, having been ignorant of the
significance of the Melanesian cultural urban areas, migrants experience a transition,
from mono-cultural to less tangible
traditions both missionaries and colonial multicultural relationship. However, as suggested
administrators suppressed most of them. They, instead,
imposed their own alien cultural values. Both earlier that rural habits die hard, it is not
males and females were made to abandon, uncommon therefore for people to deny that they are
undergoing socio-cultural change. Despite
among other things, their separate living complexity of this process, that is, cultural rigidity or
lifestyles and instead they were forced to adapt to a
nuclear family house and the organisation of conservatism, it usually involves a continuous
interplay for the need for stability and the need
cultural domiciliary behaviour was also significantly for change. It is this interplay between the old
changed. and the new that eventually determines the
The most likely people to be affected by degree of assimilation into an urban society, on
urbanisation process would be migrants. McCarthy
(1970) recorded a useful insight on urban the one hand, and a change in a rural lifestyle, on
the other. This transition is difficult, despite
lifestyle of migrants in Port Moresby: migrants' claims for or against complete
The old days were good, ...That's all finished now... adjustment to urban lifestyles.
[The old people] were all bitter about Port Moresby Consequently, urban domiciliary behaviours
and regarded it as a place of horror which had are likely to produce considerable stress, for
swallowed and destroyed their families. Our children get
sick there. ...they run around and sell themselves to example, for individuals for whom avoidance
men. ... Port Moresby is a bad place, (p. 45, emphasis and respect practices were until now the norms.
added). Stresses may arise due, but not limited, to
changes in the domiciliary behavioural patterns. For
Such problems are unheard of in most rural instance, from that of living in separate dwellings
settings. Urban context foster a sense of to that of living in the same house and hence
anonymity and, besides, urban lifestyle is based on the constantly being in close contact with females
concept of sharing. For example, members of an most of the time. Kembol, et al (1972) draw
urban household share among themselves attention to the feelings of traditional Engans
almost everything. Household members live, when men and women sleep in the same
sleep, eat, relax in the same dwelling space. They dwelling 12.
use the same toilet, and same bathing facilities. [Our fathers] stayed away from women most of the
Unlike in rural areas where gender separation is time but now we are living together. [We] know that
distinct, in an urban area a household lacks an we are breaking the laws of our fathers and [we]
area that can exclusively be called a male or usually feel guilty when [we] sleep in one house with
female activity area nor separate huts for women, (emphasis added, p. 61).
women's menstruation. In addition, with
shifting composition, and its resultant changes of It is obvious that tensions may arise due tu
loyalty, there are other significant structural lack of alternative settings into which to retreat.
stresses to both sexes. Many traditional roles are In urban areas, such tensions become potential
rapidly changing. More men are steadily taking sources of conflicts between men and women
part in household chores. Cultural and (see Herdt and Poole 1982). This conflict is often
traditional female roles, for example, that of raising pigs directed at women. According to Alexander and
12. The author is aware of a similar sleeping arrangement in an urban setting intended to respond to cultural norms. A Sepik
friend has a three bedroom house in one of the urban settlements in Lae. All three bedrooms are accessible only from the outside.
The two extreme bedrooms belong to the two parents of the opposite sex whereas the children occupy the third bedroom in the

Cloutier (1980) excessive social contact between urban housing schemes, to which many people
male and female: 13 aspire, ensure that socio-cultural norms of
[... causes] a man to lose his masculine powers and to domiciliary behaviours are not compromised?
physically degenerate. To avoid this, men... practise Although further research is evidently required
the tradition of incising the penis to allow the blood before any specific design criteria can be
contaminated through contact with women to flow proposed, there is an urgent need to search for
out of their bodies. In the city they perform this alternative solutions. It is important that these
ceremony far more frequently [...] (pp. 53-4). solutions are conducive and support the unfolding of
It is therefore argued that urban domiciliary culturally appropriate domiciliary behaviours
behavioural patterns produce stress (Connell even in urban contexts.
and Lea 1994:276; McCarthy 1970:45). As Most urban housing forms and designs in
already shown above, it distorts traditional PNG encourage transitory urban lifestyle rather
forms of social organisation and consequently than permanence due to insensitivity to cultural
appropriate cultural behaviours. Herdt and domiciliary behavioural patterns. It is not
Poole (1982) and Brown (1988) show that the uncommon to find building extensions take
male - female polarity and antagonism have place especially on many low-income public
significantly diminished in the last 50 years (see housing schemes. Several of these extensions are
also Kaitilla 1992; Tuzin 1988). Paula Brown of the type 'hauswincF where the male members
(1988), argues that female segregation is of the household gather to talk and receive
outdated; nowadays women join men to play cards in guests or outside haus-kuk where food
the men's house. The family house has, instead, preparation, cooking and women gossip take place.
become the focus of social interaction (see also Having an optimum setting into which to retreat
Brandewie 1981 :43). Using evidence from Simbu from the opposite gender is an important
Brown (1988; 126) claims of female opportunity for coping with potential socio-cultural
emancipation in recent years. She attributes these changes stresses. These stresses can only be tolerated
to social contact and 'modern' influences where they are of transitory nature, for example,
brought about by both colonial and post-colonial being able to regularly retreat to rural settings.
institutions such as education, legal and One important area to search for culturally
government. However, she fails to offer evidence, or appropriate design alternatives is in the
even to suggest how both genders cope with increasingly 'informal' self-built urban and peri-
stress that develops between the sexes as a result urban settlements. In other words, what
of declining traditional cultural taboos and fundamental experiences can be learned from the self-
ritual fears. Kembol, et al (1979), once again, built housing layouts in both squatter
give an illuminating case how Engans cope with settlements and urban villages? What instructive
stress there: mechanisms for coping with stress do these
[...] Some very old men still keep to their traditional housing layouts offer? Evidence in PNG has shown
beliefs and if the clan no longer has a men's house reluctance among housing officials to adopt
they build themselves smaller houses and live in solutions that are based on traditional cultural
them. (p. 61). values, as noted by Kaitilla (1 994) in a
correspondence between two government departments:
Nonetheless, Brown (1988:127) does admits I note the considerable difference of opinion which
that traditional ways still persist in some remote has arisen between The National Housing
rural sections of Simbu province. Here for a few Commission and the Lands Department in the advancement
days during first menstruation young women are of proposals for [Serafini area]. Noted is the rather
yet not permitted to handle food or touch their obscure requirements of the Department of Lands
bodies. It is for these people a culturally in respect of group titles to be issued to wantok
appropriate design solution must be found. groups, while the legislative framework for issuing
such titles still does not exist. Socially the
maintenance of clan groups within urban areas is not
Searching for culturally appropriate particularly desirable, while the administration and
alternatives public health aspects of development by informal
group titles could be horrendous. The desire of The
How then can a member of a household be National Housing Commission to proceed with a
able to exercise, at least, symbolic avoidance and formalised housing project is appreciated, for under
respect with regard to affinal relatives in an conditions of urban crisis is hardly an appropriate
urban setting? In other words, how best can time to experiment (pp. 313-314, emphasis added).
13. See, also, Hogbin (1963:30) and Meigs (1984:14) for similar views about the Busama people of Morobe Province.

Here is a case whereby the Lands Department with the view of upholding traditionally
was about to put on trial traditional planning appropriate cultural values. Finally, the paper makes
concepts in an urban context. The concept methodological suggestions in pursuit of
aimed at providing an integrated community in culturally conducive solutions which will allow the
which people were not only consulted but also unfolding of 'appropriate' domiciliary
became active participants of their development behavioural patterns.
project. In this project community organisation In many parts of Melanesia socio-cultural
was seen as a most fundamental democratic sanctioned ideals of the environment and
unity whereby housing layouts encouraged appropriate gender separation in domestic spaces have
community interaction. It was seen that such generally influenced traditional housing designs.
interaction would, in turn, assist the process of self- However, the on-set of social contact,
reliance and community development. The urbanisation coupled with the influx of rural-urban
layout of houses was to combine modern migration in recent decades, have significantly
planning standards and indigenous lifestyles by altered traditional housing designs and therefore
promoting traditional forms of social and economic spatial gender segregation. Changes in housing
activities, for instance, allowing urban design have not, however, been associated with
subsistence farming and allocation of housing plots on the corresponding changes in the traditional
the basis of the 'wantok' system. Although the gender perceptions.
Lands Department eventually went ahead with This is partly due to insensitivity to the values
its proposal it certainly generated a great deal of and socio-cultural norms of the intended
confusion and antagonism between the two recipients by housing designers that many public
departments most directly involved with the urban housing schemes continue to fail. As
provision of housing in PNG (For details of this argued in the paper, this has been attributed to
project see Kaitilla 1994). Nonetheless, there are the failure to recognise that the built spaces are
great merits in closely examining how an integral part of a cultural system. What
domiciliary behaviour unfold in such human contemporary housing designers fail to
settlements that are neither rural nor urban in comprehend is that regularities in social organisation
character (Connell and Lea 1994:274). Mangar (1980), reflect the adherence to specific cultural
for example, shows that a village house is not domiciliary behavioural requirements and ideals.
only a simple solution to the local climate and Although the study remains inconclusive in its
materials but is also a response to complex issues findings and specific design recommendations it
of socio-cultural needs. Many of these urban sets out the scene for further empirical study.
and peri-urban settlements are formed on the This invitation is made knowingly that there is
basis of ethnic or clan background where little or no comprehensive empirical evidence in
cultural norms are likely to be maintained and Melanesia, and PNG particularly, regarding
fostered. It is important that urban housing how different cultural groups actually organise
programmes promote and facilitate the unfolding of and utilise spaces in their domestic dwellings.
socio-cultural values, among other things. It is Most modern houses are designed and built as if
only when these values receive special attention families were homogeneous and composed of a
that housing designs can help the unfolding of nuclear family of six members, two parents and
culturally appropriate domiciliary behavioural four children. Meanwhile, the following points
patterns. Urban houses must be designed to sum up important observations emerging out of
allow for flexible needs that meet spatial options this paper:
for both short- and long- term visiting 'wantoks', • sitting close to certain kin was normally not
or relatives.
culturally approved;
• visual and aural avoidance and respect behaviours
were culturally encouraged and maintained with
Conclusion special categories of affins;
• direct eye contact with particular kin was avoided
The paper has discussed the issue of space use through body orientation; and
in contemporary urban and rural environments • body contact was avoided with certain affinal
in Melanesia and PNG in particular. Several relations.
points have emerged out of this discussion such
as the importance of male-female spatial However, two areas need further close
segregation in Melanesian villages. It has also been examination, and namely:
pointed out that most contemporary urban i) the effects of increased participation by
residences and residential areas are not designed women in wage employment against their

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