SPM Practice C8C1

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Pusat Tuisyen Newton

No. 3 – 01, Jalan Kempas 17, Taman Megah Ria

Contact: 016 – 702 9922

1) For this question, give your answers correct to three

significant figures.
(a) The result of a study shows that 20% of the pupils in a city
cycle to school. If 8 pupils from the city are chosen at
random, calculate the probability that
i. Exactly2 of them cycle to school.
ii. Less than 3 of them cycle to school.

(b) The masses of watermelons produced from an orchard

follow a normal distribution with a mean of 3.2 kg and a
standard deviation of 0.5 kg. Find
i. The probability that a watermelon chosen randomly
from the orchard has a mass of not more than 4.0 kg.
ii. The value of 𝑚 if 60% of the watermelons from the
orchard has a mass of more than 𝑚 kg.
2) An orchard produces lemons. Only lemons with diameter, 𝑥
greater than 𝑘 cm are graded and marketed.Table 3 shows the
grades of the lemons based on their diameters.
Grade 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
Diameter, 𝑥
𝑥>7 7≥𝑥>5 5≥𝑥>𝑘

Table 3

It is given that the diameters of the lemons have a normal

distribution with a mean of 5.8 cm and a standard deviation of
1.5 cm.

a) If one lemon is picked at random, calculate the probability

that it is of grade 𝐴.
b) In a basket of 500 lemons, estimate the number of grade 𝐵
c) If 85.7% of the lemons is marketed, find the value of 𝑘.
3) In a survey carried out in a school, it is found that 2 out of 5
students have handphones.
a) If 8 students from that school are chosen at random, calculate
the probability that
i. Exactly2 students have handphones.
ii. More than 2 students have handphones.

b) A group of workers are given medical checkup. The blood

pressure of a worker has a normal distribution with a mean of
130 mmHg and a standard deviation of 16 mmHg. Blood
pressure that is more than 150 mmHg is classified as ‘high
blood pressure’.
i. A worker is chosen at random from the group. Find
the probability that the worker has a blood pressure
between 114 mmHg and 150 mmHg.
ii. It is found that 132 workers have ‘high blood
pressure’. Find the total number of workers in the
4) The masses of mangoes from an orchard have a normal
distribution with a mean of 300 g and a standard deviation of
80 g.
a) Find the probability that a mango chosen randomly from this
orchard has a mass of more than 168 g.
b) A random sample of 500 mangoes is chosen.
i. Calculate the number of mangoes from this sample
that have a mass of more than 168 g.
ii. Given that 435 mangoes from this sample have a
mass of more than 𝑚 g, find the value of 𝑚.
5) A test paper consists of 40 questions. Each question is
followed by four choices of answer, where only one of these
is correct.
a) Salma answers all the questions by randomly choosing an
answer for each question.
i. Estimate the number of questions she answered
ii. Find the standard deviation of the number of
questions she answered correctly.
b) Basri answers 30 questions correctly and randomly chooses
an answer for each of the remaining 10 questions. Find the
probability that he answers
i. 36 questions correctly.
ii. At least 32 questions correctly.
6) It is found that 80% of university graduates in a state are
a) If 10 university graduates from the state are selected at
random, find the probability that
i. Exactly 9 of them are employed.
ii. At most2of them are unemployed.

b) In a cross country event participated by 500 students, the time

taken for the run follows a normal distribution with a mean of
20 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes.
Participants will not be given any point if they take more than
32 minutes to complete the run.
i. If a participant is chosen at random, find the
probability that the participant does not get any
ii. Medals were awarded to the first 80 participants
who took less than 𝑡 minutes to complete the run.
Find the value of t.
7) Diagram 1 shows part of an arrangement of bricks of equal

The number of bricks in the lowest row is 100. For each of the
other rows, the number of bricks is 2 less than the row below.
The height of each brick is 6 cm. Ali builds a wall by
arranging bricks in this way. The number if bricks in the
highest row is 4.
a) the height, in cm, of the wall
b) the total price of the bricks used if the price of one brick is 40
8) Two companies, Delta and Omega, start to sell cars at the
same time.
a) Delta sells k cars in the first month and its sales increase
constantly by m caris every subsequent month. It sells 240
cars in the 8th month and the total sales for the first 10 months
are 1900 cars. Find the value of k and m.
b) Omega sells 80 cars in the first months and its sales increase
constantly by 22 cars every subsequent month.
If both companies sell the same number of cars in the nth
month, find the value of n.
9) Diagram 3 shows the arrangement of cylinders having the
same radius, 3 cm. The height of the first cylinder is 4 cm and
the height of each subsequent cylinder increase by 2 cm.
[Volume of cylinder = πr2h]

a) Calculate the volume, in cm3, of the 17th cylinder, in term of

b) Given the total volume of the first ncylinder is 1620π cm3,
find the value of n.
10) Muthu started working for a company on 1 January 2002 with
an initial annual salary of RM18 000. Every January, the
company increased his salary by 5% of the previous year’s
salary. Calculate
a) his annual salary, to the nearest RM, for the year 2007.
b) the minimum value of n such that his annual salary in the nth
year will exceed RM36 000.
c) the total salary, to the nearest RM, paid to him by the
company, for the years 2002 to 2007.
11) Amir drops a ball from a height of H cm above the floor.
After the first bounce, the ball reaches a height of H1 cm
where given H1= 0.8H. After the second bounce, the ball
reaches a height of H2 cm, where H2= 0.8H1. The ball
continues bouncing in this way until it stops. Given that H =
200, find

a) The number of bounces when the maximum height of the ball

from the floor is less than 50 cm for the first time.
b) the total distance, in cm, travelled by the ball until it stops.

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