Automated Testing of Communications Based Schemes in Transmissio

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A.P. Apostolov, Senior Member, IEEE B. Vandiver, Member, IEEE
Los Angeles, CA, 90064 USA Houston, TX 77046 USA

Abstract: Testing of modem microprocessor based transmission The paper discusses the challenges in the testing of
line protection relays with communication accelerated schemes communication based schemes in transmission line protection
requires excellent understanding of the logic of the particular relays. It introduces the concept of an automated “point-and-
scheme being tested. These relays operate based on the state of click’’ test process that allows a dramatic reduction in the time
multiple monitored signals, such as permissive signals, breaker typically needed to test such complex logic.
status signals, communication channel status signals. Time
A detailed example of Permissive Underreaching Unblocking
coordination of these signals and synchronization with the pre-
Transfer Trip scheme is described from the perspective of
fault and fault analog signals is required in order to perform
testing requirements - i.e., hardware requirements for
adequate testing of this type of schemes.
simulation of breaker status, communication and state of
The paper discusses the challenges in the testing of
channel signals and how they should be synchronized with the
communication based schemes in transmission line protection
analog signals simulating pre-fault and fault conditions.
relays. It introduces the concept of an automated “point-and-
click” test process that allows a dramatic reduction in the time The paper also describes the different options for automated
to test such complex logic. testing and reporting of communications based schemes. Three
modes of operation are presented:
Keywords: Transmission Line Protection, Communications
Complete evaluation: multiple communication-based
Based Schemes, Automatic Testing
schemes are selected in a “point-and-click” manner and the
I. INTRODUCTION test software automatically executes a series of predefined
tests, measures the relay’s response, analyses the results
The electric utility industry is going through a process of and prepares the test report.
deregulation and downsizing that results in loss of expertise,
reduced number of engineers and increased workload. At the Testing of a specific communication-based scheme:
same time the protection technology is becoming more and automatically executes the test sequence required for the
more complex, with protective relays becoming multihctional selected communication scheme, measures the relay’s
devices with integrated pre-programmed control logic and response, analyses the results and prepares the test report.
additional functions like metering, fault and disturbance Training tool: detailed animated demonstrations of the
recording, programmable scheme logic, etc. This is especially relay’s protective and logical elements as they respond to
valid for transmission protection relays with multiple the sequence of events under each test scenario. Written
communication-based schemes. Test Objectives and wiring diagram for Hardware
Testing of such devices requires excellent understanding of the Requirements are shown for each available communication
logic of the particular scheme being tested. Protective relays, scheme.
with communication accelerated schemes, operate based on the
state of multiple monitored signals such as permissive signals, 11. COMMUNICATIONS BASED SCHEMES IN
breaker status signals, and communication channel status DISTANCE RELAYS AND THEIR TESTING
signals. Time coordination of these signals and synchronization The fundamental requirement for the primary protection of a
with the pre-fault and fault analog signals is required in order to transmission line is to provide high-speed fault clearing for any
perform adequate testing of these types of schemes. single phase to ground or multiphase fault on the protected line.
The conventional test process requires the programming of the In the case of transmission line protection based on distance
test device to perform pre-fault, fault and post-fault steps in the measurement principle of operation this can be achieved by the
simulation of the changing power system parameters in order to implementation of communication based protection schemes
evaluate the performance of a distance protection device with (Fig. 1).
communications based scheme logic.

0-7803-6681-6/01/$10.00 02001 IEEE 318

The above described attributes of communications based
Substation 1 Substation 2 schemes in modern distance relays have to be considered in the
process of definition of what tests should be performed in order
to verify the functionality and the correct settings of such
schemes. The overall simulation of the relay environment is
also affected by the communications media that is used for
exchange of protection signals between the relays at both ends
of the protected transmission line.

B. What Should Be Tested

Fig. 1 Communications aided transmission line protection scheme The testing of communication aided distance protection
schemes is intended to evaluate the performance of the test
Communication aided distance protection schemes typically use object under different fault, system and communication channel
a single command, usually in the form of a relay output contact conditions.
closure or a binary control signal. The meaning of this single Different tests are designed to monitor the relay operation for
command signal, when received at the remote end, is the following fault conditions:
interpreted based on the communication scheme selected for the Zone 1 fault
application. For example, a Carrier Send signal from one end Zone 2 fault on the protected line
can be decoded as a Permissive or Blocking signal at the
Zone 2 fault outside of the protected line
receiving end, depending on the selection of a Permissive or
Reverse faults
Blocking scheme.
Faults on a parallel circuit of a double-circuit line
A. Communication Aided Protection Schemes No fault
Because we are testing communication based schemes, the
Communication based protection schemes for distance relays relay reaction to the receiving of correct and noise control
can be divided in three main groups: signals under the above listed fault conditions is tested as well.
Intertripping Some more advanced communication aided schemes monitor
Permissive schemes not only the receiving of a control signal, but also the
Blocking schemes availability of the carrier signal, which may be lost if the fault is
These three basic categories are divided in sub-categories as a on the phase used by the communication channel. The
function of what elements are used to supervise the received combined effect of carrier signal and control signal received has
signal - for example Overreaching or Underreaching Permissive to be also tested.
schemes. When communication aided schemes are used in complex
In multifunctional distance relays the supervising element in system configurations, including double circuit transmission
communication aided schemes is a forward or reverse looking line or transmission line loops with or without mutual coupling,
phase or ground distance zone (Fig. 2). Some schemes, for sequential tripping of faults on adjacent lines may result in
example a simple Permissive or Blocking scheme will require incorrect operation of the accelerated schemes. It is required to
only one single supervising element - a Forward or a Reverse develop test sequences simulating such conditions to verify that
distance zone. The more advanced schemes may need both a the protective relay is going to operate correctly.
forward and reverse looking element, for example in a
Permissive scheme with built-in Current Reversal logic. C. How The Tests Are Performed
The fundamental requirement for an advanced testing software
in today’s utility environment is a combination of efficiency and
Substation 1 zone2 Substation 2
ease of use. The goal is to achieve maximum results with a
Zone 3
Reverse I Zone 1
minimum effort. That is why, the test configuration, execution
efforts and analysis of the results from a series of tests in most
cases should be limited to a point-and-click action.
The testing of communication aided schemes should be
+E1 I I performed in a way that as closely as possible matches real life
power system conditions. The sequence of steps in a test is
different as a function of the requirements for the specific
scheme and system condition.
For example, if the test is for a Direct Transfer Trip scheme and
Fig. 2 Forward and Reverse supervising elements the test conditions are normal system with a noise triggered
Carrier Receive signal, the sequence will include only three

0 pre-fault with breaker in a closed position, nominal voltage their characteristics. The assumption is made, that Zone 1, Zone
and normal load current conditions 2 and reverse looking phase and ground distance elements have
receive of Direct Transfer Trip signal already been tested successfidly.
post-trip condition with breaker opened, nominal The test object is a multifunctional distance relay with different
voltage(assuming that bus voltage is applied to the relay) communication aided schemes available. The assumption is that
and no current the relay under test is located at one end of the protected two
If a more complex scheme is tested, the number of steps will ended transmission line. The power system environment, i.e.
increase accordingly. For example if a Permissive Overreaching breaker status, pre-fault, fault and post fault current and
Scheme is tested, and a fault on an adjacent line with sequential voltages, the generated permissive, blocking or unblocking
breaker opening is simulated, the test will have to include the signals fi-om the remote end relay or the communication
following steps: equipment are simulated by the test device.
pre-fault with breaker in a closed position, nominal voltage During the testing of the different protection schemes all phase
and normal load current conditions and ground distance zone settings remain the same. The only
initial fault condition with current flowing in reverse changes made are in the communication scheme selected for
direction each individual subgroup of tests and the relay settings specific
0 receive of Permissive Trip signal to the scheme under test.
0 current reversal fault condition (simulating the opening of
the breaker by the Zone 1 trip of the relay on the adjacent A. Modes Of Operation
line) The software can be used for different purposes and in different
post-fault condition with breaker closed, nominal voltage modes as described in detail later in the paper.
and normal load current conditions The first mode is for complete evaluation purposes. The second
The test device is used to simulate both the analog and the mode is for testing of a specific communication based scheme.
digital signals received by the relay in the field. At the same The third mode of operation of the software is for training
time it’s inputs are used to monitor the operation of different purposes. All three modes are described in more detail later in
relay elements as required by the scheme under test. the paper.
The following most common Basic Communication Schemes
D. Test Results Analysis are considered in the performancetesting software:
The results fi-omeach test performed are automaticallyanalyzed Direct Underreaching Transfer Trip scheme
by the test software. The analysis is based on an expert system Permissive OverreachingTransfer Trip scheme
comparing the operating time of a combination of monitored Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip scheme
protection elements that have picked-up during the test. Permissive OverreachingUnblockmg Transfer Trip
The operating time of the monitored protection elements is scheme
defined based on the protective relay manufacturer’s technical 0 Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Transfer Trip
specifications. scheme
The results are displayed in a graphical format in the user Directional Comparison Blocking scheme
interface and in detail in an automatically generated test report. Current Reversal Logic
Week Infeed Logic
B. Steps in Testing
Since the multiple communications based schemes in a distance
relay have different logic and require the simulation of different Multihctional transmission line protection relays are very
signals and fault conditions, the software is a family of test complex devices that require during testing adequate simulation
modules for automatic testing of communication based logic of their operating environment, to ensure that they will perform
schemes in transmission line protection relays. They include the correctly when installed in the field. There is a sequence of
most typical communication schemes, such as Permissive or steps related to the testing of electromechanical,solid state or
Blocking and also cover some advanced features, like Weak microprocessor based relays using communication based
Infeed Logic, Current Reversal Logic, etc. schemes for accelerated fault clearing. They depend on the
The objective is to perform a number of dynamic tests to goals of the test and the level of knowledge of the relay under
evaluate the communication based schemes used in modem test and it’s operating principles
transmission line relays with distance elements. Effects of load Some of the steps are performed before the actual testing:
flow, fault resistance and remote end in-feed are not considered, 1. The user has to become familiar with the principles of
because they don’t affect the performance of these schemes, but operation of the test object (in this case a distance relay
the performance of phase and ground distance elements. These with preprogrammed communication aided schemes) and
effects are subject to testing in another group of tests in order to the sequence of events that result in an accelerated or time
verify the functionality of individual protection functions and delayed trip while implementing a permissive or blocking

scheme. This information is usually available in the users example. We will consider a Permissive Underreaching
manual of the tested relay. Unblochng Scheme and will describe in more detail the
2. The automatic testing software is based on the common principles of the scheme, the test requirements and test
industry understanding of communication aided schemes procedure. Similar steps are used for all the other
and some assumptions on the interface between the relay communications schemes supported by the software.
and the power system environment. The user has to As mentioned earlier, the testing of any communication based
become familiar with the basic principles implemented in scheme in a distance relay requires a good understanding of it’s
the development of the test sequences. This information is operating principles. The test technician or engineer has to
available in an animated form in the software Training become familiar with these principles. For the case of our
Mode. If the user is familiar with the principles of the example the Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Scheme is
distance relay under test and the principles of the of specific interest.
communication scheme to be tested, he/she can proceed
Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Transfer Trip (PUUTT)
directly with the actual testing process.
Logic Description
If the goal of the test is a benchmark test of the communication
When one phase of the power line is used as the
aided schemes of a new to the utility distance relay, the user
communications media and this phase is affected by the fault on
should use the Multiple Scheme Test Mode.
the line, the permissive signal may be lost. As a result, there
will be no accelerated trip if the fault is outside of the reach of
C. Multiple Scheme Test Mode
Zone 1 of the distance relay. This weakness of the conventional
If the utility is in the process of evaluating the communications Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT) scheme is
schemes of different distance relays, the Multiple Schemes Test avoided in the Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Transfer
Mode can help significantly by: Trip (PUUTT) scheme.
executing a series of tests selectedby the user The Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Transfer Trip
evaluating the relay operation for each of the individual (PUUTT) scheme also requires Underreaching functions.
tests after their execution and displaying it in a graphical Phase distance functions are used almost exclusively for
format detection of multi-phase faults, whereas ground distance
evaluating the overall performance of the relay after all functions or directional ground overcment functions can be
selected tests have been completed used for the detection of ground faults. The PUUTT scheme is
generating a report, including the operating time of the applied using a communication channel in which the permissive
monitored relay functions for all schemes tested and tests signal is sent by an output from any one of the Underreaching
performed functions. A typical application of a PUUTT scheme uses the
4n example of the Multiple Scheme Test Window is given in Zone 1 phase and ground distance elements as the
Tig. 3. Underreaching Unblocking elements.
For a fault in the zone of protection of the Underreaching (Zone
1) elements at either end of the protected line, they will operate
and activate the Carrier Send (TX) output of the relay. At the
same time, the Zone 2 element will also operate for any fault on
the line. Receipt of the permissive signal at each terminal and
an output from the Overreaching function will cause the AND
gate to produce an output to initiate acceleratedtripping.
If the fault involves the phase used by the communication
channel and the carrier signal is lost, this will result in an
unblocking signal allowing accelerated tripping for a short
period of time (typically 150-300 msec). If an overreaching
element (Zone 2) operates, this will cause the AND gate to
produce an output to initiate accelerated tripping.
For extemal faults, neither Underreaching functions will
operate, thus accelerated tripping will not be initiated at either
Fig. 3 Multiple schemes test mode The scheme is very secure in that it will not trip for any extemal
If the task is to test only a specific communication aided fault if the channel is inoperative. This scheme also has
scheme, the Single Scheme Test Mode should be used. significantly improved dependability, because it will provide an
accelerated trip for any internal faults even if the
D. Single Scheme Test Mode communication channel is inoperative.
In modem microprocessor based relays any fault within the
The best way to describe the functionality of the automatic reach of Zone 1 is tripped without any additional time delay
communications schemes testing software is through an by the Zone 1 element through the OR gate in the trip circuit.

32 1
In case of communication channel failure and fault in the Test Cases
reach of Zone 2, time-delayed (Zone 2 time) tripping is The Permissive Underreaching Unblochng Transfer Trip
provided. (PUUTT) scheme is tested for the following fault and
communication channel conditions:
1. Zone 1 fault and PTT signal received: the relay should trip

i, i =1
with Zone 1 time and send a PTT signal
2. Zone 2 fault , no PTT signal received and unblocking
signal received: the relay should trip with the relay Zone 2
pick-up time(not the Zone 2 time delay) and should not
Configuration of Step Test Sequene send a PTT signal
Analog Outputs
Binary Output 3. Zone 2 fault and PTT signal received: the relay should
Monitored Binary Input trip with PTT signal time and should not send a PTT
Transition Logic from Step to Stepi+l signal
I I 4. No fault and PTT signal received: the relay should not trip
and should not send a PTT signal
For each of the above listed test cases in a conventional
environment the user has to program the test device to execute
several test steps that represent different phases of the power
system behavior before and during the fault, as well as different

Run Test signals received from the remote end device.
The flowchart in Fig. 4 describes the simulation process.

i =I
Hardware requirements
Three phase voltages and currents are required from the test
device to the relay under test.
Test Sequence Step i: A potential free relay output of the test device is programmed
Change Analog Outputs
to simulate the breaker status and is wired to the 52a input of
the relay under test. Another potential free relay output of the
test device is programmed to simulate the Permissive signal
sent from the relay at the remote end and is wired to the RX
input of the relay under test. A third potential free relay output
of the test device is programmed to simulate the unblocking
signal sent from the communication device and is wired to the
Cannel Failure input of the relay under test.
A Trip output of the relay is wired to a Trip sense input of the
test device and is used to change from fault to post-fault state.
A Carrier Send(TX) output of the relay is wired to a second
PUUTT sense input of the test device and is used to detect if
and when at PUUTT signal is sent from the relay under test.
User Interface
The individual scheme control window has multiple control
buttons that can be enabled or disabled depending on the
actions of the user. For example, at the moment when the
window is opened, the Print Report control button is disabled,
because no tests have been executed. Fig. 4 shows a Single
J Yes Scheme Test Mode window after the successful completion of

1 Analyze Test
I all tests. Hardware requirements wiring diagram is displayed as

E. Training Mode
To become familiar with the principles of the tested scheme, the
Test Report user enables the Animation Mode of the scheme control:
The simplified logic diagram of the communication aided
scheme is displayed. Several new control buttons appear in the
Fig. 4 Test process simplified flowchart window, depending on the test cases related to the selected

scheme. On the bottom of the window a LEGEND with the Automatic relay performance analysis and test report generation
symbols used in the graphics and animation is displayed (Fig. significantly improves the efficiency and further simplifies the
5). overall testing process. The rules based analysis provides an
accurate evaluation of the relay operation and allows the tests to
be performed even by test technicians with limited experience.
The Hardware Requirements for the different schemes tests in
the software are also shown as a wiring diagram, displaying the
required connections for analog and binary signals for the
testing of the specific scheme. This reduces the probability for
human errors during the test process, thus further improving
the efficiency of the testing.

Alexander Apostolov received a MS degree in ElectricalEngineering,
MS in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. from the Technical University
in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has worked for fourteen years in the Protection
&Control Section of Energoproject Research and Design Institute,
From 1990-94 he was Lead Engineer in the Protection Engineering
Group , New York State Electric & Gas where he worked on the
Fig. 5 Animation screen in Training Mode protection of the six-phase line, applicationof microprocessor relays,
programmable logic and artificial intelligence in protection. 1994-95
The animation speed is controlled by an additional control he was Manager of Relay Applications Engineering at Rochester -
object in the scheme control window. It can be set to Slow, Integrated Systems Division. 1995-96 he was Principal Engineer at
Medium or Fast speed depending on the users knowledge of the Tasnet.
specific scheme displayed. Several animation control buttons He is presently Marketing Strategies Manager for ALSTOM T&D. He
is a Senior Member of IEEE and Member of the Power Systems
allow the user to select the animation demonstrating the test
Relaying Committee and Substations Subcommittee. He serves on
sequence and expected relay performance for a specific fault several IEEE PES Working Groups and is Chairman of Working
condition. Before running the tests the user can also check the Group C3: New Technology Related to Power Systems Protection and
test objectives and the hardware requirements for the Working Group C9: Guide for Abnormal Frequency Load Shedding
communication scheme selected. and Restoration.
He is member of IEC TC57 and CIGRE WG 34.01.He holds three
IV. CONCLUSIONS patents and has authored more than 80 technical papers.
Testing of communications based schemes in modern Benton Vandiver I11 received BSEE from the University of Houston
microprocessor based transmission line protection relays in 1979.
requires complete understanding of the operating principles of He began his career with the Substation Division of Houston Lighting
the individual schemes and the right software and hardware & Power, in 1978 engineering relay protection systems for all levels of
tools to appropriately simulate the fault conditions and transmission, distribution, and generation. His main interests were in
communication signals received from the relay under test. computer design automation of protection schemes and substation
The performance testing software presented in the paper allows projects. He developed extensive knowledge in the application,setting,
the user to become familiar with the operating principles of the testing, modeling, and design of traditional and digital relaying
systems used in all types power system protection, control, and
most typical communications aided schemes for transmission monitoring. In 1991 he joined Multilin Corp. as a Project Manager on
line protection through animation available in the Training a team responsible for designing and developing the hardware and
Mode. software for a new family of utility grade digital relays. In 1995 he
It eliminates the need for programming the test device to joined OMICRON electronics as a Sales & Application Engineer with
perform multiple steps for each individual test case required for primary responsibilities of sales, training, and promotion of the
a specific communications based protection scheme and then revolutionary CMC Universal Test Set to North & South America.
analyze the relay performance based on the measured relay He is currently Technical Director for OMICRON electronics Corp.
response time. USA in Houston, TX. He is a long time member of IEEE and authored
Pre-programmed automatic test sequences simulating different or co-authored many technical papers for various conferences in North
fault conditions and the signals received from the remote end or
the communications equipment allow the execution of multiple
tests for a selected communications scheme by simple "point-
and-click" action by the user.
An option for the automatic testing of multiple schemes is
available for the complete evaluation of communications aided
schemes in new relays.


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