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Submitted to:
Ma’am Ayesha Iftikhar
Submitted by:
Fatima Ghulam Nabi 70075061
Ansa Hadia 70071231

Pak Wheels Automobile Industry Survey has been conducting automobile industry surveys where they

cover all the aspects of the industry, mainstream and otherwise. The data gathered
is used to analyze useful information for consumers. This survey sample consists
of respondents from all over Pakistan and covers their spending habits, driving
behavior, expectations and routine practices in the automobile sector. The results
collected are entirely based on the users’ experiences.


It can be noted that about 35,176 respondents across the country participated in the
survey. Through the data given in pie chart, we can conclude that majority of the
respondents were from Punjab side (55%) while the least percentage of people
participating in the survey were from Baluchistan (1%).

Age brackets:
87% People had completed the survey and the results we interpret are that
maximum people drive between the age of 18-42.

Income Brackets:
From this data we got to know the income of the Respondents, from which (22%)
did not mention there income and most of their income range where between
30,001-60,000 and around (9%) earn more than 180,000.

Ownership Break-up:

The chart explains the ownership percentage of cars and bikes. Majority of the
participants own cars (46%) with (26%) owning bikes and (28%) respondents are
owners of both the vehicles.

Licensing and Registration:

The Bar Graph shows that about (80%) respondents had driving license while
(20%) doesn’t have a driving license. The survey also tells that about (67%) of
respondents aged less than 18 years drive without a driving license.

We worked with all the types of graphs because for some data it was easy to
understand in a pie chart while for the other data we decided to work with bar
graph and histogram. With this it is easy to interpret and conclude the data. We
chose pie chart because of the qualitative data provided and histogram for
quantitative data. Bar chart can be used for both quantitative and qualitative data.

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