(Basic - SC - 09.09.2018) Tending Your Own Garden

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Phần I. Giới thiệu bản thân

- Name, age, job, place you live, hobby
Cách giới thiệu bản thân: Tại đây
Phần II. Nội quy lớp học
Class Rules (Nội quy lớp học)
1. Use English only (Chỉ nói tiếng Anh)
2. Practice speaking on a topic under the guidance of the teacher (Thực hành nói theo
chủ đề dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên)
3. Don’t do personal things in the class (Không làm việc riêng trong lớp)
Phần III: Trả lời câu hỏi
1. Vocabulary game: Fill in the blanks to complete the words.
2. Do you prefer having a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Why?
(Bạn thích có vườn hoa hay vườn rau? Tại sao?)
- I prefer to have a vegetable garden; I can imagine how happy I will be when I can
eat nutritious vegetable from my own garden.

- I love the scent of flowers and their colors.

- I don’t have to pay money for a simple bouquet when I can grow many of them
for a small price.
- The food tastes better because I know it is not sprayed with chemicals.
3. Discuss with your partner the disadvantages of using plastic bags.
(Hãy thảo luận với bạn của bạn những bất lợi của việc sử dụng túi ni lông)

● Environmental Damage. Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of

environmental damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, to decay
completely. This makes the bags stay in environments longer, in turn leading to
great build-up on the natural landscape.
● Threat To Animal Life. Plastic bags not only have adverse effects on our natural
habitats, but have also been found to be responsible for the death of many
animals, mainly on account of the suffocation encountered on eating them.
● Suffocation.Not only animals, infants and young children have also been reported to
have lost their life, on account of plastic bags. Since plastic bags are thin and airtight as
well, children often end up blocking their mouths and nostrils with them. In case they
are not being monitored by an adult, this leads to suffocation and, in some cases, even
4. Role-play
A: Talk with your friend about tending your own garden.
B: You are student A’s friend. Talk with him/her.
(Hãy nói chuyện với bạn của bạn về việc chăm sóc khu vườn của bạn.)

● Your garden looks great. If I had a garden, I'd really enjoy it.
● No, I don't. My yard is too small for a garden. I only have a small space to plant
some vegetables on my balcony.
● I’d grow some flowers and vegetables like you have.
● Yes, of course. That’d be great if I could.
● I thought you had a garden at home.
● I see. What would you grow if you had enough space for a garden?
● Wouldn’t you want to grow some fruit?

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