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FIM General Assembly (GA)

30 November 2019
Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

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2019 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 30 November 2019| Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

1. Opening of the meeting

1.1 Tribute to deceased Members

1.2 Constitution of the FIM General Assembly

1.2.1 Roll call of FMNs present

1.2.2 Roll call of Associated Members present

1.2.3 FMNs having the right to vote

1.2.4 VOTE: Appointment of the independent tellers*

2. VOTE: Approval of the Minutes of the 2018 General Assembly

meeting in Andorra la Vella, Andorra* (see appendix)

3. Approval of the 2018 Financial Statements (see appendices)

3.1 Management Report

3.2 Report of the External Auditors

3.3 Report of the Internal Auditors

3.4 VOTE: Discharge*

4. VOTE: 2019 report from the President*

4.1 Collaboration with FIA

4.1.1 Cross Country Rally World Championship

4.1.2 Side by Side Vehicles (SSV)

4.1.3 Dakar

4.2 E-bike

4.2.1 Progress report

4.2.2 UCI position

2019 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 30 November 2019| Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

4.3 Enduro

4.3.1 KTM/WESS

4.3.2 Tenders for Enduro & Enduro Extreme

4.4 Trial World Championship

4.4.1 Progress report

4.5 Protocol at FIM World Championships and Prize Events

4.6 FIM Historic Events

4.7 Insurance programme

4.8 Finance

4.8.1 Promoters’ contracts

4.8.2 Changes for the upcoming years

5. International Foundation for Motorcycling (IFM)

5.1 VOTE: Approval of the creation of the IFM*

6. Report from the CEO

6.1 New working structure within the FIM

7. Strategic Plan report

8. Reports from the CONU Presidents

9. Reports from the Commissions’ Directors

10. Reports from the Administration

10.1 Information from the Sports Department

10.2 Information from the FMN/CONU Liaison Department

10.3 Information from the Services Department

10.4 Information from the Marketing & Communication Department

2019 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 30 November 2019| Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

11. Finance (see appendices)

11.1 VOTE: Approval of the 2020 budget*

12. VOTE: Confirmation of the appointments of the CJI Members


13. Elections (appendices to follow)

13.1 VOTE: Member of the Board of Directors***

14. Members of the FIM

14.1 Decisions related to Malaysia

14.1.1 VOTE: Expulsion of AAM**

14.1.2 VOTE: Affiliation of MAM*

14.2 Decisions related to Kuwait following CAS Award issued within
the framework of the dispute between KMSC and the FIM

14.2.1 VOTE: Expulsion of KIAC and affiliation of KMSC**

14.3 Decisions related to Bosnia & Herzegovina

14.3.1 VOTE: Resignation of BIHAMK*

14.3.2 VOTE: Affiliation of MS BiH*

14.4 Decisions on new affiliations

14.4.1 VOTE: Affiliation of Angola (FADM)*

14.4.2 VOTE: Affiliation of Cambodia (CMSF)*

14.5 Information on members (current / new)

14.5.1 Canada

14.5.2 Israel

14.5.3 Mozambique

14.5.4 South Korea

2019 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 30 November 2019| Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

15. Amendments and proposals (see appendices)

15.1 VOTE: Approval of amendments to the FIM Statutes** & By-


15.2 VOTE: Approval of amendments to the FIM Sporting Code*

15.2.1 VOTE: Approval of new calendar & licence fees proposals*

16. Upcoming official FIM meetings and FIM Awards Ceremony

17. FIM Awards and Recognition and FMN Anniversaries

17.1 VOTE: Approval of 2019 FIM Honorary Membership* (see


18. Closing of the meeting

* absolute majority, i.e. 50% of the votes cast + 1 vote (Article 12.1.8, FIM Statutes)

** 2/3 of the votes cast (Article 12.1.8, FIM Statutes)

*** see Article X. 2), FIM By-Laws



MINUTES OF THE 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY – 1 December 2018 – Andorra la Vella, Andorra
FIM Administration/10


Mr Vito IPPOLITO VIP FIM President Mr Jorge VIEGAS JVI FIM Board Member
Mr Andrzej WITKOWSKI AWI FIM Vice President Mrs Marilynn BASTEDO MBA FIM NORTH AMERICA President
Mr Steve AESCHLIMANN SAE FIM Chief Executive Officer Mr Marco COMANA COM FIM AFRICA President
Mr Jorgen BITSCH JBI FIM Board Member Mr Stephan CARAPIET SCA FIM ASIA President
Mr Jacques BOLLE BOL FIM Board Member Mr Martin De GRAAFF MDG FIM EUROPE President ad interim


Mr Nasser Khalifa AL ATYA NKH FIM Deputy President

Mr David FRANCIS DFR FIM CCI Member Mr Damiano ZAMANA DZA FIM Programmes Director
Mr Richard PERRET RPE FIM Deputy CEO Ms Françoise EMERY FEM FIM Director, CEO Office, Planning
Mrs Lucile ACKAOUY LAC FIM Financial Director and Projects
Mr Fabio MUNER FAM FIM Sports Director Mr Nicolas JOMARD NJO FIM Communications Director


Please refer to the Appendix 1 – Presence of Voting Delegates

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

1 Opening of the meeting

The FIM President welcomed the members of the General Assembly to Andorra. A video on the FIM’s programmes, championships and activities was shown to the

The President declared open the General Assembly.

He then gave the floor to the Mayor of Andorra la Vella.

Address of the Mayor of Andorra la Vella

Mrs Conxita MARSOL Cònsol, Mayor of Andorra la Vella was delighted to be welcoming the FIM family in Andorra la Vella for the second time in a row. Andorra was a small
country but with a great spirit. They received 8 million visitors a year. In 2019 it would be the 600th anniversary of the Andorran constitution.
On behalf of the Andorran authorities she wished to congratulate Mr Vito Ippolito on all the work done over 12 years as FIM President and thank him for honouring Andorra
with the privilege of hosting the FIM two years running.

She noted that the FIM General Assembly and the FIM Awards were very important for them in helping to promote the country. Andorra hosted many important events and
would host the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals in 2019.

The President thanked Mrs Marsol and gave the floor to Mr Gilbert SABOYA, Minister for the Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation of the Principality of Andorra.

Mr Saboya thanked the President and Members of the Board, stating that the Principality of Andorra was very happy and honoured to welcome the FIM General Assembly
and FIM Awards in 2017 and 2018. He thanked the FIM for their confidence and hoped that the FIM family members would return to Andorra another time.

In addition to speaking Catalan, Andorra was part of the Espace Francophone and part of the Spanish-speaking world.

He showed a video of the Motorcycling Museum in his country.

The President thanked the Andorran authorities for their warm welcome.

1.1 Tribute to deceased Members

See Appendix 2 –FIM Obituary

The President invited the General Assembly to observe one minute of silence in memory of the members of the FIM family who had died since the last FIM General

A video tribute was shown.

1.2 Constitution of the FIM General Assembly

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

1.2.1 Roll call of FMNs present

The FIM CEO proceeded to the roll call of the FMNs.

Algeria was excused. Azerbaijan was not present. Bosnia & Herzegovina were excused. Cuba was not present yet. Egypt was excused. Honduras was not present yet. Malta
was excused. Oman was not present. Tajikistan was not present.

There were 103 FMNs present at the morning roll call. All had the right to vote. The quorum was reached.

There were 103 FMNs present at the afternoon roll call. All had the right to vote.
The quorum was reached.

1.2.2 Roll call of Associated Members present

None of the Associated Members was present.

1.2.3 FMNs having the right to vote (in accordance with Art. 14.1.2 of the FIM Statutes)

Voting Delegates - See Appendix 2 – Presence of Voting Delegates at the 2018 GA

Of all the FMNs, three did not have the right to vote, Malta, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan

1.2.4 Appointment of the Independent Tellers

Mmes Lucile Ackaouy and Brigitte Zufferey and Messrs Ludovic Agassiz and Nicolas Jacquet were appointed as independent tellers.

2 Approval of the Minutes of the 2017 FIM General Assembly meeting in Andorra la Vella (Andorra)
The President said that as there were no comments, the Minutes were considered approved.
N° Item: Approval of the Minutes of the 2017 FIM General Assembly held in Andorra in accordance with Art. 12.1.9. § 2 of the Raised by: VIP
GA2018_01 Statutes
Information: No objections having been received within two months of the Minutes being sent out, the Minutes were considered approved.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

3 Report of the FIM President

See Appendix 3 – Report of the FIM President

Before beginning his report the President wished to say a special thank you to the authorities of Andorra and to the FMA. They had shown great enthusiasm for the FIM’s
meetings and been excellent hosts.

N° Item: Report of the FIM President Raised by: VIP

GA2018_02 Information: The FIM President addressed the 2018 FIM General Assembly.

4 Approval of the 2017 FIM Financial Statements

4.1 FIM Management Report

The President gave the floor to Mrs Lucile Ackaouy.

The 2017 Management report provided details on the economic environment, the FIM objectives, the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, the budget control and
the allocation of the result. Mrs Ackaouy wished to highlight three main points.
Exchange rate movements on the EUR/CHF and the USD/CHF had been above the budgeted rate. Comparing the actuals on the profit and loss accounts with the 2016
actuals, there had been more income as a result of exchange rates and indexation of contracts. This had prompted the Board to allocate a one million Euro extraordinary
grant to the FMNs. The Finance Director noted that the FMNs had until 5 December to fill in the Biennial check in order to benefit from their share of the grant. The
reserved and operational funds had almost returned to their 2008 level.

N° Item: 2017 FIM Management Report Raised by: LAC

GA2018_03 Information: The Management Report presented the balance sheet, the profit and loss accounts and a comparison between the budget and real income
and expenditure. The statements showed a positive result overall and the balance sheet was healthy.

4.2 Report of the External Auditors

The FIM Finance Director said that the Financial Statements had been audited by the External Auditors PwC who had found that the accounts had been kept properly
according to Swiss law. They confirmed the existence of an internal control system.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

N° Item: Report of the External Auditors Raised by: LAC

GA2017_04 Information: The External Auditors had examined the financial statements and various documents and recommended that the 2017 financial statements
be approved. The Auditors had confirmed the existence of an internal control system and commended the excellent standard of the documents they had

4.3 Report of the Internal Auditors

Speaking on behalf of the Internal Auditors, Mr David Francis presented the Report of the Internal Auditors on the 2017 Financial Statements. The CCI had examined a
large number of documents including Board Minutes and documents concerning the CMRF projects. They had received and examined the FIM Financial statements at
31 December 2017 containing the audited balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and a comparison between the budget and actuals. He confirmed that the auditors had
received full cooperation from the Administration and that the accounting records were maintained at a high standard.

The accounts showed an Operating surplus of 1.2 million CHF and an increase of total funds of 3 million CHF to 22.5 million CHF. The capital assets were satisfactory and
the working capital sufficient to cover requirements for the foreseeable future.
The Internal auditors recommended that the GA adopt and approve the 2017 Financial Statements.

N° Item: Report of the Internal Auditors Raised by: DAF

GA2018_05 Information: The CCI had examined the Financial Statements audited by the External Auditors and a large number of other documents. The FIM’s
accounting records were maintained to a good standard. The capital assets were satisfactory and the working capital sufficient to cover requirements for
the foreseeable future. The Internal Auditors recommended that the General Assembly approve the 2017 Financial Statements and the allocation of the
result as proposed in the Management Report.
with art. 12.1.7c of the FIM statutes) UNANIMOUSLY

4.4 Discharge

The President asked the General Assembly to give its discharge to the Board. The Board was discharged.
N° Item: Discharge Raised by: DAF
GA2017_06 Information: Mr David Francis recommended that the General Assembly discharge the Board for the 2017 FIM accounts in accordance with Art 12.1.7c of
the FIM Statutes.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

5 Reports from the Administration

5.1 CEO

See Appendix 4 – GA General Presentation

The President gave the floor to the Chief Executive Officer Mr Steve Aeschlimann.

Mr Aeschlimann said that it was gratifying to see so many Federations present at the FIM General Assembly. He wished to “join the dots” between the many activities of
the FIM Administration to help them understand the overall picture.
The FIM had done well in 2018. It had been a good sports season, beyond sport activities had grown, the modernisation of the FIM as an organisation had progressed and all
that had been achieved within the budget.
The FIM was experiencing a challenging environment. It was becoming harder and harder to attract young riders and volunteers for the FIM’s events, to get the fans’
attention and to attract sponsors. The FIM’s response was to try to deliver well and develop smartly. In other words, deliver to best of its abilities and to seize
opportunities and develop them across at the three main pillars of the FIM’s strategic plan: sport, beyond sport and being a modern organisation.

In the area of sport, he highlighted four examples: homologation, personal protective equipment, anti-doping and the ISDE in Chile. He further highlighted the riders’
insurance scheme, the reduction of certain tariffs and the launch of the Moto-E World Championship. All of those things together reflected the FIM’s focus on safety,
fairness, global development, accessibility and innovation.

In the field of Beyond Sport, the CEO highlighted the expansion of tourism, the annual FIM policy debate in Brussels, the “We, The Riders” road safety campaign and the
Kiss Programme. The focus was on the street riding community, advocacy and responsible riding. The “We, The Riders” campaign would become an umbrella brand for the
FIM’s beyond sport activities. It was all about positioning the FIM and helping to build coalitions.

As regards the modernisation of the organisation, the CEO presented a virtuous circle whereby greater resources allowed the recruitment of new talent. This in turn fed
into education (FIM Academy, seminars) and new technology, where relevant, better and more strategic communication, improved services to the FMNs and new
partnerships as well as greater value for existing ones. All of this would help the FIM to meet the challenge of increasing its brand equity for the upcoming years.

These were interesting times for the FMNs. The FIM had good people, was financially sound and ready to take on new challenges.

5.2 Sports

The Sports Director Fabio Muner would present figures from a different perspective this year. He began with riders’ attendance at the FIM World Championship. Overall,
between World and International events there had been an increase, but World Championship participation was down while the international events showed an increase.
The explanation came from: the loss of around 300 from Enduro World Championship on account of the WESS series; the fact that the Supermoto World Championship had
been suspended; and the ISDE, which also created a challenge when it was held outside Europe.

He then showed figures relating to the presence of manufacturers in the FIM World Championships. Yamaha was in front across the board. But if one considered
attendance proficiency (victories vs participation), KTM had the best index overall. Other brands present in the sport were the circuits, manufacturers of paints, barriers,
protective equipment etc. The FIM provided guidance for the industry. In that respect, the Technical Commission had done huge work with the new FIM Racing
Homologation Programme, starting with full-face helmets which were tested according to a new FIM Standard. The GP Commission had decided that the FIM homologated

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

helmets would be mandatory in MotoGP, Moto2, Moto3 in 2019. There was also a project for joint homologation of circuit paints with the FIA.

He showed figures on the numbers of FIM World Championship and International licences overall and the number of FIM Riders per FMN, highlighting the top 15 countries.
The nations events were a moment when the FMNs really got involved. However, the number of countries present varied greatly with the venue.
The FIM family celebrated around 50 World Championships every year. Every FMN was unique but it was all part of something bigger. The FIM family shared passion and
values – respect for riders, volunteers, companies etc. He highlighted the development of competences through education. The professionalism of the FIM’s people was
one of its great assets. There had been more than 1300 seminar attendances in 2018.
He thanked the FMNs that supported the World Championships. The best way to develop world competitions was through the network of FMNs, who provided stewards and
He also wished to thank the Sporting Coordinators and Technical Coordinators and all the Commission Directors.
He then showed a video.

The President thanked the Sports Director and his excellent team.

5.3 Beyond Sport

The FIM Programmes Director Mr Damiano Zamana then reported on the FIM’s Programmes in the beyond sport domain. His Department was called the Programmes
Department because he was also responsible for the CMRF. This year the FIM had used all the money available, notably to support continental championships, racing for
the disabled and road safety initiatives.

Education was a major priority. The FIM had to practise continuous learning for new challenges. The site FIM had been available to all the FMNs since
September. It would be improved in 2019 and in the future. The FMNs’ vision and input was needed to ensure that the site was fit for purpose.

In terms of profiling the FIM, that is ensuring that the FIM was well known and respected and seen as a pioneer of motorcycling in the world, the FIM had been present at
the INTERMOT motorcycle show in Cologne for the first time in 2018. The FIM had also joined major organisations in public affairs and road safety, notably the connected
motorcycle consortium, and research project on safety equipment for motorcycles named PIONEERS. It has also been present at the Congress of Motorcycling in Latin
America held in Colombia.

Mr Zamana presented the Beyond Sport Commissions, whose activities were cross-cutting and in some cases also concerned sport.

The CAP had developed a high level of good relationships with manufacturers in the field of mobility, road safety, and regulation (e.g. the revisions of the EU Motor
Insurance Directive following the ECJ’s VNUK decision). The Euro 5 Regulation presented a new challenge. All these issues were addressed on the new Public Affairs

Regarding the CFM, the President had reminded the Assembly of the victory of Ana Carrasco in World Supersport 300. The Commission was working on the #FIMVolunteers
and the #FIMFutureStars campaigns. The FIM CFM and its FIM Africa counterpart had also been present at the Congress of the IWG for Women in Botswana.

The CID had prepared and educated over 150 people in the world through its Environmental seminars. The animated video produced for the 25th anniversary was a very
important tool. Other important initiatives that had been pursued in 2018 were the Kiss Programme and the Ride Green Ambassadors.

As regards the CTL, 22’000 participants had taken part in the World Touring Challenge. This Challenge enabled the FIM and the CTL to have visibility at touring events all
over the world and to reach a segment of tourists never reached before by the FIM.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

He noted that “We, The Riders”, which was becoming a knowledge and awareness campaign for all riders, had reached one million and half people since its launch. It
would now be extended to be an overarching brand for the four pillars of the FIM’s non-sport activity: safety, leisure, equality and sustainability. The campaign now had
to be replicated at national level. He wished to thank the FMNs who had already started. The materials were available and the Board had approved financial support.

5.4 Corporate Services

Mr Richard Perret reported on the Departments that reported to him as FIM Deputy CEO, the Legal Department, the Commercial Department and the Medical Department.
All FIM activities, sporting and non-sporting, had legal implications.

Legal Department

He presented the activities of the FIM Legal Department against a background of increasing judicialisation which led notably to more litigation, for example in disciplinary
and doping cases. Other important areas of activity were internal governance, the regulatory environment and compliance. The Department’s role was focused on risk
management, crisis management and damage limitation.

Commercial Department

The Department was focusing on business development, relationship management, sales and marketing, rights delivery and product design. In line with the approach
“deliver well and develop smartly”, the Department was working to seize opportunities and deliver creatively so as to make and keep successful partnerships. The
Department’s presence at INTERMOT and at the ISDE in Chile had been part of this approach.

Medical Department

In addition to anti-doping tests and education, the Department had been working hard for the safety of riders and other participants and performing its role of monitoring
and protecting riders’ health. One important focus had been the increased presence of FIM Medical Directors to supervise medical services at events. The Department had
also been keeping up with the latest developments in medicine and technology.

He concluded by saying that it had been a pleasure to serve the FIM under Vito Ippolito and wished him a happy retirement.

5.5 Communications

The Communication Director Mr Nicolas Jomard introduced himself. It was an honour to work for the FIM. Communication was important to highlight the hard work of
everyone. The FIM was keeping up with trends and there was a good foundation to build on.

He addressed the Communications strategy in relation to the FIM’s sport and beyond sport activities and the ambition to grow the FIM. The aim was to develop the FIM’s
platforms and generate content through in-house and external talent. It would not be possible to achieve anything without the teams, and he wished to thank everyone
working for the FIM’s Communications.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

The main points of the communications strategy were creativity, reactivity, targeting and availability. The Department was there to feed the FIM’s brand identity and to
be a service provider for the FMNs, highlighting their actions appropriately. Without them, there was no content.

He summarised the communication strategy components in relation to the FIM’s three strategic pillars. The aim was to give value to all the programmes and target the
right audiences through right channels.

The new digital era had been there for some time now. The FIM had a solid foundation in terms of its digital footprint. In 2019 it would be necessary to use existing
platforms but reboot them to make sure they reflected the strategy in an easy and comprehensible way.

He highlighted recent trends in terms of internet and smartphone use: 66% of fans went on line once a day and 52% used smart phones. The FIM had to be sure to have a
digital brand identity. The logo was the home of the FIM family. But there was also a need for a new content plan to talk about FIM involvement, and a clear readership
level in terms of branding. All competitions had different DNA, for example MX and MotoGP, etc. The FINA had developed a set of logos for its disciplines. The FIM could
learn from it and work towards something similar.

In order to renew branding and content plans across the board, the Department would work on a six-month campaign in order to open up marketing and commercial

Internal communication was a major priority. The FIM-Family platform was a tool made for the FMNs. Karine André from the Communication Department would
demonstrate it for those interested during the breaks. In 2019 it would be an indispensable knowledge centre for them all.

However, communication was not all about digital. The human aspect was also important. The FIM needed to reengage with the media through active media relations.

In short, they were going to bring everything back to the FIM with a clear rebrand and editorial line for competitions, a coherent beyond sports package, an appropriate
digital footprint and work with the media.

The President thanked all the Directors and their teams for their important work.

6 Annual reports of the CONU Presidents

6.1 Annual Report of FIM AFRICA

The President gave the floor to Mr Marco Comana.

Mr Comana said that all the FMNs in FIM Africa were proud to be part of FIM Family. The CONU had undergone a restructuring at its Extraordinary GA in October 2018. The
New Council would be elected at the Ordinary GA on Monday 3 December. The number of Vice Presidents had been reduced from six to one.

In terms of the Road Map for 2019, there would be a continued focus on training. There was a project to train juniors and women in basic off-road riding. Train the
trainers courses had started in Uganda this year. The MX Academy spearheaded by a European school would be able to certify and train trainers in countries where there

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

were no schools and hence no juniors. This was important for the future of sport.

Road racing was not yet present at CONU level – there were only three countries with circuits – but FIM Africa was aiming for a CONU championship in 2020. At CONU level,
there would be a MX of African Nations in Zimbabwe in 2019, the Roof of Africa (extreme Enduro) in South Africa, the X_ Race in Namibia, the Royal MX in Morocco, the
Livingstone Motorcycle Festival in Zambia and the 2020 MXoAN in Uganda.

Africa was a continent of 50 states and the CONU hoped to increase its membership. Only 5% of motorcycles in Africa were in FIM member States. In 2019 they hoped to
have at least two new FMNs.
Mobility would be the next FIM pillar in years to come, with the plan to start a FIM Africa mobility service.

N° Item: Annual report of FIM AFRICA President Raised by: COM


6.2 Annual Report of FIM ASIA

The President gave the floor to Mr Stephan Carapiet.

Mr Stephan Carapiet thanked the Andorran authorities and FMA for their kind hospitality. Since being re-elected President of FIM Asia this year, he was still more inspired
to work harder to bring FIM Asia to new heights.

In terms of Continental Championships, it was necessary to have a balance of power among the manufacturers. The Asian Cup of Road Racing was a mono-brand
championship that awarded points to nations. Other CONUs were following in FIM Asia’s footsteps, and it worked. A promoter had expressed interest in the Asian

Asian Riders were now present again in MotoGP. In Motocross there were Asian riders in the Junior MX Grand Prix and an Asian team had been present at the MXoN in the
US. MotoGP rounds had been held in Japan, Qatar, Thailand and Malaysia. More circuits were being built in both circuit racing and motocross.

A Trial GP event had taken place in Motegi and a round of Freestyle MX in China. As usual a round of the Endurance Championship had been held in Suzuka.

The CONU was working to introduce new endurance events in on-road and off-road. Also, in Enduro, they would opt for “arrive and ride” which was the cheapest form of
racing, over a 3km loop.

New non-sporting commission members in Asia would also spearhead non-sport in Asia, for example through Touring and Environment combined. In terms of road safety,
they were running a helmet campaign and a headlights-on campaign. Indian manufactures were now making bikes with a headlights-on feature.

The CONU had also developed its social media presence and communication.

He also referred to new technologies, notably e-sports. Some Olympic committees had adopted them. The FIM could develop e-sports for driving simulators. The FIA had
made a deal with Sauber for international online competitions with a final of all best national champions. The winner could become a Sauber test rider. The FIM could
perhaps do something similar.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

N° Item: Annual report of FIM ASIA President Raised by: SCA


6.3 Annual Report of FIM EUROPE

Mr Martin De Graaff, FIM Europe President ad interim, presented the FIM Europe Report. He noted that the FIM Europe Congress in 2018 had been very successful. He
would stick to the future part of the report which had been sent out in advance.

FIM Europe would continue to give support to activities, requests and projects of the FMNs. They would support development and promotion of sport for men and women
with special attention given to the grass roots. As always, Riders’ safety would be of the highest importance.

The MXGP Academy, the Train the Trainer programme and MXGP Rookie would continue. In the beyond sport domain, the “Tour Assistant” training course would also be

Public affairs, road safety, mobility and FIM Europe’s presence in Brussels would also remain high priorities. FIM Europe also remained committed to environmental

Finally, the CONU would continue to be very active in communication, Public Relations and social media.

N° Item: Annual report of FIM EUROPE President Raised by: MDG


6.4 Annual Report of FIM LATIN AMERICA

Mr Pedro Venturo, President of FIM Latin America, highlighted the first Women’s Latin American championship in Enduro held in Chile in 2018 and the first Motocross
Championship of Latin American Nations held in Ecuador. The CONU hoped to turn both those highly successful events into FIM Latin America classics.

As regards FIM events, he mentioned the FIM Speed Records in the Salar de Uyuni in Uruguay and the FIM International Touring Challenge event held in El Salvador.
The Commissions had mainly met at events to save travel expenses. The FIM Latin America General Assembly would take place in Andorra on Monday 3 December.

5 FIM Officials’ Seminars had been held in FIM Latin America as well as medical seminars given by Dr Juan Crespo.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

As regards the road map for 2019 – 2020, the CONU would continue developing the FIM Latin America Cups for kids, mainly in mini-cross and road racing with small
capacity engines as well as Trial and Enduro for both sexes. The focus would be on youngsters and women.

Mr Venturo presented the Chairs of the FIM Latin America Extra Sporting Commissions: Fernando Molano (Technical Commission), Velia Hargreaves (Women’s commission),
M.D. Juan Crespo (Medical Commission), Ovidio Morales (Sustainability Commission) and Luis Figari (Tourism and Leisure commission).

He concluded by thanking the Andorran Federation and especially Natalia Gallego and Josep Punti for their great organisation.

N° Item: Annual report of FIM LATIN AMERICA President Raised by: PVE

6.5 Annual Report of FIM NORTH AMERICA

Mrs Marylinn Bastedo, President of FIM North America, referred to her report, which had been sent out in advance of the Assembly.

She pointed out that the CONU changed presidents in 11 days’ time. She was therefore going to present what she thought but the future depended on the incoming
President’s vision.

She highlighted the recruitment of qualified individuals as lack of manpower was becoming critical for FIM North America. They would conduct a review of the Trials
Committee’s terms of reference. The creation of additional committees was also a possibility. Recruitment of new candidates for event operational positions would also
be needed. FIM North America needed to streamline this. Appointment and training of FIM North America officials in other disciplines would also be necessary, especially
in Speedway and Supermoto.
The CONU was hoping to increase the number of riders, especially women, in Trial. A FIM North America woman would be appointed to the FIM CFM next year. She
thanked FIM CFM Director Nita Korhonen for this initiative.
The CONU would continue to work on harmonising its rules with FIM rules.
Another major focus would be to make the hosting of FIM NA events more attractive to organisers and more attractive to potential sponsors. The problem of historical
series meant that the CONU brand took a secondary position. This needed to be fixed as part of a CONU Marketing plan. They would also try to attract more outside riders
to the CONU championships. Everyone was welcome.

N° Item: Annual report of the FIM NORTH AMERICA President Raised by: MBA

6.6 Annual Report of FIM OCEANIA

FIM Oceania President Mr Glen Williams, presented the report. He wished to introduce the team, who helped him a lot, in particular Peter Doyle and Virginia Henderson.
MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

The Road Map for 2019-2020 provided for more intercontinental participation with the help of Dorna. Two major new FIM Oceania competitions were announced, namely
the 2019 Oceania Junior Cup, with the support of Yamaha Australia, Australian Superbikes, Motorcycling Australia and the FIM, and the FIM Oceania Supercross
Championship that had taken off a few weeks ago. There was a new promoter and a good relationship. The event had attracted 34’000 spectators. This was a major move

The CONU was planning to develop its event support to increase value of FIM Oceania for stakeholders and enhance the visibility of FIM and FIM Oceania, with a particular
focus on supporting the young and the grass roots. They would also be working with nearby CONUs.

Efforts were ongoing to share information between AUS and NZ in relation to policy, volunteer reward, regulations and guidelines. FIM Oceania wished to grow the
relationship with the FIM and improve the flow of info in both directions. The CONU was effectively FIM’s representative on the continent and they wanted to develop this

N° Item: Annual report of the FIM OCEANIA President Raised by: GWI

7 Expulsion of FMNs
The CEO explained that two FMNs, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan had failed to pay their debts despite several reminders. The Board had proposed to expel them if the debt
were not settled by 30 November. A proposal was being put to the General Assembly to that effect.

The President put the motion to the vote.

The motion was carried.

N° Item: Expulsion of FMNs Raised by: VIP

GA2017_13 Information: The Board of Directors recommended that the GA approve the expulsion of the two FMNs.
Decision: Proposal to expel two FMNs, namely those of Tajikistan and Azerbaijan, approved.

8 Finance

8.1 Approval of the 2019 FIM budget

See Appendix 4 – GA General Presentation

The Finance Director said that it was a balanced budget based on prudent exchange rate assumptions. She presented a breakdown of budgeted revenues and costs. She

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also presented the investment budget mainly made up of recurrent items.

Mr Lazdovskis from Latvia asked for the floor. He said that the FIM would be voting for a new President and Board members shortly. Probably the Assembly would
listen to promises of a brighter future, more development and turning towards the federations. However the reality was a bit different. They had heard it said that FMNs
were the base of the FIM, which was true. The Federations were the ones developing the sport at the end of day and they were the ones paying the bills including to the
FIM. There were 2 million people in his country and yet it organised several FIM events. They had to pay everything. According to the budget, administrative costs at the
FIM were up 20%. That was not what was wanted. The 2017 budget had proved it was possible to save money and give it to the federations and cover some of their costs.
This should be the goal for future budgets, to save money and give the FMNs money every year.

The General Assembly applauded.

The President said that the FIM wanted to know what difficulties the FMNs had and how to help federations to grow. There would be programmes for 2020 to help FMNs
grow. It was always in their minds. For 2019 the Board had decided to distribute EUR 1 million. There were no electoral issues there as the payment was for 2019.

The President invited the Assembly to approve the 2019 budget. The budget was unanimously approved.

N° Item: Approval of the 2019 FIM budget Raised by: LAC

GA2018_14 Information: The Board of Directors recommended that the GA approve the 2019 FIM budget.

8.2 Approval of the proposed new calendar fees and licence fees

See Appendix 4 – GA General Presentation

The Finance Director noted that the proposed Unit of value was EUR 61. Further to a decision of the GA in 2013, since 2014 the amounts increased each year according to
the Eurozone price index evolution. The adjustment was made when the increase reached a whole number.

Mrs Ackaouy introduced the proposed changes to FIM tariffs.

• CCR – track homologation fees, including World Record Attempts and Dragbike.

The proposed fees were approved as presented.

• CCR - Riders’ licences for MotoE World Cup

The proposed licence fees were approved as presented.

• World Record Attempts, diploma fees and one-event licence fee, to bring them in line with other disciplines

The proposed fees were approved as presented.

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• CMS - Junior Motocross

The proposed licence fees were approved as presented.

• CTR - Trial

The proposal was to reduce the cost of the women’s Trial2 licence and add a new E-Cup licence.

The proposed licence fees approved as proposed.

• Women’s Trial des Nations and Trial des Nations International Trophy – two new licences

The proposed licence fees approved as proposed.

• CRT - Bajas calendar fee

The proposed new calendar fee approved as proposed.

• E-Bikes (Motocross and Enduro)

The new calendar and licence fees approved as proposed.

• CEN - Enduro Open World Cup

The proposed calendar and licence fees approved as proposed.

N° Item: Approval of the new calendar and licence fees Raised by: LAC
GA2018_15 Information: The Board had approved the proposed new calendar and licence fees which were put to a vote by the General Assembly.
Decision: New calendar and licence fees approved as proposed.

9 Amendments and proposals

See Appendix 4 – GA General Presentation

9.1 Amendments to the FIM Statutes and By-Laws

Amendment to Article XIX of the By-laws - Requests for FIM Awards (para 3)

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The proposal was to remove the fixed deadline and replace with the date stated on the information letter.

N° Item: Amendment to Article XIX of the By-laws - Requests for FIM Awards (para 3) Raised by: VIP
GA2018_16 Information: The proposal was to remove the fixed deadline and replace with the date stated on the information letter.
Decision: The amendment to Article XIX of the By-laws - Requests for FIM Awards (para 3) approved as proposed.

Amendment to Article XII of the By-laws - Commissions 2) (para 4)

The President presented the proposed amendment, put forward by the CID. Non-Sporting Commissions did not require that candidates have a licence currently. The
change would state that they would have to hold a licence if there was one, as was the case for the Environment Commission.
There being no questions, the amendment was put to the vote. The proposed amendment was adopted.

N° Item: Amendment to Article XII of the By-laws - Commissions 2) (para 4) Raised by: VIP
GA2018_17 Information: The proposal was to specify that candidates for non-sporting commissions had to hold a licence if there was one.
Decision: The amendment to Article XII of the By-laws - Commissions 2) (para 4) approved as proposed.

Amendments to Article II of the By-Laws - MEMBERSHIP 1) Procedure for the affiliation of FMNs

The President presented the proposed amendments which were supported by the FIM Board. They concerned the wording of the article (“Process” for “Procedure”,
“Candidate” for “FMN”) and the deadline stipulated. A delay of 18 months was provided for between a rejected application and new one by the same body. This last
modification (para 8) was retroactive.

Mr Nicola Noth speaking on behalf of the Libyan FMN requested the floor to address the proposed retroactive effect of para 8.

The President then put the proposed amendments to the vote.

The proposed amendments were adopted.

N° Item: Amendments to Article II of the By-Laws – MEMBERSHIP 1) Procedure for the affiliation of FMNs Raised by: VIP
GA2018_18 Information: The Board was in favour of the proposal.
Decision: The amendments to Article II of the By-Laws - MEMBERSHIP 1) Procedure for the affiliation of FMNs approved as proposed.

9.2 Amendments to the FIM Sporting Code

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

See Appendix 4 – GA General Presentation

The President gave the floor to Fabio Muner.

Article 30.1 of the FIM Sporting Code

The proposal came from the CCR. It was to add a Teams ranking In the WC Grand Prix section as was already promoted by Dorna and add the MotoE World Cup (for riders
and teams).

N° Item: Proposed amendment to Article 30.1 of the FIM Sporting Code (adding “teams” in the WC Grand Prix section and Raised by: FAM
GA2018_19 MotoE World Cup (for riders and teams))
Information: The Board was in favour of the proposal.
Decision: The amendment to Article 30.1 of the FIM Sporting Code approved as proposed.

Amendments to Article 30.1.2 of the FIM Sporting Code (Electric bicycles in FIM Motocross and Enduro World Cups)
The proposal was for the creation of new disciplines using electric bicycles. The Board recommended approval of the proposal.

N° Item: Amendments to Article 30.1.2 of the FIM Sporting Code E-bikes in FIM Motocross and Enduro World Cups Raised by: FAM
Information: The Board supported the proposed amendments.
Decision: The amendments to Article 30.1.2 of the FIM Sporting Code (E-bikes in FIM Motocross and Enduro World Cups) approved as proposed.

Amendment to Article 20.1.1 of the FIM Sporting Code (change of date of submission of applications for FIM World Championship and Prize Events)
The proposed date was more realistic. The Board was in favour.

N° Item: Proposed amendment to the FIM Sporting Code (Article 20.1.1) (change of date of submission of applications for FIM Raised by: FAM
GA2018_21 World Championship and Prize Events)
Information: The Board supported the proposed amendment.
Decision: The amendment to Article 20.1.1 of the FIM Sporting Code approved as proposed.

Amendment to Article 60.1 of the FIM Sporting Code - National Teams

Currently all members of national teams had to be nationals. The proposal that only the riders needed to nationals was in line with reality. This proposal came from the

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CTR (Trial). The Board was in favour.

N° Item: Proposed amendment to the FIM Sporting Code (Article 60.1 National Teams) Raised by: FAM
GA2018_22 Information: The Board was in favour of the proposed amendment.
Decision: The amendment to Article 60.1 of the FIM Sporting Code approved as proposed.

Amendments to Article 30.1.1 of the FIM Sporting Code - Ice Speedway WC, Ice Speedway of Nations and Long Track of Nations
This proposal to change the names of three CCP World Championships to FIM Ice Speedway World Championship, FIM Ice Speedway of Nations and FIM Long Track of
Nations, came from the CCP. The Board was in favour.

N° Item: Proposed amendments to the FIM Sporting Code (30.1.1 World Championships) - Ice Speedway WC, Ice Speedway of Raised by: FAM
GA2018_23 Nations and Long Track of Nations
Information: The Board supported the proposed amendments.
Decision: The amendments to Article 30.1.1 of the FIM Sporting Code - Ice Speedway WC, Ice Speedway of Nations and Long Track of Nations -
approved as proposed.

Amendment to Article 30.1 of the FIM Sporting Code – addition of Article 30.1.3. FIM World Records

The proposal to add a third category of FIM events (addition of Article 30.1.3 World Records) came from the CCR. The Board was in favour.

N° Item: Proposed amendment to the FIM Sporting Code (addition of Article 30.1.3 World Records) Raised by: FAM
GA2018_24 Information: The Board supported the proposed amendment.
Decision: The amendment to Article 30.1 of the FIM Sporting Code (addition of Article 30.1.3 World Records) approved as proposed.

Amendment to Article 30.1.2 FIM Prizes of the FIM Sporting Code (add FIM Enduro Open World Cup)

This proposal to add the FIM Enduro Open World Cup came from the CEN. The Board was in favour.

N° Item: Proposed amendment to the FIM Sporting Code (Article 30.1.2 FIM Prizes, addition of FIM Enduro Open World Cup) Raised by: FAM
GA2018_25 Information: The Board supported the proposed amendment.
Decision: The amendment to Article 30.1.2 of the FIM Sporting Code FIM Prizes (addition of FIM Enduro Open World Cup) approved as proposed.

VIP said there was another amendment proposed by the Greek Federation AMOTOE. The Board had proposed that the question (organisers’ liability) be examined in
MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

greater depth. The proposal had been withdrawn from the Agenda of the present General Assembly.

10 Confirmation of appointment of the CJI Members 2019-2022

Eleven candidates were presented for membership of the CJI and one candidate for CJI Director. The appointment of the Director and the members was confirmed by the
General Assembly.

1. Anand SASHIDHARAN Director FMSCI India

2. Jacques BOURGUIGNON Member FMB -Belgium
3. Carlos CANO REMESAL Member RFME Spain
4. Robert HOFSTETTER Member CAMOD Argentina
5. Marek MALECKI Member PZM -Poland
6. Manuel MARINHEIRO Member FMP -Portugal
7. Lars NILSSON Member SVEMO -Sweden
8. Ernesto RUSSO Member FMI -Italy
9. Frantisek SCHULMANN Member ACU – Great Britain
10. Stefan STEINLE Member DMSB - Germany
11. Jan STOVICEK Member ACCR – Czech Republic
12. Sakari VUORENSOLA Member SML -Finland

N° Item: Appointment of CJI Members Raised by: SAE

GA2018_26 Information: The above candidates for the positions of Director and Members of the CJI were unanimously confirmed.

11 Election of FIM President, Members of the Board of Directors and Internal Auditors


VIP announced that at the last Board meeting two new VPs had been appointed, Mr Jörgen Bitch as Vice President and Mr Jos Driessen as Deputy President, for the sake of
continuity of the Board.
The Board had had interesting discussions about the vote for President. After the withdrawal of Mr Srb, there was only one candidate. It was therefore not clear how the
candidate could obtain a majority of 50% +1. Under the traditional system, only one vote was sufficient for a 100% as the majority was calculated on the basis of the votes
He recalled that, according the Statutes, the Board could interpret Statutes and By-Laws in case of ambiguity. The Board had asked for a legal opinion to establish how
the Federations could be given a chance to vote for, against and abstain in a way that was compatible with the text. A solution had been put forward and had been
accepted by Board.

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The decision was to create a ballot paper with three options: mark YES, mark NO or to mark neither, which would be a blank vote. They could therefore can vote for,
against or abstain. Abstentions did not count as votes cast.

Mr Leeman from Sweden said statutes were owned by the General Assembly. When there was no Assembly in Session, the Board could interpret them, but they could not
change them. This was fundamental for good governance. Experts, lawyers and professors never agreed among themselves. It was always possible to obtain different
opinions. It was not unusual to have one candidate for President of an IF. But it was up to the General Assembly to decide whether to use old way or a new way. It was not
the Board that should decide. He therefore asked that the proposal be put it to a vote by the GA.

The General Assembly applauded.

The President said that the Board was very aware of its responsibility and that GA was sovereign. However, they had looked into the question in depth and taken a
decision to interpret something not explicitly stated by the Statutes, namely what to do when there was only one candidate.

Mr Leeman again asked for GA to be given chance to decide.

Mr Rob Dingman of the AMA seconded the motion.

Mr Stanley Yasuhiro from Guam, Deputy President of FIM Asia, was puzzled by the proposal. The Board was creating another candidate, a non-candidate. This was not a
good thing for the FIM as a body to do. If the Assembly voted no, the FIM would not have a president, as the term was four years and not longer.

The President asked that the vote proceed.

Mr Dingman, President & CEO of AMA recalled that Mr Leeman had raised a motion seconded by AMA. He called upon the President to put that question to the vote.

Mr Lazdovskis from Latvia said that he was not in favour of all the Board’s decisions but this time he agreed. The Board had given the Assembly a democratic choice.
They could listen all week to different opinions. He proposed to go ahead with the vote.

A delegate from Argentina said that the General Assembly had the right to know what happened if they voted no.

The President said that if the candidate did not obtain a majority he was not elected. The Board had decided that the Executive Board would replace the President until
the next General Assembly.

He suggested that they proceed with the vote.

The CEO then invited the candidate Mr Viegas to present himself in five minutes.
Mr VIEGAS then took the floor.

He said that it had not been easy to reach that point. First, he wished a full recovery to Mr Srb. For him it was a great honour to be accepted as a candidate to be the FIM
President. Motorcycling was the most exciting sport. He wanted to change the FIM. Not only would FMNs have a bigger role in decision-making but there would be more
resources for the CONUs. He also wished to bring the Commissions back to the centre of the FIM’s decisions. The staff were there to serve the FMNs, the CONUs and
Commissions. He could already say that he wished to create a department for FMN and CONU programmes. He wanted to lead the FMNs. The FIM needed a leader to bring
it to the level they deserved. He wished to help the FIM to be a family again. During this year, he had learned that if you had a dream and a passion you had a very
powerful weapon. He wanted to deserve their vote.

The President gave the floor to the CEO.

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Mr Aeschlimann said that the voting procedure was standard. He would call each FMN in alphabetical order. They would receive the ballot paper and go to the booth.

After the last FMN had voted, the President requested that the independent tellers count the vote and asked the delegates to remain in the room while the votes were

There were 101 votes cast, all valid. The majority required was 50%+1 = 52.
Mr VIEGAS had received 79 votes.

Mr VIEGAS was therefore elected PRESIDENT.

N° Item : Election of the FIM President Raised by: SAE

GA2018_27 Information: Mr Jorge Viegas is elected FIM President
Decision : Mr Jorge Viegas is elected President of the FIM for 2019-2022

Mr VIEGAS had not prepared this speech. He had been fighting for the post for many years. Churchill had once said that it did not matter if you won or lost as long as you
kept fighting. He would be the president of all the FMNs, whether they had voted yes or no. Many people had helped him, some of whom were no longer here. He hoped
the FIM never had to see this again. The rules would have to be clarified. Maybe an independent chair of the GA was needed. But this was a moment of joy. He noted that
he had had a real political coach who was more passionate even than he was, namely his wife.
He hoped that they would not regret their votes. He would do everything to deserve them.


The CEO then announced the election of three members of the Board of Directors. There had been ten candidates for three positions. Up to a maximum of three names
could be written on the ballot paper. One candidate had withdrawn that morning, namely the candidate from Iran.
His name would therefore not be on the list.

BOLLE Jacques FFM (France)

COPIOLI Giovanni FMI (Italy)
DAGHER Ali LMC (Lebanon)
KORELIS Stylianos AMOTOE (Greece)
MULDER Wim KNMV (The Netherlands)
STOVICEK Jan ACCR (Czech Republic)
WAN AHMAD Wan Zaharuddin AAM (Malaysia)
WITKOWSKI Andrzej PZM (Poland)

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Each of the candidates was invited to speak for 3 minutes maximum.

Mr Stelios Korelis made a comment on the order of the candidates on the list.

The President then gave the floor to Mr Jacques Bolle.

Mr Bolle wished to congratulate Mr Viegas on his election and salute the members of the Board coming to the end of their periods in office. He also saluted Vito Ippolito at
the end of his presidency. He himself had always tried to be as constructive as possible on the basis of his legal views. He had been entrusted by the President with the
reform of the Sporting Code. He would have liked to continue with the revision of all the FIM’s regulations, especially the sporting ones, and hoped that the new President
would continue this work, in which case he would be happy to help.

The President then gave the floor to Mr Giovanni Coppioli.

He had been Board member and Vice President and subsequently President of the FMI. He hoped to do some good work for the FIM. He had been a member of CJI for six
years. If elected he would give strong support to the development of sports activities. He was a lawyer in his private life. He believed that the FIM should make its best
efforts to promote motorcycling activities. He would work with everyone. The FIM should value each Federation. He also felt that the FIM should help young riders to
progress and to inspire others. He believed that they had to work together as a team to reach the best results in everything they did. He was interested in sport, not
politics. With reference to the Latvian FMN President’s words about small Federations, he said that he would work towards that goal if elected.

The President then asked Mr Ali Dagher to take the floor.

Mr Ali Dagher said that he had spoken about motorcycling in Lebanon to the Assembly seven years earlier. In the meantime he had been able to realise a lot of things in his
country, notably competitions in Enduro and Motocross, a safety campaign, a motorcycle school and much more, in order to realise that vision. He praised the experience
and knowhow of his team. He had had the pleasure of working with talented and able people for the good of motorcycling. That was what he hoped to do on the Board.
He aimed to keep FIM among the top IFs thanks to transparency, top competitions etc. He was committed to making the FIM grow.

The President then gave the floor to Mr Stelios Korelis.

Mr Stelios Korelis said he had been a candidate in Berlin for FIM and for FIM Europe. Today he felt sceptical and optimistic at the same time. The FIM needed to be more
democratic. On the other hand he was optimistic about the candidates for the Board. He did not want to tire the Assembly by repeating myself but he thought they should
all be thinking about the democratic future of FIM. He had had administrative experience with Greek Federation for 37 years. He wanted to make the FIM bigger and
better and was asking for their support.

The President then gave the floor to Mr Wim Mulder.

Mr Wim Mulder said that the day’s elections were very important for the FIM. He came from Assen (NED). He was 50 and KNMV Vice President. He had been passionate
about motorcycling from childhood. He had worked for various companies including Philipps. He could assure them that he was compliant with all the FIM rules. He
wanted to express his appreciation for the work done by the FIM leadership team. His programme focused on four key topics: strengthen the sports pyramid with an inflow
of grass roots riders; education – initiatives had already started and there was much more to be done (FIM university); sustainability, including noise reduction, efforts to
help biodiversity to gain public support, and riding electric vehicles. He also wished to help improve road safety by reducing risks. There was more to be done, for
example a risk mitigation course for urban riders. The FMNs needed to work closely together and pool their resources. He was counting on them to help build a prosperous
future for FIM.

The President gave the floor to Mr Jan Stovicek.

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He congratulated the newly elected President and thanked Mr Ippolito for all that he had done for the FIM. He had met many of the FMN representatives at FIM meetings.
He was President of the ACCR (Czech Federation). The ACCR was a big FIM FMNR with seven events that year. From 2004 he had been on the CJI but his involvement in
motorcycling had started 20 years ago with the then UEM (now FIM Europe). He had recently been FIM Europe VP. The FIM Administration was doing a great job. The FMNs
were working hard to organise races and prepare riders. But there was a gap between the Administration and the FMNs. They needed to close that gap and work together
to be in one boat and move the sport and the organisation forwards. The Board was like a university, you could not go there from primary school. He urged them to vote
for people who had experience. It had taken him years to learn how FIM worked and he thought he was ready.

The President then gave the floor to Mr Michel Turk.

Mr Turk said that he had been a member of the FIM for 42 years, active in both sport and administration. He had been Vice President of FIM Europe in the past. He agreed
with Jan Stovicek that there were gaps between FIM Board and the FMNs. Sometimes it was difficult to perceive the transparency. The FMNs were in the dark and needed
to know what the Board was doing and what the ongoing processes were. The FMNs were not only responsible for sport, even though that was where they excelled. They
also needed to have a wider view because there were 360 000 000 motorcyclists out there and they need to take care of them. Today the Assembly would vote for a new
Board. They needed knowledge and to be in the loop. He thought that every candidate had knowledge. But what was much more important was the time they were ready
to devote to the task, to working for the FMNs. He was ready to go 100% for them and asked them to give him their votes.

The President then gave floor to Mr Wan Ahmad Wan Zaharuddin

Mr Wan Ahmad said that three minutes was not much if there was a lot to say. What he had to offer was many years of work in motorsport. Thirty years earlier he had
become a steward for SBK and MotoGP. He had also spent 7 years as Deputy President of his Federation. Then he had served as FIM Asia President, taking over from Mr
Carapiet who had now taken over from him. His ambition was to get involved in road safety. He also wished to place the emphasis on grass roots development for youth.
His FMN had worked on this for 25 years and now had riders in MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3.
He thought that more could be done to get closer to the FMNs. Mr Ippolito had done a lot. Mr Viegas would carry on the work. He wished to serve and asked them to give
him their votes.

The President then gave floor to Mr Andrzej Witkowski.

Mr Witkowski said that he was a lawyer and has been President of Polish FMN for many years. He had served on the CAP and had been Chair of the Awards and Recognition
Committee. He had considerable national and international experience and could help the FIM to become stronger through the FMNs. The FIM needed more transparency,
more democracy. They had to bring in more resources to help the FMNs develop, especially small ones. He also represented Central and Eastern Europe, a part of the
world very active in motorcycling. They needed to improve communications between the FIM and the FIA on matters such as mobility and the environment. He wanted to
carry on working to help the FIM become a major influencer and realise its strategic plan. He would support all the FMNs. He urged them to work together to make the FIM
strong, democratic and transparent.

The President asked Mr Anand Sashidharan to act as observer during the counting of the votes.

The delegates were called up to vote. Mr Aeschlimann then asked the Independent Tellers to count the votes.

There were 101 valid votes cast. The majority required was 52

The results were as follows: Messrs Bolle (52 votes), Coppioli (54 votes) and Stovicek (56 votes) were elected to the Board.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

N° Item: Election of Board Members Raised by: VIP

GA2018_28 Information: Messrs Bolle, Coppioli and Stovicek were elected to the Board of Directors
Decision: Messrs Bolle, Coppioli and Stovicek elected to the Board of Directors for 2019-2022


For the three positions as Internal Auditors, there were 4 candidates: Mr Angelos BAVELLAS, Mr Francesco BRANDI, Ms Anna CHATZIIOANNOU and Mr David FRANCIS. Ms
Chatziioannou was unfortunately unable to be present but she remained a candidate.

BAVELLAS Angelos CYMF (Cyprus)

BRANDI Francesco FMI (Italy)
FRANCIS David ACU (Great Britain)

Each candidate briefly introduced himself.

Mr Bavellas said that they had achieved good transparency and a good relationship with FIM Administration during his time in the CCI.

Mr Brandi was a professional accountant and auditor in Italy.

Mr Francis was a trained accountant and auditor and a Trial official. He had served two terms in the CCI.

Mr Aeschlimann reminded the voting delegates that they could write a maximum of three names on the ballot paper.

The CEO called the FMNs to vote one by one. He then asked the Independent Tellers to count the votes.

The results were as follows:

There were 89 valid votes cast. The majority required was 46. Mr Brandi (67 votes) and Mr Francis (67 votes) were elected. Mr Bavellas and Ms Chaziioannou were tied
with 51 votes. The more senior candidate in an FIM position, Mr Angelos Bavellas, who had already served two terms in the CCI, was therefore elected in accordance with
the FIM By-laws.

N° Item: Election of CCI Members Raised by: VIP

GA2014_29 Information: Mr Angelos BAVELLAS, Mr Francesco BRANDI and Mr David FRANCIS were elected members of the CCI
Decision: Mr Angelos BAVELLAS, Mr Francesco BRANDI and Mr David FRANCIS were elected members of the CCI for 2019-2022

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

12 Upcoming FIM official meetings and FIM Awards Ceremony

Ms Françoise Emery, FIM Director CEO Office, Planning and Projects, gave some background and statistics about the FIM end-of-year events in Andorra. She noted that the
autograph session pre-Event with the Champions would take place in the Andorra Park and be by invitation only.

She gave the General Assembly some practical information regarding the communication and marketing efforts being deployed around the events.

Ms Emery then provided some practical information concerning the events scheduled on the Sunday (Pre Event, red carpet, Dinner, Ceremony and Party. The Awards
Ceremony would offer some surprises which they would discover in due course.

She thanked the Andorra Federation warmly for all their hard work.

Ms Emery then announced that the Board had decided that Monaco would be hosting the FIM GA and Awards in 2019 and 2020. The 2019 GA would be in Monaco on 30 Nov
and the FIM Awards on 1 December.

The President of the Monaco Federation, Mr André Philippe Pollano, was called on stage. He thanked the Andorran Federation for everything they had done over the two
years they hosted the FIM GA and Awards. The GA and Awards would be moving from one of Europe’s smallest state to another. Both were characterised by peace and
security and dedicated to sustainability. The only difference would be a change from mountains to the sea! They looked forward to welcoming the FIM family in Monaco. A
video was shown highlighting Monaco’s attractions.

13 FIM Awards and Recognition and FMN Anniversaries

New Honorary Member for 2018

The CEO first announced that, as proposed by the Awards and Recognition Committee chaired by Mr Andrzej Witkowski and approved by the Board, the General Assembly
was invited to confer the title of Honorary FIM CAP Member on Mr Duarte FORJAZ. The proposal was unopposed.

Item: Proposal of appointment of Honorary Members of FIM Bodies Raised by: VIP

Information: Mr Duarte FORJAZ appointed Honorary FIM CAP member
Decision: Proposal approved.

Gold Rodil del Valle medal for Motorcycling Merit to Oriol Puig Bulto
Mr Oriol Puig Bulto was called on stage to receive the FIM Motorcycling Merit Award gold medal from the FIM President.

Mr Aeschlimann read out some brief highlights of his long career.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

Mr Puig Bulto said that he was honoured to receive the medal for service to motorcycling over 45 years. It would not have been possible without the support of his wife
and family. Serving the FIM had given him the opportunity to meet many people from all over the world from different cultures etc. but all with a passion for
motorcycling. The dynamic balance between centrifugal force and gravity, the breeze, leaning into a curve on twisty road, there was nothing like it, especially off-road.
In 1973 when he had joined the FIM the competitors were amateurs. There were just two rule books, the sporting and technical codes. Now there were dozens. Luckily the
progress of technology made it possible to store them all on a memory stick. The sport had become more dangerous and given rise to environmental problems. They had
developed technical rules around safety of riders, freedom of design, equivalence of engine types and sustainability. Unleaded fuel had been introduced in 1994. Many
other projects had followed. One recent one was the FRHP for helmets. Another was the one for safety barriers in track racing. Today the FIM was a strong modern
organisation with a strategic plan.
He wished to thank the FIM Management for its support over many years, the chairs of other Commissions, the staff members and especially CTI coordinator Charles
Hennekam, who had a vast knowledge of and great loyalty to the FIM, and Erica Manfredi for her efficient work. His best wishes went to Fabio Fazi who would certainly
modernize the CTI and face the challenges successfully.
He congratulated Jorge Viegas on his election. He was sure that the FIM would keep growing and reach its targets and objectives for the benefit of motorcycling.

The President said that they had been fortunate to have Oriol with the FIM for so many years. He richly deserved the medal.

Anniversaries of FMNs
The FIM presented the following national Federations and CONU with commemorative plates to mark the celebration of major anniversaries in 2018:

NASA Nepal Automobile Sports Association 2008 10

FESAMOTO Federatión Salvadoreña de Motociclismo 1998 20
KMF Korea Motorcycle Federation 1998 20
UAEMC United Arab Emirates Motorcycle Club 1998 20
CYMF Cyprus Motorcycle Federation 1978 40
FMSCT Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of Thailand 1978 40
FRMM Fédération Royale Marocaine de Motocyclisme 1958 60
CBM Confederaçao Brasileira de Motociclismo 1948 70
MA Motorcycling Australia 1928 90
LMSF Lithuanian Motorcycle Sport Federation 1928 90
HKAA Hong Kong Automobile Association 1918 100
FIM ASIA 1998 20

The representatives of FIM National Federations and one CONU celebrating their 10th, 20th, 40th, 60th, 70th, 90th and 100th anniversaries were called on stage.
The President congratulated them and stressed that the FMNs were a core part of the strength of the FIM.

An official photograph was taken.

MINUTES | 2018 FIM GENERAL ASSEMBLY | 1 December 2018 | Andorra la Vella

14 Closing of the meeting

The President thanked all the participants, the staff and the interpreters and wished everyone a very enjoyable Sunday (Pre-Event and FIM Awards). He declared the 2018
FIM General Assembly closed.



2018 Audited Financial Statement
Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2018 2018 Difference 2017 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Completed Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

3 Operating Revenue

3000 Proceeds from Promoters, Sponsors, Organisers & Media

3001 Promotors income -17'923'754 -17'217'800 -705'954 4% -17'173'670 -750'084 4%

3002 Sponsors income -485'005 -380'700 -104'305 27% -416'850 -68'154 16%

3003 Organisers fees -154'658 154'658 -100%

3004 Media Income -56'948 -76'300 19'352 -25% -114'040 57'092 -50%
3000 Proceeds from Promoters, Sponsors, Organisers & Media -18'465'707 -17'674'800 -790'907 4% -17'859'218 -606'489 3%

3100 Income from calendar -1'317'777 -1'263'500 -54'277 4% -1'260'781 -56'996 5%

3200 Riders' licences -1'132'302 -1'063'600 -68'702 6% -1'109'852 -22'449 2%

3300 Other licences -482'235 -426'200 -56'035 13% -628'151 145'916 -23%

3500 Membership fees -325'081 -296'900 -28'181 9% -292'966 -32'114 11%

3600 Advertising & material -416'503 -339'900 -76'603 23% -478'167 61'665 -13%

3700 Miscellaneous royalties -63'578 -36'500 -27'078 74% -65'702 2'124 -3%

3900 Other income -1'159'621 -438'100 -721'521 165% -710'598 -449'023 63%

3950 Loss on bad debts 39'018 39'018 10'081 28'936 287%

3 Operating Revenue -23'323'785 -21'539'500 -1'784'285 8% -22'395'355 -928'430 4%

4 Operating Expenses

40 Subsidies

4000 Subsidies 4'312'690 4'117'900 194'790 5% 5'675'500 -1'362'811 -24%

40 Subsidies 4'312'690 4'117'900 194'790 5% 5'675'500 -1'362'811 -24%

41 Administrative and sporting meetings

4100 Travel expenses 1'682'484 1'628'800 53'684 3% 1'314'242 368'242 28%

4150 Daily allowances 1'875'484 1'880'000 -4'516 0% 1'599'114 276'369 17%

4170 Other costs 3'644'006 3'030'600 613'406 20% 3'119'936 524'070 17%
41 Administrative and sporting meetings 7'201'973 6'539'400 662'573 10% 6'033'293 1'168'680 19%

42 Personnel costs

4220 Salaries 5'479'211 4'927'900 551'311 11% 4'269'182 1'210'029 28%

4250 Social benefits 2'484'730 2'398'400 86'330 4% 1'997'009 487'721 24%

4270 Other personnel expenditures 67'507 85'700 -18'193 -21% 91'890 -24'383 -27%
42 Personnel costs 8'031'447 7'412'000 619'447 8% 6'358'080 1'673'367 26%

43 External services

4300 External services 468'356 393'600 74'756 19% 390'925 77'431 20%

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Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2018 2018 Difference 2017 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Completed Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

4310 Communication and Marketing expenses 1'327'643 1'244'800 82'843 7% 1'392'363 -64'720 -5%

4320 Rent & leasing 119'291 126'500 -7'209 -6% 96'054 23'236 24%

4340 Building maintenance and security 171'562 155'100 16'462 11% 150'839 20'723 14%

4360 Equipment maintenance 46'603 55'900 -9'298 -17% 46'008 595 1%

43 External services 2'133'454 1'975'900 157'554 8% 2'076'189 57'265 3%

44 Insurance

4400 Insurance 15'649 20'000 -4'351 -22% 15'901 -253 -2%

4450 Insurance for delegates 124'087 70'000 54'087 77% 64'466 59'621 92%
44 Insurance 139'735 90'000 49'735 55% 80'367 59'369 74%

46 Energy

4600 Energy 21'694 30'000 -8'306 -28% 20'631 1'063 5%

46 Energy 21'694 30'000 -8'306 -28% 20'631 1'063 5%

47 Administrative costs

4720 Office material 84'145 76'000 8'145 11% 61'657 22'488 36%

4740 Printing and photocopies 17'387 25'000 -7'613 -30% 20'147 -2'760 -14%

4770 Postal charges 54'485 65'000 -10'515 -16% 56'095 -1'611 -3%

4780 Telecommunications 77'301 87'600 -10'299 -12% 72'605 4'696 6%

47 Administrative costs 233'317 253'600 -20'283 -8% 210'504 22'813 11%

48 Miscellaneous costs

4830 Rules and regulations 85'464 100'000 -14'536 -15% 110'767 -25'303 -23%

4840 Depreciation 639'190 705'400 -66'210 -9% 669'716 -30'526 -5%

4865 Miscellaneous expenses 241'074 275'200 -34'126 -12% 271'370 -30'296 -11%
48 Miscellaneous costs 965'727 1'080'600 -114'873 -11% 1'051'853 -86'126 -8%

4 Operating Expenses 23'040'037 21'499'400 1'540'637 7% 21'506'417 1'533'621 7%

Profit / Loss -283'748 -40'100 -243'648 608% -888'939 605'191 -68%

4.5 Financial result

3800 Financial income

3801 Financial Income Pictet -24'283 -24'283 -83'830 59'548 -71%

3804 Miscellaneous financial income -931'108 -931'108 -1'375'698 444'590 -32%

3800 Financial income -955'390 -955'390 -1'459'529 504'138 -35%

4860 Financial expenses 1'241'764 25'000 1'216'764 4'867% 1'163'335 78'430 7%

4.5 Financial result 286'374 25'000 261'374 1'045% -296'194 582'568 -197%

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Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2018 2018 Difference 2017 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Completed Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

Profit / Loss 2'626 -15'100 17'726 -117% -1'185'132 1'187'759 -100%

4.6 Extraordinary Result

3990 Extraordinary Proceeds -13'931 -13'931 -12'566 -1'364 11%

4990 Extraordinary Expenses 11'407 11'407 1'661 9'746 587%

4.6 Extraordinary Result -2'524 -2'524 -10'906 8'382 -77%

Profit / Loss 103 -15'100 15'203 -101% -1'196'038 1'196'141 -100%

5 Indirect Allocations and Use of Funds

5000 Indirect Allocations

5 Indirect Allocations and Use of Funds

Statement of revenue and expenses 103 -15'100 15'203 -101% -1'196'038 1'196'141 -100%

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March 2019

Lucile Ackaouy
Financial Director
Management Report

Table of contents

1. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT ........................................................ 3

2. FIM OBJECTIVES .................................................................... 4

3. BALANCE SHEET .................................................................... 5

4. PROFIT AND LOSS .................................................................. 6

4.1 Proceeds ..................................................................................... 6
4.1.1 Proceeds from Promoters .................................................................6
4.1.2 Proceeds from Sponsors and Organisers ................................................7
4.1.3 TV income ...................................................................................7
4.1.4 Proceeds from the calendar ..............................................................7
4.1.5 Proceeds from Licences ...................................................................8
4.1.6 Membership and Affiliation Fees .........................................................8
4.1.7 Advertising, Royalties and other income ...............................................9
4.1.8 Loss on bad debts and diminution of provision ........................................9
4.2 Expenses ..................................................................................... 9
4.2.1 Subsidies .....................................................................................9
4.2.2 Cost of Sporting Events, Commission and Board meetings ......................... 10
4.2.3 Personnel Expenditure ................................................................... 10
4.2.4 Marketing and communication expenses ............................................. 10
4.2.5 Other administration costs including depreciation ................................. 10
4.3 Financial result........................................................................... 10

5. 2018 RESULT COMPARED TO THE BUDGET ................................. 11

6. CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 11

7. ALLOCATION OF THE RESULT ................................................. 11

8. APPENDICES ....................................................................... 12
8.1 Cash Flow Statement ................................................................... 12
8.2 Proceeds ................................................................................... 13
8.3 Expenses ................................................................................... 31
8.4 Financial Result – FIM Portfolios...................................................... 33
8.5 2018 Result compared to the Budget ............................................... 34

Management Report


The objective of this report is to provide additional information pertaining to the official
financial statements of the Federation, which have been audited by the external auditors
and reviewed by the internal auditors of the FIM. These additional elements, such as
statistical data, shed a more complete light on the activities of the FIM during the 2018
fiscal year.
In some cases, additional details appear in the appendices.
Except where otherwise stated, the amounts are in thousands of CHF (KCHF). The variation
shows the evolution between 2017 and 2018.

As the bulk of the FIM’s income is in EUR or USD, movements of these currencies in relation
to the CHF can have a significant impact on the result. In 2018, these movements
remained within the following range:
- between CHF 1.12 and CHF 1.20 against the EUR (the budget rate is CHF 1.09),
- between CHF 0.92 and CHF 1.013 against the USD (the budget rate is CHF 0.95).
The impact of these exchange rate movements was favourable to the FIM’s 2018
operational result.

Management Report

However, the decrease of the EUR/CHF rate at the end of the year had a negative impact
on the valuation of the bank accounts in foreign currencies and thus on the financial result
(latent loss).
This was compounded by the unfavourable impact of the financial markets on the valuation
of portfolios.

The year 2018 saw an FIM Presidential Election followed by a reorganisation for the FIM
The good financial status of the FIM allows it to contemplate its new challenges with

Management Report

The FIM balance sheet reads as follows:
Share Share
2017 2018 Variation
of total of total

Cash and invested funds 11'955 41.4 % 12'436 42.8 % 480

Accounts receivable 1'337 4.6 % 1'190 4.1 % (147)
Accrued income and prepayments 287 1.0 % 458 1.6 % 170
Guarantee deposits 3'457 12.0 % 3'411 11.7 % (46)
Tangible assets 11'842 41.0 % 11'536 39.7 % (306)

TOTAL ASSETS 28'878 100.0 % 29'030 100.0 % 152

Accounts payable 730 2.5 % 2'269 7.8 % 1'539
Accrued expenses and deferred income 1'686 5.8 % 2'349 8.1 % 663
Guarantee deposits 3'453 12.0 % 3'407 11.7 % (46)
Long term provisions 500 1.7 % 0 0.0 % (500)
Reserved funds 4'248 14.7 % 2'745 9.5 % (1'504)
Capital funds 17'065 59.1 % 18'261 62.9 % 1'196
Surplus / (Loss) 1'196 4.1 % (0) 0.0 % (1'196)

TOTAL LIABILITIES, CAPITAL AND FUNDS 28'878 100.0 % 29'030 100.0 % 152

The FIM Balance Sheet remains very sound, as the capital, funds and long-term provisions
represent over 70% of the total assets. They show a decrease over 2017 following the
distribution of an extraordinary grant to the FMNs present with voting rights at the General
Assembly, having responded to the biennial survey, and being in financial good order vis-à-
vis the FIM. Indeed, the amount distributed was allocated to the Reserved Funds in 2017 in
order to involve the FMNs in the good result of the FIM that year. This subsidy, applied to
the FMNs’ account within the FIM in December 2018, also explains the increase in the line
item Creditors.
The FIM’s net result is a slight loss of KCHF 0.1, following the constitution of provisions
related to the salary payments due in 2019 to the outgoing Directors, partially offset by
the dissolution of the provision for risks, an unrealised reserve created in 2015.
The cash and other liquid assets fell in 2015 as a result of the financing of the
headquarters extension but have increased since 2016. In 2019, the FIM will open a
relationship with a new financial partner, BCV, in order to invest part of its liquidity while
avoiding the billing of negative interest on current accounts exceeding a certain threshold
in Switzerland, and to respect the investment policy which requires a diversification of the
financial partners.

Management Report


Share of Share of
2017 total 2018 total Variation
Promoters 17'342 77.4 % 18'088 77.6 % 746
Sponsors & Organisers 404 1.8% 321 1.4% (83)
TV Income 114 0.5% 57 0.2% (57)
Calendar fees 1'261 5.6% 1'318 5.6% 57
Licences 1'738 7.8% 1'615 6.9% (123)
Membership fees 293 1.3% 325 1.4% 32
Advertising, Royalties and Other
income 1'254 5.6% 1'029 4.4% (226)
Loss on bad debts and diminution of
provision (10) 0.0% 572 2.5% 582
Total proceeds 22'395 100.0% 23'324 100.0% 928
Subsidies 5'676 26.4 % 4'313 18.7 % (1'363)
Cost of sporting events, Commission
and Board meetings, Gala 6'033 28.1% 7'202 31.3% 1'169
Personnel costs 6'358 29.6% 8'031 34.9% 1'673
Marketing and communication
expenses 1'392 6.5% 1'328 5.8% (65)
Administrative expenses 995 4.6% 1'201 5.2% 205
Rules and Regulations 111 0.5% 85 0.4% (25)
Depreciation expenses 670 3.1% 639 2.8% (31)
Other expenses 271 1.3% 241 1.0% (30)
Total expenses 21'506 100.0% 23'040 100.0% 1'534

Operating result 889 284 (605)

Financial results 296 (286) (583)

Extraordinary result 11 3 (8)

Surplus / (Loss) 1'196 (0) (1'196)

4.1 Proceeds

4.1.1 Proceeds from Promoters

Currencies KCHF
Type of contract 2017 2018 Variation 2017 2018 Variation
Contracts in CHF 3'370 3'411 40 3'370 3'411 40
Contracts in EUR 9'988 10'375 387 11'302 12'065 763
Average exch. rate 1.13 1.16
Contracts in USD 2'715 2'623 (92) 2'669 2'613 (57)
Average exch. rate 0.98 1.00

TOTAL PROMOTERS 17'342 18'088 746

Management Report

The variation in proceeds from promoters breaks down as follows:

- Indexation of promoter contracts MCHF 0.4
- Currency movements MCHF 0.3

4.1.2 Proceeds from Sponsors and Organisers

The decrease in the amount of proceeds from sponsors and organisers can be explained
mainly by the fact that no invoices were issued to X-Trial organisers following the arrival of
a promoter. This decrease was partly compensated with income from Ice Speedway title

4.1.3 TV income
TV income continued to decrease in 2018 due to the reduction of the number of
“properties” available in the FIM portfolio following the arrival of promoters in Trial and X-

4.1.4 Proceeds from the calendar

Number of registrations Number Value KCHF

Type of Championship 2017 2018 Var. 2017 2018 Variation
Circuit Racing 47 50 3 433 472 39
Track Racing 55 48 (7) 414 373 (40)
Motocross 39 37 (2) 212 227 15
Trial 13 17 4 51 77 26
Enduro 13 14 1 57 67 10
Cross-Country Rallies and Bajas 9 8 (1) 59 57 (2)
World Record Attempts 13 22 9 22 28 6
Touring Events 9 13 4 13 17 4
Total 198 209 11 1'261 1'318 57

The detail of the evolutions per discipline and championship are in the appendix 8.2.

The number of events entered in the calendar (excluding World Record attempts) is globally
stable despite a decrease in the number of Track Racing events (2 Speedway GP events
fewer and the Speedway of Nations replaced the Speedway World Cup with fewer events).

The related income has increased, however, as a result of tariff increases and exchange
rate movements more favourable on average in 2018 than in 2017.

Three disciplines (Circuit Racing, Track Racing and Motocross) still generate over 80% of the
calendar income.

Management Report

4.1.5 Proceeds from Licences

Number Value KCHF

Type of licences 2017 2018 Var. 2017 2018 Variation
Riders 4'742 4'125 (617) 1'107 1'086 (21)
International Meetings 3'388 3'388 44 44

Continental Championship FIM

Margin 3 3 0
Officials 1'004 1'047 43 125 134 9
Manufacturers 40 32 (8) 144 119 (25)
Team 101 98 (3) 19 19 1

Registration Competition
Motorcycles 67 67 5 5
Circuits homologations 33 29 (4) 155 152 (3)

Machines and security system

homologations 17 5 (12) 186 53 (133)
Total licences 5'937 8'791 2'854 1'738 1'615 (123)

The number of riders’ licences in 2018 decreased in comparison with 2017, mostly due to a
fall in licences in Enduro (ISDE in Chile and competition with WESS events) and Motocross
(Supermoto, MXGP / Supercross and Junior Motocross either due to fewer events or to less
participation for events outside Europe).

For the first time in 2018 the FIM invoiced the licences for International meetings (that is
3’388 licences and an income of KCHF 44).

As officials’ licences are valid for 3 years, the quantities can vary from one year to another
whereas the income is distributed evenly over the 3 years.

The decrease in income from manufacturers’ licences is due to the fact that there were
fewer manufacturers in 2018 and no more tire manufacturers’ licences.

In 2018, only 4 machines and 1 security device were homologated as compared to 13 and 4
respectively in 2017.

4.1.6 Membership and Affiliation Fees

The increase in proceeds from FIM members’ contributions is due to the increase in the
tariffs and to the exchange rate impact (invoiced at the beginning of the year with a rate of
CHF 1.19 for EUR 1 compared to CHF 1.08 for EUR 1 in the beginning of 2017).

Management Report

4.1.7 Advertising, Royalties and other income

The decrease in this income is due notably to:
• the decrease in sponsor income for the ISDE that took place in Chile,
• the indemnity received in 2017 from the CFF (Swiss Federal Railways) in return for
occupying a part of the FIM’s land during the works they were carrying out,
• the decrease in income from fines. However, this income is offset by the payment
of subsidies that feed the Donations and Charity reserve fund.

4.1.8 Loss on bad debts and diminution of provision

A provision for risks amounting to KCH 500 was released in 2018. Moreover a decrease in the
number of debtors making late payments also allowed the FIM to decrease the related

4.2 Expenses

4.2.1 Subsidies

2017 2018 Variation


Direct payment to FMNs 1'906 2'038 132

Project Subsidies 1'701 567 (1'134)

CONU Subsidies 629 673 44

Subtotal FMNs and CONUs 4'237 3'278 -959

Payments to riders/teams 1'265 975 (290)

Other 174 60 (114)

TOTAL 5'676 4'313 (1'363)

Subsidies to the FMNs and CONUs, which amounted to a total of MCHF 3.3 (MCHF 4.2 in
2017), decreased because in 2017 they included an allocation of an extraordinary
amount (MCHF 1.2) to the Fund for Development of Motorcyclists’ activities, to be
granted in 2018 to FMNs meeting certain criteria (see note 3).

The decrease in payments to riders is a result of a decrease in the number of events (SGP)
and the arrival of a promoter for X-Trial.

The other subsidies include the amount of fines imposed on riders and paid on to the
Donation and Charity reserve fund.

Management Report

4.2.2 Cost of Sporting Events, Commission and Board meetings

The increase in costs for this category is explained by:
- the increase in the number of events outside Europe (impact on airfare and average
number of days of travel),
- the higher meeting costs (related to the wish to hold more regular meetings of the
Commission Directors and FMN Secretaries General),
- greater participation in the General Assembly and the Awards Ceremony in Andorra
involving an increase in related costs (rooms, meals ...),
- the contribution of the FIM towards the travel and accommodation expenses of the
voting delegates (presidential election).

4.2.3 Personnel Expenditure

On average, in 2018 the headcount was 36 staff members (including temporary staff)
compared to 33 in 2017. At the end of 2018, the FIM had 28 full time employees and 8
part-time employees (34.7 Full Time Equivalent).
The increase in the personnel costs is explained by the headcount increase (full year impact
of posts filled at the end of the year 2017 and by the provisions linked to the payment in
2019 of the salaries due to the former Executive Directors.

4.2.4 Marketing and communication expenses

These costs fell by 5% over 2017 thanks to a reduction in TV production costs linked to the
arrival of promoters in X-Trial.

4.2.5 Other administration costs including depreciation

The increase in administrative expenses is related to the use of legal and public affairs
experts to meet increasing regulatory requirements, as well as the decision to take over the
insurance of MotoGP pass holders formerly deducted from the GP benevolent funds. This
charitable fund was merged in 2017 with the Donations and Charity reserve fund which is
now dedicated solely to donations.

4.3 Financial result

The financial result is broken down as follows:
2017 2018 Variation
Gains and losses on portfolios 66 (112) (178)
Interest on portfolios and deposits 10 (1) (11)
Bank charges and other misc. financial exp. (32) (73) (41)
Sub Total 45 (186) (230)
Exchange gains (losses) 251 (101) (352)
Financial Result 296 (286) (583)

The evolution of the financial markets and currency fluctuations in 2018 explain the
financial loss generated in 2018.

Management Report


The negative variation in actual amounts compared to budgeted amounts is KCHF 15. The
increase in meeting and travel expenses and the financial loss were offset by the increase in
revenues. However, following the provision relating to outgoing directors, the FIM result is a
slight loss despite the approval by the Board of Directors of the release of the provision for
risk, a latent reserve dating from 2015.


The financial situation of the FIM remains healthy with the amount of the assets and funds
representing more than 70% of the balance sheet. In addition, the FIM has cash and
investments representing 40% of assets with an increase of MCHF 0.5 in 2018 compared to


We recommend that the result be allocated as follows:

Allocation to the capital CHF -102

Result to be allocated CHF -102

Financial Director

Management Report


8.1 Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement 2017 2018

Surplus / (Loss) for the year 1'196 (0)

Depreciation and allocations to or use of operational funds 3'202 1'756
Variation of provisions (400) 218
Financial revaluation (68) 112
Cash Flow 3'931 2'085
Variation in needs for working capital (1'611) (1'160)
Cash variation from operating activities 2'320 925
Purchase of tangible assets (338) (333)
Purchase of invested funds (3'160) (482)
Sales of invested funds 1'426 447
Cash variation from investment (2'072) (368)
Cash variation from financing 0 0
Net variation of cash 247 557
Cash, current account and interest-bearing deposits 01 January 9'314 9'561
Cash, current account and interest-bearing deposits 31 December 9'561 10'118
Net variation of cash 247 557

The FIM’s cash variation was positive by MCHF 0.6 in 2018, up compared to 2017
(MCHF 0.2); the financial markets were not favourable for an increase of the financial

Management Report

8.2 Proceeds

Proceeds from Promoters

Proceeds from the calendar

The breakdown of calendar proceeds by discipline is as follows.

Management Report

Circuit Racing (Championships)

Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report

Circuit Racing (World Record Attempts)

Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report


Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report


Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report


Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report

Cross Country Rallies

Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report

Track Racing

Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report


Number of events

Amount KCHF

Management Report

Income from licences

The breakdown of licence proceeds in % and in KCHF is as follows.

Management Report

Riders’ licences

In total, 4’125 riders’ licences for the FIM Championships and Prizes across all disciplines
were sold in 2018. This represents a decrease of 617 units or 13% over 2017. The amount
generated by the sale of these licences was KCHF 1’086 in 2018, a 2% decrease over 2017.

Number Value KCHF

Type of licences 2017 2018 Var. Var. % 2017 2018 Variation Var. %

Annual riders' licences 1'569 1'380 (189) -12% 639 670 31 5%

1 event riders' licences 3'173 2'745 (428) -13% 468 416 (52) -11%
Total riders' licences 4'742 4'125 (617) -13% 1'107 1'086 (21) -2%

Number Value KCHF Unit price

Type of licences 2017 2018 Var. 2017 2018 Variation 2017 2018
Circuit Racing 1'274 1'252 (22) 409 445 36 321 356
Motocross 1'191 997 (194) 323 302 (21) 272 303
Trial 399 409 10 43 46 3 107 113
Enduro 1'060 734 (326) 117 93 (24) 110 127
Cross-Country Rallies 182 161 (21) 70 65 (5) 384 401
Track Racing 636 572 (64) 145 134 (10) 227 235
Total 4'742 4'125 (617) 1'107 1'086 (21) 233 263

(*) Computed by dividing “Value” by “Number” of licences for each type.

A decrease in the number of licences sold can be seen in almost all disciplines but, as
mentioned in note 4.1.5, mainly for Motocross and Enduro licences.

The following graphs detail the evolution in the number of licences issued by discipline and
per type.

Management Report

Circuit Racing (CCR)

The decrease in the number of licences issued for Endurance is due to the fact that there
were more annual licences issued than one event licences. Thus the financial impact of this
evolution is positive (increase of the riders’ licences income).

Management Report

Motocross (CMS)

The decrease in the number of licences issued is due to less participation to some events
outside Europe (MXON and Junior MX) and to the fact that in 2018, for the Supermoto
Championship, only the Supermoto of Nations was registered in the FIM calendar.

Management Report

Trial (CTR)

The number of Trial licences increased in 2018 compared to 2017 as did the number of

Management Report

Enduro (CEN)

The decrease in the number of Enduro licences is due to the competition from WESS and
lower participation in the ISDE that took place in Chile.

Management Report

Cross Country Rallies (CRT)

The number of Cross-Country Rallies licences is lower in 2018 compared to 2017 (decrease
in participation in the event in Qatar due to a calendar clash with an international event).

Management Report

Track Racing (CCP)

The decrease in the number of licenses issued is mainly due to the decrease in the
number of events in 2018 compared to 2017.

Management Report

Officials’ licences

Altogether, 1’047 new officials’ licences were issued in 2018 (3174 of them Superlicences),
representing a decrease of 2% over 2017 for Superlicences and a 7% increase for officials’
licences that are valid for three years. For these three-year licences, the total value for
2018 (column “Value”) includes an “adjustment from previous years” to take into account
the contributions for 2016 and 2017 and indicates an annualised average.

Note: the quantities (column “Number”) correspond to the licences issued in the year

The distribution of officials’ licences among the different disciplines is as follows:

Officials' licences Number Value KCHF

Type of Discipline 2017 2018 Var. 2017 2018 Variation
Multi-discipline licences 35 35 0 4 5 0
Circuit Racing 285 218 (67) 36 30 (6)
Motocross 173 143 (30) 22 20 (2)
Trial 16 62 46 1 8 7
Enduro 37 49 12 4 6 2
Cross-Country Rallies 33 26 (7) 4 4 (1)
Track Racing 48 76 28 6 11 5
Tourism & Leisure 16 37 21 1 3 2
Environment 41 116 75 5 16 11
Medical 214 185 (29) 28 26 (2)
Technical 106 100 (6) 14 14 1
Adjustment from previous
0 0 0 (0) (9) (9)
Total officials' licences 1004 1047 43 125 134 9

Officials' licences Share of total (Number) Share of total (Value)

Type of Discipline 2017 2018 Var. 2017 2018 Variation
Multi-discipline licences 3.5% 3.3% (0.1) 3.5% 3.6% 0.1
Circuit Racing 28.4% 20.8% (7.6) 28.5% 22.3% (6.2)
Motocross 17.2% 13.7% (3.6) 17.8% 15.1% (2.7)
Trial 1.6% 5.9% 4.3 1.1% 6.2% 5.1
Enduro 3.7% 4.7% 1.0 3.0% 4.6% 1.6
Cross-Country Rallies 3.3% 2.5% (0.8) 3.4% 2.7% (0.7)
Track Racing 4.8% 7.3% 2.5 4.8% 8.0% 3.2
Tourism & Leisure 1.6% 3.5% 1.9 0.8% 1.9% 1.1
Environment 4.1% 11.1% 7.0 4.2% 12.2% 8.0
Medical 21.3% 17.7% (3.6) 22.2% 19.4% (2.8)
Technical 10.6% 9.6% (1.0) 10.9% 10.6% (0.3)
Adjustment from previous
0.0% 0.0% 0.0 -0.4% -6.7% (6.3)
Total Officials' licences 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Management Report

8.3 Expenses


The distribution of subsidies according to the different contracts is as follows (cf. comments

Costs of Sporting Events, Commission and Board meetings, Gala

The summary below further illustrates the costs for administrative and sporting meetings.

Amount Share of Amount Share of Var. Var. in

Type of meeting
2017 total 2018 total as % share
Sporting events and commission
meetings 3'576 59.3% 3'889 54.0% 8.8% (5.3)

GA/Gala/Conference meetings 1'094 18.1% 1'633 22.7% 49.3% 4.5

Board of Directors 719 11.9% 799 11.1% 11.1% (0.8)

Board and FIM Management presence
at events 171 2.8% 302 4.2% 76.4% 1.4

Seminars 125 2.1% 149 2.1% 19.0% (0.0)

Inspections, homologations and Doping
tests 120 2.0% 192 2.7% 59.8% 0.7
Medals and diplomas 80 1.3% 62 0.9% -23.2% (0.5)

Other 148 2.5% 177 2.5% 19.5% 0.0

Total 6'033 100.0% 7'202 100.0% 19.4%

Management Report

These costs include:

- FIM Delegates’, staff and Board members’ travel costs and allowances;
- Various costs linked to the organisation of sports events;
- Various costs linked to Commission and Board meetings;
- the FIM’s contribution to the costs of the voting delegates at the 2018 General Assembly
(Presidential election year).

The number of trips for FIM delegates (excluding voting delegates) has increased (1'381 in
2018 vs 1'300 in 2017), as well as the average number of days of travel. This is partly due to
the number of events outside Europe (such as the ISDE, the Motocross of the Nations and
the MX Junior).

Management Report

8.4 Financial Result – FIM Portfolios

In addition to the detail given in section 4.3, the variation of the performance of the
various investment portfolios since 2008 is shown below:

to Transfer
other Market to Market
Initial accounts value other value
Capital before incl. Cash accounts incl. Cash Cumulative 2018
Since invested 2018 2017 2018 2018 perf. perf.
Pictet 1999 4'799 (2'466) 2'825 2'681 7% -5%

Total 4'799 (2'466) 2'825 0 2'681 7% -5%

The unfavourable evolution of the financial markets in 2018 explains the loss of value for
the portfolio. In addition, in order to diversify its financial partners, the FIM has decided
not to increase the value under management at Pictet. In 2019, an amount will be
transferred to a new financial partner to increase the overall amount invested.

The structure of the FIM portfolio as at 31 December 2018 in comparison with 31 December
2017 is as follows:

Management Report

8.5 2018 Result compared to the Budget

Item in MCHF
2018 Surplus budgeted 0.0
Promoters and Sponsors (new or evolution of contracts and exchange rate) 0.9
Reduction of provision 0.6
Licences (exchange rate and circuits and safety system homologation) 0.1
Financial Result (exchange loss and loss on portfolios) -0.3
Personnel costs (mainly provision for severance and notice indemnities) -0.6
Cost of sporting events, Awards and other meetings -0.7
2018 Surplus 0.0

Fédération Internationale de

Report of the
statutory auditor to the
General Meeting on the
financial statements 2018
Report of the statutory auditor
to the General Meeting of Fédération Internationale de

Report of the statutory auditor on the financial statements

As statutory auditor, we have audited the accompanying financial statements of Fédération Internationale
de Motocyclisme, which comprise the balance sheet, statement of revenue and expenses, statement of
changes in capital and reserved funds, cash flow statement and notes, for the year ended 31 December

Board of Directors’ responsibility

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with
the requirements of Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation. This responsibility includes
designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation of
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board
of Directors is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making
accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards. Those standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are
free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the
entity’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s
internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used
and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our audit opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 comply with Swiss law and
the company’s articles of incorporation.

PricewaterhouseCoopers SA, avenue Giuseppe-Motta 50, case postale, CH-1211 Genève 2, Switzerland
Téléphone: +41 58 792 91 00, Téléfax: +41 58 792 91 10,

PricewaterhouseCoopers SA is a member of the global PricewaterhouseCoopers network of firms, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.


31 December 2018

31/12/2018 31/12/2017



Cash and cash equivalents 3 9'761'547 9'131'058

Interest bearing deposits & fin. instruments 3 356'821 430'426
Accounts receivable 4 1'189'772 1'336'520
Accrued income and prepayments 5 457'553 287'480

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 11'765'693 11'185'484


Financial assets

Guarantee deposit on contracts 6 3'400'690 3'446'863

Other guarantees 10'051 9'950
Invested funds 7 2'317'209 2'393'924

Total financial assets 5'727'950 5'850'737

Tangible assets

Land and building 8 10'882'000 11'163'784

Equipment and furniture 8 108'636 157'149
Computer equipment 8 545'769 521'325

Total tangible assets 11'536'405 11'842'258

TOTAL LONG-TERM ASSETS 17'264'355 17'692'995

TOTAL ASSETS 29'030'048 28'878'479

(see notes to financial statements)



31 December 2018

31/12/2018 31/12/2017


Current liabilities

Accounts payable 9 1'744'083 487'172

Commitments regarding projects subsidies 9 525'007 243'156
Accrued expenses 23 1'664'996 788'986
Deferred income 10 396'443 483'199
Exchange loss provisions 21 2'812 373

Total current liabilities 4'333'341 2'002'886

Non-current liabilities

Deferred income 10 284'315 413'280

Contract guarantees 6 3'400'690 3'446'863
Guarantee deposits 6'210 6'235
Provision for foreign exchange and financial risks 24 0 500'000

Total non-current liabilities 3'691'215 4'366'378

TOTAL LIABILITIES 8'024'556 6'369'264


Operational funds 2'744'857 4'248'478

TOTAL RESERVED FUNDS 2'744'857 4'248'478


Special reserve 1'000'000 400'000

Capital 17'260'737 16'664'699
Result of activity for the year -102 1'196'038

TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 18'260'635 18'260'737


(see notes to financial statements)



For the year ended 31 December 2018

2018 2017

Operating revenue

Income from promoters (excl. Taxes) 11 18'087'904 17'341'595

Income from organisers, sponsors and TV (excl.
Taxes) 12 377'803 517'623
Income from calendar events 13 1'317'777 1'260'781
Proceeds from licences 14 1'614'536 1'738'003
Membership fees 325'081 292'966
Advertisement, fees and royalties 480'081 543'869
Other revenue 15 548'621 710'598
Provision for bad debts and other risks 24 611'000 0
Loss on bad debts -39'018 -10'081
Total revenue 23'323'785 22'395'354

Operating expenses

Subsidies 16 4'312'690 5'675'500

Cost of administrative and sporting meetings 17 7'201'973 6'033'293
Personnel costs 23 8'031'447 6'358'080
Administrative expenses 18 2'528'200 2'387'691
Rules and Regulations 85'463 110'767
Depreciation 639'190 669'716
Other expenses 241'074 206'369
Provision for bad debts 0 65'000
Total expenses 23'040'037 21'506'416

Operating result 283'748 888'938

Financial income 24'365 94'950

Financial expenses -209'972 -50'250
Exchange gain (loss) -100'767 251'494
Financial result 19 -286'374 296'194

Extraordinary income 13'931 12'566

Extraordinary expenses -11'407 -1'660
Extraordinary result 20 2'524 10'906

Net result for the year -102 1'196'038

(see notes to financial statements)



For the year ended 31 December 2018

Fund for the

Promotion of Reserve fund Working fund Donation and Total
RESERVED FUNDS Motorcyclists' for early of the Board Charity Reserved
(CHF) Activities retirement of Directors reserve fund funds
31/12/2016 1'091'531 0 1'243'641 115'742 2'450'914
Allocations in 2017 1'830'084 545'000 0 157'464 2'532'548
Transfers in 2017 0 0 0 135'516 135'516
Use of funds in 2017 -251'692 -545'000 -46'061 -27'747 -870'500
31/12/2017 2'669'923 0 1'197'580 380'975 4'248'478
Allocations in 2018 464'930 600'300 0 51'193 1'116'423
Use of funds in 2018 -1'951'373 -600'300 -22'628 -45'743 -2'620'044
31/12/2018 1'183'480 0 1'174'952 386'425 2'744'857

The amount allocated in 2018 in respect of the Fund for the Promotion of Motorcyclists’
Activities (CHF 464’930) is composed of the following amounts:
+ CHF 566’784 of allocation as budgeted
- CHF 101’854 corresponding to the adjustment for the exchange difference due to the
fact that these reserve funds are in EUR and in USD (exchange gain in 2018).

The amount used in 2018 in respect of the Fund for the Promotion of Motorcyclists’
Activities (CHF 1’951’373) corresponds for:
- CHF 810’788 to the project subsidies granted in 2018 minus the amounts of subsidies
granted previously for which the effective expenditure was less than initially planned, as
subsidies to projects are granted for a maximum percentage of the effective costs.
- CHF 1’140’585 to the attribution to FMNs meeting certain criteria of the additional
allocation approved by the Board of Directors in 2017.

Special reserve
for the new
extension of
CAPITAL FUNDS the Total capital
(CHF) Capital headquarters Result funds
31/12/2016 16'384'246 0 680'453 17'064'699
Transfers in 2017 280'453 400'000 -680'453 0
Allocations in 2017 0 0 1'196'038 1'196'038
31/12/2017 16'664'699 400'000 1'196'038 18'260'737
Transfers in 2018 596'038 600'000 -1'196'038 0
Allocations in 2018 0 0 -102 -102
31/12/2018 17'260'737 1'000'000 -102 18'260'635

(see notes to financial statements)



For the year ended 31 December 2018

2018 2017
Net result for the year -102 1'196'038
Depreciation 639'190 669'716
Allocations to operational funds 1'116'423 2'532'548
Increase of provisions 828'751 65'000
Dissolution of provisions -611'000 -464'646
Financial revaluation 111'629 -68'081
Cash flow 2'084'891 3'930'575
Variation in accounts receivable 257'748 -489'411
Variation in accounts payable 1'538'762 -192'439
Variation in other current assets -170'173 -31'630
Variation in other current liabilities -37'058 41'655
Variation in non-current liabilities -128'990 -68'459
Use of operational funds -2'620'044 -870'500
Variation in needs for working capital -1'159'755 -1'610'784
Cash variation from operating activities 925'136 2'319'791
Purchase of tangible assets -333'336 -338'211
Purchase of invested funds -482'210 -3'160'352
Sale of invested funds 447'294 1'426'182
Cash variation from investment -368'252 -2'072'381
Net variation of cash 556'884 247'410
Cash, current account and interest bearing deposits & fin.
9'561'484 9'314'074
instruments 01 January
Cash, current account and interest bearing deposits & fin.
10'118'368 9'561'484
instruments 31 December
Net variation of cash 556'884 247'410



31 December 2018

Note 1 - Summary of accounting policies

1.1 - Accounting for the organisation

The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (referred to hereafter as the "Federation")

is a non-profit-making organisation, headquartered in Mies, involved in various aspects of
motorcycling activities.

The "Federation" maintains its accounts in accordance with the principles of fund
accounting. This is the procedure whereby resources required for the realisation of the
various objectives are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds
established according to their nature and purpose. These principles are in accordance with
the provisions of commercial accounting as set out in the Swiss Code of Obligations (Art.
957 to 963b CO, effective since 1 January 2013).

These reserved funds are created to support specific areas and aspects of the
"Federation's" development policy.

The reserved funds available are classified into two categories:

- The operational funds constituted by means of a budgetary allocation
- The capital funds constituted by special allocations from the accumulated surplus

1.2 - Recognition of revenue and expenses

Expenses and revenue arising from subscriptions, sale of licences, calendar events and
contracts with promoters are recognised for the fiscal year to which they relate.
Extraordinary revenues linked to the signature of a contract are thus spread out over the
duration of the contract so as to smooth out the annual revenue on the contract, except
where these revenues cover expenditure already realised under the contract.

Income from inventory sales is recognised at the date of sale. The purchase of goods is
recorded immediately in the statement of revenue and expenses at the time of purchase.
For certain articles intended for sale, the quantities ordered exceed the needs for one
year of sales. In such cases, the purchases are recorded in an inventory account, which
appears under the heading “accrued income and prepayments”. Quantities sold during the
year are booked to the statement of revenue and expenses at year-end.



31 December 2018

Note 1 - Summary of accounting policies (continued)

1.3 - Foreign currency conversion and hedging

The accounts are maintained in Swiss Francs. Transactions in other currencies are recorded
at the rate of the day of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities held in other
currencies are converted at year-end rates. On 31 December 2018 the exchange rate was
CHF 1.13726 against the EUR (vs. CHF 1.1808 on 31 December 2017) and CHF 0.99433
against the USD (vs. CHF 0.98826 on 31 December 2017).

Foreign exchange losses and gains arising from contracts with promoters are booked to
financial income and financial costs.

The “Federation” uses derivative financial instruments exclusively to manage the foreign
exchange exposure related to its activities. As a general principle the “Federation” does
not enter into speculative derivative transactions.

Derivative financial instruments are accounted for at the purchase cost or the market
value, whichever is the lower.

1.4 - Depreciation of fixed assets

Land and buildings

Land and buildings are recorded at their historical value. The depreciation charge in the
statement of revenue and expenses for 2018 is CHF 299'290 (it was CHF 298'172 in 2017).
The building includes the value of the basement (estimated at 40% of the value of the
original building), depreciated straight-line at 2.5% per annum, plus the new building
depreciated straight-line at a rate of 2.5% since 17 September 2015, and the facilities
linked to the building which are depreciated straight-line at a rate of 6.67% per annum.

Furniture and equipment

Furniture and equipment are capitalised and depreciated straight-line at 20% per annum.

Computer equipment
Computer equipment is capitalised and depreciated straight-line at 33 % per annum.

- 10 -


31 December 2018

Note 1 - Summary of accounting policies (continued)

1.5 - Pension plan

The "Federation" has established a pension plan to provide the life insurance and
retirement benefits required by Swiss law.

A complementary pension plan was also established; the purpose of this plan is to offer the
possibility of taking early retirement at the age of 60 to those employees who, at that
date, have worked for the "Federation" for at least 20 years. In 2012, this complementary
pension plan was integrated into the foundation which administers the pension plan
required under Swiss law. This plan is financed by an annual payment totalling 14% of the

On 31 December 2018, there was no liability towards the pension scheme and this was also
the case on 31 December 2017.

1.6 - Tax on income and capital

In Switzerland, the "Federation" has the status of an association organised as a corporate

body governed by Articles 60 to 79 of the Swiss Civil Code, and is exempt from Swiss
income and capital tax.

Note 2 – Amounts concerning related parties

The amounts below as shown on the balance sheet concern related parties (National
Federations, Continental Unions and members of the Board of Directors):

2018 2017
Accounts receivable 209'723 235'888
Accounts payable -1'750'874 -309'882
Deferred Income -114'247 -202'949

The decrease in the amount of accounts receivable and deferred income is explained by
the fact that 2019 Riders’ licences were available later.

The bigger amount of Accounts payable is due to the attribution to FMNs meeting certain
criteria of an extraordinary grant related to the positive result in 2017. The amount
granted was the object of an additional allocation to the Fund for the promotion of
motorcyclists’ activities in 2017.

- 11 -


31 December 2018

Note 3 – Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Cash 7'153 8'044
Current accounts 9'754'394 9'123'014
Interest bearing deposits & fin. instruments 356'821 430'426
Total cash and cash equivalents 10'118'368 9'561'484

Note 4 – Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Accounts receivable FMNs, CONUs and specialised associations 197'068 235'888
Accounts receivable sponsors 888'861 889'946
Accounts receivable delegates, manufacturers, riders 267'109 476'654
Taxes 169'734 178'032
Provision -333'000 -444'000
Total accounts receivable 1'189'772 1'336'520

Note 5 – Accrued income and prepayments

Accrued income and prepayments are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Prepaid expenses 359'147 195'344
Proceeds to be received 4'602 17'508
Prepaid insurance 93'801 74'625
Inventory 3 3
Total accrued income and prepayments 457'553 287'480

- 12 -


31 December 2018

Note 6 – Guarantee deposit on contracts

The deposits received from MotoGP and Superbike promoters are placed on interest-
bearing deposits with a bank. The capital, together with the interest accrued, will be
repayable in full at the time agreed upon in the related contracts. These deposits are
shown in the balance sheet.

For most of the other contracts with promoters, bank guarantees are issued in favour of
the "Federation".

Note 7 – Invested funds

The "Federation" has invested in long-term bonds and shares according to the investment
policy approved by the Board of Directors. The advisory mandates granted to Pictet were
changed into discretionary management mandates in 2013.

Evaluation of FIM invested funds valued at 31 December 2018

Long-term invested funds 2018 2018 2017 2017

Market Book value Market Book value
value CHF CHF value CHF CHF
Fixed-interest bonds in CHF 1'256'584 1'255'377 1'469'356 1'468'447
Fixed-interest bonds in foreign currencies 95'848 95'848 97'109 97'109
Equities investment funds 720'336 720'336 826'692 824'273
Structured products investment funds 254'316 245'648 4'095 4'095

Total of invested funds 2'327'084 2'317'209 2'397'252 2'393'924

At year-end, these investments are accounted for on an individual basis at the purchase
cost or the market value, whichever is the lower. The difference between purchase cost
and the market value at the end of 2018 is a potential gain of CHF 9’875 (CHF 3’328 in

- 13 -


31 December 2018

Note 8 – Tangible assets

Equipment Work in Computer

& Progress equipment
Land Building Facilities furniture IT & IT Devpt Total
Gross values
Balance at 01.01.2017 3'450'000 8'072'935 1'397'191 308'959 49'755 935'625 14'214'465
2017 Additions 0 0 24'990 25'083 187'860 100'278 338'211
2017 Transfers 0 0 0 0 -208'088 208'088 0
2017 Disposals 0 0 0 -59'475 0 -363'714 -423'189
Acquisition price at
31.12.2017 3'450'000 8'072'935 1'422'181 274'567 29'527 880'277 14'129'487
2018 Additions 0 0 17'506 6'954 203'298 105'579 333'337
2018 Transfers 0 0 0 0 -131'828 131’828 0
2018 Disposals 0 0 0 -3'682 0 -146'791 -150'473
Acquisition price at
31.12.2018 3'450'000 8'072'935 1'439'687 277'839 100'997 970'893 14'312'351
Accumulated depreciation
Balance at 01.01.2017 0 1'374'981 108'179 121'420 0 436'122 2'040'702
2017 Depreciation charge 0 203'708 94'464 55'473 0 316'071 669'716
2017 Disposals 0 0 0 -59'475 0 -363'714 -423'189
Accumulated depreciation
at 31.12.2017 0 1'578'689 202'643 117'418 0 388'479 2'287'229
2018 Depreciation charge 0 203'709 95'581 55'467 0 284'433 639'190
2018 Disposals 0 0 0 -3'682 0 -146'791 -150'473

Accumulated depreciation
at 31.12.2018 0 1'782'398 298'224 169'203 0 526'121 2'775'946
Net balance at 31.12.2018 3'450'000 6'290'537 1'141'463 108'636 100'997 444'772 11'536'405

The fire insurance values were set at CHF 6'859'120 for the building and CHF 2'302'883 for
the contents.

A mortgage deed for a total value of CHF 13’500’000 is still deposited in one of the FIM’s
banks but it is free of any commitments.

- 14 -


31 December 2018

Note 9 – Accounts payable and commitments for projects subsidies

- Accounts payable are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Accounts payable FMNs and CONUs 1'225'867 66'726
Accounts payable delegates, manufacturers, riders 69'639 12'739
Accounts payable for overhead expenses and taxes 448'577 407'707
Total accounts payable 1'744'083 487'172

The amount shown as accounts payable to FMNs and CONUs is mainly made up of the
attribution to certain FMNs of an extraordinary grant (mentioned in note 2) and of direct
payments allocated but not yet paid.

- Commitments for project subsidies are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
FMNs 253'725 180'278
CONUs 271'282 62'878
Total commitments for projects subsidies 525'007 243'156

The amount is made up of project subsidies allocated but not yet paid.

Note 10 – Deferred income

Deferred income is broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Riders' licences 0 106'551
Officials' licences 101'965 96'398
Helmets homologations 6'300 0
Calendars Rights - Credit Note to issue 12'282 0
CFF advance payment 162'170 162'170
Income from promoters - Short term 113'726 118'080
Deferred income - Short Term 396'443 483'199
Income from promoters - Long term 284'315 413'280
Deferred income - Long Term 284'315 413'280

Deferred income from promoters corresponds to the part of the extraordinary revenues
linked to the signature of contracts that will be booked to the accounts in future years in
order to smooth out the annual revenue for these contracts.

- 15 -


31 December 2018

Note 11 – Income from promoters

The breakdown of Income from promoters is as follows:

2018 2017
Moto GP / Jr Moto3 / E Road Racing - Dorna 11'377'564 10'755'500
Speedway GP and WC - BSI/IMG 2'647'520 2'669'178
Superbike - Dorna WSBK 2'026'044 1'980'257
MX - Youthstream 910'000 910'000
Supercross - Feld/Live Nation 678'375 678'375
Enduro / Super Enduro - ABC Communication 131'059 114'854
Speedway Youth (One Sport) 38'500 33'000
Endurance - EEL 114'692 32'506
FIM Gala Revenue 164'150 167'925

Total income from promoters 18'087'904 17'341'595

As a consequence of the transfer since 2004 of the Motocross contract from DORNA to
Youthstream, an amount of USD 500’000 is remitted each year by Youthstream to the FIM.
This amount is transferred in full to DORNA in accordance with the contractual provisions
in force. This amount is not included in the above figures.

Note 12 – Income from organisers, sponsors and TV

The breakdown of Income from organisers, sponsors and TV is as follows:

2018 2017
Ice Speedway (sponsors) 292'836 221'686
TV Revenue 56'948 114'040
Trial - X-Trial (organisers and sponsors) 0 103'297
Enduro (organisers) 0 51'360
FIM Gala Revenue 28'019 27'240

Total income from organisers, sponsors and TV 377'803 517'623

- 16 -


31 December 2018

Note 13 – Income from calendar events

The breakdown of income from calendar events is as follows:

2018 2017
Circuit Racing 499'651 454'700
Motocross 227'368 212'397
Trial 77'224 51'261
Enduro 66'603 57'004
Cross-Country Rallies 56'627 58'872
Track Racing 373'224 413'514
Tourism 17'080 13'033

Total income from calendar events 1'317'777 1'260'781

Note 14 – Income from licences

The breakdown of income from licences is as follows:

2018 2017
Circuit Racing 495'898 443'418
Motocross 342'986 352'972
Trial 53'024 47'651
Enduro 109'096 123'163
Cross-Country Rallies 74'802 77'124
Track Racing 149'947 153'998
Tourism 1'448 782
Environment 9'185 8'114
Medical 27'582 25'504
Technical 14'516 13'281
Machine and Security devices homologations 52'776 185'802
Circuits homologations 151'634 154'920
Manufacturers 128'864 148'496
Continental Championships (net income) 2'778 2'778

Total income from licences 1'614'536 1'738'003

- 17 -


31 December 2018

Note 15 – Other revenue

The breakdown of other revenue is as follows:

2018 2017
Promoters' contributions to experts' costs 338'471 318'983
CFF Rental allowances 0 62'315
IOC/ARISF Grants 32'065 30'390
Sidecar 33'017 29'954
Miscellaneous income 26'354 22'527
Production of Fixed Assets - IT internal development 67'521 88'965
Proceeds from Fines 51'193 157'464
Total other revenue 548'621 710'598

Note 16 – Subsidies

Subsidies are allocated as follows:

2018 2017
Moto GP 1'758'711 1'637'692
Speedway GP and WC 980'885 1'131'636
X-Trial 0 139'382
Superbike 142'714 137'200
MXGP 130'782 125'779
Subsidies to CONUs 673'061 629'202
Subsidies to projects 566'784 1'700'894
Other subsidies 8'560 16'251
Fines income allocation 51'193 157'464
Total subsidies 4'312'690 5'675'500

- 18 -


31 December 2018

Note 17 – Cost of administrative and sporting meetings

The costs of administrative and sporting meetings are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
Sporting meetings (IMN) and Extraordinary meetings,
working groups (REX) 3'420'208 3'113'898
Prize-Giving Ceremonies / Gala 1'166'545 793'055
BD contractual compensation 518'755 461'295
Professional mandates 432'876 425'510
Public Relations and miscellaneous 445'496 293'691
Meetings of the Board of Directors 280'182 257'597
General Assembly 237'857 115'448
Seminars 148'984 125'246
Commission Conference 228'757 185'540
Doping tests 147'961 83'894
Medals and diplomas 61'572 80'126
Commission Bureau meetings 35'504 36'231
Inspections 38'426 25'992
Projects 23'278 25'596
Homologations 5'481 10'174
CDI, TIA, TAS and TAC meetings 10'091 0

Total cost administrative and sporting meetings 7'201'973 6'033'293

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31 December 2018

Note 18 – Administrative expenses

The administrative expenses are broken down as follows:

2018 2017
TV production 355'137 424'663
Hospitality 477'178 459'271
External fees 468'355 390'925
Acquisition of contents 195'785 220'761
Maintenance and security 218'165 196'847
Promotion/Branding 139'929 134'645
Rent & leasing 119'291 96'054
Insurance 139'735 80'367
Office material, printing and photocopies 101'531 81'804
Telecommunications expenses 77'301 72'605
Sponsoring services activation 44'471 65'656
Postal charges 54'485 56'095
Platforms (Website/Social Media) 68'050 61'937
Magazines 41'418 24'153
Energy 21'694 20'631
Trademark protection expenses 5'675 1'277
Total administrative expenses 2'528'200 2'387'691

Note 19 – Financial result

The financial result is broken down as follows:

2018 2017

Interest on portfolios and deposits -511 10'249

Exchange gains (loss) -100'767 251'494
Bank charges and other misc. financial expenses -72'948 -31'871
Unrealised or realised gain (loss) on portfolios -112'148 66'322

Total financial result -286'374 296'194

- 20 -


31 December 2018

Note 20 – Extraordinary result

The extraordinary result is broken down as follows:

2018 2017

Expenses regularisation and insurance reimbursement

related to previous years 2'524 10'906

Total extraordinary result 2'524 10'906

Note 21 – Risk assessment

In 2018, the Risk Management Committee continued to monitor the four main
administrative risks related to financial and legal matters, communication and human
capital management with the aim of moving closer to the defined targets.

The main sporting risks related to the safety, training and management of officials, the
environment, etc., have been identified for the short, medium, and long term and a
summary sheet has been drawn up for the five main sporting risks.

Note 22 – Commitment off Balance Sheet

As of 31 December 2018 the following currency hedging operations remained open:

gain or (loss)
Commitment Volume Equivalent as of
Operation currency in currency in CHF Due Date 31.12.18
Swap USD 180'000 174'316 30/01/2019 -2'812

Total as of 31.12.2018 -2'812

Total as of 31.12.2017 1'744

The potential gains on currency hedging operations are deferred. The potential losses are
provisioned against.

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31 December 2018

Note 23 – FIM Staff

The 2018 staff headcount (including temporary staff) was 36.3 Full Time Equivalent
compared to 32.6 in 2017.

The 2018 personnel costs (and accrued expenses) include provisions linked to the payment
in 2019 of the salaries due to the former Executive Officers.

Note 24 – Latent reserves

A provision for risk of CHF 500'000 in the form of latent reserves was released in the year
under review.

Note 25 – Subsequent events

No significant events occurred after the balance sheet date.

- 22 -

Fédération Internationale
de Motocyclisme
Detailed report to the Board of
Directors for the year ended
31 December 2018

29 March 2019
Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Table of contents

1 At a glance 4
2 Audit focus areas 5 ICS
3 Other required information 9 Regulatory
Appendices 11
1 ICS existence 12
2 Audit of compliance with the Financial Market Infrastructure Act 16
3 Regulatory developments 17
4 Purpose of this report/legal matters 22



Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 3
1 At a glance Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Executive summary

The following table summarises the most significant findings made during our final audit of the financial statements 2018. A red or yellow symbol
indicates a need for action:

Topic Comments

Execution and results of the audit • We have submitted our report on the financial statements without any qualification or emphasis of
matter. We recommend that the financial statements submitted to the general meeting be approved.

• We have discussed all material issues and findings resulting from our audits of the financial statements
with management.
Internal control system (ICS) • The ICS was considered in our planning of the final audit. Furthermore, we will confirm in our audit
findings report the existence of the ICS on the basis of our audit results. Our conclusions are presented in

appendix 1.
Identified misstatements • We did not identify any misstatements in performing the audit which could have a significant impact on
the financial statements.

Fraud and suspicion of fraud • We did not come across any suspected or actual fraud during the audit.

Quality of application of Swiss law • During our final audit, we did not identify any findings regarding the quality of the accounting and of the
financial statements presentation under Swiss law. We note that financial statements comply with the

requirements of the accounting law.
Matters to be reported • The other matter to be reported to the Board of Directors in accordance with the Swiss auditing
standards are disclosed in Section 3.

• The Appendix 3 contains legal updates that we consider useful to present in this report.

 There is a material deficiency. The Board of Directors and/or management needs to take action.
 There is room for improvement which should be implemented by either the Board of Directors or management.
 The results meet our expectations; in our opinion, there is no need for action.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 4
2 Audit focus areas Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Audit focus areas

Audit focus area Judgements and estimates made

by management
The risk that sales revenue is misstated due to
Revenue 2018 2017
kCHF fraud is mitigated by the controls integrated in
the revenue process and by the anti-fraud
Promoters 18’088 17’341 measures in place. Revenue arising from
Calendar events 1’318 1’261 subscriptions, sale of licenses, calendar events
and contracts with promoters are recognized
Licences 1’614 1’738 for the fiscal year to which they relate.
Others 2’304 2’055 Extraordinary revenues linked to the signature
of a contract are thus spread out over the
Total 23’324 22’395
duration of the contract so as to smooth out the
Audit results/PwC conclusion
annual revenue on the contract, except where
these revenues cover expenditure already During our audit, we found no
realized under the contract. evidence of deviations from the
applicable accounting principles.

Significant risks Audit approach

• There is a risk that sales revenue is misstated • Analytical reviews: compare this year's data
due to fraud. with the previous year's comparable data.
• There is a risk that revenue is not correctly • Substantive testing in order to ensure that
reflected in the financial statements. the recognised revenue is in accordance
• There is a risk that revenue is not recognised in with the last contracts signed with the
the correct period in which control is promoters.
• Substantive testing in order to ensure that
the revenue related to calendar events and
licences is in conformity with the fees
approved by the Board of Directors.

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PwC 5
2 Audit focus areas Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Audit focus areas (cont’d)

Audit focus area Judgements and estimates made

by management
Management could invalidate Management has anti-fraud programs in place.
regulations, directives and controls. Through entity-level controls the risk of
management override is decreased. The
supervision of the Board of Directors includes
the assessment that management override
Audit results/PwC
During our audit, we found no
evidence that management had
Significant risks Audit approach invalidated or overridden
regulations, directives or controls.
Management could invalidate or override • Audit of compliance with accounting
controls, regulations or directives or could even standards and controls.
manipulate figures in the annual financial • Audit of specific manual accounting entries.
statements. • Analytical reviews.
• Plausibility checks of accounting estimates.
• Use of analytical tools.

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PwC 6
2 Audit focus areas Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Audit focus areas (cont’d)

Audit focus area Judgements and estimates made

by management
Property, plant and 2018 2017 Land and buildings are recorded at their
equipment historical value. The new building was finished
in kCHF and capitalized as at 17 September 2015. No
Land and building 10’882 11’164 major acquisitions since that date.
Equipment and furniture 108 157 The PPE are depreciated straight-line at a rate
per annum of:
Computer equipment 546 521
New building : 2.5% since 17 September 2015
Total 11’536 11’842
Fixtures and fitting : 6.67% Audit results/PwC
Furniture and equipment : 20% conclusion
Computer : 33 % The results of our audit
procedures gave us no cause to
disagree with the valuation of the
fixed assets.
Significant risks Audit approach

Valuation and presentation in the financial • Test significant additions and disposals.
statements of the fixed assets may be • Verify movement schedule of assets.
• Reperformance of depreciation calculation.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 7
2 Audit focus areas Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Audit focus areas (cont’d)

Audit focus area Judgements and estimates made

by management
Restricted funds 2018 2017 The classification of funds in the balance sheet
in kCHF is usually determined by the provenance of the
Operational funds 2’744 4’248 allocations to these funds. When funds are
supplied with allocations of cumulative
Total 2’744 4’248
retained earnings, they are classified in the
equity. When the allocations to the funds come
from charges booked through the income Audit results/PwC
statement or from restricted donations conclusion
received from external parties, the funds are The operational funds are
classified in the restricted funds. classified under the restricted
funds between liabilities and
capital funds. Such a presentation
is common practice within the
Significant risks Audit approach
community of not-for-profit
The accounting for operational funds might not • Analysis of management minutes.
be adequate with a true and fair presentation of • Substantive testing on the use of funds.
the financial statements

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 8
3 Other required information Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Other required information 1/2

Topic Response Topic Response

Modification to the
auditor's reports  None. We recommend that the financial
statements submitted to the annual
Disagreement with
management  We have no significant differences of
opinion with management on accounting
general meeting be approved. questions.
Internal control
system deficiencies  We have discussed all material issues and
findings resulting from our audits of the
Consultations with
other auditors  The management has not consulted with
other auditors in order to clarify auditing
financial statements with management. or accounting issues.
Actual or suspected
fraud/infringements  We did not identify any suspected or
actual fraud, illegal acts or non-
Cooperation with
other auditors or  During our current audit we have not
worked with other auditors or experts.
of the law or compliance with laws or regulations. experts
Quality of
application of  During our final audit, we did not identify
any findings regarding the quality of the
accounting accounting and of the financial
standards statements presentation under Swiss law.
We note that financial statements comply
with the requirements of the accounting
difficulties  We have not encountered significant
difficulties in performing our audit work.
encountered in
performing the audit

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 9
3 Other required information Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Other required information 2/2

Topic Response Topic Response

Independence and
additional services  Apart from the audit services mandated
by law, we also provided the company
Special accounting
questions  Not applicable

provided with taxation services during the year

under review. These additional services
had no influence on the conduct or
Going concern
issues  Not applicable

Time period in
outcome of the audits mandated by law.
We audited the financial statements in
Subsequent events
 There was no significant events after the
balance sheet date.
which audit work
was performed
October 2018 (interim audit) and in
March 2019 (year-end audit).
Related party
transactions  No unusual transactions or material
transactions with related parties
Other matters to be
communicated  There is no other matters to be
communicated to the management or the
Board of directors.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 10
Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices


1 ICS existence 12
2 Audit of compliance with the Financial Market Infrastructure Act 16 ICS
3 Regulatory developments 17 Regulatory
4 Purpose of this report/legal matters 22




Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 11
1 ICS existence Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Overall assessment of the audit of the ICS existence

Overall assessment of the audit of the ICS existence Assessment of the ICS existence
Risk that the identified control deficiencies
Planned rotation Assessment
Processes could lead to material misstatements in the
2018 2019 2020 2018 financial statements:
Entity level controls
     High
IT General Controls  Medium
   
 Low (or no control deficiencies)
Sales and
receivables - -  -
- Significant processes not covered in the
Purchases and
payables -  - - audit for ICS purpose (rotation principle)
 Significant processes covered in the audit
-  - - for ICS purpose

 - - 
Financial closing
 - - 

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 12
1 ICS existence Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Overall assessment of the audit of the ICS existence

Auditing the existence of an ICS Control deficiencies identified (ICS existence)

For an ordinary audit, additional audit procedures related to the ICS In terms of the assessment of the ICS existence, a control deficiency
have to be performed by law. These procedures within the scope of the exists if a required control does not exist, if it cannot achieve the
ICS existence audit are designed to make an assessment concerning the objective of the ICS owing to poor design or if it has been designed
design and implementation of the ICS. The audit procedures performed appropriately but not properly implemented.
by us do not cover all entity level controls, process controls and IT
general controls. Other material ICS findings
Based on our audit procedures we are able to issue a positive audit The other material ICS findings relate mainly to the effectiveness and
opinion on the existence of the ICS. Nevertheless, we have identified efficiency of the ICS and/or indicate possibilities for improving
findings or recommendations regarding design and implementation of business processes. In order for a control to be regarded as effective it
controls, on which we will provide details in this section. has to function continuously and as intended.
For our audit opinion on ICS existence, only our findings regarding the
existence of the ICS are relevant, and not our findings concerning the
effectiveness of the internal controls. Nevertheless, we think that these Risk that the identified control deficiencies could lead to material
findings are important information for the Board of Directors. misstatements in the financial statements:
We did not identify any findings during the year under review.  High, immediate action required
The next pages contains the update of prior year’s findings:  Medium, an action is recommended
- one point is resolved,  Low, possibility for improvement of processes
- another one is still open.

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PwC 13
1 ICS existence Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Update of prior years’ findings

No Issues/Audit areas Risks/ Recommendations Management comments Deadlines/ Solved

Priorities and proposed actions Responsible

1 Weak password  Password parameters should be enforced to While we agree that the described 30.06.2019
parameters in terms of be aligned with best practices such as: requirements in the
Mr. Sorin Ursan
renewal frequency are in - former password cannot be used again. “Recommendation” part are really
place as system - numbers should be mandatory. the best practices, we are willing to
administrators and end users - a password validity date must be set up so take this low risk taking into
are never prompt to change that users are obliged to change it. account the specificity of our
passwords. company.
Update 2018: no changes.
The data access is separated per
groups with limited access and the
most sensitive data can be accessed
only when physically present at our

Even for the other data the remote

access has to be done via VPN from
a FIM computer.

Legend: Risk that the identified control deficiencies could lead to material misstatements in the financial statements:
s High, immediate action required  Medium, moderate impact on the achievement of the objectives  Low or possibility for improvement of processes  resolved

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PwC 14
1 ICS existence Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Update of prior years’ findings

No Issues/Audit areas Risks/ Recommendations Management Deadlines/ Solved

Priorities comments Responsible
and proposed actions

2 Disaster recovery plan  We recommend to formally document critical This point has been N/A
is not formalized and
processes and related IT applications and actions to
take to ensure a quick return of business activities and
implemented in 2018. 
There is no formalized services.
documentation describing
the steps and actions to We also recommend to create a test procedure of the
take in case of a disaster disaster recovery plan (simulation of a disaster) or at
which allows to recover least a restoration test to ensure the capability to
data and continue recover data and applications in a timely manner.
operations in the event of a
disaster. Update 2018: The disaster recovery plan was
formalized and tested.

Legend: Risk that the identified control deficiencies could lead to material misstatements in the financial statements:
s High, immediate action required  Medium, moderate impact on the achievement of the objectives  Low or possibility for improvement of processes  resolved

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 15
2 Audit of compliance with the Financial Market Infrastructure Act Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Audit of compliance with the Financial Market Infrastructure Act

Background Audit of compliance with the Financial Market Infrastructure
All Swiss companies that use derivative financial instruments are subject to Act (FMIA) – Regulation of derivatives trading
the provisions of the FMIA. The law differentiates between ‘financial’ and As part of the ordinary audit, in accordance with art. 116 and art. 117 FMIA
‘nonfinancial as well as between ‘small’ and ‘normal’ counterparties: (in conjunction with art. 114ff FMIO), we performed an audit of the
Company’s compliance with the provisions of the FMIA regarding
Financial counterparties (FC): banks, securities dealers, insurance
derivatives trading in the 2018 financial year.
companies, fund managers, collective investment schemes and asset
Any violation of the provisions concerning derivatives trading identified by
managers of collective investment schemes, pension funds and investment
the statutory auditor has to be communicated to you and a deadline has to
foundations. The above-mentioned financial institutions are classed as
be set for the remediation of the reported violation(s). In addition, the
'small financial counterparties' (FC-) if their outstanding underlying OTC
statutory auditor has to report the violation(s) to the Swiss Federal
derivatives transactions amount to less than CHF 8 billion.
Department of Finance if the company does not remedy the violation by the
Non-financial counterparties (NFC): Companies recorded in the stipulated deadline or if it repeats the violation (art. 114 FMIO).
commercial register that are ‘non-financial’ counterparties. The thresholds Below is our conclusion of our FMIA compliance audit:
for 'small non-financial counterparties’ (NFC-) are CHF 1.1 billion for debt-
and equity-based derivatives and CHF 3.3 billion for foreign exchange, Company FMIA counterparty classification FMIA compliance
interest rate and commodity-based derivatives, including other derivatives. FIM Small non-financial counterparty (NFC-) 
Derivatives used for hedging purposes do not count towards these limits.

Key elements of the FMIA Our audit procedures were designed to address:
The duties under the FMIA depend on whether an entity is a 'financial' or • Documentation of compliance with the FMIA
'non-financial' and a 'normal' or 'small' counterparty. Based on these • Classification of the counterparty
criteria, the following core duties may need to be fulfilled by the company: • Reporting to a trade repository
• Central clearing of OTC derivatives – not applicable to 'small' • Mitigation of operational risk and counterparty risk with a view to:
counterparties. − Confirming the counterparty at transaction level
• Reporting to a trade repository all derivative trades, including − Dispute resolution mechanisms
(group) internal deals – applicable to all counterparties. In April 2017, − Portfolio compression
FINMA authorised SIX as a trade repository and recognised REGIS-TR
based in the EU. According to the Federal Council’s resolution of 14 On the basis of the procedures performed by us, we conclude that the
September 2018, the reporting obligation shall apply to NFC- only as of 1 company has taken actions to comply with the provisions according to art.
January 2024. 113 para. 1a-e FMIO regarding derivatives trading in 2018. We have not
• Risk mitigation obligations on uncleared OTC derivatives – identified any instances of non-compliance which would require
applicable to all counterparties; the extent depends on the category (FC, communication to you or to the Swiss Federal Department of Finance.
FC-, NFC, NFC-).
• Documentation requirements – written documentation of the grounds
for classification as a NFC- and how the related requirements of the
FMIA have been implemented.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 16
3 Regulatory developments Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Regulatory developments
Tax Proposal 17/TRAF

Context increase in the social security contributions Next steps

(AHV/OASI) to be borne equally by employer and
The tax landscape of Switzerland must be modified • The 100-day referendum period began with the
significantly in response to international pressure. adoption of the bill by the Federal Assembly on 28
Although Swiss voters rejected Corporate Tax Reform Also included in the TRAF is the introduction of a September 2018 and runs until mid-January 2019.
III (‘CTR III’) in a public vote held in February 2017, patent box, which exempts from the tax assessment up • Several smaller parties have announced that they
the need for reform is undisputed. Accordingly, the to a maximum of 90% of the profits from more will move to hold a referendum against the bill. If a
Swiss Federal Council immediately commenced narrowly defined qualifying patents. The cantons can referendum is called, the public vote will likely be
working on a new reform proposal (‘Tax Proposal 17’). provide for additional deductions of up to 50% of held on 19 May 2019.
research and development costs. Parliament • If there is no referendum or if the Swiss voters
Tax Proposal 17 will abolish current existing tax
reintroduced the possibility of a Notional Interest approve the bill, the first measures may enter into
regimes such as the rules for holding or mixed
Deduction, but only for cantons with a high tax load, force in 2019 and the majority of the measures in
companies, and introduce new internationally-
whereby currently only the canton of Zurich fulfils the 2020.
accepted measures such as the patent box, additional
conditions. A Notional Interest Deduction is not
research and development (R&D) incentives, and rules • At the same time, the cantons are working on
possible for federal tax. The maximum tax relief
on the treatment of hidden reserves. implementing the cantonal laws also by the
resulting from these measures is limited to 70%. For
beginning of 2020.
Update companies that forfeit their previous tax status, rules
on the separate taxation of hidden reserves are • Most cantons have already announced their plans to
Tax Proposal 17 differs from CTR III on various points. provided for a transition period of five years. reduce their cantonal tax rates. The citizens of the
It is seen as more balanced because it takes a more canton of Vaud have already approved the
restrictive approach to privileged tax regimes and The partial taxation of dividend income for individuals corresponding proposal. The implementation
places greater weight on the needs of cities and will be increased to 70% for federal tax and must be at process in the canton of Basel-Stadt is also well
municipalities. least 50% at the cantonal level. The transposition advanced. The Grand Council there has already
threshold of 5% applicable to shares transferred to a adopted the cantonal bill. Consultations on cantonal
The Swiss Federal Council published the dispatch on self-owned company will be abolished. The bill also implementation proposals have been carried out in
Tax Proposal 17 in March 2018. The parliamentary includes a softening of the capital contribution numerous other cantons. However, the cantonal
consultations took place in the summer and autumn principle through the introduction of a proportionality parliamentary discussions are still pending.
sessions, and the draft was approved with a clear rule concerning the distribution of capital reserves of
majority of votes by both chambers of the Federal • It is strongly recommended that taxpayers in
companies listed on a Swiss stock exchange. This Switzerland assess the impact of the reform and
Assembly on 28 September 2018. meets the reservations of the critics of USR III and identify the alternative strategies for action in the
At the initiative of the Council of States, the proposal budgetary concerns. transition to the new rules.
was supplemented by a social compensation payment To compensate the lower revenues, as a consequence
of CHF 2 billion p.a. to the AHV/OASI. This is why the of the planned individual cuts in profit tax, the
new bill is called the Federal Act on Tax Reform and cantons’ share in federal income tax revenues will
AHV Financing (‘TRAF’). It provides for a 0.3% increase from 17% to 21.2%.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 17
3 Regulatory developments Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Regulatory developments (cont'd)

Value-added tax (VAT)

Radio and TV fee All VAT statements to be submitted

electronically as of 2020
From 1 January 2019, companies will also have to pay
a radio and television fee. In Switzerland, companies For some years now, it has been possible on request to
that are subject to VAT (with registered office, submit VAT statements electronically in Switzerland.
domicile or permanent establishment in Switzerland) In summer 2018, the FTA announced that the
and have a global turnover of CHF 500,000 or more electronic submission of VAT statements is expected
are automatically subject to the radio and television to be introduced across the board by 1 January 2020
fee. and that paper submissions will then only be possible
on request.
The amount of the fee depends on the turnover
declared to the Swiss Federal Tax Administration
(FTA) in the VAT statement (incl. exempted turnover).
There are several fee categories. The annual fee ranges
from CHF 365 (annual turnover less than CHF 1
million) to CHF 35,590 (annual turnover over CHF 1
In the case of a value-added tax group or a business fee
group, the category is determined by the total turnover
of all the businesses in the group. At least 30
businesses under joint management can combine to
form a business fee group for the purposes of the radio
and television fee. The group pays only one annual fee.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 18
3 Regulatory developments Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Regulatory developments (cont'd)

Protection of personal data – EU General Data Protection Regulation

Applicability of stricter EU data protection The EU-GDPR also regulates international data This includes those with no establishment in the EU
rules transfers. There is a strict set of rules concerning but which are offering goods and services to people in
cross-border data transfers that will require analysis. the EU or are monitoring people there. For example, a
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)
Swiss retailer that has no establishment in the EU but
has been in force since 25 May 2018. It created a new Organisations will have to secure adequately their
directs its product marketing to customers based in
regulatory framework unifying data protection laws cross-border data transfers. This applies for already
the EU will need to comply with the EU-GDPR. The
across the 28 European Union (EU) Member States established as well as new transfers of personal data,
same applies to businesses which are offering goods
and replaced the previous EU Data Protection especially those involving so-called ‘third countries’
and services to people in the EEA or are monitoring
Directive. The EU-GDPR implements a strict legal (i.e. countries that are not members of the EU or the
people there.
framework for data protection and privacy in Europe EEA).
and the wider world with regard to processing the What can you do?
The EU-GDPR’s data protection principles must be
personal data. With the resolution of the EEA Joint
respected at all times. The principles of ‘storage We recommend you start by:
Committee dated 6 July 2018, the EU-GDPR was
limitation’, ‘data minimisation’ or ‘lawfulness, fairness
integrated in the Agreement on the EEA and since 20 • Developing or optimising your vision and strategy
and transparency’ are part of everyday data protection
July 2018 applies to Iceland, Norway and the for compliance with the EU-GDPR;
when processing personal data. Additionally, there is a
Principality of Liechtenstein. • Creating an overview: preparing a record of
so-called ‘principle of accountability’, which requires
Compliance journey companies to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR. processing activities;
The rights of the persons concerned must also be • Assessing the gaps between your current compliance
The EU-GDPR comprises new rules that require
respected in a timely manner. In particular the ‘ right programme and the requirements of the EU-GDPR
organisations to revisit and refresh their systems and
to be forgotten’ presents considerable challenges to based on your record of processing activities and
operations for data protection. Collectively, these new
companies and to the sometimes very complex IT analysing your risks with a view to the latest
rules set out a new 'compliance journey', which
landscape within an organisation. The EU-GPDR is an developments;
organisations will have to follow to comply with the
important change in data protection law. Even after • Developing and adapting the operational structures
law. The EU-GDPR represents a major challenge for
the two-year transition period and its implementation needed to ensure compliance;
many organisations, particularly those with large
in businesses, it will be necessary to analyse further
archives of personal data and with complex IT system • Documenting your processing activities and data
developments carefully. The activities of the
landscapes. The implementation of the requirements flows.
supervisory authorities and data protection
involves numerous challenges and it is often very
jurisprudence require ongoing and institutionalised Your PwC data protection specialist can help you
multi-facetted. The regulatory and organisational risks
monitoring by companies. adjust to the new environment.
are significant, especially for organisations with
business models based on the commercial exploitation Who is impacted?
of personal data. Serious violations of the law will be
The EU-GDPR is much wider in its scope than the
punishable by fines of up to EUR 20 million or 4% of
previous EU Data Protection Directive. Any
(in some cases, global) annual turnover, whichever is
organisation active in Europe will need to comply with
the EU-GDPR if it processes personal data.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 19
3 Regulatory developments Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Regulatory developments (cont'd)

Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP)

Planned revision of the Swiss Federal Act on protection of children and the right to data portability What can you do?
Data Protection (D-FADP) have not been introduced in the draft bill. With regard
The revision of the FADP will have a significant
to the latter, the Federal Council wants to wait to
On 15 September 2017, the Swiss Federal Council influence on how companies process personal data in
gauge the EU's experience before taking similar steps.
published the draft bill of the revision of the Federal the future. Despite the differences compared with the
Act on Data Protection (D-FADP). The revised bill Further differences with the EU-GDPR concern EU-GDPR and the preliminary draft, the recently
intends to strengthen the protection of personal data sanctions. The upper limit for fines as stated in the published draft bill has the same intentions: increase
and to adapt the existing provisions to the digital age. preliminary draft has been substantially reduced from transparency and strengthen sanctions for data
Moreover, it aims at adapting Swiss data protection CHF 500,000 to CHF 250,000 and is therefore breaches.
legislation to the legislation at European level, i.e. the substantially lower than in the EU.
The revision will be carried out in two stages in
EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR).
The sanctions according to the D-FADP will still apply accordance with a decision by the Federal Assembly.
Key elements of the draft bill and differences to the employees responsible (natural persons) The first step will be to adapt the obligations of the
vs. EU-GDPR whereas the EU-GDPR applies sanctions to the Schengen Agreement concerning sanctions; the
entities responsible (companies). substantive part will only be revised later and “with no
Generally, the Swiss draft bill aims, like its EU
time pressure”. The new law is not expected before
counterpart, to increase the overall transparency of Maintaining EU adequacy status for a
2019. We strongly recommend, however, that
data processing as well as enhance sanctions for data sufficient data protection level
companies consider the upcoming data protection
breaches. In fact, the draft adopts the EU legal
Ensuring unrestricted access to the EU single market legislation immediately. Companies operating in
terminology in various areas. It also adopts a risk-
is an additional factor shaping the revision of the Switzerland need to gain a complete and full view of
based approach, e.g. the data protection duties of the
FADP. To this end, adapting to parts of the EU data their data processing. Following this analysis and
data controller are expanded depending on the privacy
protection legislation seems a precondition for applying a risk-based approach, the necessary
risks of the data subjects concerned.
Switzerland to retain its recognition by the EU as a measures should be taken to ensure the compliance of
The D-FADP (like the EU-GDPR) requires all data third country providing an adequate level of data data processing with the future law.
controllers and processors to keep a record of their protection and, thus, benefiting from cross-border
Your PwC data protection specialist can help you
data processing activities. Reflecting the same data transfers without the imposition of additional
adjust to the new environment.
developments as in the EU, the D-FADP strengthens legal safeguards. This is particularly important for the
the role and position of the Federal Data Protection Swiss economy.
and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). However, in
some areas, the draft bill differs substantially from EU
legislation. Thus, it does not require data controllers
to document compliance with the D-FADP in
accordance with the principle of ‘accountability’.
Hence, unlike the EU-GDPR, it does not introduce a
'reversal of proof' approach with regard to data
protection. Moreover, specific provisions on the

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 20
3 Regulatory developments Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Regulatory developments (cont'd)

Equal pay

Switzerland What is the trend? What can you do?

The principle of equal pay has been enshrined in the In 2018, Iceland became the first country in the world You may wish to consider seeking independent
Swiss federal constitution for 37 years. However, the to enforce equal pay legally. Germany has introduced a certification for your organisation (e.g. certification by
average gender pay gap is 12.5% (20% in the private pay transparency law; the UK has introduced gender the independent non-profit Equal Salary Foundation.)
sector) (Federal Statistic Office, 2014). pay gap reporting.
Would you be interested to discuss how you can start
In July 2017, a draft amendment to the law was issued, As a result, the media is regularly reporting incidents
reaping the benefits of equal pay for your business?
obliging all companies with 50 or more employees to of large pay gaps. This creates adverse publicity for
Please let us know if you would like us to put you in
conduct a pay analysis every four years. The results companies which would affect their ability to attract,
touch with one of our equal pay specialists.
would be subject to independent validation and retain and promote talent – at a time when there is a
communication to employees (and shareholders in generally acknowledged need to increase female
some cases). representation at higher levels.
In May 2018, the Council of States approved the draft An emerging trend in countries where legislation is
bill to apply to companies with at least 100 employees. less prescriptive is for companies to ensure voluntarily
The topic is now subject to discussion in the Federal they are paying men and women the same for equal
Assembly. In the meantime, the gender pay topic is work. This helps generate positive reporting and tap
gaining political momentum in Switzerland and into the business benefits of gender pay parity.
What is the business case?
Global developments
Gender pay parity delivers business benefits. It is one
The recently formed Equal Pay International Coalition of the most cost-effective ways of increasing excellence
(EPIC) comprises a powerful global coalition and return on investment.
convened by the International Labour Organisation
You do not need to wait for further legislation to start
(ILO), UN Women and the Organisation for Economic
reaping benefits for your business. Implementing
Co-operation and Development (OECD). EPIC’s
equal pay helps you deliver a stronger employer brand,
agenda is to bring together players at global, national
enhances your company’s reputation and increases
and regional levels to make gender equal pay a reality
productivity. It demonstrates your commitment to
by 2030 – gender equality is one of the UN’s
equal pay and equal opportunities to your employees,
Sustainable Development Goals.
clients, shareholders and the public.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 21
4 Purpose of this report/legal matters Table of contents At a glance Audit focus areas Other required information Appendices

Purpose of this report/legal matters Follow us

Events at PwC

• This report is presented under the terms of our audit engagement letter.
• Circulation of this report is restricted.
• The content of this report is based solely on the procedures necessary for our audit.

Purpose of This report has been prepared in connection with our ordinary audit of the financial statements of Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme ('the
this report Company') .
This report has been prepared for those charged with governance, whom we consider to be the Board of Directors, in order to communicate matters as
required by NAS (including NAS 260 Communication with Those Charged with Governance) and by art.69b para.3 CC in connection with art. 728b
para. 1 Swiss Code of Obligations, and other (supplementary) matters coming to our attention during our audit work that we consider might be of
interest, and for no other purpose.

Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements. In addition, we audit whether the proposed appropriation of available earnings
complies with Swiss law and the company's articles of incorporation and whether an internal control system exists. We conducted our audit in
accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with Swiss law and the company's articles of
incorporation. This responsibility also includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system.

Limitations on This report does not constitute an additional opinion on the financial statements, nor does it change our duties and responsibility as auditors. Whereas
work performed this report may include supplementary matters in addition to the matters required to be reported, we have not designed or performed procedures
specifically for the purpose of identifying such supplementary matters.
The matters reported are based on the knowledge gained during our audit. We have not verified the accuracy or completeness of any such information
other than in connection with, and to the extent required for the purposes of our audit.

Restrictions on The report is provided on the basis that it is only for the information of those charged with governance of the Company; that it will not be distributed to
distribution third parties or quoted or referred to, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent; and that we accept no responsibility to any third party in
relation to it.

Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme 29 March 2019

PwC 22

FINANCE – 2020 Budget

Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2020 2019 Difference 2018 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Budgeted Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

3 Operating Revenue

3000 Proceeds from Promoters, Sponsors, Organisers & Media

3001 Promotors income -20'029'400 -18'653'200 -1'376'200 7% -17'923'754 -2'105'646 12%

3002 Sponsors income -221'500 -386'300 164'800 -43% -485'005 263'505 -54%

3003 Organisers fees -43'600 -43'600 -43'600

3004 Media Income -65'400 -82'600 17'200 -21% -56'948 -8'452 15%
3000 Proceeds from Promoters, Sponsors, Organisers & Media -20'359'900 -19'122'100 -1'237'800 6% -18'465'707 -1'894'193 10%

3100 Income from calendar -1'368'100 -1'395'200 27'100 -2% -1'317'777 -50'323 4%

3200 Riders' licences -1'106'700 -1'178'200 71'500 -6% -1'132'302 25'602 -2%

3300 Other licences -449'500 -460'700 11'200 -2% -482'235 32'735 -7%

3500 Membership fees -301'500 -326'700 25'200 -8% -325'081 23'581 -7%

3600 Advertising & material -416'800 -389'600 -27'200 7% -416'503 -297 0%

3700 Miscellaneous royalties -94'000 -110'000 16'000 -15% -63'578 -30'422 48%

3900 Other income -609'700 -527'700 -82'000 16% -1'159'621 549'921 -47%

3950 Loss on bad debts 39'018 -39'018 -100%

3 Operating Revenue -24'706'200 -23'510'200 -1'196'000 5% -23'323'785 -1'382'415 6%

4 Operating Expenses

40 Subsidies

4000 Subsidies 4'169'000 4'344'200 -175'200 -4% 4'312'690 -143'690 -3%

40 Subsidies 4'169'000 4'344'200 -175'200 -4% 4'312'690 -143'690 -3%

41 Administrative and sporting meetings

4100 Travel expenses 1'751'800 1'659'300 92'500 6% 1'682'484 69'316 4%

4150 Daily allowances 2'293'700 2'093'200 200'500 10% 1'875'484 418'216 22%

4170 Other costs 3'574'600 3'615'500 -40'900 -1% 3'644'006 -69'406 -2%
41 Administrative and sporting meetings 7'620'100 7'368'000 252'100 3% 7'201'973 418'127 6%

42 Personnel costs

4220 Salaries 5'389'600 5'080'200 309'400 6% 5'479'211 -89'611 -2%

4250 Social benefits 2'814'700 2'514'700 300'000 12% 2'484'730 329'970 13%

4270 Other personnel expenditures 107'000 82'500 24'500 30% 67'507 39'493 59%
42 Personnel costs 8'311'300 7'677'400 633'900 8% 8'031'447 279'853 3%

43 External services

4300 External services 779'900 701'400 78'500 11% 468'356 311'545 67%

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Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2020 2019 Difference 2018 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Budgeted Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

4310 Communication and Marketing expenses 1'728'000 1'368'500 359'500 26% 1'327'643 400'357 30%

4320 Rent & leasing 216'700 125'800 90'900 72% 119'291 97'409 82%

4340 Building maintenance and security 174'000 159'800 14'200 9% 171'562 2'438 1%

4360 Equipment maintenance 76'700 72'500 4'200 6% 46'603 30'098 65%

43 External services 2'975'300 2'428'000 547'300 23% 2'133'454 841'846 39%

44 Insurance

4400 Insurance 16'500 15'000 1'500 10% 15'649 851 5%

4450 Insurance for delegates 122'000 130'500 -8'500 -7% 124'087 -2'087 -2%
44 Insurance 138'500 145'500 -7'000 -5% 139'735 -1'235 -1%

46 Energy

4600 Energy 24'000 24'000 21'694 2'306 11%

46 Energy 24'000 24'000 21'694 2'306 11%

47 Administrative costs

4720 Office material 92'000 80'000 12'000 15% 84'145 7'855 9%

4740 Printing and photocopies 25'000 25'000 17'387 7'613 44%

4770 Postal charges 60'000 60'000 54'485 5'515 10%

4780 Telecommunications 75'100 93'000 -17'900 -19% 77'301 -2'201 -3%

47 Administrative costs 252'100 258'000 -5'900 -2% 233'317 18'783 8%

48 Miscellaneous costs

4830 Rules and regulations 77'000 111'000 -34'000 -31% 85'464 -8'464 -10%

4840 Depreciation 771'600 761'300 10'300 1% 639'190 132'410 21%

4865 Miscellaneous expenses 233'500 284'900 -51'400 -18% 241'074 -7'574 -3%
48 Miscellaneous costs 1'082'100 1'157'200 -75'100 -6% 965'727 116'373 12%

4 Operating Expenses 24'572'400 23'402'300 1'170'100 5% 23'040'037 1'532'363 7%

Profit / Loss -133'800 -107'900 -25'900 24% -283'748 149'948 -53%

4.5 Financial result

3800 Financial income

3801 Financial Income Pictet -24'283 24'283 -100%

3802 Financial Income CS/JB

3804 Miscellaneous financial income -931'108 931'108 -100%

3800 Financial income -955'390 955'390 -100%

4860 Financial expenses 130'000 85'000 45'000 53% 1'241'764 -1'111'764 -90%

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Statement of revenue and expenses FIM

2020 2019 Difference 2018 Difference

0 - 12 0 - 12 0 - 12
Budgeted Budgeted CHF % Completed CHF %

4.5 Financial result 130'000 85'000 45'000 53% 286'374 -156'374 -55%

Profit / Loss -3'800 -22'900 19'100 -83% 2'626 -6'426 -245%

4.6 Extraordinary Result

3990 Extraordinary Proceeds -13'931 13'931 -100%

4990 Extraordinary Expenses 11'407 -11'407 -100%

4.6 Extraordinary Result -2'524 2'524 -100%

Profit / Loss -3'800 -22'900 19'100 -83% 103 -3'903 -3'807%

5 Indirect Allocations and Use of Funds

5000 Indirect Allocations

5 Indirect Allocations and Use of Funds

Statement of revenue and expenses -3'800 -22'900 19'100 -83% 103 -3'903 -3'807%

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Mies, Switzerland
September 2019


1. SUMMARY ............................................................................ 3

2. GENERAL REMARKS ................................................................ 3

3. INCOME .............................................................................. 3
3.1 Commercial revenues..................................................................... 4
3.2 Revenues from Sport ..................................................................... 4
3.3 Miscellaneous revenues .................................................................. 4

4. EXPENDITURE ....................................................................... 5
4.1 Subsidies .................................................................................... 5
4.2 Costs for administrative and sporting meetings ..................................... 5
4.3 Administrative expenditures ............................................................ 5

5. NET FINANCIAL RESULT .......................................................... 6

6. USE OF RESERVE FUNDS .......................................................... 6

7. ANNUAL INVESTMENT BUDGET .................................................. 6

8. CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 6


The 2020 budget set out in this document is balanced, a challenge given the recent
movements in the EUR/CHF exchange rate which are unfavourable for the FIM’s revenues,
the majority of which are in euros.

The exchange rate used to convert income and expenditures reported in EUR and USD into
CHF was set at CHF 1.09 to the EUR and CHF 0.95 to the USD. These exchange rates are
consistent with the current rates above and the forecasts of the main Swiss banks for the
coming months. By way of comparison, the average rates in 2018 were CHF 1.17 to the EUR
and CHF 0.99 to the USD.

To compensate for the adverse impact on the FIM’s revenues by this movement in the
exchange rates, negotiations were carried out with promoters, mainly in relation to the
development of new championships.

Indeed, revaluing the revenues makes it possible to finance the increase in costs
connected with the development projects of the FIM and its affiliated Federations.

Throughout the document, the figures in the 2020 budget are compared with the actual
figures for 2018 (i.e. the last known complete year).

Total revenue (excluding financial income) is budgeted at CHF 24.7 million, which is CHF
1.4 million or 6% higher than that achieved in 2018. This increase comes mainly from
revenues from promoters.


3.1 Commercial revenues

Income from promoters is budgeted at CHF 20.0 million, which is CHF 2.1 million or 12%
higher than that achieved in 2018. This change is due to contractual changes and the new
negotiations that are under way less the impact of the exchange rate (at a comparable
exchange rate, revenues from promoters in the 2020 budget would increase to CHF 21.1

Sponsorship and Advertising income is budgeted at CHF 0.6 million, which is CHF 0.3
million or 29% lower than the 2018 revenues. This budget has been set cautiously based on
the contracts that have been entered into or are being renewed at present. The difference
by comparison with 2018 is mainly due to the Ice Speedway sponsor contracts (which were
not renewed in 2019).

TV revenues are 15% higher than those achieved in 2018 following the increase in the
portfolio of TV rights which are exploited by the FIM directly due to the cancellation of the
Trial promoter contract.

Miscellaneous dues including the certification programmes are 48% higher than they were
in 2018. This is mainly due to the revenues from the helmet homologation programme.

3.2 Revenues from Sport

The unit of value (the basis for calculating FIM tariffs) has been set at €62 for the 2020
budget (it was €60 in 2018 and €61 in 2019).

Calendar revenues are 4% higher than in 2018 due to the increase in the number of events
for certain championships (MotoGP, Sidecar Cross, Supermoto, X-Trial, SGP, SuperEnduro
and Cross-Country Rally) and the change in tariffs linked to the increase in the unit of

Licence income is down by 4% and this mainly reflects the adverse movement in the
exchange rate (which has an impact of CHF 0.1 million on licence revenues so that at an
unchanged exchange rate, these revenues would have risen by 3%).

Revenues from organisers are amounts which are charged to Trial organisers. In 2018, the
Trial was organised by the promoter Sport7 which received these revenues directly.

3.3 Miscellaneous revenues

The revenues from membership fees were calculated on the basis of 111 FMNs.

Miscellaneous revenues excluding the release of the provision for risks (which amounted
to CHF 0.5 million in 2018) are stable.



Total expenditure (excluding finance costs) for 2020 is budgeted at CHF 24.6 million (CHF
1.5 million or 7% higher than in 2018).

However, due to the situation regarding the unfavourable movement in the EUR/CHF
exchange rate, particular attention will be paid to keeping within budgeted costs,
especially in relation to travel expenses (streamlining nominations, etc.).

4.1 Subsidies
The total amount budgeted for subsidies is CHF 4.2 million for 2020 as compared with CHF
4.3 million in 2018. This decrease is linked to the movement in the exchange rate, because
the amounts in foreign currencies have not decreased and the number of events for direct
payments is rising. Indeed, at a comparable exchange rate, the value of grants in the 2020
budget would be CHF 4.4 million.

4.2 Costs for administrative and sporting meetings

These costs, which consist mainly of travel expenses and expenses of FIM agents, are CHF
7.6 million for 2020, representing an increase of CHF 0.4 million or 6% by comparison with
the actual figure for 2018. This change is due to the increase in the number of events and,
in some cases, the number of officials present.

4.3 Administrative expenditures

Administrative expenditures are CHF 12.8 million, which is CHF 1.3 million or 11% higher
than the actual figure in 2018.

Staff costs are expected to be CHF 8.3 million, which is CHF 0.3 million (or 3%) higher than
the actual figure in 2018. This change reflects both the posts that were open in 2019 (full
year effect for certain posts) and a new vacant post.

The cost of external services and other administrative costs are budgeted at CHF 2.8
million, which is CHF 0.6 million higher than in 2018 due to the enlistment of experts for
projects such as the FIM Academy, helmet certification, etc. and the increase in
expenditure for depreciation and maintenance of FIM applications and internet systems.

Communications and marketing costs are budgeted at CHF 1.7 million, which is CHF 0.4
million higher than the actual figure in 2018 due to expenditure associated with organising
the Trial without a promoter and new projects to improve the FIM’s communications and



The budgeted net financial result reflects a neutral attitude towards the trend in the
financial and currency markets (i.e. we do not anticipate either a profit or a loss on
investments or on transactions and balances in foreign currencies). It is therefore made up
of ordinary banking charges and management mandate fees. However, these charges are
increasing because, due to the increase in the available amount under management, the
FIM has enlisted an additional manager in accordance with its investment policy. The
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV) has been managing one of the FIM’s portfolios since
2019, and the Pictet bank has done so since 1999.


The 2020 budget does not make provision for any use of reserve funds to offset any
operating losses whatsoever.


The 2020 investment budget, which is CHF 0.6 million, makes provision for the
replacement of computer equipment, technical equipment and various supplies which are
recurring investments (CHF 0.1 million).

In addition to these investments, there is the value of various IT developments (CHF 0.3
million) to meet expectations that the various FIM applications and platforms will be
improved. These developments are being carried out either by third parties or by internal
personnel, and the associated expenditures are being capitalised as the projects progress.

Certain additional developments (CHF 0.2 million) have been budgeted for in 2020 for the
building (i.e. external fences and internal alterations which were not carried out in 2019).

The FIM’s financial situation remains healthy and maintains a satisfactory level of reserve
funds which this balanced 2020 budget will continue to safeguard.

It is indeed part of this process of modernising and developing all of the FIM’s activities
while taking account of the constraints associated with the movements in the exchange

In CHF thousands

IT development (FIM platform enhancement - Extranet, website, Apps ...) 284

IT Software 62
IT hardware (servers, PC, etc.) 26
Additional fitting Building (gates, covered parking, sprinkling system, "quiet" room) 182
Furniture (Window display, furniture for new meeting room…) 60
Technical material (soundmeter, scale, etc.) 20
Office Equipment 5
Total 638


IT hardware and development costs are being depreciated over a period of 3 years

Furniture and office equipment is being depreciated over a period of 5 years

The investment related to the Headquarters additional fitting out is being depreciated over
a period of 15 years


- Statutes & By-Laws

- Sporting Code / calendar & licence fees
For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 1________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Commission : “A group of volunteer experts from FMNs and external stakeholders

responsible for carrying out the responsibilities outlined in their Terms of Reference,
including but not limited to: Developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating a Work
Plan that guides the Commissions work; [….]”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Working Group decided to delete the term “volunteer“ which is no longer in keeping
with reality. Furthermore, it is awkward to define a term (i.e. Commission) using said term.
Consequently, it has been decided that the phrase “that guides the Commissions work”
shall be deleted.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 2

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Motocycling: “Applies to all activities relating to the use of motorised land vehicules
whichever their propulsion mode (eg. thermal, electrical) having less than four wheels, and
also, but not limited to except for quads, SSV and/or caterpillar tracks or skis, as determined
by the GA”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Working Group decided to broaden the definition to include SSVs and e-bikes.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 3__________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Ratify:”Decisions requiring ratification are different from recommendations for approval.

They may not be implemented until ratification has been received. Decisions for ratification
may not be amended by the ratifying body. The ratifying body may only approve the
recommendation or send it back to the originator. Where a decision is not ratified, it must
be returned to the originator with the rationale for its rejection and/or suggested
amendments. The originator having reviewed the feedback may choose to put forward a
revised recommendation and/or provide further background and rationale to support the
original recommendation.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Working Group decided that the definition of “Ratify” was not appropriate and
should be deleted. It was however agreed that the term would continue to be used in the
Statutes without definition (same case as “approve”).

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 4__________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 4 (Headquarters and Legal Status) and Article 5 (Arbitration Clause)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Article 4:

“ The FIM is incorporated in Switzerland and has established its headquarters in Mies (canton
of Vaud), Switzerland. The FIM is an association as defined in Article 60 (and following) of the
Swiss Civil Code and is registered in the Swiss Trade Register. The legal status of the FIM is
subject to Swiss law, which is the only applicable law. ; any contention between the FIM and
its bodies or members, as well as litigation between the FIM and organisations or individuals
associated or in any relationship with the FIM, in particular licensed riders, are governed by
Swiss law.

The courts of Geneva have sole jurisdiction for any dispute involving the FIM which is not
covered by the arbitration clause (see Art. 5).

3 2 The FIM is politically, economically and administratively independent. It shall allow no
political, religious, sexual or racial discrimination”.

Article 5:

“1 Final decisions handed down by the jurisdictional bodies or the GA of the FIM shall not be
subject to appeal in the ordinary courts. Such decisions must be referred to the Court of
Arbitration for Sport (CAS) which shall have exclusive authority to impose a definitive
settlement in accordance with the Code of Arbitration applicable to sport.

2 The place of litigation for any legal action against the FIM, that is not covered by the
arbitration clause mentioned in paragraph 1, is the competent Tribunal of the Canton of

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The structure and articulation of Articles 4 and 5 needed clarification by defining the legal
status of the FIM (Association) referring to the applicable law (Swiss law), competent
Tribunals and place of litigation.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 5___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 9 (Financial ressources)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“The financial ressources of the FIM are primarily:

“a) […];
b) […];
c) […];
d) […];
e) […];
f) […];
g)Royalties derived from the sale or licensing of television and radio broadcasting rights,
electronic and interactive gaming rights, new media rights and social media (whether
current or future) including but not only Internet rights, video cassettes and all other

recordings (by whatever medium) of FIM sanctioned or controlled Motorcycling activities,
sponsoring, marketing, advertising, merchandising, promotion, licensing, betting and any
other rights owned by the FIM including but not only rights linked to intellectual property
and homologation rights”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It was decided to update this disposition by referring to social media under letter g) of the
Article and by adding rights linked to intellectual property as a financial resource.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it
For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ___GA 6_____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article (suspension)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Non-payment of membership fees and/or FIM service charges by the required date as laid
down in Article 4.3 of the Financial Regulations (FR) shall lead to immediate suspension of
the rights to all FIM and/or CONU services until full settlement of the outstanding amount
has been received.
FIM and CONU services are considered in particular the delivery of FIM licences, the
registration of International Meetings, FIM World Championships and Prize Events and the
allocation and payment of grants and contributions.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It was decided to broaden the definition of “services” by adding “in particular” under
paragraph 2.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it
For administrative purposes

Proposal #: __GA 7___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article para.3 (suspension)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Non-payment of membership fees and/or FIM service charges by the required date as laid
down in Article 4.3 of the Financial Regulations (FR) shall lead to immediate suspension of
the rights to all FIM and/or CONU services until full settlement of the outstanding amount
has been received.
FIM and CONU services are considered the delivery of FIM licences, the registration of
International Meetings, FIM World Championships and Prize Events and the allocation and
payment of grants and contributions.
In case of urgency and as a precautionary measure, after giving the FMN concerned the
opportunity to communicate its justifications in writing and/or orally if it so wishes, the
BD may withdraw the sporting power of an FMN which, in the opinion of the BD, is no
longer able to exercise its prerogatives expressly described in article para.1 a).
This withdrawal may only be decided on a provisional basis until the next GA.
In the event of withdrawal of the sporting power of an FMN, the BD may
provisionally delegate this sporting power to another entity (e.g. FMN, CONU or other)
until the next GA.
If an FIM World Championship or Prize Event or an International Meeting crosses the
territory of a suspended FMN, the FMNR must obtain the prior written authorisation from
the BD at least two months before the start of the Event.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The FIM is increasingly confronted with internal disputes in countries where various
entities claim the statute of FMN affiliated to the FIM. It was requested that the
Governance Committee address this issue. The first considerations focused notably on
the possibility of withdrawing the sporting power of an FMN for the benefit of another
Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Possibility to withdraw the sporting power of FMN without withdrawing its affiliation to the
FIM. More tools available to the FIM in the event that an FMN is no longer able to exercise
its prerogatives.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 10 October 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 8___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article (Expulsion)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

An FMN may be expelled following a resolution adopted by the GA on a proposal from the
BD or an FMN:
a) If it either fails in its duty as a member or if it acts contrary to the aims of the FIM or
contrary to its membership rights and obligations expressly referred to by or in these
Statutes, the By-Laws or any other FIM regulations or the rights of another FMN or if it does
not represent the interests of motorcycling in its own country efficiently;
b) If it fails to pay its debts to the FIM and/or the relevant CONU within a maximum period
of two years after receiving a demand for payment by registered letter;
Any proposal to expel an FMN shall be examined first by the BD which, after giving the
FMN concerned the opportunity to communicate its’ observations in writing and/or orally
if it so wishes, may:
a) […];

b) […];
c) […].
In considering a proposal to expel under this Article the BD shall always act in good faith.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It is proposed to clarify the definition of the right to be heard in paragraph 2 as it is an

extremely broad concept.
It is also proposed to delete the entire sentence referring to the BD’s good faith. It goes
without saying that the BD always acts in good faith and not only regarding expulsion!

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 9__________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12 (The bodies of the FIM)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“The bodies of the FIM are the following:

- The General Assembly (GA);
- The Board of Directors (BD);
- The Executive Board (EB);
- The Internal Auditors;
- The Administration (ADM);
- The Continental Unions (CONUs);
- The Commissions;
- The International Disciplinary Court (CDI);
- The International Appeal Tribunal (TIA);
- The Arbitration and Advisory Tribunal (TAC).”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Governance Committee proposes to delete the procedure before the TIA
• In order to accelerate proceedings: there are currently too many appeal bodies with
the same CJI judges;
• The TIA has become superfluous since the implementation of the CAS as the appeal

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and simplification of the FIM judicial system.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Governance Committee

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ______GA 10_________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.1.1 (Participation)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“Participants at the GA are:

a) Voting delegates and other persons who have been designated by the FMNs to attend a
particular GA, subject to a maximum of three per FMN;
b) Delegates who have been elected by the GA or appointed by the BD;
c) The Presidents of the CONUs who represent their respective CONU;
bd) Honorary Members and Members of Honour appointed under Arts. 11.3; and 11.4;
ce) A maximum of two representatives from each Associated Member;
df) Members of the BD and such other persons as may be invited to attend;
e) Any other person(s) authorised by the President of the FIM to attend the GA

Only those persons in Arts. 12.1.1(a), (b) and (c) are entitled to speak and debate at the GA
as of right. Those persons in Arts. 12.1.1(d) and (e) may only speak and debate with the
leave of the President. No other persons are entitled to attend the GA unless invited by the

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It is apparent that there are some contradictions regarding the persons authorised to
participate in the GA and their respective rights. Les following modifications have therefore
been decided by the Working Group:

• Deletion of paragraph b) which refers to “mysterious” delegates elected by

the GA or appointed by the BD. The term “Delegates” is much too vague.
• Deletion of paragraph c). This paragraph is superfluous, as the CONU
Presidents are de facto members of the BD. The Presidents of CONUs
participate in the GA in accordance with paragraph f).
• Deletion of the second part of the provision in paragraph f) as its terms are
too vague.
• Addition of a new paragraph e) which gives the competence of authorising a
person to participate in the GA to the President of the FIM.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ______GA 11________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.1.2 para.3 (Voting rights)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Paragraph 3: “Votes may only be cast by a single delegate who shall be a member of
the FMN and officially nominated as a voting delegate by a senior official of the FMN
he represents. The registration form for the voting delegate may include a first
deputy delegate and a second deputy delegate two further deputy delegates and
must be duly signed and stamped by the president and a senior official of the FMN

Should the registered voting delegate be prevented from attending the General
Assembly at a late stage for reasons of force majeure or illness, the first deputy
delegate takes the place of the voting delegate president or his deputy and a senior
official of the FMN concerned may appoint either deputy as voting delegate by means
of a new registration form duly signed and stamped to be sent in pdf format by
electronic mail to the CEO of the FIM 48 hours at the latest before the opening of the
General Assembly. Should the first deputy delegate be unable to attend, the second

deputy delegate would become the voting delegate”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

In order to lighten the procedure, the Working Group proposes to appoint, among
the two deputy delegates, a first deputy delegate and a second deputy delegate so
as to provide for a hierarchy should the voting delegate be unable to attend.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and simplification of the proceedings.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 12_____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.1.4 (Agenda)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

The Agenda of the ordinary GA shall notably include the following points:
a) Verification of the composition of the GA;
b) Approval, where appropriate, of the Minutes of the preceding GA;
c) Approval of the budget for the following year, approval of the balance sheet and
accounts for the preceding year, the acceptance of the audit report submitted by the
internal auditors and the discharge of responsibility to be given to the decision-
making bodies;
d) Elections for vacant positions including the Internal Auditor(s);
e) Recommendations and proposals from the BD;
f) Proposals of the FMNs;
g) The opposing views of FMNs, with the supporting arguments, to proposals made
by the Commissions;
h) Ratification of the calendar of FIM Championships and Prizes for the following
hi) Considering new member applications for approval as submitted by the BD;
ij) Considering proposal submitted by any FIM body as submitted by the BD;

jk) Appointment of independent tellers for GA elections;
kl) Considering any motion of censure proposed to the GA.
4 […].

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Regarding the form: letter c) is missing and should be added. It was also decided to add the
approval of the budget under letter c). Finally, the Group decided to delete letter h)
regarding the ratification of the calendar of FIM Championships and Prizes the following

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 13________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.1.7 (Authority)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

The only modification here concerns the French translation of the Article; the English version
remains unchanged.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed


Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation


Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _______GA 14____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.1.8 para 5 and 6 (Decisions of the GA)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Unless otherwise stated in these Statutes, voting shall be by a show of hands or by roll
call. In the latter case, if requested by a voting delegate, voting shall take place by secret
2 The following majorities are required in the GA:
a) For the dissolution of the FIM three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast;
b) For amendments to the Statutes, the expulsion of an FMN, the granting and withdrawal
of recognition of a CONU, a motion of censure and removing a person from office: two-
thirds of the votes cast;
c) For all other decisions (including amendments to the By-Laws and the Sporting Code): an
absolute majority, i.e. 50% of the votes cast + 1 vote.
3 All majorities are rounded up to the next highest whole number.
4 In case of a tie, a second round of voting shall be organised after which, if the tie is still
not broken, the proposal shall be considered rejected.
5 Blank ballot papers shall be taken into account when counting the number of votes cast.
Blank or void ballot papers or any other form of abstention shall not be taken into account
when counting the number of votes cast.
6 Void ballot papers or any other form of abstention shall not be taken into account when
counting the number of votes cast.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

• Counting the blank ballot papers for Presidential elections

• Situation with a single candidate

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

The Governance Committee considers that it is important in terms of legitimacy that

a President acquire the support of over 50% of the FMNs and to anticipate any situation
that could arise after this new method of counting is instated.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 28 August 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____ GA 15____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article (Criteria applicable to candidatures for the position of President, elected member
of the BD and Internal Auditor of the FIM)

Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“ Candidatures must be put forward by one or several FMNs.
Every candidature must be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae of the
A candidate who is put forward for the first time must be present at the relevant GA
unless in case of justified impediment. The President decides on accepting or refusing
the justification.
Prior to the casting of ballots, all candidates may introduce themselves and have
the possibility to explain orally their programme and targets to the GA for a
time period deemed reasonable by the President.
5 […].
6 […].
7 […]”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It has been proposed to mention that candidates are under no obligation to present
their programmes.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 10 Oct. 2019 Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ______GA 16______________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article para 5 (Incompatibilities with position)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“A close family member (spouse or biological or adoptive parent, child, sibling, first
cousin without removal, nice or nephew) of a serving member of the BD, including
the FIM President, may not serve on the BD in any capacity at the same time
(concurrently with) that member.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Paragraph 5 of this provision currently stipulates that a close family member of a

serving Member of the Board of Directors may not serve on the Board of Directors,

in whatever capacity, at the same time as said Member.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

On the recommendation of the Governance Committee, the Board of Directors

considers that there is no reason to maintain a restriction providing that a close
family member of a serving Member of the Board of Directors can not serve on the
Board of Directors in whatever capacity, at the same time as said Member.
It is therefore proposed to the General Assembly to delete this restriction provided
for in paragraph 5.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: May 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ______GA 17______________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.2.2 para.2 letters j, l and m (Authority)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“1 The BD has overall responsibility for the strategic direction and governance
of the FIM. It is entrusted with all the powers which, according to the Statutes
of the FIM, are not explicitly reserved for the GA.

In particular, it has responsibility:
a) […];
b) […];
c) […];
d) […];
e) […];
f) […];
g) […];
h) […];
i) […];
j) To appoint the Chief Executive Officer and to review his performance and if
necessary dismiss him; to appoint the Deputy Chief Executive Officer on a
proposal from the CEO and to review his performance and if necessary
dismiss him;
k) […];
l) In the case of force majeure Tto act for, and on behalf of, the GA when a
decision cannot be held over until the next GA, and to set a date for the entry
into force of such a decision which shall be submitted to the following GA for
m) Subject to a possible contractual concession, to adopt or amend the
Codes (other than the Sporting Code), policies and other regulations including
but not only regulations related to finance and human resources;

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

• Letter j): The BD is responsible inter alia for appointing the Chief Executive
Officer, reviewing his performance and if necessary dismissing him. Under
this letter, it has been decided to add that the BD can appoint the Deputy
Chief Executive Officer reviewing his performance and if necessary dismissing
• Letter l): The BD can act for, and on behalf of, the GA when a decision cannot
be held over until the next GA, and set a date for the entry into force of such
a decision. It was made clear that the decision made by the BD must be in the
case of force majeure and must be submitted to the following GA for
• Letter m): This provision may be interpreted as the BD being competent for
modifying the Grand Prix circuit regulations for example. In order to avoid
any ambiguity, it was made clear that the BD may contractually delegate
writing and modifying these texts to other ad hoc entities chosen for this

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 28 August 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 18_________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.2.3 (Meetings)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“BD meetings
The procedure for the conduct of BD meetings will be regularly determined by the BD
and set out in the FIM By-Laws (as regularly amended). ”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

It is proposed that the title of the Article should specify that the meetings referred to only
the BD.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 19___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.2.4 para.1 c) (The President)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“ The duties of the President are to:
a) chair meetings of the GA, BD and EB;
b) manage the activities of the BD, including ensuring the BD is organised properly,
functions effectively and meets its obligations and responsibilities;
c) ensure the decisions of the GA, BD and EB are implemented and that the Statutes,
Codes and Bye-Laws all FIM Regulations are respected;”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Working Group feels that all FIM regulations should be respected and not be
restricted to the Statutes and By-Laws.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 20_________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.2.4 para.1 g) and Article 12.2.4 para.4 (The President)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

The duties of the President are to:
a) chair meetings of the GA, BD and EB;
b) manage the activities of the BD, including ensuring the BD is organised properly,
functions effectively and meets its obligations and responsibilities;
c) ensure the decisions of the GA, BD and EB are implemented and that the Statutes
and Bye-Laws are respected;
d) facilitate effective communications and relations with CONUs, FMNs, volunteers,
stakeholders and the general public;
e) collaborate with the CEO to form a strong, collaborative working team that is in
regular contact to ensure that their individual and collective decisions and actions are
consistent with the FIM Statutes, By-Laws, Regulations, policies and BD direction;

f) represent the FIM to the public, external organisations, governments and media;
g) be an ex-officio member of all Commissions, Committees and Working Groups
where he is not appointed as a full member. Attendance at these meetings is not
expected and shall be at the President’s discretion; The President may attend any
meeting of a Commission or any Working Group created by the FIM, but without
the right to vote; and
h) liaise with members of the FIM.
In emergencies, the President can, after consultations with, and the agreement of
the EB, take any decision that is deemed necessary in order to safeguard the interests
of the FIM. In such cases, the BD must be informed immediately of the relevant
decision. A decision of the President under this Article will be considered a decision of
the EB under Art. 12.3.4.
The President may sign, together with the Chief Executive Officer or any other
person designated by the BD, all documents which commit the FIM or impose
obligations upon it. Such documents must be signed by two of the persons authorised
for that purpose.
The President may attend any meeting of a Commission or any Working Group
created by the FIM, but without the right to vote”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Article 12.2.4 para.1 g) seems to contradict para. 4, in particular regarding the right
to vote. The Working Group therefore proposes to delete the last sentence under
letter g) and replace it with the text under paragraph 4 of the same article.
Paragraph 4 is consequently deleted.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ___GA 21__________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article 12.5.1 (The Chief Executive Officer (CEO))


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“ The CEO is appointed by and accountable to the BD for providing overall
management of the FIM. The CEO will support the BD and its mandate and will be
accountable for ensuring the FIM operates within the policy and strategic framework
established by the BD. The CEO will provide advice and counsel to the BD in all
matters impacting the FIM and will provide effective operational leadership to the
management, staff and volunteers of the organisation. Subject to these Statutes the
CEO will have such roles and responsibilities as are determined by the BD and set out
in the CEO’s Job Description, Authority and Accountability.
2 The DCEO is appointed by the BD on a proposal from the CEO.
2 3 The CEO and the DCEO are is a members of the BD and the EB but without the
right to vote.
3 4 The CEO receives direction from and is responsible to the BD and the President. In
the event the CEO is asked to implement a directive which the CEO believes is not
consistent with the BD’s direction, the CEO shall inform the members of the EB.

Without limiting anything else in this Art. 12.5.1 the CEO shall:
a) Lead and develop a highly motivated professional team dedicated to excellence
and high performance with a commitment to achieving the FIM’s strategic objectives;
b) Develop and maintain business opportunities and strategic partnerships with
governments, industry, promoters, corporate partners and the motorcycle
c) Initiate, develop and implement sound administrative, human resource,
commercial, financial and risk management practices for the long term benefit of the
FIM and its entities;
d) Provide leadership and strategic advice to the BD and senior management to
ensure the development of a shared vision and clear strategic direction for the FIM;
e) Ensure the vision and values are projected in all communications and actions; that
the strategic framework is well understood throughout the FIM and used to guide all
f) Facilitate the development of a customer service culture throughout the FIM;
g) Ensure the BD has the information necessary to make informed decisions and that
all corporate governance obligations of the organisation are met;
h) Develop, implement and monitor all action plans based on the FIM’s strategic
i) Develop, implement and monitor all decisions taken by the FIM bodies as well as for
all the activities of the ADM;
j) Ensure that all FIM bodies use their best endeavours to fulfil their respective key
performance indicators;
k) After consultation with relevant parties, recommend to the BD all appointments
including Directors and replacement appointments of Commissions;
l) Manage the roles and responsibilities of FIM Commissions;
m) Recommend proposed new members to the BD for affiliation.
4 5 The CEO must also ensure that the Minutes of the meetings of all FIM bodies are
drawn up and published by the specified deadline.
5 6 The CEO shall safeguard the interests and prestige of the FIM and draw the
attention of the President, the BD or the EB to anything which, in his opinion, may be
contrary or harmful to the interests of the FIM.
6 7 The CEO must be able to speak, and write in, the two official languages.
7 8 The CEO must ensure that the FIM rules are respected and that the administration
and management of the FIM is in accordance with these Statutes and the directions
of the BD.
8 9 The CEO can sign, together with the President or any other person designated by
the BD, all documents which constitute a commitment or an obligation for the FIM.
Such documents must be signed by two of the persons authorised for that purpose.
9 10 In all matters concerning the running of the FIM, the CEO shall follow the policy
laid down by the BD. No executive staff member may be hired or dismissed without
the approval of the EB. The CEO may otherwise hire or appoint and dismiss staff
members and volunteers. In considering the hiring or appointment of any staff
member or volunteer the CEO must consider the expertise of the relevant candidate
against the requirements of the position. The CEO must respect relevant job
descriptions and ensure that staff members and volunteers mutually respect and
recognise the roles they each play for the FIM.
10 11 The CEO shall ensure that written notification of all BD and EB decisions is sent
by the ADM to all FMNs at least 60 days before the date fixed for their entry into

11 12 The CEO shall ensure good co-ordination between the ADM and the
Secretariats of the FMNs and the CONUs.
12 13 The CEO shall be responsible for all questions of protocol during FIM official
13 14 The CEO may attend any meeting of a body of the FIM or any Working Group
created by the FIM, but without the right to vote.
14 15 The CEO may not hold any office or position in an FMN or within an industry or
business connected with motorcycling.
16 The DCEO is under the direct authority of the CEO
17 Under the authority of the CEO, the DCEO has the same competencies as the
CEO, except for those described under Articles 12.5.1 para. 4 letters k) and m) and
paragraphs 9 and 10 of the same Article, which fall exclusively to the CEO.
18 However, in case of impediment of the CEO, the DCEO shall temporarily take
over all of the CEO’s duties and powers for a time delimited by the EB which can be
renewed by the BD”.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

No statutory provision currently exists regarding the position and role of the DCEO of
the FIM. The main principles discussed within the Committee are the following:
• Appointment of the DCEO by the Board of Directors upon proposal by the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO);
• The Deputy Chief Executive Officer operates under the authority of the CEO,
who in turn operates under the authority of the Board of Directors;
• On principle, the DCEO with have, under the authority of the CEO, almost
the same powers as the CEO. In case of impediment of the CEO, the DCEO
shall exercise his powers for a definite period.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Update of the text and clarifications.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Governance Committee

Date: 23 July 2019_________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 22___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article X 2) (Procedure applicable to elections)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

1 Independent tellers shall be appointed by the GA to supervise the running of the

elections and to count the ballot papers.

2 In all elections voting shall take place by secret ballot.

3 Ballot papers shall only be deemed valid if they do not contain more names than
there are positions to be filled, nor any names other than those of the official

4 Blank ballot papers shall be taken into account when counting the number of
votes cast.

45Blank or vVoid ballot papers or any other form of abstention shall not be taken into
account when counting the total number of votes cast.
56 To be elected President of the FIM, an absolute majority of the votes cast (50% of
the votes cast + 1 vote, rounded up to the next highest whole number) must be
obtained. If the position of President has not been filled after the first round of voting,
the two (2) candidates having received the highest number of votes are selected for a
2nd round. In case there is a single candidate, there shall be no second round of
voting. A new Presidential election shall be held within the six following months.
During this period, the first Vice-President of the FIM shall be the acting FIM
President. Should the first Vice-President be unable to fulfil this role, the Vice-
President shall be the acting FIM President.

67 To be elected as a member of the BD or as an Internal Auditor, an absolute

majority of the votes cast must be obtained on the first ballot (50% of the votes cast +
1 vote, the number obtained being rounded up to the next whole number). On the
second ballot, a majority of equal or greater than 40 % of the votes cast shall suffice.
Candidates for whom the most votes are cast shall be elected.

7 8Subject to By-Law X.2)9 in the event of a tied vote, the longest serving candidate in
the office applied for shall be elected or if there is no such candidate then the longest
serving candidate in another FIM office shall be

8 9If the number of remaining candidates is higher than the number of vacant
position(s) after the previous round, the number of candidates participating in the
next round shall be determined according to the highest
number of votes they have obtained and shall be equal to the number of vacant
position(s) plus one.
If the number of candidates is equal or less than the vacant positions after the
previous round, all candidates shall take part in the next round.

9 10Unless there are two new candidates for an office, there shall be no third round
of voting and the remaining position(s) shall remain vacant.
Where there are two new candidates for an office and voting is still tied after two
ballots, a third round of voting will be carried out.

1011 Any position which fell vacant before a period of office has ended or which
remained vacant from a previous election shall be filled at the following GA for the
remainder of the period of office.
However, posts with different duration of office are allocated in descending order of
votes received.”

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

• Counting of the blank ballot papers for presidential election

• Situation with a single candidate

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

The Governance Committee considers that it is important in terms of legitimacy that a

President acquire the support of over 50% of the FMNs, and wishes to anticipate any
situation that could arise after this new method of counting the votes is instated.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Working Group on the revision of the FIM Regulations

Date: 10 October 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 23_______

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article XII 2) para.4 (Commission Terms of Reference)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“Candidates serving for the first time in a Sporting Commission must hold an FIM licence as
clerk of the course, referee or sporting steward (of the discipline concerned); technical
members must hold an FIM technical steward’s licence. Candidates serving for the first time
in the nonSporting Commissions must hold an FIM licence in their domain (if existing).
Candidates must also be email literate and readily accessible and must be functional in
English or in French or must have their own interpreters. Other languages are an asset».

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The By-Laws currently provide that all candidates applying for a position within a
Commission must be able to speak English.
It is proposed to come back to the conditions applied until 2017 providing that in
terms of language, candidates should be capable of speaking at least one of the two
official languages of the FIM (i.e. English or French) or have their own interpreter.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

French and English are the two official languages at the FIM. As a result, there is no
reason to mark a preference between the official languages by imposing English, at
least in the Commissions, to the detriment of French.
This proposal will help notably avoid having to exclude non-English speaking
candidates despite them fulfilling all the other criteria for joining an FIM

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Governance Committee

Date: 10 October 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 24_________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA


Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

XII .3 The Commissions


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

XII 3) The Commissions

n) The E-Bike Commission (CEB)

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Creation of an E-Bike Commission that will manage the activities of bicycles with electrical
power assistance (Enduro E-Bike, EX-Bike, and others).

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Development of the sport on the FIM and FMN level.

Share the sporting and technical expertise.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes x No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Jean-Paul Gombeaud – Sports Director

Date: 25/07/2019__ Stamp and authorised signature: _________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 25___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Article XVI (Protocol at official ceremonies)


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

“ 1) At official ceremonies of the FIM or at ceremonies where the FIM is officially

represented, the order of precedence shall be as follows:
- The President of the FIM;
- The Deputy President of the FIM;
- The Vice-President of the FIM;
- The Members of the BD;
- The Chief Executive Officer of the FIM;
- The Executive Director;
- The Directors of Commissions.
2) At competitions, International Meetings, award ceremonies, etc., the order of
precedence shall be as follows:
- The President of the FIM;
- The Deputy President of the FIM;
- The Vice-President of the FIM;
- The Chief Executive Officer of the FIM;
- The Executive Director;
- The Director of the Commission concerned;
- The President of the Jury or FIM Delegate;
- The Members of the BD;
- The Directors of the other Commissions;
- The Members of the Commissions concerned;
- The Members of the other Commissions.
3 2 All matters of protocol including for FIM World Championships and Prizes Events,
shall be the responsibility of the Chief ExecutiveOfficer».

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The order of precedence during FIM World Championships and FIM Prizes is now
expressly provided for in an ad hoc document included in the promoters’ contracts
and/or the Organisers’ Manual for the event in question.
Furthermore, insofar as the FIM no longer plays a part in organising International
events, the latter should be deleted from paragraph 2.
It is therefore proposed to delete paragraph 2 of this disposition.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Protocols have been developed in order to reinforce the prestige and visibility of
the FIM and reflect the value of the roles played by the Officials, representatives
and delegates of the FIM and by the FMNR.
These protocols have been incorporated into the promoters’ contracts and/or the
Organisers’ Manual and will be applied to all events counting for the FIM World
Championships and FIM Prizes as of 2020.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): FIM Administration

Date: 7 October 2019 _________________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 26_____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

X Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if existing)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
Statutes and By-Laws
Editing pages 74 to 76
Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold


Par. 4) the FIM Environment Award Trophy

In order to encourage a greater awareness of environmental concerns, the FIM has created an
Environment Award Trophy to reward a significant contribution to environmental protection.
This distinction Trophy is awarded to individuals, FMNs, clubs, organisers or manufacturers that
have made a significant contribution or done something important to enhance environmental
awareness in the field of motorcycling.

Par. 5) the FIM Road Safety and Public Policy Award Trophy
In order to give more visibility to road safety and public policy matters, the FIM has created a
Road Safety and Public Policy Award Trophy.
This distinction Trophy is awarded to individuals, organisations, cities, governments that
performed in an outstanding way in one of these two areas.

Par. 6) the FIM Women in Motorcycling Award Trophy

In order to encourage a greater awareness of the need for the presence and involvement of
women in motorcycling, the FIM has created a “Women in Motorcycling Award Trophy”.
Through this award Trophy, the FIM wishes to recognise and show its appreciation for those
who have significantly contributed to actions taken to improve women’s participation in
motorcycling activities.
The award Trophy may be conferred on individuals, groups or organisations (e.g. FMNs, Clubs,
Organisers, Circuit Owners, Manufacturers, teams) that have made a signification contribution
towards or have done something to visibly enhance women’s participation in motorcycling.

Par. 7) the FIM Award Trophy for the Future
The FIM wishes to recognise and celebrate those who significantly contribute to improving and
developing the presence of youngsters in all motorcycling-related areas.
This Award Trophy may be conferred on individuals, groups or organisations (e.g. CONUs, FMNs,
clubs, organisers, promoters, circuit owners, manufacturers, teams, etc.) who have made a
significant contribution to enhancing awareness among youngsters or who have implemented
projects/initiatives to improve the presence of the youngest in all motorcycling activities.



3 Proposals/Candidatures for awards FIM Distinctions and FIM Trophies must reach the ADM at
the latest by the date stated on the information letter launching the annual Awards Trophies
and Recognition Program, after which they shall be examined by the Awards and Recognition
4 Proposals for FIM Distinctions They shall remain confidential until approved by the BD.
Proposals rejected by the BD are not made public.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

There is confusion between the awards as mentioned in the current FIM Statutes/By-Laws and
the yearly “FIM Awards”- World Champions prize giving ceremony.
The FIM Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the A&R Committee, agreed to change
the name of FIM Awards to FIM Trophies (August 2019).
Art. XIX distinguishes between Distinctions (Motorcycling Merit Distinctions - Nicolas Rodil del
Valle, Medals, Merit Plaques and Merit Diplomas (art. 1) A, B and C, and art. 2) and FIM
This change will be implemented in all the printed material, logo, and FIM Statutes/By-Laws,
for 2020 (editorial change).

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Will help avoid confusion

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents
Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes X No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): FIM Awards and Recognition Committee

Date: 27 August 2019 Stamp and authorised signature: _______________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 27____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

X Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
Statutes and By-Laws
Addition of a new para. # 8) - page 76

Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

8) FIM Family Trophy

In order to encourage the FMN’s to create and promote Special Projects of particular
relevance to the development of motorcycling activities; the FIM has created a FIM
Family Trophy.
Special projects submitted by National Motorcycling Federations will be assessed by The
Awards and Recognition Committee. While projects may cover both sporting and non‐
sporting areas, they must be of particular relevance for the development of
motorcycling activities by the applicant federation.
If these projects are considered to be particularly worthy of note, they shall receive a
financial contribution.
The FIM Family Trophy is awarded to the most deserving special project among those
already awarded by the Awards and Recognition Committee.

Background / Rationale
Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The concept of this new Trophy was presented / approved at the meeting of the Board of
Directors (PL) in May 2019.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Motivation/encouragement for FMNs to create specific projects for developing motorcycling

activities in their country and increasing visibility and mediatisation of the motorcycling

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

FIM Family Special Projects - FIM Family Trophy – General Information

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): FIM Awards and Recognition Committee

Date: 27 August 2019 Stamp and authorised signature: _______________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

FIM Family Special Projects
FIM Family Trophy



Projects submitted by National Motorcycling Federations (FMNs) exclusively. While

projects may cover both sporting and non‐sporting areas, they must be of particular
relevance for the development of motorcycling activities.
If these projects are considered to be particularly worthy of note, they shall receive a
mention/be awarded a prize and may also receive a financial contribution.
The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) wishes to recognise those who are
significant players in the following areas:

 Innovative projects in the motorcycling world at large

 Promotion, training and competitive activities for young people
 Improving safety in motorcycling
 Improving sustainability in motorcycling
 Improving diversity and inclusion in motorcycling
 Extending visibility and diffusing motorcycling activities in the world (ex: TV
programs, social media, exhibitions, etc.)
 Developing/using new technologies (medical, technical, etc.).
 Use of electric motorcycles and bicycles
 Promotion of good behaviour and fair play in motorcycling
 Etc.

The FIM is therefore pleased to call for FMNs to send in their applications of their special
projects as described above.


FIM Affiliated Federations (FMNs) only.
Please refer to the FIM Statutes and By-Laws (Art. XVII para. #8)


Applications can be sent to the FIM Awards and Recognition Board Committee at any time
during the year. Applications received until 31 August will be considered for the current
year. After that date applications will be considered for the following year.

Candidatures must be provided in English only and should be submitted as soon as possible,
the yearly deadline being 31 August.

All applications must be sent through the dedicated online form
by clicking: HERE

Applications may be completed, if needed by sending additional supporting documents (i.e.

selection of pictures or videos, reference letters, relevant press releases…) directly by
email to


All applications will be examined by the FIM Awards and Recognition Committee supported
by the representative of the CMRF Committee.

Any conflicts of interest will be declared at the beginning of the process.

Special projects applications may receive a financial contribution and will participate to
the FIM Family Trophy selection (additional financial reward will be given to the winner).


The winning project/Federation will be invited to the annual FIM Awards Prize Giving
Ceremony and will receive the Trophy on stage. The winner will have the privilege to use
the “FIM Family Trophy” logo on all its related communications (print, web etc.).

We encourage the FIM Family to share its special projects

Contact us at:

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: __GA 28_______________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
10.1 Categories of Meetings


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold
[…] categories of meetings among its various disciplines:
- FIM World Championships and Prize Events without a FIM Promoter
- FIM World Championships and Prize Events organised in partnership with a contractual FIM
- FIM Training Camps
- CONU Continental Championships […]
- CONU Training Camps
- Classic Events
- International Meetings
- […]

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

To harmonise the listing of categories of meetings following the addition of FIM Training Camps
and CONU Training Camps.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation


Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Services Director

Date: _________________ Stamp and authorised signature: ________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 29____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
10.1.3 FIM Training Camps


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

10.1.3 FIM Training Camps

FIM Training Camps are international sporting training activities organised at a particular place with
the major aim of raising the level of riders within the participating FMNs and stimulating their
participation in national and international championships, during which no form of competition
shall take place. FIM Training Camps help and encourage countries to develop and implement
training programs and are open to national and foreign riders holding a FIM Training Licence. FIM
Training Camps may not be named as such without being submitted for approval in the FIM
Calendar by the relevant FMNRs.
For the organisation of the FIM Training Camps, the Sporting Code and the relevant Guidelines will
apply. The organisational responsibility shall lie with the FMNR and, if present, the contractual FIM

10.1.3 10.1.4 CONU Continental Championships
10.1.5 CONU Training Camps
Pursuant to Article 12.6 of the Statutes, the Continental Unions (CONUs) may establish CONU
Training Camps.
The relevant CONU Sporting Regulations, which must be drawn up in conformity with the FIM
Sporting Code, will apply for the organisation of CONU Training Camps.
Riders participating in the CONU Training Camps must be holders of the FIM Training Licence or a
licence accepted by the CONU. The organisational responsibility shall lie with the FMNR and, if
present, the contractual CONU promoter.

10.1.4 10.1.6 Classic Events

10.1.5 10.1.7 International Meetings
10.1.6 10.1.8 Continental Meetings
10.1.7 10.1.9 National Meetings

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

In order to facilitate the organisation of training activities run under the aegis of the FIM and/or
a CONU and to set minimum safety requirements needed for international training events, it is
paramount to provide a regulatory frame which includes activities that already take place since
several years. Meanwhile, sport Commissions are requested to cooperate in order to develop
dedicated Guidelines for each discipline related to FIM Training Camps.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Short term benefits are to regulate current activities, which are already taking place without a clear
regulatory framework, thus ensuring a definition of FIM Training Camps. Long term benefits are to
determine minimum requirements for international training events through the draft of dedicated
Guidelines, identifying and defining the role of FIM international coaches and, ultimately, the
developing the number of riders participating in international races.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation

Current risks are the lack of specific Guidelines per each discipline that wants to develop FIM
Training Camps, while these risks can be mitigated through a consistent and prompt Guidelines
draft. Within the insurance scheme for licences, training/education activities are not yet included in
the insurance coverage.

Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Services Director Damiano Zamana

Date: _________________ Stamp and authorised signature: ________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 30_____________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

30.1.1 World Championships


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

Track Racing
- FIM Flat Track World Championship (for riders and manufacturers)

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The Track Racing Commission (CCP) developed a FIM Flat Track World Cup series and many
Federations are organising national Cups. We also see a serious increase in the number of events
included in the FIM International Calendar. Some promoters are organising indoor or outdoor
events and not always under the umbrella of affiliated FMNs.

In addition to this, we have received the interest of several promoters for the promotion of an FIM
Flat Track World Championship.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

This discipline is suitable for any oval track and the motorcycles are coming for the industry. This
discipline is easy to expand and to organise overseas. The number of FIM rider licences will increase
with this Championship.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Jean-Paul Gombeaud Sports Director

Date: 07/10/2019 Stamp and authorised signature: _Jean-Paul Gombeaud____________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purpose

Proposal #: ____GA 31_______

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the appropriate box corresponding to your proposal and send it by email to:

Statutes & By-Laws Circuit Racing Regulations

X Sporting Code Motocross Regulations
Financial Regulations Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

Article (if applicable)

Indicate the number of the Article concerned or the title of the heading



Write precisely the wording of your proposal. In case of a proposed amendment to an existing
rule, the new rule must be drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed
must be struck, the new/modified elements must be indicated in bold.

30.1.2 FIM Prize

- FIM SuperMoto World Cup

Background / Rationale

Provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background. Underline why a decision is

Creation of a FIM cup in addition or replacement to the World Championship. No creation of

a new licence. The licence used will be:

Article number: Yearly: One Event:

Art.6220801/11 5 UV 2 UV

Calendar fees 50 UV
(0 if combined with a FIM World
Championship or FIM Prize event)

Potential benefits for the FIM

Present the potential benefits for the commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line
with your recommendation.

Optional title for this discipline

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the commission and/or the FIM linked with your


Additional documents

Attach any supporting documents to your proposal.

Documents attached:

Yes x No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, …): Sports Director, May 2019

For administrative purpose

Proposal #: ____GA 32__

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the appropriate box corresponding to your proposal and send it by email to:

Statutes & By-Laws Circuit Racing Regulations

x Sporting Code Motocross Regulations
Financial Regulations Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

Article (if applicable)

Indicate the number of the Article concerned or the title of the heading



Write precisely the wording of your proposal. In case of a proposed amendment to an existing
rule, the new rule must be drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed
must be struck, the new/modified elements must be indicated in bold.

30.1.2 FIM Prize

Track Racing
- FIM Ice Arena Track Racing World Gold Trophy

Background / Rationale

Provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background. Underline why a decision is

A discipline easily organised in Ice Arenas with speedway, flat track, quad or sidecar
vehicles using special tyres equipped with studs. No creation of a new licence. The licences
used will be:

Article numbers: Yearly: One Event:

Art.6250201/11 24 UV 8 UV
Art.6250001/11 8 UV 2 UV

Calendar fees 32 UV
(0 if combined with a FIM World
Championship or FIM Prize event)

Potential benefits for the FIM

Present the potential benefits for the commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line
with your recommendation.

This indoor discipline is easy to organise, to promote in Bandy/Hockey stadiums.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the commission and/or the FIM linked with your


Additional documents

Attach any supporting documents to your proposal.

Documents attached:

Yes x No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, …): Sports Director, May 2019

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 33______________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

30.1.2 FIM Prize


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

30.1.2 FIM Prize


FIM Extreme Enduro World Cup

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The WESS series is promoting a series of Extreme events. The discipline exists worldwide.
The FIM proposes to introduce an Extreme Championship in the near future.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Integrate notorious international events in a Series

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation

Lower the risk with WESS

Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): CEN

Date: 05.07.2019________________ Stamp and authorised signature: John Collins

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 34_________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
30.1.2 FIM Prizes


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

30.1.2 FIM Prize

Cross-Country Rallies
- FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Cup (Rally2)
- FIM Women’s Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM Quads Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM SSV Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM Junior Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM Cross Country Rallies Veterans’ Trophy
- FIM Cross-Country Rallies Adventure Trophy
- FIM Bajas World Cup
- FIM Women’s Bajas World Cup
- FIM Quads Bajas World Cup
- FIM SSV Bajas World Cup
- FIM Junior Bajas World Cup

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The categories and classes are reviewed; the class named RallyGP for expert riders will be
the unique class at the FIM World Championship level.
The SSV categories are reintroduced as categories for the World Cup and Bajas

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation


Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation

Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): CRT

Date: ____06.07.2019_____ Stamp and authorised signature: Larbi Rida-Sbai (CRT Director)

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 35___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading

30.1.2 FIM Prizes


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

- FIM Arena Cross World Cup (for riders and manufacturers)

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Many races are organised in closed and covered stadiums for this discipline that uses motocross
motorcycles. Youthstream bought the Arena X that takes place in England. The FIM is called upon
by Youthstream who wishes to organise a FIM Cup.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

This discipline allows the use of medium sized rooms and motorcycles from the motocross industry.
Youthstream will help the FIM to develop or export this discipline.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Jean-Paul Gombeaud Sports Director

Date: 07/10/2019 Stamp and authorised signature: _Jean-Paul Gombeaud____________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

GA 36

Proposals from Federations – 2019 FIM General Assembly

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form before 1 October 2019 to:

Statutes & By-Laws

Sporting Code

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the Article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified elements
must be indicated in bold (please use a separate sheet of paper if necessary)

The participant in an official meeting exonerates the FIM, the FMNR, the CONUs, the FIM
promoters, the organisers and officials, their employees and officers from any and all liability
for any loss, damage, injury or death which he/she may incur in the course of an official
meeting or the training thereof, except under the provisions in Article 110.3 thereinafter.

The above exemptions in favour of FIM the FMNR, the CONUs, the FIM promoters, the
organisers and the Officials, their employees and officers and agents, (loss, fire, theft,
damage, etc.) was caused by deliberate or gross negligence on the part of the FIM by their
representatives or employees.

All the above exemptions in favour of FIM, the FMNR, the CONUs, the FIM promoters, the
organisers and the officials, their employees and officers and agents, shall not apply if the
harmful event was caused or sustained by the participant or the third party resulted from
the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the exempt, their employees or their

Please provide concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The organisers of FIM events must set an example of righteousness and good faith which
govern social and economic transactions outside the races. In social life, it is unacceptable
to exclude the organiser of an event (e.g. a concert) from responsibilities that arise from
11 ROUTE DE SUISSE TEL +41 22 950 95 00
CH – 1295 MIES FAX +41 22 950 95 01
poor organisation (e.g. inadequate exits of the public in the event of fire) thus protecting
him from claims for compensation resulting from their negligence.
Intentional action refers to persons, for the selection and supervision of whom the Organiser
is responsible, and in the event that the Organiser fails to take preventive measures
(selection, training, supervision) that will prevent any malicious actions (e.g. sabotage or
Our view is that major international organisations such as the FIM must first and voluntarily
apply the claims that every economic and social body has to bear, and not reserve for
themselves privileges that are condemned by society.
We also want to point out that in the unfortunate event of a claim arising against the FIM in a
case of gross negligence – or worse, wilful misconduct – the FIM Sporting Code’s provisions
for non-responsibility will prove very weak before any Court of Law.

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the FIM (short term and long term) in line with yo ur recommendation


Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the FIM in connection with your recommendation


Additional documents
Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the Federation or Delegate: AMOTOE

Date: 25/9/2019 ______________ Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to the
sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ____GA 37___________

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
X Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading
Articles 110.1.1 and 110.1.2 of the Sporting Code


Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold

110.1.1 Third Party Liability Insurance for FIM World Championships and Prize Events without an FIM
The organiser of a FIM Championship or Prize event must provide the FIM Administration, not later
than 20 days prior to the event, with a copy of the insurance policy written in English or French to
cover his own liability and that of all participants, the manufacturers, riders, passengers, sponsors
and officials in case of damage to third parties and among themselves (cross liabilities) during the
meeting or during practices. The insurance policy shall also cover any possible liability of the FIM to
third parties.
The minimum amount of coverage, which shall not be less than the minimum standards provided for
by the national laws of the country in which the relevant event is taking place, is defined regularly by
the Board of Directors and published in the FIM Yearbook.
The third party liability insurance will come into effect two days before the official practice session
and will terminate two days after the last race day.

110.1.2 Third Party Liability Insurance for FIM World Championships and Prize Events organised in
partnership with a contractual FIM promoter

The contractual FIM promoter shall obtain insurance for third party liability for each meeting
corresponding to the relevant contract to cover his own liability and that of all participants, the
manufacturers, riders, passengers, sponsors and officials in case of damage to third parties or among
themselves (cross liabilities) during a meeting or during practices. The insurance policy shall also
cover any possible liability of the FIM and the organizer to third parties. A copy of insurance policy
written in English or French shall be made available to the organiser and to the FIM Administration
not later than 20 days prior to the event.
The minimum amount of coverage, which shall not be less than the minimum standards provided
for by the national laws of the country in which the relevant event is taking place, is defined
regularly by the Board of Directors and published in the FIM Yearbook.
The third party liability insurance will come into effect two days before the official practice session
and will terminate two days after the last race day.

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

1. Elimination of the «cross liability coverage» in both Articles

We propose to eliminate in both Articles the «cross liability coverage», among participants,
manufacturers, riders, passengers, sponsors and officials, mainly for the following reasons:
a) It is not normal in motorsports to require this «cross liability coverage» to the organiser
or the promoter of the event as it should be the riders and other participants in the event to
bear the risk / cost of their activity / insurance, among themselves;
b) This «cross liability coverage» makes the cost of the event insurance unbearable for the
organiser or the promoter;
c) Many FIM Championship or Prize Events organized in the last years didn’t have
insurances with the «cross liability coverage» required by FIM Sporting Code, we assume for
the reasons mentioned in a) and b) above.
2. Add to Article 110.1.2 the same requirements of Article 110.1.1
Assuming that the FIM requires the same amount of coverage and the same period of
validity for both insurances, with or without an FIM promoter, we propose to add to Article
110.1.2 these same requirements mentioned in Article 110.1.1, to avoid any doubts that might

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

Already mentioned above.

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation

Already mentioned above.

Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes X No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): FMP – Federação de Motociclismo de Portugal

Date: 12 de Agosto de 2019

Manuel Marinheiro

President of FMP and Member of FIM CJI

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ___GA 38__

Proposals of amendment to the FIM Codes and Regulations

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form by email to:

Statutes and By-Laws* Circuit Racing Regulations

Financial Regulations Motocross Regulations
Sporting Code* Trial Regulations
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code Enduro Regulations
Code of Ethics Cross-Country Rallies Regulations
Medical Code Track Racing Regulations
Environmental Code Technical Regulations
Code for Touristic Gatherings

* to be approved by the GA

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the article concerned and/or the title of the heading



Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified
elements must be indicated in bold


The organiser of a Cross-Country rally event counting towards a FIM World Championship, or
Prize Event, as well as an International Meeting must take out, at his cost, compulsory
repatriation insurance (research, extraction, medical treatment and repatriation) for all
riders taking part in his event. (For the specifications of this insurance policy, please refer to
the FIM Yearbook.)

Background / Rationale

Please provide a concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

Clarification regarding the insurance cover that is not limited to repatriation for the Cross-
Country Rallies.
Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the Commission and the FIM (short term and long term) in line with
your recommendation

The insurance system will better cover the Cross-Country Rallies riders

Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the Commission and/or the FIM in connection with
your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the requester (FMN, Commission, etc.): Jean-Paul Gombeaud – Sports Director

Date: 25/07/19_ Stamp and authorised signature: _________________________________

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to
the sender or to refuse it

GA 39

Proposals from Federations – 2019 FIM General Assembly

 Please use a separate form for each proposal

Tick the box corresponding to your proposal and send the form before 1 October 2019 to:

Statutes & By-Laws

Sporting Code

Article (if applicable)

Please indicate the number of the Article concerned and/or the title of the heading

Please use precise wording for your proposal. If you propose to amend an existing rule, the new rule must be
drafted in its entirety; elements that have to be eliminated/changed must be struck, the new/modified elements
must be indicated in bold (please use a separate sheet of paper if necessary)

The FIM cannot be held responsible for any material damage, personal injury or death that may occur
during an official meeting from a racing or reserve motorcycle its accessories and equipment or the
rider's equipment, to the detriment of any of the meeting participants in any capacity (e.g.: riders,
team members, engineers, referees, etc.) or against third parties (e.g.: spectators, photographers,
etc.) and in any manner or means caused (e.g.: fire, accident, theft, wear, etc.)

All the above exemptions in favour of FIM, the contractual FIM promoter, the FMNR and
the Organiser, shall not apply if the loss, fire, accident, theft, deterioration etc. was the
result of gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the structures exempt, their employees
or their representatives.

Please provide concise rationale describing the situation and background and thoroughly explain why such a
decision is needed

The organisers of FIM events must set an example of righteousness and good faith which
govern social and economic transactions outside the races. In social life, it is unacceptable
to exclude the organiser of an event (e.g. a concert) from responsibilities that arise from
poor organisation (e.g. inadequate exits of the public in the event of fire) thus protecting
them from claims for compensation resulting from their negligence.
Intentional action refers to persons, for the selection and supervision of which the Organiser
is responsible, and in the event that the Organiser fails to take preventive measures
(selection, training, supervision) that will prevent any malicious actions (e.g. sabotage or
Our view is that major international organisations such as the FIM must first and voluntarily
apply the claims that every economic and social body has to bear, and do not reserve for

11 ROUTE DE SUISSE TEL +41 22 950 95 00

CH – 1295 MIES FAX +41 22 950 95 01
themselves privileges that are condemned by society.
We also want to point out that in the unfortunate case of a claim that will arise against the
FIM in a case of gross negligence – or worse, willful misconduct – the FIM Sporting Code’s
provisions for non responsibility will prove very weak before any Court of Law

Potential benefits for the FIM

Please present the potential benefits for the FIM (short term and long term) in line with yo ur recommendation


Potential risks/issues for the FIM

Please highlight any potential concerns, risks or issues for the FIM in connection with your recommendation


Additional documents

Please attach any supporting documents to your proposal

Documents attached:

Yes No

Name of the Federation or Delegate: AMATOE

Date: 25/9/2019 Stamp and authorised signature:

NB: If the proposal is insufficiently clear or illegible, the FIM Administration reserves the right to return it to the
sender or to refuse it

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 40______


Creation of several new licence for E-Bike discipline valid for all the race formats (Enduro E-Bike, E-
XBike,…) and modification of the Calendar fees.


In order to simplify the administrative aspects and provide better access to the discipline,
two types of FIM licences for E-Bike riders should be created for the FIM World Cups
whatever the race format (A Licence for the elite riders and one for the amateur riders).

A FIM Team Licence must be created as it is done for the other disciplines.


New proposal: For the FIM E-Bike WC Series

Elite Annual licences 1 U.V. 62 EUR
Elite One event licences 0.5 U.V. 31 EUR
Amateur Annual licences 0.5 U.V. 31 EUR
Amateur One event licences 0.25 U.V. 15.50 EUR
FIM Team Licence 3 U.V. 186 EUR
Calendar fees (if not combined event) 10 U.V. 620 EUR
Calendar fees (if combined event) 0 U.V. 0 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


Attract more riders who can participate in more events 4.


For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ___GA 41__________


Calendar fees for the ArenaCross World Cup events


With the creation of this new FIM ArenaCross World Cup (ArenaX), calendar fees should be

The riders’ licences used must be created.


New proposal:

Calendar fees 80 U.V. 4'960 EUR
If combined with a FIM WC Event 0 U.V. 0 EUR
Annual licence 2 U.V. 124 EUR
One Event Licence 1 U.V. 62 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


The FIM creates a new indoor motocross Cup with a promoter’s contract.


For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 42__________


Calendar fees for the FIM Supermoto World Cup


The FIM Supermoto world cup should be created in addition or replacement to the World
Championship and the fees should be defined.

The riders’ licences used will be the same as the Supermoto World Championship licences


New proposal:

Calendar fees 50 U.V. 3’100 EUR
If combined with a FIM WC Event 0 U.V. 0 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


Optional title for this discipline.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 43__________


Calendar fees for events part of the FIM Extreme Enduro World Cup series


The FIM Extreme Enduro World Cup should be created and the calendar fees should be

The riders’ licences used will be the same as the EnduroGP or Enduro Cup licences


New proposal:

Calendar fees 20 U.V. 1'240 EUR
If combined with a FIM WC Event 0 U.V. 0 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


The goal is to unite all Extreme Enduro events and make a FIM WC Series controlled by FIM
and its FMNs.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ________GA 44_______


New Calendar fees for events part of the Cross-Country WC series


The Calendar fees are proportional to sporting coefficient applying to the rallies.


For the Rally Morocco the coefficient is 1

For the Dakar the coefficient could be 2


For the rallies with coefficient 1,

Calendar fee 120 U.V. = EUR 7’440 in 2020

For the rallies with coefficient 1,5

Calendar fee 180 U.V. = EUR 11’160 in 2020

For the rallies with coefficient 2

Calendar fee 240 U.V. = EUR 14’880 in 2020


The calendar fee is proportional to point scored by the riders.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 45__________


Calendar fees for the FIM Ice Arena Track Racing world Gold Trophy


The FIM Ice Arena Track Racing world Gold Trophy should be created and the fees should be

The riders’ licences used will be the same as the Speedway GP and Track Racing World
Championship licences


New proposal:

Calendar fees 32 U.V. 1'984 EUR
If combined with a FIM WC Event 0 U.V. 0 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


This discipline is easy to organise and to promote.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ________GA 46_______


Creation and review of the FIM Licences applying for Cross Country Rallies Series


The RallyGP is a class for Rally experts or factory teams

The SSV is a class that needs licences for the driver and co-driver for the Cross Country Rallies


New proposal for the Cross County Rallies:

For the RallyGP:

Annual: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championship - Motorcycle (RallyGP)

One event: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championship - Motorcycle (RallyGP)

Annual licences 18 U.V. 1’116EUR
One event licences 6 U.V. 372 EUR

For the Rally2:

Annual: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Cup - Motorcycle (Rally2)

One event: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Cup - Motorcycle (Rally2)

Annual licences 12 U.V. 744 EUR
One event licences 4 U.V. 248 EUR

For the Quads (no change):

Annual: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Cup - Quads

One event: FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Cup - Quads

Annual licences 12 U.V. 744 EUR
One event licences 4 U.V. 248 EUR
For the SSV:

Annual: FIM SSV Cross-Country Rallies World Cup

One event: FIM SSV Cross-Country Rallies World Cup

Driver 2020
Annual licences 12 U.V. 744 EUR
One event licences 4 U.V. 248 EUR

Co-driver 2020
Annual licences 6 U.V. 372 EUR
One event licences 2 U.V. 124 EUR

For the other classes: (no change)

Annual: - FIM Women's Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM Junior Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
One event: - FIM Women's Cross-Country Rallies World Cup
- FIM Junior Cross-Country Rallies World Cup

Annual licences 6 U.V. 372 EUR
One event licences 2 U.V. 124 EUR
For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


The RallyGP World Championship is made for professional or experimented riders.

The Rally2 Cup is done for educational purposes.
The Rally Adventure is a Trophy for the autonomous riders from the Rally2 Cup. The Rally
Adventure Trophy riders will use any Rally2 licence for Motorcycles or Quads.
The SSV category is a tendency growing on the off-road sector. The industry is in favour of its
development within the FIM series.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: ________GA 47_______


Creation of Licence for the SSV in Bajas


The SSV is a class that needs licences for the driver and co-driver for the Bajas series


New proposal for the Bajas:

For the FIM Bajas World Cup series:

Annual: FIM Bajas World Cup (450cc, Quads and SSV)
One event: FIM Bajas World Cup (450cc, Quads and SSV)

Driver 2020
Annual licences 5 U.V. 310 EUR
One event licences 2 U.V. 124 EUR

Co-Driver 2020
Annual licences 3 U.V. 186 EUR
One event licences 1 U.V. 62 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


The SSV category is a tendency growing on the off-road sector. The industry is in favour of its
development within the FIM series.


Accept the proposal

For administrative purposes

Proposal #: _____GA 48_____


Creation of a new licence for FIM Training Camps, valid for all disciplines, and creation of the
correspondent Calendar fee.


In order facilitate the organization of training activities run under the aegis of the FIM and to set
minimum safety requirements needed for international training events it is paramount to provide a
regulatory frame where to include activities taking place since several years. It is, therefore,
necessary to create a new licence for FIM Training Camps.


New proposal: For the FIM Training Camps

FIM Training Camp licence 0.20 U.V. 12 EUR
Calendar fees 0 U.V. 0 EUR

For information
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 61 in 2019
1 unit value (U.V.) = EUR 62 in 2020


Regulate current activities taking place without a clear rules’ framework thus ensuring a definition of
FIM Training Camps.




Proposals for Honorary nominations
Mr Oriol Puig Bulto – CTI Honorary Director
RFME - Spain
FIM Activity
Active in various positions and responsibilities since 1973,
Mr Oriol Puig Bulto doesn’t need any introduction. He started his
brilliant career at the FIM a member of the CCP (1973-1976) and
then as a member of the CTI (1976-1980). In 1980 Mr Bulto
became President, then Director of this Commission until the
end of 2018.
Mr Bulto totalises 45 years of loyal services to the FIM, which
earned him the distinction of the Gold Medal Nicolas Rodil del
Valle, awarded at the end of 2018. The title of Honorary CTI
Director crowns a long and successful career. Thank you to him!

Mr André Pahud – CTI Member

FMS - Switzerland
FIM Activity
Mr André Pahud held the position of Member of the Promotion
Committee from 1987 and became its Vice-Chairman in 1990.
In 1991, Mr Pahud changed Commissions and became a
member of the CTI, for which he was delegated as a Technical
Member for various disciplines (Endurance and Circuit,
Motocross, Enduro and Trial). From 1999, Mr. Pahud dedicated
himself to the Trial Commission until the end of his term in
The FIM congratulates him and thanks him for his 31 years of
loyal service.

Mr Jan-Eric Sällqvist - CMS Honorary Member

SVEMO - Sweden
FIM Activity
After racing in Enduro for almost 25 years, Mr Jan-Eric Sällqvist
began his career as an Official at the FIM in 1994 as a member
of CMS, then Vice-President. He served his Commission as a CMS
seminar instructor for which he prepared all the material and
content. He also established the Regulations for the Snowcross
World Championships - Junior and Women.
The FIM congratulates him and thanks him for his 24 years of
loyal service.

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Mr Faryd Sungkar - CMS Honorary Member
IMI - Indonesia
FIM Activity
As member of the CMS since 1999, Mr. Sungkar participated in a
large number of sporting events as Race Director in his country
and President and Jury Member for the FIM at many events in
Europe. A very discrete person, Mr. Sungkar was the quiet force
of the CMS!
The FIM congratulates him and thanks him for his 24 years of
loyal service.

Dr Reinhard Kraenzler – CMI Honorary Member

FFM - France
FIM Activity
Member of the CMI for 26 years, from 1994 until his retirement
in December 2018, Dr Kraenzler was an instructor for FIM CMO
License and Medical Seminars for French speaking participants.
He also produced a number of training videos for trackside
medical personnel. Dr Kraenzler was appointed as the first
permanent FIM Medical Director in the Speedway Grand Prix
until the end of 2018. He has largely contributed to the FIM
Medical Code in particular through writing the section on
"Returning to competition following an Injury" and was the
Chairman of this CMI working subgroup. He co-authored a
research project and published a research paper related to the
use of Neck Braces which was partly sponsored by the FIM.
Furthermore, he was CMO at several FIM Road Racing and
Endurance World Championship events.
The FIM congratulates him and thanks him for his 26 years of loyal service.

Mr Rui Castro – CTR Honorary Member

FMP – Portugal
FIM Activity
Mr Castro was appointed member of the CTR in 2001 and
served on the Bureau of that Commission from 2014 until the
end of his term in 2018. Mr Castro participated in a number of
FIM seminars and held various official positions (Race Director
and Chief FIM Steward). He was on occasion a tracer of
sections and in charge of the Women's Trial. Mr Castro has
always been very available and, never having been himself
Trial runner, he shared with the Commission his different
vision of the discipline which was very beneficial to the
The FIM congratulates him and thanks him for his 17 years of
loyal service.


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