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L. Barth Reller and Melvin P. Weinstein, Section Editors

Diagnostic Virology

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Gregory A. Storch Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine, and Molecular Microbiology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri

Diagnostic virology has now entered the mainstream of medical practice. Multiple methods
are used for the laboratory diagnosis of viral infections, including viral culture, antigen de-
tection, nucleic acid detection, and serology. The role of culture is diminishing as new im-
munologic and molecular tests are developed that provide more rapid results and are able to
detect a larger number of viruses. This review provides specific recommendations for the
diagnostic approach to clinically important viral infections.

Diagnostic virology is rapidly moving into the mainstream sive (and in some cases potentially toxic) has created an obvious
of clinical medicine as a result of the convergence of several need for specific viral diagnosis.
independent developments. First, dramatic progress in antiviral In some cases, establishing a specific viral diagnosis limits
therapeutics has increased the need for specific viral diagnoses. other diagnostic procedures and may allow discontinuation of
Second, technological developments, particularly in the area of antibiotic therapy [1]. Likewise, in some cases, confirmation of
nucleic acid chemistry, have provided important new tools for a specific viral diagnosis helps in determining prognosis. A re-
viral diagnosis. Third, the number of patients at risk for op- cent study of diagnostic testing for respiratory syncytial virus
portunistic viral infections has expanded greatly as a result of (RSV) documented that physicians usually believed that rapid
the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Finally, modern management of HIV test results influenced their management of cases [2]. Rapid
infection and hepatitis C is providing a new paradigm for the RSV testing has also been used as the basis for patient place-
integration of molecular techniques into management of ment to limit nosocomial transmission [3]. Finally, viral diag-
chronic viral infections. These developments are not only in- nosis may be important for public health purposes. For ex-
creasing the use of diagnostic virology but are reshaping the ample, laboratory documentation of cases of rubella or rubeola
field. The purpose of this article is to review the field of di- can set in motion extensive vaccination campaigns.
agnostic virology at the beginning of the 21st century, to provide
guidance about current use of the tools of diagnostic virology,
and to provide a glimpse of important future developments. Methods Used in Diagnostic Virology

Viral isolation and a number of methods for detection of viral

antigens, nucleic acids, and antibodies (serology) are the core rep-
Rationale for Specific Viral Diagnosis ertoire of techniques used for the laboratory diagnosis of viral
infections, although some other techniques are also occasionally
Historically, diagnostic virology has had to justify its use.
used (table 1). Viral isolation by means of cell culture is virtually
The reasons have been that traditional viral diagnostic tech- always performed in designated virology laboratories. The other
niques, especially culture, are slow, expensive, and often pe- methods may be performed in those laboratories as well but may
ripheral to clinical decision-making, particularly when no ther- also be performed in diverse laboratory sections such as general
apeutic agents are available. The availability of antiviral microbiology, serology, blood bank, clinical chemistry, pathology,
therapeutic agents such as acyclovir, ganciclovir, foscarnet, ci- or molecular virology. The trend for viral diagnostic testing to be
dofovir, antiretroviral drugs, neuraminidase inhibitors, and done outside of traditional virology laboratories is likely to accel-
IFN-a that are effective for specific viral infections but expen- erate as rapid diagnostic techniques based on immunologic and
nucleic acid methodologies increasingly replace viral culture.
Cell culture. The modern era of diagnostic virology dates to
Received 21 June 2000; electronically published 4 October 2000.
the first descriptions of viral isolation in cell culture by Weller and
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Gregory A. Storch, Dept. of Pediatrics,
Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Enders in 1948 [4] and Enders et al. in 1949 [5]. Indeed, the need
One Children’s Place, St. Louis, MO 63110 ( for cell culture techniques is the raison d’être for virology labo-
ratories as entities separate from other general clinical microbiology
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2000; 31:739–51
q 2000 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. laboratories. While the relative importance of viral isolation as a
1058-4838/2000/3103-0018$03.00 diagnostic method is rapidly diminishing, it still remains necessary
740 Storch CID 2000;31 (September)

Table 1. Techniques used in diagnostic virology. fected into indicator cell lines to direct insertion of viral receptors
Cell culture on the surface of the cell and/or to direct expression of promoters
Antigen detection that respond to a specific viral protein present in the specimen.
Fluorescent antibody staining Activation of the promoter triggers a reporter enzyme such as b-
Immunoperoxidase antibody staining
galactosidase that acts on a substrate to indicate the presence of
Enzyme immunoassay
Nucleic acid detection the virus being sought. This approach has been most widely used
for HSV [8] and HIV [9].

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Polymerase chain reaction
Other nucleic acid amplification methods The virus for which culture remains most uniquely useful is HSV.
Electron microscopy Cell culture is also sometimes applied to the detection of CMV,
VZV, adenovirus, RSV, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, rhi-
Immunohistochemistry novirus, and the enteroviruses. It can also be used to detect measles,
In situ hybridization rubella, and mumps viruses, although those diseases are currently
Serology very unusual in the United States. For all of the viruses mentioned,
the rapid tests described below are gradually replacing viral culture.
because it is the only technique capable of providing a viable isolate Antigen detection. Methods of antigen detection include fluo-
that can be used for further characterization, such as with phe- rescent antibody (FA) staining, immunoperoxidase staining, and
notypic antiviral susceptibility testing. An additional advantage is EIA. Of these, FA staining is the most widely used in diagnostic
that in contrast to most antigen and nucleic acid detection methods, virology. Rapid viral diagnosis by means of FA staining was first
viral culture allows detection of multiple viruses, not all of which described by Liu in 1956 [10] for detection of influenza and was
may have been suspected at the time the culture was ordered. pioneered for numerous viruses by Gardner and McQuillan [11].
Because no one cell culture type can support the growth of all The method was widely adopted by clinical laboratories during the
medically relevant viruses, virology laboratories must maintain sev- 1980s, particularly for detection of respiratory viruses. The com-
eral different cell culture types. The minimum requirements are a mercial availability of specific monoclonal antibodies was crucial.
primary monkey kidney cell line, used for the isolation of respi- FA staining methods continue to be improved through the use of
ratory and enteroviruses, and a human fibroblast line, used for the cytocentrifugation to prepare specimens [12, 13] and simultaneous
isolation of cytomegalovirus (CMV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), staining with multiple different antibodies labeled with different
and rhinoviruses. A continuous human epithelial cell line such as fluorescent labels [14].
HEp-2 is required for the isolation of RSV. Which cell lines are Antigen detection methods are particularly useful for viruses that
used for a specific specimen is determined by the information com- grow slowly or are labile, making recovery in culture difficult. The
municated from the ordering physician to the laboratory and by most important targets have been RSV, influenza and parainfluenza
knowledge of the specimens usually isolated from a given specimen viruses, and adenovirus in respiratory specimens; HSV and VZV
type. For example, CMV is the main virus isolated from urine in cutaneous specimens; rotavirus in stool specimens; and CMV
specimens, and therefore any viral culture of urine must at least and hepatitis B virus (surface antigen) in blood specimens. Viruses
involve inoculation onto human fibroblast cells to allow CMV such as the enteroviruses and the rhinoviruses that have extensive
isolation. antigenic heterogeneity and lack cross-reacting antigens are not
Growth of viruses in cell culture is usually detected by visualizing suitable for antigen-detection techniques. The advantages of an-
morphological changes in the cells, known as cytopathic effect tigen-detection techniques are rapidity (results can be available
(CPE). The characteristics of the CPE are often sufficiently dis- within hours of receipt of the specimen into the laboratory) and
tinctive to allow the laboratory to be suspicious of which virus is lack of requirement for viral viability in the specimen, allowing
responsible. When necessary, confirmation can be achieved by greater flexibility in the handling and transport of specimens.
scraping the infected cells from the walls of the tube or vessel in Nucleic acid detection. The development of PCR analysis in
which they are growing and preparing a fluorescent antibody stain 1985 [15] made possible the diagnosis of viral infection through
with use of monoclonal antibodies specific for the virus or viruses sensitive detection of specific viral nucleic acids. Any virus can
thought to be responsible for the CPE. Cell cultures are typically potentially be detected in this way, and applications of PCR anal-
viewed microscopically to detect CPE every 1–2 days for the first ysis and other nucleic acid amplification techniques continue to be
week of incubation. The time required to detect CPE varies from developed. There is little doubt that during the next decade, ap-
1–2 days after inoculation for herpes simplex virus (HSV) to 1–3 plications of nucleic acid detection techniques will drastically re-
weeks for CMV. shape the field of diagnostic virology. By inclusion of a step em-
The shell vial culture method, first developed for CMV [6, 7], ploying the enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT), PCR analysis can
dramatically decreases the time required for detection of viruses in be adapted to detect viral RNA. Viral load assays for HIV and
cell culture. The method involves centrifugation of the specimen hepatitis C virus (HCV) are examples of quantitative nucleic acid
onto the cell culture monolayer and incubation for 1–2 days, fol- detection techniques. Multiplex techniques permit the simultaneous
lowed by fluorescent antibody staining of the cell culture, regardless detection of more than one virus or even of a virus and a different
of whether CPE is visible. In addition to detection of CMV, shell class of pathogen. For example, a multiplex PCR analysis that
vial cultures have also been used to speed the detection of HSV, detects the DNA of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Toxoplasma
VZV, respiratory viruses, and the enteroviruses. gondii has been used for the diagnosis of mass lesions in the brains
Another modification of traditional cell culture involves the use of patients with AIDS [16].
of genetically engineered cell lines. In these systems, genes are trans- Nucleic acid amplification assays can be classified as target am-
CID 2000;31 (September) Diagnostic Virology 741

plification assays or signal amplification assays. Examples of target of any antiviral antibodies is always (HIV) or usually (HCV) in-
amplification assays in addition to PCR include the ligase chain dicative of current infection. Finally, serology is uniquely useful
reaction, which has been used for detection of sexually transmitted for defining specific antiviral immunity. Viruses for which definition
disease agents [17], and the transcription-mediated amplification of immune status by serology is useful include VZV, CMV, EBV,
assay [18]. In signal amplification assays, the target itself is not HSV, measles and rubella viruses, parvovirus B19, hepatitis A (total
amplified; rather, amplification is of a chemical signal used to detect antibodies), and hepatitis B (antibodies to the hepatitis B surface
hybridization of a probe with the target nucleic acid. Examples

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include the branched chain DNA (bDNA) assay [19] and the hybrid
capture assay [20]. Signal amplification assays are less sensitive than
target amplification assays but are also less prone to yield false- Approach to the Diagnosis of Specific Viral Infections
positive results due to contamination of reactions with laboratory-
amplified nucleic acid. Mucocutaneous infections. Methods used for the labora-
Recent modifications of PCR analysis called “real-time” PCR tory diagnosis of mucocutaneous infections caused by viruses
are a dramatic development that may potentially greatly expand are shown in table 2. The most common reason for viral di-
the applicability of PCR analysis for diagnosis of viral infections. agnosis of mucocutaneous infections is the presence of vesicular
In these assays, a fluorescent signal is generated as PCR takes place. or ulcerative lesions, which may be caused by HSV or VZV
The assays are run on highly specialized automated instruments and occasionally by enteroviruses. When laboratory diagnosis
that include optical systems to excite the fluorescent dyes and detect
is required, culture and FA staining are the procedures of
fluorescent emissions. Examples of real-time PCR instruments in-
choice. The sensitivity of culture for detecting HSV in genital
clude the Light Cycler (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany)
and the Prism 7700, which utilizes “Taqman” technology (Perkin
lesions has been estimated to be 80% overall [21] and is higher
Elmer, Foster City, CA). The combination of amplification and for vesicular or pustular lesions than for crusted lesions [22].
signal detection markedly reduces the time required for nucleic acid Cultures for HSV usually become positive within 1–3 days.
detection and greatly reduces the likelihood of contamination of VZV is a more labile virus than HSV, and cultures are both
reactions with laboratory-amplified nucleic acid, since there is no less sensitive and slower, typically requiring 4–10 days for
need to open the tubes in which PCR has taken place. For example, detection.
PCR reactions run on the Light Cycler can be completed in 30 FA staining of a specimen obtained by scraping the base of
minutes. a lesion with a scalpel blade or rubbing it vigorously with a
Despite virtually unlimited potential applications, availability of polyester or rayon swab is more sensitive for detecting VZV
diagnostic nucleic acid amplification assays remains limited because than is culture [23] and should be considered the procedure of
few such assays are currently licensed by the US Food and Drug
choice. FA staining for HSV can also be done effectively with
Administration (FDA). The only assays currently licensed and
use of the same specimen, especially if cytocentrifugation is used
available to laboratories in kit form are the Amplicor HIV-1 Mon-
to process the specimen in the laboratory [12]. A recent study
itor assay for HIV RNA (Roche Molecular Systems, Indianapolis),
the Nuclisens assay for CMV pp65 RNA (Organon-Teknika, Dur- showed that PCR analysis was more sensitive than viral culture
ham, NC), and hybrid capture assays for CMV and human pap- for detection of HSV in cutaneous lesions, suggesting the po-
illomavirus (HPV; Digene Corporation, Beltsville, MD). tential for future application of PCR analysis for routine de-
Many laboratories have developed their own “home-brew” PCR tection of HSV [24].
assays. Implementation and use of these assays are regulated by Other common viral infections of the skin or mucous mem-
the Clinical Laboratories Improvement Amendments of 1988 branes are caused by HPVs and poxviruses (e.g., molluscum
(CLIA ’88). Availability of home-brew assays is largely limited to contagiosum and orf). These viruses are not cultured in clinical
selected university laboratories whose personnel have the necessary laboratories. The role of HPV testing of specimens from the
skills and interest and to large commercial reference laboratories. female genital tract to detect high-risk HPV types that are as-
The quality and performance of these assays vary widely. Inter-
sociated with carcinoma of the cervix is not yet established,
laboratory certification programs to help standardize these assays
although it is likely that it will be used in the future in specific
are only beginning to become available.
situations, such as for assessment of the cervical cancer risk of
Serology. The diagnosis of viral infections by detection of spe-
cific antiviral antibodies is a traditional method whose clinical util- women with equivocal Papanicolaou smears [25].
ity is limited by the need for comparison of acute and convalescent When specific viral diagnosis is required, HPV infections can
antibody titers. However, detection of virus-specific IgM antibodies
allows a diagnosis to be made from a single specimen. Viruses for Table 2. Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections of the skin and
which detection of virus-specific IgM antibodies are useful include mucous membranes.
EBV (IgM antibodies to the viral capsid antigen); CMV; hepatitis Virus Method(s)
A virus; hepatitis B virus (IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core Herpes simplex Culture, fluorescent antibody staining
antigen); parvovirus B19; measles, rubella, and mumps viruses; and Varicella zoster Fluorescent antibody staining, culture
the arboviruses such as St. Louis encephalitis virus. Enterovirus Culture
Another area of utility of serological methods is for certain Human papilloma Hybrid capture assay, PCR analysis, histology, cytology
Poxvirus Histology, electron microscopy
chronic infections such as with HIV or HCV, in which the presence
742 Storch CID 2000;31 (September)

Table 3. Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections of the respiratory A and B viruses. This assay had a sensitivity comparable to
tract. that of culture in one evaluation [30]. Zstatflu (ZymeTx,
Virus Antigen detection Culture Oklahoma City, OK) is based on detection of influenza neu-
Respiratory syncytial Yes Yes raminidase activity and also detects but does not distinguish
Influenza Yes Yes between influenza A and B viruses. This assay had a sensitivity
Parainfluenza Yes Yes
Adenovirus Yes Yes (in comparison with culture) of 76% for influenza A virus and

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Rhinovirus No Yes 46% for influenza B virus in one evaluation, on the basis of
Coronavirus No No analysis of nasal wash and nasal aspirate specimens [31]. It
should be noted that this assay is currently licensed only for
use with throat swab specimens. A rapid test called QuickVue
be diagnosed by DNA detection methods such as the hybrid
influenza test (Quidel, San Diego) is licensed by the FDA for
capture assay [26] and PCR analysis [27] or by visualization of
use on nasal swabs, aspirates, or washes but has not yet been
characteristic cytological or histologic changes. The hybrid cap-
evaluated in any peer-reviewed publications. The performance
ture assay, but not PCR analysis, is currently licensed by the
of all of these assays may be affected by the specimen used for
FDA for HPV detection. Because of the different cervical can-
testing. A recent study of adult volunteers with experimental
cer risks conferred by different papillomavirus types, useful
influenza A infection showed that influenza virus titers were
tests will have to discriminate between high-risk and low-risk
highest in nasal aspirate specimens, followed by nasopharyn-
types. Both the hybrid capture assay and PCR analysis have
geal swabs and throat swabs [32].
this capability.
CNS infection. For diagnostic purposes, it is useful to di-
Respiratory infections. Methods available for the laboratory
vide viral infections of the CNS into three categories: acute
diagnosis of viral respiratory infections are shown in table 3.
meningitis in immunologically normal hosts, acute encephalitis
Specific diagnosis of viral respiratory infections is widely done
occurring in immunologically normal hosts, and opportunistic
for pediatric patients and is increasingly done for adult patients
infections occurring in immunocompromised individuals. In
as well. The most widely employed methods are viral culture and
each category, nucleic acid amplification–based tests are rapidly
antigen detection by FA staining or EIA. Suitable specimens
becoming the most important means of laboratory diagnosis.
include nasopharyngeal aspirates, washings, or swabs; bronchial
Tests used for the laboratory diagnosis of acute meningitis and
washings; and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Antigen detection
encephalitis are shown in table 4.
tests performed directly on the specimens have the greatest clin-
Currently, the most common viral causes of acute meningitis
ical utility because of the potential for rapid availability of results.
are the enteroviruses and HSV type 2 (HSV-2). A recent report
Antigen detection procedures are available for RSV, the parain-
suggests that VZV may also be an important cause, sometimes
fluenza and influenza viruses, and adenoviruses, but not for rhi-
producing meningitis in the absence of cutaneous lesions [33].
noviruses or coronaviruses. All of these viruses except the co-
For the detection of enteroviruses, RT-PCR performed on CSF
ronaviruses can be grown in cell culture.
Antigen detection techniques are more sensitive than culture
for RSV but less sensitive for the other respiratory viruses [25]. Table 4. Laboratory diagnosis of viral meningitis and encephalitis.
The sensitivity of FA staining for influenza and parainfluenza Virus Method(s)
in comparison with culture varies widely. Many laboratories HSV PCR analysis
report sensitivities of ∼80%, although some laboratories report VZV PCR analysis
Enterovirus RT-PCR analysis (preferred), culture (CSF is
sensitivities approaching 100% [11]. The sensitivity of FA stain- the preferred specimen for culture; culture
ing is enhanced when the laboratory uses cytocentrifugation of nasopharynx, throat, and stool are
for specimen preparation [13]. more sensitive but less specific)
Arbovirus Serology (tests for virus-specific IgM pre-
Several commercial assays are available for rapid detection ferred) on CSF and serum
of influenza virus. These assays are interesting because they are Colorado tick fever PCR analysis (whole blood), serology (for
similar to widely used rapid tests for group A streptococci and Colorado tick fever virus–specific IgM)
Rabies RT-PCR analysis (saliva, skin), FA staining
can be performed by individuals without specialized expertise (skin), culture (saliva), serology (CSF and
in virology, a circumstance which potentially makes rapid in- serum)
fluenza diagnosis widely available outside of virology labora- Mumps Serology (for mumps-specific IgM), culture
(CSF, saliva, urine)
tories. The Directigen assay (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Measles (subacute sclerosing
MD) is an EIA that can be used to detect influenza A virus. panencephalitis) Serology
An enhanced version, currently in development, can also detect Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Serology (serum), culture (CSF and blood)
influenza B virus. The Directigen assay has a sensitivity of ∼80% NOTE. FA, fluorescent antibody; HSV, herpes simplex virus; RT, reverse
in relation to culture [28, 29]. transcriptase; VZV, varicella-zoster virus.
Performed on CSF unless another specimen is specified.
FluOIA (Biostar, Boulder, Colorado) is an optical immu- b
Consult public health laboratories whenever diagnosis of rabies is considered;
noassay that detects but does not distinguish between influenza testing is carried out in public health laboratories.
CID 2000;31 (September) Diagnostic Virology 743

Table 5. Laboratory diagnosis by PCR analysis of opportunistic HSV infection of the CNS. We also recommend that a negative
viral infections of the CNS. result can be used as the basis for discontinuing therapy with
PCR analysis acyclovir if the clinical suspicion for that diagnosis is low. How-
Sensitivity, Specificity, ever, when the clinical suspicion is high, acyclovir should be
Virus Syndrome % % continued even when the HSV PCR analysis is negative, be-
Epstein-Barr Primary CNS lymphoma 97 98 cause the sensitivity of the test is !100%. In these cases, it may

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Cytomegalovirus Encephalitis, radiculomyelitis 82 98
be useful to repeat the PCR analysis on a specimen obtained
Varicella-zoster Encephalitis, myelitis NA NA
JC Progressive multifocal 72 99 1–2 days later and to consider other diagnoses that may mimic
leukoencephalopathy HSV encephalitis [47].
Herpes simplex Meningoencephalitis 100 99.5
The arboviruses are also important causes of encephalitis in
NOTE. Data are from [51]. NA, not available. normal hosts. The most important viruses causing human in-
fection in the United States in recent years are the California
(LaCrosse), St. Louis, eastern equine, western equine, Vene-
is considerably more sensitive than viral culture [34, 35]. Primers
zuelan equine, and West Nile viruses. These infections are best
that amplify a highly conserved segment of the 50 nontranslated
diagnosed by serology, especially with tests that detect virus-
region of the enterovirus genome detect 60 of the 67 enterovirus
specific IgM antibodies. Both serum and CSF should be tested
serotypes [36], including those serotypes most commonly as-
whenever possible. The sensitivity of these tests approaches
sociated with meningitis [36, 37]. Rapid nucleic acid amplifi-
100% by the 10th day of illness [48]. Culture and nucleic acid
cation techniques such as RT-PCR analysis to detect entero-
amplification techniques are less useful than serology for di-
viruses have the potential for decreasing necessary antibiotic
agnosing these infections because of the transient and low levels
usage, especially for patients who have been pretreated with
of viremia that are characteristic. State public health labora-
antibiotics (for whom withdrawal of antibiotics on the basis of
tories are currently implementing diagnostic testing for West
negative bacterial cultures of CSF and blood might otherwise
Nile virus. Acute-phase serum and CSF specimens should be
be done reluctantly) and for patients with atypical clinical fea-
submitted to the state public health laboratory when this di-
tures. Even in cases with typical clinical features, rapid testing
agnosis is considered. Use of an RT-PCR assay has been de-
may be useful for shortening hospitalization and decreasing
scribed but was not positive in all cases [49]. Colorado tick
medical costs [1, 38, 39]. Unfortunately, no such enterovirus
fever is also often considered along with the arboviral diseases,
nucleic acid amplification assay has yet been licensed by the
and is an important cause of CNS infection in parts of the
FDA, and accordingly these tests are not yet widely available.
western United States. The causative virus is a coltivirus, which
In adult patients, HSV meningitis, usually caused by HSV-
causes infection of circulating erythrocytes and can be detected
2, is a common cause of aseptic meningitis. This illness occurs
by culture, FA staining, or PCR analysis performed on a blood
with or without concomitant genital lesions and can have re-
clot [50].
current episodes. While primary infections may yield a positive
Testing for rabies, which is done in public health laboratories,
culture of CSF, recurrent cases are always culture-negative.
should be considered for patients with a history of exposure
PCR analysis has been very useful in permitting rapid recog-
or with encephalitis of unknown etiology. Early in the illness,
nition of both primary and recurrent cases [40, 41]. Likewise,
the diagnosis is based on detection of rabies antigens or nucleic
PCR analysis for VZV can be instrumental in identifying cases
acids in saliva, CSF, or skin obtained by biopsy from the back
of acute meningitis caused by VZV, which can occur as a com-
of the neck. After the 8th day of illness, the diagnosis can also
plication of either varicella or zoster and can occur with or
be made by detection of rabies antibodies in serum or CSF.
without cutaneous lesions [33, 42].
Rabies antibodies can also be present in serum but not CSF
HSV-1 is the most common cause of sporadic encephalitis
as a result of preexposure immunization. Consultation with
in the United States. Early recognition of this entity is extremely
public health authorities is recommended whenever the diag-
important because early antiviral therapy can reduce morbidity
nosis of rabies is considered.
and mortality, which can reach 70% among untreated cases
The most important viruses causing infection of the CNS in
[43]. The results of PCR analysis performed on CSF correlate
immunocompromised patients are CMV, EBV, VZV, and JC
very closely with the results of synthesis of HSV antibodies
from brain biopsy and/or intrathecal specimens [44, 45]. In a
recent meta-analysis that compared CSF PCR analysis to one Table 6. Laboratory diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis.
of these reference procedures, the sensitivity of PCR analysis a
Virus Preferred test method(s)
was 96% and the specificity was 99% [46]. For this reason, CSF
Rotavirus EIA
PCR analysis is now widely accepted as a substitute for analysis Adenovirus (enteric serotypes) EIA
of a brain biopsy specimen for diagnosis of HSV encephalitis. Calicivirus Reverse transcriptase PCR analysis
On the basis of a decision-analysis model, we recommend ac- Astrovirus EIA, reverse transcriptase PCR analysis
cepting a positive CSF PCR analysis result as diagnostic of All performed on stool.
744 Storch CID 2000;31 (September)

Table 7. Preferred test methods for diagnosis of cytomegalovirus used for the laboratory diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis are
shown in table 6.
Diagnostic need Preferred test(s) Rotavirus is the most important cause of gastroenteritis in
Immune status Serology (IgG) young children. Because large amounts of rotavirus are shed
Congenital infection, postpartum Culture of urine in the stool during acute rotavirus infection, antigen detection
Congenital infection, in utero Culture or PCR analysis of amniotic fluid
Mononucleosis, normal host Serology (IgM) tests performed on stool specimens are very sensitive for es-

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Systemic infection, pp65 Antigenemia assay, hybrid capture tablishing the presence of this virus. A number of rotavirus
immunosuppressed host assay, NASBA analysis, PCR analysis, antigen assays have been licensed by the FDA and are widely
Initiation of preemptive therapy pp65 Antigenemia assay, PCR analysis, available. EIAs are generally more sensitive than agglutination-
hybrid capture assay, NASBA analysis based assays [56].
Monitoring response to therapy Quantitative PCR analysis, pp65 antigene- Enteric adenoviruses are specific adenovirus serotypes (es-
mia assay, quantitative hybrid capture
assay pecially 40 and 41) that cause gastroenteritis, and unlike the
Retinitis PCR analysis of vitreous fluid serotypes that cause respiratory infections, do not grow in the
Gastrointestinal disease Histology, immunohistochemistry cell cultures typically used in diagnostic virology laboratories.
Pneumonitis Histology, immunohistochemistry
CNS disease PCR analysis of CSF An FDA-licensed EIA called Adenoclone (Meridian Diagnos-
tics, Cincinnati) is available for detection of these viruses in
NOTE. NASBA, nucleic acid sequence–based amplification.
Performed on blood unless otherwise indicated. stool specimens. The caliciviruses such as Norwalk agent are
Most cases are diagnosed on the basis of clinical findings. the most common viral causes of outbreaks of gastroenteritis.
These infections are mild and usually do not require hospital-
ization. Specific diagnosis is most important in the context of
polyomavirus. The neurological syndromes associated with
an outbreak. RT-PCR assays have been developed to detect
each of these viruses in immunocompromised patients and the
caliciviruses in stool [57] and are becoming available in many
reported sensitivity and specificity of PCR analysis for diag-
state health department laboratories. Astroviruses can be de-
nosis are shown in table 5 [51]. CMV is an important cause of
tected in stool specimens by EIA and by RT-PCR assay [58].
encephalitis and radiculomyelitis in patients with advanced
Currently, these assays are not commercially available, and di-
AIDS. The virus can only rarely be cultured from CSF in these
agnostic specimens must be referred to research laboratories
cases but is detectable by PCR analysis [52]. Quantitation of
interested in this virus.
the level of CMV DNA is useful to distinguish between clini-
CMV. Viral culture and serological testing were the tra-
cally significant CMV CNS infection and cases with asymp-
ditional methods used to diagnose CMV infection, but both
tomatic or presymptomatic infection [53]. EBV causes primary
are being increasingly replaced by a confusing array of alter-
CNS lymphoma in patients with AIDS, and the detection of
native methods. The reason for seeking replacements is that
EBV DNA by PCR analysis performed on CSF from AIDS
neither culture nor serology had adequate sensitivity and spec-
patients with contrast-enhancing mass lesions visualized by
ificity for defining clinically significant infection. Newer direct
neuroimaging techniques correlates closely with the presence of
detection methods include the pp65 antigenemia assay per-
CNS lymphoma [54]. PCR analysis for JC virus is useful for
formed on peripheral blood leukocytes [59] and a variety of
diagnosing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, al-
nucleic acid detection methods, including PCR analysis, the
though the sensitivity in most laboratories is !100% [51]. The
hybrid capture assay [60], and nucleic acid sequence–based am-
use of VZV PCR for diagnosis of VZV-associated myelitis and
plification (NASBA) [61]. The latter is unique in that it detects
encephalitis is complicated by the observation that VZV DNA
CMV RNA, possibly a more specific indicator of active infec-
is sometimes detectable in CSF from patients with acute zoster
tion than CMV DNA. Eventually, quantitative nucleic acid
who do not have neurological manifestations [55]. PCR analysis
amplification assays are likely to become the definitive tests for
may be more useful for the diagnosis of VZV infections of the
CMV because of a growing body of information that supports
CNS occurring in the absence of cutaneous lesions (zoster sine
Gastrointestinal tract infection. Four viruses or groups of Table 8. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody profiles.
viruses are currently recognized as important causes of gastro- Antibody profile
enteritis: rotaviruses, enteric adenoviruses, caliciviruses, and as- EBV status VCA-G VCA-M EA-D EA-R EBNA
troviruses. None of these are cultured in clinical laboratories, Infectious mononucleosis 1 1 1 2 2
and consequently, viral culture has no role in the laboratory Convalescent mononucleosis 1 2 1/2 1 1
evaluation of the patient with diarrhea. These viruses were dis- Past infection 1 2 2 2 1
Susceptible 2 2 2 2 2
covered by electron microscopy of fecal material. Although
negative-staining transmission electron microscopy can be used NOTE. EA-D, diffuse component of early antigen; EA-R, restricted com-
ponent of early antigen; EBNA, Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen; VCA-G, IgG to
as a diagnostic test, newer, more convenient assays have re- viral capsid antigen; VCA-M, IgM to viral capsid antigen; 1, positive; 2, neg-
placed electron microscopy in all but a few laboratories. Tests ative; 1/2, variable.
CID 2000;31 (September) Diagnostic Virology 745

Table 9. Diagnostic tests for viral hepatitis.

Virus, feature tested for Significance, use, and comments
Hepatitis A
IgM Useful for diagnosis of acute infection
Total antibody Measures all antibodies against hepatitis A virus. Presence indicates past or cur-
rent infection, or immunization. Used to evaluate HAV immune status
Hepatitis B

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Surface antigen Presence indicates current infection and can represent either acute infection or
chronic carriage
Surface antibody Presence indicates past infection or immunization. Occasionally positive in individ-
uals who are also positive for hepatitis B surface antigen
Total core antibody Measures all antibodies against hepatitis B core antigen. Presence indicates past or
current infection. Does not become positive as a result of immunization
Core antibody Positive in recent infection. Occasionally positive at low levels in chronic carriers
e antigen Presence indicates active current infection and correlates with infectivity
Antibody to e antigen Presence indicates less active current infection with lower infectivity
DNA Quantitative; measures level of replication
Hepatitis C
Antibody An EIA. Presence of antibody indicates current or past infection; false-
positives are common, especially in a low-risk population such as blood donors
Antibody A radioimmunobinding assay. Presence of antibody indicates current or past infec-
tion; confirms a positive EIA, especially in low-risk populations
RNA Presence indicates current infection; confirms a positive EIA and indicates a re-
sponse to therapy
Genotype Multiple methods are available, including line-probe assay, EIA and nucleotide se-
quencing; genotype affects response to interferon therapy
Hepatitis D
Antibody Presence indicates current or recent infection
Hepatitis E
IgM Useful for diagnosis of current infection
IgG Presence indicates past or current infection; defines hepatitis E virus immune status
Available only on a research basis and in some specialized referral laboratories.

a relationship between the level of CMV in blood and the like- value [68]. PCR analysis performed on plasma may be more
lihood of present or future symptomatic disease [62–66]. specific [69], but further clinical evaluation is required. Local-
The choice of test begins with the purpose of the testing. ized CMV infection such as pneumonitis or gastrointestinal
Important considerations include the clinical syndrome under tract disease is best diagnosed by histologic examination of
investigation and whether the patient is immunologically nor- biopsy tissue, supplemented when necessary with
mal or immunocompromised. Test methods for different di- immunohistochemistry.
agnostic needs related to CMV are shown in table 7. In general, Preemptive therapy is now a widely used approach for the
active infection is best diagnosed by direct tests for the presence control of CMV after solid organ or bone marrow transplan-
of the virus, although an exception is the diagnosis of CMV tation. This approach is based upon the use of a laboratory
mononucleosis in otherwise normal hosts, in which testing for marker that signals the onset of CMV infection before signif-
CMV-specific IgM antibodies is useful [67]. A caveat in using icant clinical manifestations have occurred. For this purpose,
this test is that for some patients with acute EBV infection, leukocyte or plasma PCR analysis, the pp65 antigenemia assay,
tests are false-positive for CMV-specific IgM antibodies [67], and the hybrid capture assay are all appropriate. PCR analysis
suggesting that testing for acute EBV infection should be per- is preferred for bone marrow transplantation patients because
formed simultaneously. Congenital infection can be conven- of its greater sensitivity [70, 71]. In AIDS patients who are
iently diagnosed by urine culture, which must be performed asymptomatic, detection of CMV by any of a variety of meth-
within the first week of life to distinguish congenital infection ods signifies an increased risk of future symptomatic disease
acquired in utero from neonatal infection occurred during or [72], but such a finding is not currently used as an indication
shortly after birth. for starting therapy with anti-CMV drugs.
For the diagnosis of systemic CMV infection in immuno- Epstein-Barr virus. EBV is the cause of most cases of in-
compromised patients, the pp65 antigenemia assay [59] prob- fectious mononucleosis. It is also associated with primary CNS
ably has the best combination of sensitivity and specificity lymphoma in patients with AIDS and posttransplantation lym-
among widely available test methods. An additional advantage phoproliferative syndrome in recipients of solid organ and bone
is that it provides a quantitative estimate of the level of CMV marrow transplants. The diagnostic approach differs for each
viremia. Qualitative PCR analysis performed on peripheral of these clinical syndromes. Because cultures for EBV are too
blood leukocytes is too sensitive for the diagnosis of clinically slow and cumbersome to be carried out in clinical laboratories,
significant systemic infection, having a low positive predictive other diagnostic methods must be used. Serological methods
746 Storch CID 2000;31 (September)

are used to diagnose infectious mononucleosis and other man- impossible to culture, and hence all current laboratory testing
ifestations in immunologically normal individuals, while mo- involves detection of specific antigens, antibodies, or nucleic
lecular methods are used in immunocompromised individuals. acids. Although no molecular tests are currently licensed by
The diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis can be made in the FDA, molecular testing for HCV is widely used by clinicians
most cases on the basis of characteristic clinical findings, the caring for patients with HCV, and molecular testing for hep-
presence of atypical lymphocytes, and the demonstration of atitis B virus is coming into wider use as well. Blood banks are

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heterophile antibodies, usually done with a rapid slide test. currently using molecular tests to screen blood units for HCV
EBV-specific serological tests are reserved for young children, on an experimental basis. Table 9 shows diagnostic tests for
especially those !4 years old, who may fail to develop heter- viral hepatitis and their specific uses.
ophile antibodies with acute EBV infection [73], and for adults HIV and other human retroviruses. Several tests for HIV
suspected of having “heterophile-negative” EBV infection. have become part of the mainstream of modern medical prac-
Most EBV antibody panels include tests for IgG and IgM an- tice. The indications for use of these tests are summarized in
tibodies to the viral capsid antigen (VCA) and antibodies to table 10. In most circumstances, the laboratory diagnosis of
early antigen (EA) and nuclear antigen (EBNA) [74]. Some HIV is based on a positive EIA performed on serum or plasma.
laboratories also distinguish between diffuse and restricted HIV EIAs are widely available and have sensitivity and spec-
components of EA because the presence of antibodies to the ificity 199.9% [77]. However, false-positives still make up a sub-
diffuse component is more specific for recent infection. stantial percentage of all positives when these tests are used on
Testing for IgM anti-VCA is very useful in the diagnosis of low-risk populations, such as blood donors. For this reason,
acute EBV infection because these antibodies are typically de- all first-time-positive HIV EIAs should be confirmed with an
tectable for only a few months after infection. Testing for IgG additional test, usually a western blot. Since it takes ∼22 days
VCA is useful in defining EBV immune status, since these an- after infection for HIV antibodies to become detectable [78],
tibodies are detectable throughout the life of the individual. the HIV EIA may be falsely negative during the first few weeks
Antibodies to EA arise within a few weeks of infection, but after infection. HIV RNA is detectable in plasma before the
they are not detected in all patients with acute infectious mon- HIV EIA becomes positive and can be an indicator of acute
onucleosis. Antibodies to the restricted component of an early HIV infection. It is important to keep in mind that false-positive
antigen may persist for several years after infection [75]. An- HIV RNA tests have occurred [79], and the diagnosis of HIV
tinuclear antibodies arise later after infection than antibodies should not be based solely on a viral load assay.
to EA, and they persist for life. Rapid tests for HIV antibodies are now available and make
Thus, measurement of antibodies to EA (especially the dif- it possible to perform HIV antibody testing within minutes.
fuse component) and antinuclear antibodies is occasionally use- One such test, called SUDS (Murex Diagnostics, Norcross,
ful for determining the timing of infection. Table 8 summarizes GA), has been licensed by the FDA. Rapid testing is recom-
the expected pattern of these antibodies in various EBV-related mended by the US Public Health Service for situations in which
disease states. EBV serological testing should not be used for individuals in need of testing are at high risk of not returning
the evaluation of chronic fatigue because the relationship be- for a separate visit to receive test results [80]. Tests to measure
tween EBV and this syndrome has not been validated. HIV antibodies in oral transudate [81] and in urine [82] perform
Serology is much less useful in the diagnosis of certain specific well and have also been licensed by the FDA.
manifestations of EBV infection that occur in immunocom- Antibody assays cannot be used to diagnose HIV infection
promised individuals. In patients with AIDS, EBV is highly in infants born to HIV-infected mothers because of transpla-
associated with primary CNS lymphoma, and EBV PCR anal- cental passage of antibodies, regardless of the infection status
ysis performed on CSF is useful for establishing this diagnosis of the baby. HIV DNA PCR testing is now widely used for
[54]. EBV is also associated with lymphoproliferative disease
after solid organ or bone marrow transplantation. Quantitative Table 10. Laboratory testing for HIV.
PCR testing of peripheral blood leukocytes may be useful for Use Test(s)
the early recognition of posttransplantation lymphoprolifera-
Routine diagnosis EIA/western blot
tive disorder, particularly in high-risk patients such as pediatric Diagnosis of acute infection Plasma HIV RNA analysis

transplant recipients, and can also be useful for monitoring Diagnosis of congenital infection HIV DNA PCR analysis, plasma HIV
RNA analysis
response to therapy [76]. Quantitative testing is required be-
Prognosis Plasma HIV RNA analysis
cause many transplant recipients have EBV detectable in pe- Response to therapy Plasma HIV RNA analysis
ripheral blood mononuclear cells after transplantation, and Blood donor screening EIA/western blot, p24 antigen assay,
plasma HIV RNA analysis
measurement of the level of DNA is required to distinguish
Resistance to antiretroviral drugs Genotypic or phenotypic susceptibility
those with posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. assay
Viral hepatitis. Five organisms, hepatitis viruses A–E, are a
A positive test for plasma HIV RNA should not be used as the sole basis
currently known to cause hepatitis. All are either difficult or for diagnosis, because there have been false-positive test results [79].
CID 2000;31 (September) Diagnostic Virology 747

this purpose and allows determination of HIV infection status Table 11. Laboratory diagnosis of miscellaneous viral infections.
within the first few months of life [83]. Assays for HIV RNA Virus; indication for testing Test(s)
(see below) can also be used [84]. Measles; acute infection Measles IgM antibody, culture
Assays for plasma HIV RNA, often referred to as viral load Rubella
Acute infection Rubella IgM antibody, culture
assays, are now an essential component of the management of
Congenital infection, in utero Culture or reverse transcriptase PCR
care for patients infected with HIV [85]. The level of HIV RNA analysis of amniotic fluid

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predicts the rate of progression and can be used to monitor the Congenital infection, postpartum Rubella IgM antibody, culture
Mumps; acute infection Mumps IgM antibody, culture
response to therapy. The only assay currently licensed by the Parvovirus
FDA is the Roche Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor (Roche Diagnos- Acute infection Parvovirus B19 IgM
tics, Indianapolis), which is an RT-PCR assay. An “ultrasen- Chronic infection PCR analysis of serum
Aplastic crisis PCR analysis of serum
sitive” modification of the assay has a detection limit of 40 Congenital infection, in utero PCR analysis of amniotic fluid
copies per mL of plasma. Other test methods, including Congenital infection, postpartum Parvovirus IgM antibody
branched-chain DNA and NASBA, are also under develop- HHV-6; roseola PCR analysis of leukocytes in the
absence of detectable human her-
ment. It should be noted that the Roche assay has lower sen- pesvirus 6 IgG antibody
sitivity for detection of some subtypes of HIV-1 that occur BK; hemorrhagic cystitis, PCR analysis of urine (hemorrhagic
predominantly outside of the United States and does not detect nephropathy cystitis) or plasma (nephropathy)

HIV-2. NOTE. HHV-6, human herpesvirus 6.

HIV drug resistance is currently evaluated by either geno-
typic or phenotypic methods. Most genotypic testing is per- PCR analysis performed on serum is used to diagnose aplastic
formed by amplification of the RT and protease genes by RT- crisis caused by parvovirus B19. Because this manifestation
PCR, followed by nucleotide sequencing. Codons that have occurs early after infection, parvovirus IgM titers may not be
been associated with drug resistance are analyzed [86]. A dis- positive at the time of illness, although parvovirus IgM and
advantage of genotypic testing is that minority viral popula- IgG antibodies will become detectable within a few days. Serum
tions, which constitute !20%–30% of the total population, are PCR analysis is also used to diagnose chronic parvovirus B19
not detected. In addition, the potential interactions among mul- infection, which may cause chronic RBC aplasia in immuno-
tiple different mutations are not well understood. compromised patients [93]. Many patients with chronic par-
Phenotypic testing is performed by amplifying the RT and vovirus infection do not have a diagnostic serological response.
protease genes and transferring them into a viable retroviral BK virus is a polyomavirus that can cause hemorrhagic cys-
vector, which is then grown in the presence of varying concen- titis in bone marrow transplant recipients. The virus is difficult
trations of the drugs to be tested [87, 88]. The advantage of to grow in the laboratory, but PCR analysis performed on urine
phenotypic testing is that it provides an “in vivo” view of the readily allows detection of BK virus. A recent study reported
behavior of the patient’s virus. This is particularly helpful when a correlation between the presence of BK virus in plasma of
multiple mutations are present. Several studies have shown that kidney transplant recipients and clinically significant nephro-
genotypic susceptibility testing improves the management of pathy [94].
HIV [89, 90]. Studies to evaluate the impact of phenotypic The diagnosis of human herpesvirus (HHV) types 6–8 re-
testing are under way. mains difficult for clinical laboratories. None of these viruses
HIV tests vary in their ability to detect HIV-2 in addition to can be grown in typical, hospital-based, diagnostic virology
HIV-1. EIAs used by blood banks all detect HIV-2, but some laboratories. The presence of virus-specific IgM antibodies can
other commercial assays detect only about two-thirds of indi- be used to diagnose acute HHV-6 or HHV-7 infection in young
viduals with HIV-2 infection [91]. Testing for human T-cell children with roseola. An alternative is to demonstrate by PCR
leukemia virus types I and II is analogous to that for HIV. analysis the presence of HHV-6 or HHV-7 DNA in peripheral
Commercial EIAs are widely available, since testing of donated blood leukocytes from a patient who does not have virus-spe-
blood is required. Confirmatory assays are available through cific antibodies [95]. The diagnosis of HHV-6 and HHV-7 in-
reference laboratories. fection in immunocompromised patients is currently problem-
Miscellaneous viral infections. The laboratory approach to atic because serological testing may be nonspecific in this
a number of other viral infections is summarized in table 11. setting, and PCR analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes does
None of these infections is diagnosed primarily by culture. Vi- not distinguish those patients who have clinically significant
rus-specific IgM antibody assays are the preferred method for illness attributable to the virus from those who have asymp-
rapid diagnosis of measles, rubella, mumps, and parvovirus tomatic reactivation. The clinical utility of laboratory diagnosis
B19. Some laboratories are also skilled in using immunoflu- of HHV-8 infections is undetermined.
orescence of nasopharyngeal secretions to provide a rapid di- The diagnosis of unusual viral infections, especially those
agnosis of measles [92]. Virus-specific IgG antibody assays are acquired overseas, requires consultation with public health lab-
used to determine past infection and specific immune status. oratories, usually at the level of the state health department.
748 Storch CID 2000;31 (September)

Laboratory diagnosis of hantavirus infection can be achieved the result of a limited number of mutations in a specific gene
by detection of hantavirus-specific IgM antibodies [96] or by designated UL97, and these mutations can be detected by a
detection of hantavirus RNA by means of RT-PCR analysis PCR-based assay [102–104]. This assay can be carried out either
performed on peripheral blood leukocytes [97]. Some state pub- on an isolate recovered from a patient or directly in a patient
lic health laboratories perform hantavirus tests, and others for- specimen if the level of virus is sufficiently high to allow effective
ward specimens to the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- PCR amplification.

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vention. Dengue can also be diagnosed either by detection of The other source of ganciclovir resistance is mutations in the
dengue-specific IgM antibodies, which typically become de- DNA polymerase gene [104]. The only method currently avail-
tectable within a few days following defervescence, or by de- able to detect these mutations is nucleotide sequencing. Se-
tection of dengue RNA in peripheral blood leukocytes by RT- quencing can be carried out either on a viral isolate or directly
PCR analysis [98]. from a clinical specimen with a sufficiently high level of virus.
Other exotic viral infections, including Lassa, Marburg, and CMV resistance detection is performed only in a limited num-
Ebola virus infections, yellow fever, Congo-Crimean hemor- ber of university and commercial reference laboratories, which
rhagic fever, and Rift Valley fever are also diagnosed by means have special interests in CMV.
of IgM serology, PCR analysis (usually performed on blood),
and culture. Serum and whole blood samples are usually re- Acknowledgments
quired. Throat swabs, urine specimens, and CSF specimens may
also be useful, depending upon the infection. Public health lab- I am grateful to Max Arens, Richard Buller, William Mulford, and
the technologists who work in the Virology Laboratory at St. Louis
oratories should be consulted regarding the choice of specimen,
Children’s Hospital for their ongoing collaboration with me in the day-
specimen collection, and transport.
to-day work of diagnostic virology.

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