Homework Joselym Reyes 12-700-1936

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Joselym Reyes 12-700-1936

E. Match the abbreviations and symbols (1-9) to their meanings (a-1)

1. 3 x = three Times
2. ↓ = decreased
3. ↑ = increased
4. appt= appointment
5. bgls= blood glucose levels
6. HbA1c = glycated haemoglobin
7. Pt = patient
8. RN =Registered nurse
9. Wk = week

F. Complete the Clínic notes for Ms Bhaskhar below using the abbreviations and
symbols from exercise 4e.
Returned to clinic today to review test results.
(1) HbA1c 7%, wt. 85 kg BP 130/70 Total Cholesterol 5.0 mmol/L. Started on a
new insulin (Lantus daily).
(2) decrease states that it seems to give better control of
(3) blood glucose levels . Followed new diet without difficulty. also
(4) increased exercise programme. Now swims
(5) three Times (6) per week
(7) appointment made for 13/12/2009, Continue diet and exercise programme
Aim: lose 2-3 kg by next appt.
J. Thorpe (8) registered nurse (THORPE)
G. In pairs, practise discussing results at the Diabetic Clinic. Student A, you are the
nurse; Student B, you are the patient. Use the Personal Diabetes Care Plan below
and the words and phrases from this section to help you. Swap roles and practise
A. Hello, good afternoon Ms Santamaría, how you feel today.
B. Hi, I feel very well, thanks
A. I have the results of your laboratory
B. Oh well, how are the results?
A. Overall, very good, you glycated haemoglobin is 6%
B. Is that good?
A. Yes, it is within the normal range

B) 1.5 Rosie, the Diabetes Nurse, is tallking to Jess, a young adult diabetic patient.
Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. Which lifestyle problems does Rosie talk about?
a) overeating b) alcohol use c) dieting
d) over-exercising e) drug use

2. What problem can too much alcohol cause?

a) liver disease b) kidney disease c) hypoglycaemia

3. What's the maximum number of units of alcohol a woman should have per
a) 15 b) 40 c) 14

4. What should diabetics do if they are planning to drink alcohol?

a) Have their insulin before they go out b) Have food while they are drinking
c) Only drink wine not beer

5. Why can recreational drugs cause a problem for diabetics? Tick all the
reasons Rosie mentions.
a) Diabetics may take too much insulin
b) Diabetics may forget to eat meals and have regular insulin
c) They may lower the blood sugar level
C. Match the beginnings (1-6) and endings (a-f) to complete Rosies explanations.
Listen again and check your answers
1. You have to be very careful = d or your blood sugars may drop too much.
2. Alcohol can lower your blood sugars = b so you could have more hypos.
3 ….. women shouldn't have = f more than 14 units of alcohol a week.
4 ...…you shouldn't = a drink on an empty stomach.
5. Always have a meal or a snack = c while you're drinking.
6. Taking drugs like speed or ecstasy = e can change your diabetes routine.

C Listen again and match the beginnings (1-11) to the endings (a-k) to complete the

1 ..use an alcohol wipe = d .. to clean the rubber seal on the end of the insulin pen
2 ... Screw the needle = f ….onto the end of the insulin pen
3.. turn the end of the pen = e ,….. to number two.
4.. get the insulin to the end of the needle = k….. to prime the pen

5 Turn the end of the pen to = h ,…… dial the dose of insulin.
6.. pinch up some skin on your abdomen = .a.. so it's easier to inject the insulin.
7 Hold the pen up = i…. and inject into the raised skin
8 . hold in the button at the end of the pen and count to five= j.. so all the insulin
goes in
9 put the pen away = b… until you need it next time
10 Insulin shouldn't be too hot or too cold, = g… so it's best to store the pen at room
temperature.. ...
11 Use the cool pouch when you travel.= c... so the insulin stays at the right

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