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Smarter retention, through real-world customer data & feedback.

There’s a strange paradox sitting at the center of how we perceive healthy business growth:
digital data allows us to understand people better. Data management, visualization, and
orchestration software allows us to be smarter about how we translate these online data
footprints into personalized messages and cross-channel journeys.

Every business owner wants to see only positive reviews and comments about their organization. The
truth is that we don’t live in a perfect world, and you will get negative customer feedback, however
hard we try to please our customer.

Quite often customers are using social media to share their unsatisfactory/satisfactory experiences,
and their frustrations/pleasures are being heard, and shared. More and more people don’t like
‘wasting’ their time sharing their feedback. And also these information often don’t reach the
companies to take actions. Sometimes social media can be the most immediate threat to companies
reputation. If not taken seriously it can directly impact businesses culturally & financially.

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