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The Organ Entrails Grading Rubric

Done Points Points

Require- Possible Re-
(check Description
ment ceived
Complete diagrams, procedures,
materials listed, and teacher approval
tion Plans
Human: in color, accurate, neat, matched
to pig and plant system
Fetal Pig: in color, accurate, neat,
matched to human and plants
Poster Plant: in color, accurate, neat, matched to
pig and human
Cells and tissues: in color, accurate, neat,
labeled by organism and organ. Cells
identified from each organ
Function of the various organs, of your
system, in a human, pig and plant are
What tissues are the organs in your
system composed of? How does this
relate to the structure and function of the
organs or system?
Relates the structure of the organs to the
function of the organs.
Explain any technological developments
related to the organs or the organ system
How does your organ system help an
animal and a plant maintain
Overall quality of presentation including
creativity, use of pictures
Biblio- Included at least 3 sources, formatted
graphy correctly, typed
Participa- Observed by teacher, student makes
tion optimal use of class time every day.
Main ideas covered, creative, clear,
Handout neatly done, typed. Three good multiple-
choice questions are present.
Number of mulitple-choice questions
answered correctly

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