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Consumer Sustainability Questionnair~ c~-

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INTRO Thank you for takin~ this que~tionanaire. It I I )ake 7-10 mi tes. Your answers are
completely anonymous. This survey Is about consu me~ ~J:l ~ sustainable products.

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1 Have you ever participated in any of the ~ owl activities? Please select all that apply\

Recycling ( 1 )
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. -~ Carpool ( i)

Using a reusable bag (3)

__ Using a reusable bottle (4)

__ Purchasing a sustainable product (5)

·____'. Purchasing in @ulk (6)
··· , (
__ Beach Cleanup (7)
: Climate Strike (8)

!Buying organic food (9)

Taking public transit (10)

Turning off household appliances when not in 'u~ 11)

Taking short showers (less than 5 minut s) (12) 7

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None (13L / ~ - ,~
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