Argo AND Ehicle Racking: June 2005

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June 2005
Cargo and vehicle tracking is the ability to trace goods, their containers, and
their conveyances from the point of origin to their destination. Tracking is in-
creasingly associated with information transfer using smarter tools such as radio
frequency identification devices and global positioning systems.
N o t e s

The Needs of Today’s Supply Chain able aspect of the supply chain. To ade-
quately provide security, the cargo and
Recent developments in the realm of inter-
vehicle must be able to be tracked inde-
national trade have increased the need for
pendently, but the tracking mechanism
heightened security to prevent multi-
E x p l a n a t o r y

needs the capability to associate the two

frontal attacks. The dual missions of pro-
data points.
tecting national security and collecting
duties and taxes drive governments’ inter- RFID Technology
est in maintaining the integrity of the sup-
Radio frequency identification devices
ply chain. The interest of private compa-
(RFID) are low-cost tags that assist in the
nies in just-in-time, reliable delivery, cost-
tracking of goods and vehicles. These de-
effective logistics, and maintaining the
vices are placed on individual items and
integrity of goods leads to the develop-
can either be active, i.e., constantly emit-
ment of many tracking systems.
ting a radio frequency signal; or passive,
Often overlooked as a supply chain vulner- i.e., only emitting a signal when queried

ability is the movement of goods from the by an outside source.

manufacturer to the port or border cross-
In order to track goods, readers (either
ing, or from the port to the distribution
hand-held or fixed) need to be installed to
G r o u p :

center. Tracking represents an additional

track and record the numbers from the
layer of security to ensure goods reach
RFID devices affixed to each product or
their destination in the same condition as
container. Installation of these readers,
they began their journey, though other lay-
however, adds additional costs which
ers must be put in place to achieve a more
would be assumed by the shipper or passed
comprehensive level of safety for vehicle
along to the consumer/end user.
and cargo transit.
B a n k

RFID tags are limited in the number that

Lost or resting cargo containers and vehi-
can be screened by each reader at one
cles represent the point in the supply chain
time. For large numbers of loose goods,
at which goods and conveyances are most
individually tagging each good is not an
W o r l d

vulnerable. Some studies have indicated

efficient use of resources. Tagging the
that 70 percent of senior executives are not
unit containing these loose goods is a more
satisfied with their ability to track their
practical solution. RFID tags may not be
moving assets to ensure integrity and
practical for all applications, including
safety. Tracking cargo and vehicles allows
tracking liquids and items wrapped in
for advanced processing of information by
T h e

metal or foil, as these environments can

border and intelligence agencies and as-
create interference.
sists in defeating the vulnerabilities associ-
ated with inland drayage, the most vulner- The RFID tags only serve as a tracking
Benefits of Cargo and mechanism; they do not possess any ef- fying the cargo and conveyance through
Vehicle Tracking
fective security applications. To work an individual code and a fixed reader
properly, specific frequencies will need and transmitting that information to a
Public Private
Sector Sector to be designated for RFID use only. central point.
Government assistance and cooperation
Increases secu- Port authorities Benefits of Cargo and Vehicle
is needed in order to prevent interference
rity by provid- and terminal Tracking Satellite Systems and
with other existing devices and applica-
ing information operators are GPS
on the move- more capable of tions.
ment of cargo knowing the Global Positioning System (GPS) track-
throughout the inventory and While RFID development is progressing
ing utilizes satellites to monitor fleets of
international location of all rapidly, three issues could limit its
vehicles or cargo containers, thereby
trade environ- items in the yard spread in the near future. First, there is
ment. at all times. ensuring there are no unplanned stops
an ongoing intellectual property dispute
and that a preplanned route is followed.
Assists with the Maintains the regarding parts of the specifications re-
Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satel-
customs clear- integrity of lated to commercializing the electronic
lite systems use satellites that orbit the
ance process. goods and the product code (EPC) technology. Sec-
supply chain. earth at the same speed of the earth’s
ond, EPCGlobal, the nonprofit organiza-
rotation, in order to continuously moni-
Can help reduce Serves as a deter- tion charged with commercializing the
tor a particular area continuously.
the risk of ter- rent against theft EPC technology, and the International
rorist attack by and pilferage, Standardization Organization (ISO) dif-
hijacking a con- thereby reducing
These satellite mapping areas can be as
tainer or vehicle. costs. fer on the specification dealing with the large as North America or Australia, yet
numbering systems to which RFID tags can identify individual containers and
Improves the Provides effi- relate. Finally, many of the products vehicles. Networks of multiple satellites
ability to moni- ciency through- being sold are not fully upgradeable to that sweep the globe and monitor activ-
tor the flow of out the transport
goods to and process.
the next generation of RFID technology ity all over the world comprise Low
from ports. that will be released shortly. Earth Orbit (LEO) systems. This cate-
gory includes voice-capable “big
Creates a more Improves com- Authentication/Legitimization of
efficient system munication di- LEO’s” and lower cost, data-only sys-
Customs Procedures
that saves time rectly with cus- tems dubbed “little LEO’s.” Satellite
and money, tomers and en- Tracking can help verify the identity and systems are only viable options for
while improving ables more exact
the quality of time estimates.
contents of a vehicle or cargo container, tracking when the transmitter located on
cargo and vehi- and its use—coupled with risk manage- the vehicle or cargo has a direct line of
cle screening. ment techniques—makes some of the sight to the satellite. They are conse-
Use of initially
current customs procedures redundant. quently impractical when utilized on
voluntary stan- Elimination of those redundant proce- double-stacked railcars, in the holds of
dards allows dures would expedite the customs ex- vessels, and in the stacks at container
business and amination process and increase the as- yards.
government to
surance that the vehicle or cargo con-
forge a relation- Despite some benefits of satellite track-
ship of mutual tainer is safe and originates from an au-
ing, the GPS signals emitted from most
benefit through thorized or legitimate shipper.
maximizing transmitters used by private industry and
efficiency and RFID uses radio waves to automatically most federal governments are not secure
security of bor- identify an object, often by storing a se- and are easily counterfeited. Thus, they
ders. rial number (and any additional informa- create problems for precise tracking. A
tion up to 2 MB) on an antenna. A re- false GPS signal can be replicated and
ceiver emits a short-range alert when the transmitted to the receiver, masking the
integrity of the bulk has been compro- true location of the cargo or vehicle,
mised. Some RFID tags also monitor which allows for theft of cargo or the
environmental conditions. introduction of an undesired element
Tracking automates the customs clear- into a container or vehicle.
ance system, thus minimizing the oppor- For more information, visit:
tunity for corruption through bribery of
customs personnel. Barcode scanning
simplifies the tracking process by identi-

2 GFP Explanatory Notes -

Examples of Current Tracking ♦ A cross-border, bilateral agreement Case Study: Wal-Mart and
Programs on rail security exists between Germany RFID
and Poland. They exchange information
All of the following programs establish Beginning in January 2005,
on security incidents and risks. Addi- Wal-Mart is requiring that its top
international and national codes of con-
tionally, both countries share the burden 100 suppliers encode all pallets
duct which hold non-compliant compa-
of patrolling borders. and cases with RFID tags that
nies and countries increasingly account- can be scanned by readers lo-
able for their actions through the crea- ♦ International standards harmonize cated at distribution centers.
tion of appropriate and enforceable sanc- regulations thereby simplifying proc- These tags must be located on
all items sent to the distribution
tions. esses for companies and governments. centers and readable 100 percent
The International Ship and Port Facility of the time.
♦ Smart and Secure Trade Lanes (SST)
Security (ISPS) Code represents one at-
integrate business advantages with secu- Wal-Mart has issued this man-
tempt towards establishing such stan-
rity requirements. Containers with date as a cost-saving and inven-
dards in maritime transport.
Smart Tags bypass many customs delays For more information, visit:
tory control measure. By ob-
by transmitting their information auto- taining a more accurate account- (click on ISPS
ing of goods in the distribution
matically, while simultaneously trans- Code Database)
centers, the retail chain can more
mitting vital information about their load accurately move goods based on
♦ Chinese government officials, termi-
via an RFID transmitter. The US has demand. By January 2006, Wal-
nal operators, and businessmen have Mart plans to impose this re-
expanded this project through the Con-
recognized the efficiencies associated quirement on its top 200 suppli-
tainer Security Initiative (CSI) to the top
with tracking cargo, including faster ers. The impact this program
34 with which it interacts, involving al- will have on Wal-Mart and its
clearance of goods, automated data inter-
most 80 percent of the cargo shipped to suppliers remains to be seen,
faces, and the development of new tech-
the US. including who will bear the ad-
nologies. Through supportive govern- ditional costs associated with
♦ The Advance Cargo Information Sys- ment policies, rapid telecommunications implementation.
tem (ACIS), developed by the United growth, the development of location-
based services, and supportive infra- Following Wal-Mart’s an-
Nations Conference on Trade and Devel-
nouncement, other companies,
opment (UNCTAD), allows cargo and structure, such as the development of such as Albertson’s Inc. and
transport equipment to be tracked digital maps of highways and cities, Best Buy Co. Inc., have begun
through ports and railway systems. cargo and vehicle tracking operations are pursuing similar RFID initia-
Cargo can be tracked while on rail, at expanding rapidly and can be used for tives.
ports, and on lakes and rivers. ACIS fleet management applications and ad-
primarily consists of a set of computer vanced traveler information. For exam-
applications and agreements between ple, a Universal Land Transport Man-
beneficiary organizations for mainte- agement System, developed by Exel,
nance. ACIS has been implemented in through GPS and advanced wireless
several countries throughout the world, technologies, is designed to track vehi-
including Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania, cles on delivery routes, provide real-time
and Bangladesh. In these countries and transmission of delivery milestones, and
others, the program has successfully allocate freight according to any number
tracked containers from the point of of different user-defined details. China’s
loading to the final destination, as well government is highly supportive of such
as reduced the time that containers spend developments and projects.
sitting idle. For more information, visit:
For more information, visit: news=42070&nli=freight&ch=
Costs of Tracking
♦ Other US programs that help to track
The ultimate costs of effective cargo and
and streamline the movement of goods
vehicle tracking, as well as the party that
into that country include the Automated
will ultimately bear those costs, is still to
Commercial Environment (ACE)
be determined. RFID tags currently cost
and FAST.
For more information, visit US Customs & Bor-
between a few US cents and one US dol-
der Protection’s website. lar. The cost per tag is expected to drop

Cargo and Vehicle Tracking 3

Case Study: SST for Africa as more companies and governments and enhancement of technologies which
mandate their use and production in- further expand current cargo and vehicle
In March 2004, the U.S. Trade
and Development Agency, the
creases. The use of RFID technology tracking capabilities. Governments
South African Port Operations, also necessitates the purchase and utili- throughout the world can play a role by
the Namibian Port Authorities, zation of either fixed or handheld readers providing incentives to companies devel-
the World Customs Organiza- to be installed at the points of origin and oping tracking alternatives, or mandating
tion, and Savi Technologies
departure. Costs associated with this the use of certain technologies on all
initiated the “Smart and Secure
Trade Lanes” for Africa project, type of equipment are significantly cargo/container shipments and commer-
designed to establish a global higher. cial vehicle travel to or within their
model for secure trade within country.
Africa and from Africa to other GPS technologies are comparatively
countries. The project will ex- more expensive on a per item basis, but The ongoing pilot projects described
amine three trade lanes from fewer devices would be needed per con- above should demonstrate the viability
South Africa and Namibia to the
tainer. The cost could be approximately of the tracking technologies and the cost-
United Kingdom and the United
States and will include both sea $50 per month per vehicle, plus addi- savings that can accrue through their
and land routes. Smart RFID tional upfront costs for the hardware use. As they progress, more quantifiable
security sensor tags are affixed necessary for GPS tracking. To accu- information will be available, allowing
to each container, which com- rately provide location and tracking in- for countries and companies to make
municate the location and secu-
rity status of each container to formation, a vehicle would need a trans- more informed decisions regarding cargo
fixed and handheld readers mitter installed and the ability to com- and vehicle tracking and the associated
throughout the supply chain. municate with a satellite. Additionally, a technologies.
data dissemination facility is needed and
The pilot project will be com- Additional Resources and Links
pleted in January 2005 and will
serves as a critical component for receiv-
have involved 50 smart con- ing, processing, and distributing the data ♦ A New Team Against Terrorism,
tainer shipments. Upon comple- transmitted by the satellite.
tion, the results of the project ntcfinal.xml
will be evaluated and further Conclusion ♦ Smart Tags Bring Security to Containers
steps will be determined by all Entering US,
those involved. Cargo and vehicle tracking has increased
For more information, visit in use over the past few years and, based art_tags_bring/index.html
Frontline Solutions on current trends, this rise should con- ♦ Strategic Council on Security Technology,
Or: tinue. Tracking offers benefits to both ♦ WCO Security and Facilitation Initiatives,
press/Feb10_04A.html private and public sector individuals,
Container Security
allowing for real-time visibility of goods
♦ South African Society for Intelligent Trans-
and the ability to receive advanced infor- port Systems – Vehicle Tracking,
mation regarding cargo and security
status. The primary means of tracking d=41
cargo and vehicles, through RFID and ♦ Report on Container Transport Security
GPS technologies, are quite common yet Across Modes: Executive Summary and Conclu-
still require further development to truly
provide accurate and secure information ♦ RFID and Homeland Security,
with regard to the location and status of
vehicles and cargo. rces/articles/dec03/Homeland.htm

The private sector will be primarily re-

sponsible for leading the development

This GFP Note has been produced with the financial assistance of a grant from TRISP, a partnership between the UK Department for International
Development and the World Bank for learning and sharing of knowledge in the fields of transport and rural infrastructure services. This Note was
prepared by JBC International and reviewed by the World Bank Trade Logistics Group and GFP Steering Committee. The preparation of the GFP
Notes was coordinated by Gérald Ollivier, World Bank. The views published are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World
Bank or any other GFP affiliated organization. Additionally, the conclusions do not represent official policy of the World Bank, its Executive Di-
rectors, or the countries they represent. For more information, contact Mr. Ollivier at

4 GFP Explanatory Notes -

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