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Lesson plan simple machine

I. Objectives:
Given the necessary materials for an experiment, the pupils should be able to:
1. Identify, define the three simple machines, and state the differences and similarities
in the use of simple machines.
2. Dissect a broken appliance or toy, and group according to category of simple

II. Subject Matter: Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axles, Screw
References: BEC SCIENCE VI
Materials: Broken toys or appliances, screw drivers, pliers, hammer, worksheets
Concept: 3 simple machines
1. Lever – a lever is a stiff bar that rests on a support called a fulcrum which lifts or
moves loads
2. Wheel and Axle – A wheel with a rod , called an axle, through its center lifts or
moves loads.
3. Screw- A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a pole which holds things
together or lifts materials.

III. Procedure:
Teacher Activity Students Activity
A. Pre-Instructional Activities
1. Review (through game) (Force)
Let us recall our past lesson about
force and Pulley. Group yourselves into five(5)
and each of you should cooperate.
I will ask the 1st question, and the
first group that will give the correct answer will
be given a 1pt and they will ask a question that
will be answered by the other groups.
The group that will ask a question will be given
a 3pts. The group that will answer correctly will
be given a 2pts.
What is a Force? -Ma’am force is pushing or pulling on an
object we give its energy and cause it to
move, stop or change direction
(question to the other groups)

(Facilitating) -Who is the scientist who introduced 3

basic laws of motion?

-Sir Isaac Newton
(question to the other groups)

-Enumerate the 3 basic laws of motions?

-the 3 basic laws of motions are Law of
inertia, Law of acceleration, and Law of
(question to the other groups)

-What is the Law of inertia?


-All objects resist changes in their state of


-What is the law of acceleration.

-that heavier objects require more force to
move the same distance as lighter objects.
(question to the other groups)

-what is Law of interaction?

-that for every force there is a reaction
force that is equal in size, but opposite in
Last Question for the group
(question to the other groups)

-What equipment did we use to show this


End game
- Every time you move something, use your
pencil, or walk, you are using force.
These forces are examples of everyday life,
because that is what a force is, everyday life. -
Every day you use force to make your life
easier. Sometimes it is hard to understand how
forces help you.

2. Motivation
- I will show you a picture, and tell me what can
you see?

Picture A Picture B

-ma’am Picture A is a SHOVEL

-ma’am Picture B is SEESAW

Picture C Picture D
-ma’am Picture C is a WAGON
-ma’am Picture D is a SCISSOR

-ma’am Picture E is a SCREWS

Picture E

-Yes ma’am
-Have you tried riding in a Wagon or playing
with the seesaw? -ma’am it is use for digging.
-What is the use of a shovel?
- Yes ma’am
-Did you ever use a scissor before or a screw?

B. Presentation

-What you saw in the pictures are examples of

simple machines.
-Let us take two example from the picture

“the Wagon” Wagons are used for transporting

people or goods.

“The Scissor” are use for cutting

Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials,
such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, thin plastic,
cloth, rope and wire. Scissors can also be used to
cut hair and food.

From the examples -ma’am it is a machine that makes our

What is a SIMPLE MACHINE? work easier.


There are 3 types of simple machines:

1. Lever – a lever is a stiff bar that rests on a
support called a fulcrum which lifts or moves
2. Wheel and Axle – A wheel with a rod , called
an axle, through its center lifts or moves loads.
3. Screw- A screw is an inclined plane wrapped
around a pole which holds things together or
lifts materials.
- We will watch a video clip (1:36sec) that will
demonstrate and illustrate the different types
of simple machines and its uses.

Title of video “Dr. Skateboard's Action Science -

Simple Machines”

-ma’am the Lever, The Wheel and Axle
- What are the simple machines that were
and the Screw
illustrated and demonstrated by Dr. Skateboard
in the video clip?
-ma’am the 1st type of simple machine
-How simple machine interrelated in the video that Dr. Skateboard introduce was the
to each other to function a skateboard? Lever which is found readily on a

It has an upturn area in front and as well

at the back of the board

The upturn area access the lever for the rider

and helps lessen the force excreted for the
rider while jumping on an obstacles like rocks
on the streets . it also act as a controller for
the rider from moving from left to right.

2nd type of simple machine that Dr.

Skateboard introduce was Wheel and
It provides transportation and lifting power

And the 3rd type of simple machine that

Dr. Skateboard introduce was the Screw
It helps as a fastener for the board and the

3) Generalization
Fill out the table bellow Simple What it is How it examples
Simple What it is How it examples Machine helps
Machine helps 1. Lever A stiff Lifts or Shovel, ax,
work bar or a moves hoe
1. Lever plane loads
that res
on a
2. Wheel support
and Axle called a

3. Screw 2.. Wheel A wheel Lifts or

and Axle with a moves Skateboard,
rod, both loads Wagon,
parts Wheel barrel

3. Screw Acts as a Holds Screw, neck

fastener- things of a light
together bulb,

4) Assessment
Given different examples of simple machines,
group it according to category of simple
machines. Lever, Wheel and Axel, and Screws
-nails -Wheel and Axle
-sharpener -Lever
-pencil -Lever
-bottle opener -Lever
-nail cutter -Lever, Screws, Wheel and Axle
-Can opener -Lever
-Spoon and fork
5) Evaluation (pen and paper) - when I wake up in the morning I use
-State 3 simple machines that you use in your toothbrush to brush my teeth. It is a
daily life. Identify and its category of simple Lever.
machine. Explain in 2-3 sentences why simple
machines are important. - I ride my bicycle in going to school. It is
a Wheel and Axle

- I use a bag which has a zipper for me to

access my school materials easily when I
need it. It is a Screw

- simple machines make every day life a lot

easier without a bunch of technology. It is a
Eco friendly for our environment

6) Assignment:
I will give you a Rube Goldberg design brief on
the task that you and your team members are
to successfully complete.
Go through the design process to help you
complete the task. Make sure and choose a
leader for your group. Also, choose a recorder
to keep notes as you move through the
process. Develop 5-10 questions along the way
that can be answered before the product can
be manufactured. This is a team effort.
Everyone needs to be involved. Keep portfolio.
In this you will have notes,stitches, ideas and
questions CAD drawings and anything else for
the completion of the task.

Prepared by:
Condenuevo, Von Aldrin
BEE II-I3 Student

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