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To: Mr.

Peter Wagner MEMO

From: Rohan Bhattarai

Date : September,12,2019

Subject: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing The restaurant entrepreneur simulation.In the order to contellu with this
simulation,I am required to first establish the name and a location.of my restaurant Please review the proposed restaurant provided
below and indicate if I have your approval use the proposed idea by completing the bottom part of this memo and returning it to me.

Proposed restaurant
The name of my restaurant is Leaf village Ramen.The theme of my Ramen shop is going to be Anime but mainly Naruto.I want the
customers to feel like they are eating at Leaf village and are apart of the academy no matter their age.The color scheme is going to be
black and orange but the restaurant itself will have a picture and tables that look like the leaf village (Konoha) . The trays, spoons,
cups,etc will be orange and black.The signature dish will be the ​Miso Chashu Pork Ramen The reason because Naruto's favorite dish is 
the Miso Chashu Pork Ramen. The restaurant is going to be located in​ Pittsburgh, PA.

Restaurant reasoning
I have always watched anime ever since I can remember.When I was a 5 to 6 years old I started to watch Anime.When I started to
watch Naruto it was the most interesting thing there was so much to learn and play.I was around 10 years old when my friends and I
used to play games as the character.I was always interested in what they would eat it was usually Ramen from the ​Ichiraku Ramen
I approve of this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur Simulation.

No i do not approve this Restaurant Proposal for the use of The Restaurant Entrepreneur Simulation.

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