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“rey ¥ kaa nun Semon Joon. sem Prene 816 807 326 one roc o%9.607108 usage. 0 October 3, 2019, VIA HAND. DELIVERY Natalie Carter, Executive Assistant tothe Secretary and State Chief Information Office North Carolina Department of Information Technology. P.0, Box 17209 Raleigh, NC 27619-7209 RE: DIT Case No. 000-10008, Dear Ms. Carter Enclosed pleese fd for ling with your office the affidavie of Kathryn Johnston, ‘Thank you for your attention thi matter. Sincerely, Lifharsy 4 dur ray Lt Spec psy Atorney Gener Enclosures (Cc: __J. Mitchell Armbruster (Counsel for Petitioner Amplify Education, Inc.) [vis € moll and U.S. Mal Kieran... Shanahan (Counsel for Respondent-intervenor Imagination Station Inc [Nia E-mall and US. Mail] swiwsenauor 11g, Eoenron Ser Fausas NC 2760S s19.716¢400 7.0.80" 925, Ruston NOTI6020629: - BEFORE THE DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ‘Proceeding No. 00-1000 AMPLIFY EDUCATION, INC, Potitionsr, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMBNT OF PUBLIC INSTRITCTION, AFFIDAVIT OF KATHRYN JOHNSTON. Respondent, IMAGINATION STATION, INC. Rocpondent Interven, 1, Kathiyu Joluston, being first duly sworn, depo sd say: Tam of the age of majority, of sound mind and me:nory, and depose relative to my own personal knowledge. [ give this Affdavit pursuant to the Hearing Officer al onder made on October 3, 2018, and for any uso allowed in tho above styled case under the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure or other applicable laws or rules. Tam the Deputy Swperintondent of Operations at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI). 1 have boen in this postion since Saptamber 2018 Tn my capacity as the Thaputy Superintendent of Operations, | supervise the agency's finance, human resowsoes, and logistics operations DPT’ procurement office, which resides within the Finance Division, supervised the L Request for Proposal (RFP-2"), which sought K-S reading diagnostic and assessment services in furtherance of DPI‘ luty to implement the state's Read to Achiove legislation, 6. As part of RFP-2, DPI assembled an evaluation team CRFP-2 evaluation committee") to review submitted bids and present a contract award recommendation to the State Superintendent. 7. To avoid undue influence during the evaluation process, DPI maintained confidentiality sf the names of the evelustion members, Additionally, each member easvuled @ ‘confidentiality agreement prior to starting the RFP 2 evaluation process. 8. I have been made aware of a screenshot of a text message exchange between two Individuals who, based on the contents ofthe document, appear to be discussing details ofthe January 8, 2019 RFP.2 evaluation committee meeting. (Exhibit A). ‘9. Based on the contents ofthe document, it appears thatthe text message exchange waa “botweon two former DPI emplayees: Anne Evans and Carolyn Guthri 10. Ms, Bvans was previously employed by DPI as an Education Consultant I. She relied ‘rom DPI effective June 1 2017 11, Ms. Guthrie was previously employed by DPI as an Edueation Program Director. She retired from DPI afetive September 1, 2017 12, Based upon publicly available information, Ms. Guthrie and Ms, Evans are members ofa literacy ensuing limit ability corporation, Habits of Literacy. (Exhibit B) 18, Based upon publicly available information, Ms, Guthrie, in her capacity as Crganizer, executed the Articles of Organization for Habits of Literacy, LLC on July 26, 2017 GxiicB. 1. Based upon publicly available iuforssation, Habits of Liveracy, LLC was formed on August 4, 2017. CEehibit 18. Neither Ms. Gutheie nor Ms, vans served on the KUL 3 2 uation committee. Exhibit © 16, The text exchango references a third party identified only as "AW" who, based on the contents of the document, appears to have been present at an evalvation committee mootiig. 17.To my huowledye, the only RFP-2 evaluation committee member with the initials “AW: is Abbey Whitford. (Exhibit C) 18. Ms, Whitford was previously ampleyed hy DPI as an Education Program Consultant Il 19. Ma Whitford wes prosont at the Janaary 8, 2019 RFP-2 evaluation comamittes mesting. Gaxhibie Dp. 20.Ms. Guthrie and Ms. Evans were not pres it at the January 8, 2019 RFP.2 evalustion ‘commitooo mecting. Exhibit D). 21, Ms, Whitford retired from DPI effective May 1, 2019, Further the alfa sayeth not Bhsmteca woth Deputy Superintendent of Operations Subscribed tg and awarn before me this the [7 aay of October 2019. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, 1 hereby certify that copy of the foregoing AFFIDAVIT OF KATHRYN JOHNSTON was served on counsel via electronic mail transmission and by depositing the amo in the United Stateo mail, rat clase postage prepaid, and adcesee ln J. Mitchell Armbruster ‘Smith, Anderson, Blount, Doreot, Mitchell & Jernigan, LLP. BO. Box 2611 Raleigh, NC 27602 “Attorney for Petitioner Kieran J. Shanahan Brandon 8, Newman ‘Andrew D. Brown, Shanahan Law Group, PLLC 128 E, Hargott Street, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27601 Attorneys for Respondent-Intervenor “Tain the day of October 2019. a re ‘Spocial Daputy Attorney General EXHIBITS Affidavit of Kathryn Jobnaton Exhibit A Screenshot of Pext Message Exchange Exhibit B Articlos of Organiastion: Habits of Literacy, LLC Exhibit Pages 6.9 of October 5, 2018 REP-2 Kick-off Presentation ‘Fahibit Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Evaluation Committ Mesting ‘V LIGIHXa EXHIBIT B monic cry of Se ©2017 212 00283 ‘State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §S7D-220 ofthe General Stunaes of North Carol the undersigned does hereby subi these ‘Artlesof Organon forte purpose of forming lined ability comp. 1. Thereof he nied ability company x; Mabte of Uterecy LC (Gee temas props yap) ‘Tiga nd adres of ah etn extn tte ies of oganzaton as low (Sag wheter ‘ach penor is enscining tse rile ofergansaton ints capacly ofa suniberergn o bath ‘Note: This document must be signed by al persons ised) 2 Name Adress capaci, Carciyn Gute 1814 Running Brock Tal, Raleigh NC27609 Organizer ‘one Evans PO Bac 637, tM. Glen, NO 27308 Merber Kara Caxton “0A Eas Souhorand 8, Walace,NC 28446 Member 3. Thename ofthe nia istered agent i, ON" GUS "The seat ads and county of te nal else apt ofc ofthe inted ability company: “Nomter ind Sra 814 Runring Bok Tra ann State: NC Zip Code: 278° _couny: WH 5. Thomalingades if feret fom the set res, of the inal repstered at offi ‘Number and Set. iy Sue: NC Zip Cose: county 6 rnalpal ie infomation: (Sletelther orb) 1. I Te iid tity company has precip oie, ‘he rccpl office telephone number, 12046678 ‘The rat es and cout ofthe principal fie fhe Lent Uablty company is ‘umber and Set: 84 Rutring Brook Trat to NC " cy, allah sate Zipcode: 77° county: ‘CORPORATIONS DIVISION PO. Boxe2 ALBINO 1620-0022 (Revised Deere 2016) 2 Gana Lan, aa sei Taig tng fm th eas ei alte tan Neate Sa oy me Tnbate + One ity mga des nthe aie 1 Ant piss is aly engender Reet wana” 1 j | 1 (Optnas hg Caran OR nen an Cl ecm i ° Giieny wt eect eo ST ste toner ta Recut tse tele aha Fone iaanenny to “Rea race rane 8 Thence tiene spe ln ata ae ea 7 ‘oer Ta a Raia Tae Teeter querin bed more tan cya ome a Nenad || Gea. ae oo sn. tt ee cate one SORTER N TT yore: TPF nie iS, is ama mr ih he Serf Se ‘Reed amie 8! oem esa Bu}O185 ULON 40 SjOOuDS ONAN | 8 ‘suuio) yser41ECON SHV "UoBLYOr weynauen AOR C JORUON BURA foes CH1ICON — RUOL Youleg . : ‘uorenasu ’ 1320100 UoRPES UOT JORWOM BUCA pum urynung epiepueg Zio su "Kea, HOY 0 ; eae foawons Bunon veypiun euondeoxa GON Usk] 188007 dey] o9ds vORETIENS UE HEISE saws Bago sushi ‘weansvog sweishs oneyeg pu ouopeay payeibai “MOYER oneyen y ouepeoy pereBeui gon YRS #0UET wmynsuog eOULON foes E- JeAWEN BUREN, four en1g0ON foggy roRIM weynsvon pen wouPeld Hoe E>1 seqUN BuROA fouiey £>114CON eooegey ‘onseo}08 Jeowo KSaens joo soqUeW BuROA —_WepuENIUEdng BINS 0 SHO IAGON _e0HKO “a6es=0H Joenpy fated ques sequOW SuNon —_wopueVedng eS 0 SOO WJGON ea “Kuog 19 Ae 20} wepuswuvadng eiemossy Jequoy BuO —_WEpUETUHOCN BIEIS 10 29410 I4GON : swoishs suas sojteyoa pue us eBoy e203 on Bu Haig JoneeG pue aHuepeDy PEIEBEN YORI JOQUENBLICA agen w quopeoy poviCoun eens eBeuey wed esucieu sequayy BuO) ——Bupiodoy » e129 a=udON LJGON on 2104 one ¥26109 wee wopetyeeg suaquiay Buyjo,— wee, uolenjeAg 2 LISTHXa 2uljose) WON J0 SjooUDS a1aNg Ae 6 mu pemr on rue AemipRD HN pe eQuOL URN LOE IY seis MR urziBaig Bujpesy aS BugoA-ON ‘9ONN, BOR "E9IUOll ‘srenpes6.epun ei 0 J01eUsI009 “ossaja aTEDOSSY a ec wens uoneNEZaNS SuROAION PORE RUBIO O-OUOLAGON —_—_epuneus iodo, somupo0g 1633 SuRORUON SG ATED pMVeqUN yee SONA, MS Capon semi Auneg rumgeg Ay S100 eiBoroyoksg joouE AWS BUROA-LON, ‘sfooyos Auwnog pueyansig ‘ousouelg ‘oujesuny Jojeu}28 5 weiBoig jevoRoNAsUI SSLNAINS BUROA-UON so0u9s Aunog weYeYD —_euayed 'Ason}-deou ‘owen 21-3 40 201840 3NS BUND) ON sjo0u2g Aiunog puojing A hop "Kawweg, vewpodg vores SSLNENS SNPRION ——_SEEIPSAuNEO.OIEUEH ABN Fun somo WEYNSUOD JeUOIBEY EAE YON ‘ABI ESN BUROA-UON ‘A802 £4 IAN ‘eipnerg ‘seiueT voto BUENAS ALTE AMS SHEA gaye OO NH ue po ‘Se0|NOS JPOUBULY “JOOG INS BUNOA-UON ‘SeQ/NI9g JBOUBULY ICON BH9ONY YeMuEEU 220 Auuno9g voneULO}U| IWS BuROA-YON ‘Seoyueg ABOIOUDEL ICON om UNH ‘seoyues ABOOUYIEL “JOEICINS BUROA-UON, ‘seowues ABCJOUGEL ICON amr "NOHIY Aewony 3S Buno/-YON ‘woneonp3 40 PROG SIEIS ION: 43 “eplus: seBeueyi elo 3WS BuRoA-LON ‘Seouuas ABojOUYDe| IdGON —-_BYYRUUS “UEYIEUEMSIA, s982U2} OWN SINS BuRO/-YON ‘seqyueg ABojOUUDeL ICON epury ‘9M07, sifepedg JuOwAINDoI SWS | oe “UON Buyseyound IdGON ‘eouiky “uung opemtio soquoq wine sopra suequiey Buyjop-uoN — wea] uonjenjeag EXHIBIT D Read to Achieve 2018 (RIAD) Evaluation Consensus Meeting notes esting Pues ‘Careers Mesing io recommend ata foc negotatons Location (Conference Room 804 A, Education Bung, Raiogh Date & Time Januayy 8, 2010; 130 PM ~ 500 PM Facitso() ‘Sitekha Vewanainen and Tymiea Dunn Next Mostng 780. J Voting Member Patcpants ‘Abbey Whiiors | Cos Gossage rita Dewey | Kt ay inne Lesser Mat Hoskins [Fam Shue eberca Btcesto | Susan Laney | Thakur Keres Non-Voting Member Paricipants Wark Johnson | Sirona ‘Tymiea Dunn Miwansthan ‘Agenda ters ‘The agenda or this meatng was to recanmend fait for approval and negoitins. Meeting Summary ‘The Supetniondant thanked the evaluation tar fr their har work and time spent oni most portant RFP. Fe aso memoned thet na reviewed th proposals over he Hola o get a fll understanding ofthe varus ering ‘The Supotnindentdlossced hi sion of empowering teachors an giving teats Une ne back to tech Empowering teachers ici providing teachers the igh tools, approprate profesional devlcpment aa ‘waning. I’ important ealow toachers to tesch by eduhg aeecement ne, Naeger virgen a om i von mn waking canner onthe vedo) br negolions. Te main egy of he process he sloped ot an eauested te wong team member o BrScod wh tng. mea “The nxt steps inthis process ie, recommendations by vting members, approval by Superintendent and ‘etistons were elatoated by he Business Owners tnd Precuremert Ofer To turner ensure that an lmporta and unbased process folowe, tne ving mambots were provided Post tarde entr ta ‘ecommendstonsSfaee the woe and ne focorteiaion was announced th eam. + 8ix(6) ong member recommended negeiting win Amplify ony 1 Tweae (3) vetng mamors mre nagetating wth ton ay: + One(1) voting member reccmmended negotiating wih Both Apt and station “The team dacusted fuer and recommended that inorder to agn wth the vison of he Superintendent, tis imgotat that ¥ negations ae candied with AmpLY thatthe assessment masa a reduced tos core seasures of DIELS. The cretion peckape nutes TRG a # as any sgn acing PaO Coon nears TORT Mowing Agente uray ——E ol with station tis enpoiant to ter understand tele recording ard payback Teture es may lao Fp teacting tine. Inlltotoam fal tho important to understand the ara eassasmnt time wi bath vandore and wor ‘owards rain the astenament ene Next Steps ‘The Binress Onner wil provide an updste fo the Superintendent onthe team's recommendation. Upon the -3pproval fom Supertendont the ext steps wllbe planed ‘Aion tems esting rm the meting are 25 fous. “ation ome tom ‘esignes [Bue Date [Statue Infor the Sato Dr Pam Shue | 1-048 Superntonsert ofthe tam reeonmensston ‘Gamer negouston ssatore [Se ee ‘nd ptt input onthe questions Setupmeaines wine | TrnkaDunn [780 Teta

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