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Su2on o ILS SIMULATION SOFTWARE 2 o © Further development of the VLOC program originally developed by Marconi Research ais otdest- Seb byword Centre = * Validated in cooperation with the UK CAA and practical trials with the Norwegian CAA flight inspection aircraft + Uses physical optics propagation model to simulate reflection, diffraction and shadowing ‘+ Can simulate up to 16 scattering objects ‘+ Software now copyright Nordic Air Navigation Consulting OUNPPM TWO Se Trae (Ohio University Navigation Performance Prediction Model) * Software developed by Ohio University Avionics Engineering Center * Physical optics model completed at Ohio University in 1978 * Validated using actual aircraft in various positions and orientations near ILS antenna systems + Ongoing validation ICAO Definitions (Ref ICAO Annex 10) Facility Performance Category I ILS ‘An ILS which provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the ILS to the point at which the localizer course line intersects the ILS glide path at a height of 60 m (200 ft) or less above the horizontal plane containing the threshold. Note - This definition is not intended to preclude the use of the Facility Performance Category | ILS below the height of 60 m (200 ft), with visual reference where the quality of the guidance provided permits, and where is satisfactory operational procedures have been established. Facility Performance Category Il ILS ‘An ILS which provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the ILS to the point at which the localizer course line intersects the ILS glide path at a height of 15 m (50 ft) or less above the horizontal plane containing the threshold. Facility Performance Category Il! ILS An ILS which, with the aid of ancillary equipment where necessary, provides guidance information from the coverage limit of the facility to, and along, the surface of the runway. ILS Glide Path Safeguarding Area E F 5 3 Be iatetiere ooo tl OUNPPM User Interface (Windows) 9 228 2 W (68S u) 166 FT 7 ow (90.78 W) 182 FLT (461 M) au 5 inane | reoaeo | ouraoane cre-socz (7517 6 W105 FT 6 Ww Goi ty Bee) pwenoo [763 W108 FT aw Gstew" (edb) we2ii-sean [78 FT 1 W107 FEW Gace wy G2) ~ 251 FT 10.25 mW (7067 w) 8597 10m (a2 yy 5M) (25.60 W) To. ee ee Ie (25.60 W) 225 F124 (66.65 w) - 211 5. (o4ae wi 215 Om (eas wp ; Ge 9 Frm (2a wl ae 9 FT 2m fa We BE (eas wl weeta 1 ¢ ew os I> ne Posiion Geeu seme “ BAT wex ROSS Wel (Fu UE) wus ots B747 Dimensions " eb ‘sywr] epmyidury pusg S71 0} xeuUY OVO! (y 000 2) (y 000 €) (y aos €) <> 12 Element Localiser Antenna 24 Elewent Localiser Approach on course El: 3.00" fz: 0.09" Sdu: Ow CDI rr FSD + SopA Ctr: ‘ON —TeXIS 1101 FLY RIGHT (-) Teo Fud dist Bend(Zone): 11.25»A(S) @.88)AC4)3.41pA(3)__1.54pAC2)_O.€2yAC1D CPDBAY (F2)Invert @3)Print (FO)Scatter (9)! 24 Element Loc: er Antenna 15 12 Element Localiser EXAMPLE 1 Localiser Part 01 rit AXIS Simulation Orbit CrossOver @ 11112m (Teo Om) CDI ll FSD s80@pA Ct FLY RIGHT (-) LY LEFT (+) 24 Element Localiser Orbit CrossOver @ i1112m (Teo Om) CDI FLY RIGHT (-) (159pA) CL: @.0pA | -1.588° -0.800" 0.690" (PUBAW (FZ) Invert (F3)Pri | asop) cL: @.0pA | -1.616" -0.835" 6.000" 0.835° (75yA)_— (pA) 412 Element Locali C25pa)_ copa) (75yA) (-150pA) 9,800" 1. F Antenna 58° int <-Ualues-> CLR 24 Element Localis 7 r Antenna 6L woo ws 08 use sen Tg oy, yseoiddy wed epiio Za1dWvxXa wee euuany Wed apo ZH OEE = J 1 ploysery, a Seuueyuy J9s12907 JuOWIO!y yz PUR ZL ZHI -OLL =5 EXAMPLE 3 Localiser Sensitive Area B747 Tail OUNPPM Simulation Localiser Sensitive Area ‘2Eloment Localser . 2 & . eEES Diataneo From Centarine () "Distance From Threshold (m) fant of Catagory Il Tolerances Wedel Paanor Arne NA28 CRERE Sep 048 csv 36 Ran: 200" Ian 60m Sack Sate 12 Element Localiser Antenna Localiser Sensitive Area 2 Element Locale vee nae Distance From Threshold fm) Percent of Catagory Il Tolerancor Woikl Paranoia ec ee os0a816 Flare ws anna Deane 1 DararTpeNs2e8 CREE e258 24 Element Localiser Antenna 23 Glide Path Antenna and B747 - 3D Model 25 de mom are soo | of toms be rey | Punview Locausen aunnny sour PROFLE Category 3 ILS Localiser Safeguarding Area 9 euueyuy Jesy1e907 ST} Tee emer aa evn eee re ir irae — i System @]): NMB5Z5 24e1 Dual FQ (tft): 110. ap 1 C.Sector : 2.99* Phase: FWD Slope: 9.6 ‘ADU att. ‘SDM Slope 9 THR Dist. Ant No. : Clearance Signal Dist CAL i 3.34% SBO Amp Fud Dist SBO Phase Height: z 2 CSB Amp 2 Turn CSB Phase ‘ap ADU. Phase: 0 apn ¢ a AXIS User Interface (DOS) 8 GA380 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING FON A/C 380-800 NOTE: RELATED TOAIRGRAET ATTITUDE AND WEIGHT AC ema sot 8 General Aircraft Dimensions (Ghost 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-2.0.991-001-A01 A380 Dimensions 10 86m SO 73m ‘A380 Aircraft - 3D Model Dimensions aa w oose > z I pousant euueny zag ee? earns 951807 uszeu[ Gun —— 2HN LOL =) woe Seuueiuy 498}}e907 uoWe}a pz PUE Z} quo Hed Pur yoeosddy 498112907 | aTawvxa D1 (ua) EXAMPLE 1 Localiser Approach OUNPPM Simulation —>-—+_+;— ¥ 2 t + Zone ERRORS Zane a WAT EHO | Aton0.QUA Zone 20SeAC IB! 225 Zane UNA ENE DEE | # Zone Sot Suns O4) DES + | es Localiser Approach 42 Element Localiser Antenna 7 ry Ill Tolerances ™ hace fas 4 fo» I | oe "4 Hf rr Vi a ee = rT Fie SAOORIOTD Eee REG TOT Arte Ze ssaNee Snel — iaebanAueoe aoe se. Forest DAIS GED isan From Threshold my 12 Element Localiser Antenna Localiser Approach 24 Element Localiser Antenna Category il Tolerances Ls th om cca ae je2 fo Distance From Threshold (kn) 24 Element Localiser Antenna 16 EXAMPLE 1 Localiser Part Orbit OUNPPM Simulation Localiser 6 NM Part Orbit 12 Element Localiser Antenna l Category Ill Tolerances 100 3 i 3 = 7 wo 0 Riper SRR 400 wre TeOhzn28t SA 12* Symes" 0. ‘Azimuth Angie (deg) 12 Element Localiser Antenna Localiser 6 NMI Part Orbit 24 Element Localiser Antenna Category ll Tolerances DI uA ee EAT rams Aone 10 Syms 90" ‘Azimuth Angle (dog) 24 Element Localiser Antenna 18 EXAMPLE 2 Glide Path Approach Mharray Antenna Approach El: 3.00" Az : 0.0" Sdu:-120m cor war ae OLN AB fer aaa nari be FSD + 50pA Ctr= 6yn @.91pA (3) 40.14yA @) RX Z.0rad/s 105kts Achieved GP/DATUM Actual GP/DATUM 2.97" ( 15.65m) 3.00" ( 15.09) (PDBAW (FZ) Invert (F3)Print (FBScatter (F9)t (Alt-C) CLR AXIS Simulation Cle Path Approach Mar ‘Category It Tolerances HD zoe ame | ie i - | | Zara aATOROND. sangers.0° Zane 24 SuR20 80981520 = Zire ea wanesigeoss eo OUNPPM Simulation 20 EXAMPLE 3 Localiser Sensitive Area B747 Tail AXIS Simulation 12 Element Localiser Sensitive Area — 4.0pA (Track A-T track $: 11208 E: 380m] LR: OFF——{AXIS 110) “Fast, sidescan TX 2.0078 105kts 412 Element Localiser Antenna 24 Element Localiser Sensitive frea — 4.68 [track @-T track “Fast, sldescan not completed |....RX 2.0r7s_1@5kts. 24 Element Localiser Antenna ad euvoluy wed ePID, dela |* ZHM Oz =} Burssoag yesour easy enpisueg Wed OPI v S1dNVxXa 9z ar06 "U7 ANE 01min waa SHO oe aay aE 3:01 8x0 3DM SEO wom KOK NOUR OSE< + ‘21m 496 898504 ng 00h < Hm seoues2q04 II OCU CEE (1) prowsesyy wor4 aouersig vos: 000i ov 05I- _ovaer- ov ‘AaoBeww3 0 waored oo0e- _ovase-_00'00%- 000 0002 ‘BuUaIUY sped OpIID Jo wos, uy BuIssO19 Lye Bauy SANISUSS Wed ePID syuouie|g euuasury OOO} UIesNEy (w) auypaquag wory eoueys%q weed jeone, waned leuoZHOH (pueg-plw ye) WeHed UopeIpeY ww 06} = << —>4 ww 00s ae wwgos 0614 EXAMPLE 5 ‘Simulation of High Voltage Transmission Line Hf i i i i i i i i i i Roi mp i i i i i i / 4 see! Front Elevation ‘Transmission Tower 3D Model Construction 30 EXAMPLE 5 Simulation of High Voltage Transmission Line Transmission Line 3D Model (Looking towards Runway) 32 Annual Flight Check — February 2017 High Voltage Transmission Lines on Runway 33 Approach 36 se sour] uojssjuisuest 062310, YBIH ~ Yoeoddy ee weYBuIUIE, DI (uA) Commissioning Flight Check - October 2011 - 1000 ft Slice Birmingham Glide Path 33 Slice 1000 ft roundplane with Bund and Pylor Category, Tolerances LE: 160 Synetye101. 0% srsacies bese sé Elevation Angle (deg) OUNPPM Glide Path Simulation — 1000 ft Slice 40 Annual Flight Check — February 2017 — 2200 ft Slice Birmingham Glide Path 33 Slice 2200 ft Groundplane with Bund and Pylons Category il Tolerances oe 0 20 180 soo FE + | + + 4 2 i : wo “0 zoe = 20 20 Elevation Angle (deg) OUNPPM Glide Path Simulation — 2200 ft Slice 42 FINAL NOTE Computer simulations are used to provide predictions of potential interference patterns, however, ultimately, fight inspection is the only true method of establishing the actual amplitude and frequency of any multipath interference. Computer simulation results are indicative only! ‘Simulation tools have limitations and bugs!

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