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Midas Communication Unit


October 2005

Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.): +358 9 8949 1

P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
FIN-00421 Helsinki

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© Vaisala 2005

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means,

electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be
communicated to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright

The contents are subject to change without prior notice.

Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for
Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally binding commitments and
agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or
Conditions of Sale.

Table of Contents

GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................ 5
About This Manual ................................................................... 5
Contents of This Manual ....................................................... 5
Version Information ............................................................... 6
General Safety Considerations ............................................. 6
Feedback............................................................................... 6
ESD Protection ......................................................................... 7
Recycling................................................................................... 7
Trademarks ............................................................................... 7
License Agreement .................................................................. 8
Warranty .................................................................................... 8

PRODUCT OVERVIEW.................................................................................. 9
Introduction to Midas Communication Unit .......................... 9

INSTALLATION............................................................................................ 11
Installing MCU111 on a Table................................................ 11
Installing MCU111 in a Rack.................................................. 11
Making Connections .............................................................. 13

OPERATION................................................................................................. 15
Checking MCU111 Configuration ......................................... 15
LED Indicators ........................................................................ 16
Service Line ............................................................................ 17

TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................. 19
Common Problems ................................................................ 19
Technical Support .................................................................. 20
Return Instructions ................................................................ 20

TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................... 23
Specifications ......................................................................... 23
INDEX ........................................................................................................... 25

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List of Figures
Figure 1 Front Panel of MCU111 ............................................................10
Figure 2 Back Panel of MCU111 ............................................................10
Figure 3 MCU111 Front Panel with Rack Fasteners ..............................11
Figure 4 MCU111 Rack Installation ........................................................12
Figure 5 Krone Insertion Tool .................................................................13
Figure 6 Details of the MCU111 Back Panel ..........................................14
Figure 7 LED Indicators of MCU111.......................................................16
Figure 8 Service Line Startup View ........................................................17
Figure 9 View of Communication Module States....................................18

List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions .......................................................................6
Table 2 Type Number Explanation ........................................................15
Table 3 Some Common Problems and their Remedies ........................19
Table 4 Midas Communication Unit MCU111 Specifications ................23

4 ____________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information


This chapter provides general notes for the product.

About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing, operating, and
troubleshooting Midas Communication Unit MCU111.

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:

- Chapter 1, General Information, provides general notes for the

- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the features and
advantages of Midas Communication Unit MCU111.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information that is
intended to help you install this product.
- Chapter 4, Operation, describes the operation of the product.
- Chapter 5, Troubleshooting, describes common problems, their
probable causes and remedies, and contact information.
- Chapter 6, Technical Data, provides technical data of the product.

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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

Version Information
Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
M210521EN-A Manual for MCU111 Revision A.
M210521EN-B This manual. Applicable for MCU111 Revision B

General Safety Considerations

Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are
highlighted as follows:

WARNING Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or
even death.

CAUTION Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and
follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be
damaged or important data could be lost.

NOTE Note highlights important information on using the product.

Vaisala Customer Documentation Team welcomes your comments
and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this publication. If
you find errors or have other suggestions for improvement, please
indicate the chapter, section, and page number. You can send
comments to us by e-mail:

6 ____________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information

ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage
to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected
against ESD for their intended use. However, it is possible to damage
the product by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching,
removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.

To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself:

- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and

protected ESD workbench. When this is not possible, ground
yourself to the equipment chassis before touching the boards.
Ground yourself with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord.
When neither of the above is possible, touch a conductive part of
the equipment chassis with your other hand before touching the
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching the
component contacts.

Recycle all applicable material.

Dispose of batteries and the unit according to statutory regulations.

Do not dispose of with regular household refuse.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.

VAISALA_________________________________________________________________________ 7
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

License Agreement
All rights to any software are held by Vaisala or third parties. The
customer is allowed to use the software only to the extent that is
provided by the applicable supply contract or Software License

For certain products Vaisala normally gives a limited one-year
warranty. Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in
case of damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating
conditions, negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized
modifications. Please see the applicable supply contract or Conditions
of Sale for details of the warranty for each product.

8 ____________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview


This chapter introduces the features and advantages of Midas

Communication Unit MCU111.

Introduction to Midas Communication Unit

Midas Communication Unit MCU111 is used with the Midas IV
system to communicate with airport field equipment. The MCU111
unit consists of a table or 19 inch rack mountable case. It has signal
line and power on indicator LEDs, Ethernet interface and four serial
ports. The standard factory configuration is that COM1 is the
MCU111 service line, COM2 is the AFTN line, and COM3 and
COM4 are unconnected.

MCU111 has up to 16 communication module places for modem

(DMX501) or RS-485 (DSI485A) modules. MCU111 includes signal
line connectors equipped with overvoltage protectors for modem and
RS-485 lines.

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Figure 1 Front Panel of MCU111

The following numbers refer to Figure 1 on page 10:

1 = Front panel with LED indicators

2 = Adjustable legs (the adjustment range of the MCU111 unit is
98 ... 110 mm)

The back panel of the MCU111 is illustrated in Figure 2 on page 10.

The signal line connectors are equipped with integrated overvoltage
protectors. The back panel has two signal line connectors if MCU111
contains more than eight communication modules.


Figure 2 Back Panel of MCU111

10 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation


This chapter provides you with information that is intended to help

you install this product.

Installing MCU111 on a Table

The MCU111 unit is ready to be installed on a table as it is. It can be
placed, for example, below the Central Data Unit PC. Level the unit
by adjusting the legs.

Installing MCU111 in a Rack

The MCU111 unit can also be installed in a 19-inch rack. The rack
fasteners are needed in a rack installation. The rack fasteners are
attached to the MCU111 unit with screws.


Figure 3 MCU111 Front Panel with Rack Fasteners

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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

The following numbers refer to Figure 3 on page 11:

1 = Rack fasteners for a 19-inch rack
2 = Adjustable legs (the adjustment range of the MCU111 unit is
98 ... 110 mm)

After this the unit can be mounted onto the shelf (alternative number 1
in Figure 4 below) or rails of the rack (alternative number 2 in Figure
4 below). Level the unit by adjusting the legs.


Figure 4 MCU111 Rack Installation

12 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation

Making Connections
Before powering up the MCU111 unit, you need to make the
following connections:

1. Connect the signal lines from the field to the signal line
connectors on the back panel of the MCU111 unit (see Figure 2
on page 10). For connecting the wires you need a Krone
insertion tool (see Figure 5 below) or other similar tool. For
further information on the signal line connection, please check
the system drawings.


Figure 5 Krone Insertion Tool

2. After connecting the signal lines, place the power cable to the
power inlet.
3. Connect one end of the ground cable to the ground clamp of
MCU111 and the other end to the building ground.
4. Finally, connect the Ethernet cable to the network card of the
Central Data Unit PC with the cable CAT5STP18X. The
Ethernet cable of MCU111 can also be connected directly to the
Ethernet with the cable CAT5STP18.

After making these connections, you can switch the power on (see
Figure 6 on page 14) and the MCU111 unit is ready for use.

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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________


Figure 6 Details of the MCU111 Back Panel

The following numbers refer to Figure 6 above:

1 = Power switch
2 = Ethernet RJ-45
3 = Type number (for example, MCU111 B932SEA)
4 = Mac address
5 = COM ports: The standard factory configuration is that COM1
is MCU111 service line, COM2 is AFTN line and COM3
and COM4 are unconnected.)
6 = Power inlet
7 = Fuses (250 V / 2 A)
8 = Ground clamp
9 = Type plate

14 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation


This chapter describes the operation of the product.

Checking MCU111 Configuration

The MCU111 configuration can be checked from the type number
which is written on the type plate located on the back panel of the
MCU111 unit (see Figure 6 on page 14). The type number consists of
eight characters which are explained in Table 2 below.

Table 2 Type Number Explanation

Character Values Description
MCU111 - Product code
2nd character A to Z Version number of MCU111
3rd character 1 to 9 or A to G, N Number of modem modules (N
means NO modem)
4th character 1 to 9 or A to G, N Number of RS-485 modules (N
means NO RS-485 module)
5th character 1 or 2 Number of communication line
connectors. Eight pairs can be
connected to each connector.
6th character S AFTN line output (S = via Serial line)
7th character E Serial extension (E = via Ethernet)
8th character A to C Type of AC power cable (A = Euro
cable, B = US cable, and C = UK

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User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

LED Indicators
The LED indicators on the front panel of MCU111 indicate the state
of each communication line. The green POWER LED is lit after the
power is switched ON. The yellow CD LED is lit if the carrier is on
for that communication line. The green TXD LED is flashing when
that communication line is transmitting data and the green RXD LED
is flashing when the communication line is receiving data. Refer to
Figure 7 below.


Figure 7 LED Indicators of MCU111

The following numbers refer to Figure 7 above:

1 = Carrier on indicator
2 = Transmission indicator
3 = Reception indicator
4 = Power on indicator
5 = Communication Module place number

16 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation

Service Line
There is a service line connector (COM1 RS-232 port) on the back
panel of the MCU111 unit, see Figure 6 on page 14. A service
connection can be established with the 26113 cable and, for example,
Hyper Terminal (or similar). The service connection is used to check
the communication of the MCU111 unit. The settings for the service
port are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and None parity (9600, 8N1).
Samples of service line output are presented in Figure 8 below and
Figure 9 on page 18.

SW Version 1.00
Serial number: Y35501
Uptime: 0 d 01:01:33
1: DSI485 Rev B Serial Number: 326418
2: DSI485 Rev B Serial Number: 326420
3: DSI485 Rev B Serial Number: 335401
4: DSI485 Rev B Serial Number: 326419
5: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
6: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
7: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
8: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
9: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 02242
10: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
11: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03075
12: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 09191
13: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 03274
14: DMX501 Rev D Serial Number: 08335
15: None
16: None

Figure 8 Service Line Startup View

Figure 8 above presents the kind of information that the MCU111 unit
displays after startup. This includes the MCU111 software version and
serial number, module revision and serial numbers, the time after the
last reset, and the module type (DSI485A or DMX501). If a module
place is empty, the MCU111 unit will display the text 'None' after the
number of that module place.

VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 17
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

COM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Carriers: x x x x 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x x
Temperature/Voltages: +26.4C 5.04V 3.28V 3.29V

Figure 9 View of Communication Module States

When the service line is open, the MCU111 unit produces continuous
information on each module's carrier state (see Figure 9 above). If a
modem module (DMX501) is installed to the module place, the carrier
state is indicated with either with 0 or 1. The number 0 indicates that a
carrier is not on for that modem module, whereas 1 indicates that the
carrier is on. In addition to the carrier state information, the MCU111
unit also produces constant information on temperature and voltages.

18 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 5 ____________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting


This chapter describes common problems, their probable causes and

remedies, and contact information.

Common Problems
For troubleshooting, refer to Table 3 below.

Table 3 Some Common Problems and their Remedies

Problem Probable Cause Remedy
There is no power / the The power cable is not connected.Check that the power cable is
Power LED is off / there connected to the wall socket and to
is no data. the power inlet of MCU111.
The power switch is in the OFF Check that the power switch (on
position. the back panel of MCU111) is in
the ON position.
The fuse is broken Check the fuses (see Figure 6 on
page 14).
Certain modules have no There is no module on the module Check from the system
carrier / the CD LED is place or the place is equipped with a configuration if the module place
OFF. DSI485A module. includes a DMX501 modem.
The signal cabling is not connected. Check that the signal cabling is
connected to the MCU111
according to the project drawings.
The power to the field equipment at Check the power to the field
the other end of the signal line is equipment.
switched OFF.
The signal lines from the field Check the signal lines from the
equipment are broken or not field equipment.

VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 19
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________

Problem Probable Cause Remedy

The module is not The signal cabling is not connected. Check that the signal cabling is
receiving / sending data. connected to the MCU111
according to the system drawings.
The power to the field equipment at Check the power to the field
the other end of the signal line is equipment.
switched OFF.
The signal lines from the field Check the signal line from the field
equipment are broken or not equipment.
There is a bad signal line. Check the TXD and RXD LEDs on
the front panel of MCU111 and
connect the service line for
checking the state of the module.

Technical Support
For technical questions, contact the Vaisala technical support:

Fax +358 9 8949 2790

Return Instructions
If the product needs repair, please follow the instructions below to
speed up the process and avoid extra costs.

1. Read the warranty information.

2. Contact Vaisala HelpDesk to get the RMA number.
3. Write a Problem Report with the name and contact information
of a technically competent person who can provide further
information on the problem.
4. On the Problem Report, please explain:
- What failed (what worked / did not work)?
- Where did it fail (location and environment)?
- When did it fail (date, immediately / after a while /
periodically / randomly)?
- How many failed (only one defect / other same or similar
defects / several failures in one unit)?
- What was connected to the product and to which connectors?

20 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 5 ____________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting

- Input power source type, voltage and list of other items

(lighting, heaters, motors etc.) that were connected to the
same power output.
- What was done when the failure was noticed?

5. Include a detailed return address with your preferred shipping

method on the Problem Report.
6. Pack the faulty product using an ESD protection bag of good
quality with proper cushioning material in a strong box of
adequate size. Please include the Problem Report in the same
7. Send the box to:
Vaisala Oyj
Contact person / Division
Vanha Nurmijärventie 21
FIN-01670 Vantaa

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22 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B
Chapter 6 _____________________________________________________________ Technical Data


This chapter provides technical data of the product.

Table 4 Midas Communication Unit MCU111 Specifications
Property Description / Value
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity 5 % to 90 %
Module places Up to 16 places which can be equipped with
modem (DMX501) or RS-485 (DSI485A)
communication modules.
Modem modes Supports V.21, V.22, and V.23
RS-485 line Configurable simplex
Output lines 1 Ethernet, 4 x RS-232 lines (The standard
factory configuration is that COM1 is MCU111
service line, COM2 is AFTN line, and COM3-4
are unconnected.)
Power Consumption 40 W
Box material Painted aluminum, gray colored (RAL7035
surface smooth semigloss)
Dimensions Width 435, depth 427 mm, height 97-110 mm
Weight 6.6 kg
EMC CE-compliant

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24 ___________________________________________________________________ M210521EN-B


Adjustable legs 10 Power cable 13
Power consumption 23
Power switch 14
Back panel 10
Rack fasteners 11
Common problems 19 Rack installation 11
Contact information 20 Recycling 7
Return Instructions 20
RS-485 line 23
Dimensions 23 S
Service line 14, 17
Ethernet line 13, 23 Signal line connector 10, 13
Front panel 10 Technical specifications 23
Technical support 20
G Temperature
Ground cable 13 Operating temperature 23
Storage temperature 23
L Troubleshooting 19
LED indicators 16 Type number 14
Modem modes 23 Weight 23
Module places 23
Output lines 23
Overvoltage protector 10

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