CV Nadya

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Personal Information

Full Name : Nadya Imada

Sex : Female
Place, Date of Birth : Cilegon, September 19 1998
Nationality : Indonesia
Address : Lingkungan Barokah Jalan Anggrek
No. 113, Cilegon, Banten
Current Address : Jalan Ir. Ida Bagus Oka Gang Badik
No. 33, Denpasar, Bali
Phone Number : +62812-9812-7594
E-mail :

Educational Background

2004 - 2010 Mardi Yuana Cilegon Elementary School

2010 - 2013 Mardi Yuana Cilegon Junior High School
2013 - 2016 SMAN 1 Serang Senior High School
2016 - current Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University
GPA : 3.38/4

Organizational Experience

2017 - 2019 IT Staff, Student Press Organization, Faculty of

Medicine Udayana University (LPM PCYCO FK Unud)

Committee Experience
2017 Event committee, Klinik Jurnalistik (Klitik), Student Press Or-
ganization, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
2017 Production and Documentation Committee, Kerja Sosial Hip-
pocrates (Kersoshipp) XVI, Faculty of Medicine Udayana Uni-
2017 Competition committee, Pekan Jurnalistik Nasional (PJN),
2017 Documentation and Publication committee, Try Out SBMPTN,
Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
2017 Extern event committee, Hippocrates Medical Championship,
Faculty of Medicine Udayana University

Volunteering Experience

2018 Volunteer of Kerja Sosial Hippocrates (Kersoshipp) XVII,

Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
Training Experiences

2016 Basic Lesson on Mastering Management and Leadership

(BLMML), Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
2016 Basic Journalistic Training (Klitik), Student Press Organiza-
tion, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University

Preferred Departments



November 2019

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