Research Methods A. Research Design

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This research was conducted to examine the curriculum at AT Tahfidz Low
Middle School, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. AT Tahfidz School is one of the Islamic schools
located in Malaysia by using an integrative curriculum based on Islamic values since
its inception in an effort to realize the main goal of preaching through education. AT
Tahfidz Malaysia School uses the National Curriculum and works closely with the
Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT) which provides guidelines for integrating
general subjects with Islamic values sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith. The purpose
of this study is to examine more deeply about the objective conditions, programs
developed, implementation, evaluation, advantages and limitations of an integrated
curriculum based on Islamic values at AT Tahfidz Middle School Johor Bahru,
This study uses a qualitative method. The reason for using qualitative research
methods is, according to Rachmat Kriyantono, to explain phenomena that occur in
society in depth by collecting data in depth and in full. This shows that in this research
the completeness and depth of the data under study is something very important.
The data that appears in this qualitative research is in the form of words, and
not a series of numbers. The methods used by researchers to obtain data are by
conducting interviews, observation and case studies

The subject of the study was one of the coaches or instructors at the AT Tahfidz
Low School in Johor Bahru, Malaysia with one of the students who was useful to find
out the curriculum standards used whether different from other schools and also to find
out if there were difficulties in learning for teachers and students.


1. Observation
In general, the notion of observation is an activity of observing an object
carefully and directly at the research location, as well as systematically
recording the symptoms being investigated. On Wednesday, October 2, 2019,
our group had made observations at AT Tahfidz Low Middle School Johor
Bahru, Malaysia.
2. Interview
Interview is a form of oral communication that is structured by two or
more people, both directly and remotely, to discuss and explore certain
information in order to achieve certain goals as well. Our research is also
supported through a process of direct interviews with one of the caregivers of
the Low School AT Tahfidz Johor Bahru, Malaysia and also with one of its
3. Case Study
Case studies are one method of research in social science. In research
using this method, an in-depth longitudinal examination of a situation or event
is called a case by using systematic methods of observing, collecting data,
analyzing information, and reporting the results. As a result, a deep
understanding of why something happened will be obtained and can be the basis
for further research. Case studies can be used to generate and test hypotheses.
Our group also uses internet sources in the form of articles or journals to get
more in-depth information.


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