Chapter 3: System Design

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Chapter 3: System Design

1. Physical Design
Online Dekha, a cost comparer website which is also available in application helps its
user to compare product and help them to get best value product, it digitalizes the
compareing of peoduct that people used to do, for better value product, which will take
present system of comparing to whole new level. It offers E-commerce plateform croud
and customer a better way of searching, which will support the new way of business i.e.
online, this project contains both website and mobile application.
Block Diagram
1. Use Case

2. DFD
3. ER Diagram

4. Database Design
The “Online Intermediary System” performs its function with the help of the data stored
in the Database. As to perform its functions fully, Database Design should be made
according to the system requirements. So to fulfil the system needs, we used MongoDB
which is a No SQL Database i.e. it doesn’t follow the rules of the Traditional Database
System. All records are stored in form of documents and each Record consists Unique
ID which acts as a Unique Key. MongoDB supports Mobile OS like Android, IOS so
to make a common Database we used MongoDB

List of collections made to store various documents are.

I. Queries
II. Products
III. Admin Login
IV. Registration
3. Interface Design
The interface design consists of the input and output source layouts. i.e. the input forms
and screens and the report layouts that form as a source of outcome and income in the
design and implementation of the information system under study

3.1 Input Design

The input specifications of the existing information system include the illustration of
the detailed characteristics of contents included in each Input Screen and documents.
The description for each graphical user interface has been mentioned.

EXISTING SYSTEM DESIGN (Graphical User Interface)

1. Main Form

Here in the main page which the home page of our web application has different
components such as Home, Mobile/Computers/TV etc.
Order component is for customers whereas login is for admin which connects to login
3.2 Output Design
The output specifications of the existing information system include the detailed of
contents included in each Report. The description for each Visual Basic Output Report
has been mentioned.

The output of the System is stored here in the database which is made up of collections and


This is the home page user will see this page when user enters the website.
This is the mobile/Computer/Tv page over there price and different website redirection link
are there.

This is the Contact us form from where customer can contact us, and we can contact them
back using details given by them.
This is admin page from here Admin can login and add and remove products and see quries
send by customers.

This the customer review, reviews are given by customers.

This is add product page, only admin can access this and add the products.
This is the query form the customer.

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