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In the past days we have learnt the following things:

1. Making drawings in LS- DYNA software.
2. Importing the files made on other software like Catia, SolidWorks, Ansys etc.
3. How to mesh the imported files as the meshed file on any other software is not acceptable and for
a Solid body we can’t use simple surface mesh rather we should use solid mesh option for
meshing the full body.
4. In this software there is no specific unit rather we have to assume a single unit system defined in
the user manual and then proceed.


kg    m  s  N  Pa  J  7.83e+03  2.07e+11 15.65  9.806 
kg  cm  s  1.0e-02 N     7.83e-03  2.07e+09  1.56e+03  9.806e+02 
kg  cm  ms  1.0e+04      7.83e-03  2.07e+03  1.56  9.806e-04 

kg  cm  us  1.0e+10      7.83e-03  2.07e-03  1.56e-03  9.806e-10 

kg  mm  ms  kN  GPa  kN-mm  7.83e-06  2.07e+02 15.65  9.806e-03 
g  cm  s  dyne  dyne/cm²  erg  7.83e+00  2.07e+12  1.56e+03  9.806e+02 
g  cm  us  1.0e+07  Mbar  1.0e+07  7.83e+00  2.07e+00  1.56e-03  9.806e-10 
N  Ncm 
g  mm  s  1.0e-06 N Pa    7.83e-03  2.07e+11  1.56e+04  9.806e+03 
g  mm  ms  N  MPa  N-mm  7.83e-03  2.07e+05  15.65  9.806e-03 
ton  mm  s  N  MPa  N-mm  7.83e-09  2.07e+05  1.56e+04  9.806e+03 
lbf-s²/in  in  s  lbf  psi  lbf-in  7.33e-04  3.00e+07  6.16e+02  386 
slug  ft  s  lbf  psf  lbf-ft  1.52e+01  4.32e+09  51.33  32.17 
kgf-s²/m mm  s  kgf  kgf/mm²  kgf-mm  7.98e-10  2.11e+04  1.56e+04  9.806e+03 

kg  mm  s  mN  1.0e+03    7.83e-06  2.07e+08    9.806e+03 
g  cm  ms  1.0e+1 N  1.0e+05    7.83e+00  2.07e+06    9.806e-04 

*we commonly use the higlighted options

5. The data should be put manually in the software. Some necessary options which we should definitely
take into consideration are:
● Give material for each and every part. Use option *MAT for that and select the desired option and
input all the data.
● Specify the *section
● The termination time is time which tells for how much time simulation will be shown. We should
specify this also in *database_termination.
● We should define the binaryd3 plot in order to specify the frame rate in the simulation.
● The velocity should also be specified if needed.
● The constraints on the nodes should also be specified if needed.
● Naming each and every step helps the person to read the simulation data later on easily.
● The nodes should not exceed too much as the computer will not be able to compile the file or will
take a lot of time to compile due to lack of RAM.
● If we want to have the force on the full body we need to specify BODY_X, BODY_Y, BODY_Z. It
can also act as the gravity force but we need to specify it individually for the whole body.
● We cannot make the mesh course but the mesh can be made fine as much as we want.
● Load curve must be defined and we can also import the data if we have it already saved.
● While defining the load curve we should take care that the single point should be referred to the
single force only.
● Every data should be linked to the related node and related part.
● Scaling factor in Load_force should be given carefully by keeping in mind of the linked load curve
in the database.
● If you are importing the part, make sure that it is in the IGES(*igs) format(extension).
● The file should be saved as a keyword file(file.k format) and then should be sent for compilation. If
any error occurs it should be taken into consideration and model should be edited according to
● The two parts made differently can be welded in the keyword cards so that they can behave as
one part.
● The 3-D mesh (Called as solid mesh in LS- DYNA) what applied can’t be shown further in order
to make the software run faster.

SIMULATIONS that we have worked upon:-

1. Axial force on a cylinder.

2. Axial force on a triangular prism.
3. Axial force on a bar.
4. SPH interaction with the fan blade.
5. Shear force on the bar.
6. Impact of the ball on a tennis racket.
7. Impact of the ball on Cylindrical bar. (Still on progress)
8. Trampoline under the impact of gravity.
9. Trampoline with a ball bouncing on it.
10. Impact of the bullet on the power law plastic sheet.
11. The meshing of the bullet.

SOME PROBLEMS which we are still working on but are unsolved till now.
1. The meshing of bullet and any other complex shape.
2. The impact of solid with solid.
3. The surface contact options which we should select in order to get the right results.
4. The constraints and conditions which we have to apply in the particular problem.
*Some of the works which we have done are attached in this ​link​.

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