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04/09/2019 [Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin.

: FanTheories

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Posted by Moderator of r/FanTheories u/Obversa 3 years ago 

[Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling

My previous Harry Potter theories:

Albus Dumbledore is a descendant of Antioch Peverell, the

original master of the Elder Wand. (alternate Dumbledore
Tom Riddle didn't "disappear", as Dumbledore thought. He
visited Castelobruxo, the Brazilian school of magic, in South
Salazar Slytherin was a Spanish Moor.
Professor Minerva McGonagall originally taught Defense
Against the Dark Arts (DADA) at Hogwarts.
The two names of Lord Voldemort.
The British Royal Family is (or has been) involved in the
wizarding world, and sometimes, produces witches and

J.K. Rowling-confirmed theories of mine:

Part I
Part II

tl;dnr: (as this post is super long) This theory is based on

Dumbledore's many similarities to Merlin, especially the Potter-verse
version of Merlin presented by J.K. Rowling on Pottermore. It
espouses that Dumbledore was once a time-traveller who, in his
experiments with time-travel, became the Merlin of the Potter
universe, before ultimately returning to the present (Harry's time).

Evidence I - Appearance and Personality

Both Dumbledore and Merlin have very similar, or identical,

appearances, being old, Caucasian men with long, silver beards. Both
also wear long, often brightly-colored robes and wizard hats, clearly
making them as "magicians". Others have also noted the similarities
in appearance between the two, including Doctor Who writer Chris
Chibnall. 1/22
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"The first thing I said was no beard, no cloak, no staff [for Merlin],"
says r/FanTheories
Chibnall, who developed the show with Tudors creator
Michael Hirst. "This isn't Harry Potter land." (Source) [In this same
  [H…
 26 production, Merlin was played by Jospeh Fiennes, the brother of
Ralph Fiennes, who played Lord Voldemort in several Harry Potter

Both Dumbledore and Merlin (at least Disney's version) also appear
to share very similar or identical personalities, including wisdom;
knowledge; a strange sense of dress; and a penchant for being "odd",
"weird", or "strange".

According to the HP Wiki:

Merlin is a wizard featured in many British legends. Though he

first appeared under the name Myrddin Wyllt (Merlin the wild) in
Welsh literature as a half-crazed prophet of the forest, he is
perhaps most famous as a central figure in the Arthurian legend.
He is most commonly depicted as the adviser of King Arthur.

And, as per Percy Weasley of Dumbledore, in the books:

Albus Dumbledore: "Welcome! Welcome to a new year at
Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few
words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Thank you!"
Harry Potter: "Is he — a bit mad?"
Percy Weasley: "Mad? He's a genius! Best wizard in the world!
But he is a bit mad, yes."

Even the HP Wiki notes the two's similarities:

Considered to be the most powerful wizard of his time,

Dumbledore was benevolent and wise, a good wizard in the style
of Merlin.
Albus Dumbledore, an extraordinarily talented and powerful
wizard, resembled Merlin in many ways, such as the iconic long
beard and prodigious magical skill. Both were "Muggle
sympathizers", although Merlin's belief in the pure-blood elitism is
unknown, it likely was the same as Dumbledore's.

Both even (again, as per Disney's version) share intelligent bird

familiars, with [Disney] Merlin having Archimades the owl, and
Dumbledore having Fawkes the phoenix.

Last, but certainly not least, the Merlin of the Potter universe was
said by Rowling (via Pottermore) to have been "Sorted into Slytherin".
Dumbledore, as we know, claimed to have been Sorted into
Gryffindor. 2/22
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However, Dumbledore
Search still possesses many traits that Slytherin
himself was said to value: namely, ambition, cunning, and a desire for
 26   [H… CLOSE

The HP Wiki also states:

Dumbledore's greatest personality flaw, which he explained to
Harry in 1998, was his desire for power.
This stemmed primarily from his understanding of how
exceptionally talented and intelligent he was, which led to a desire
for fame, acknowledgment and glory in his younger days. He
eventually found that those best suited for power are those who
do not seek it.
When he and Gellert Grindelwald were in school, they made plans
to enslave Muggles and re-establish wizards as the natural rulers
of the world. However, when his sister Ariana Dumbledore was
killed during a duel between himself, Aberforth Dumbledore, and
Grindelwald, any desire to accomplish this goal left him.
In fact, the incident led to him declining any attempts by others to
offer him any more power beyond that which he held as the
Hogwarts headmaster.

Indeed, many Potter fans see Dumbledore as a "manipulative old

man", which is echoed in a very common and popular trope seen in
Harry Potter fanfiction, aptly titled "evil Dumbledore", or
"manipulative Dumbledore".

How does this relate to Merlin, however?

Merlin, in classic mythology and lore, is shown to be an incredibly

manipulative figure. In fact, according to some legends, it is Merlin
who is responsible for King Arthur's birth. Using magic, it was Merlin
who aided in the deception of Lady Igraine, the wife of one of the
knights waging war against King Uther Pendragon. Under the false
guise of Igraine's husband, Uther slept with her, conceiving Arthur.

What's more, as Uther had no heir, Merlin did this "for the greater
good [of the kingdom and England]". Other legends claim that Merlin
did so, with Uther's agreement that his first-born child (Arthur) would
be "under Merlin's guardianship", or raised by Merlin himself.

The opening to Disney's The Sword in the Stone relates just how
important an heir to Uther's kingdom was, and why Merlin saw to
ensure one was born:

A legend is sung of when England was young

And knights were brave and bold
The good king [Uther] had died
And no one could decide
Who was rightful heir to the throne 3/22
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It seemed that the land would be torn by a war

Search r/FanTheories
Or saved by a miracle alone
And that miracle appeared in London town
 26   [H… CLOSE
The sword in the stone.

You know who else used to do things "for the greater good", and had
"the Chosen child" under his guardianship? That's right...Dumbledore.

Both Dumbledore and Merlin prove to be "masterminds" in their own

rights, using manipulation tactics in order to ensure that the things
they believe should come to pass, such as Harry defeating
Voldemort, or Arthur becoming the King of England.

Crucial to this theory is also Dumbledore's penchant for "secrets and

lies". Even despite taking on a mentor role with Harry, Dumbledore
kept a great many secrets from Harry, as well as the general public.

In the books, Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, says the following of


"I knew my brother, Potter. He learned secrecy at our mother's

knee. Secrets and lies, that's how we grew up, and Albus... he was
a natural... How can you be sure, Potter, that my brother wasn't
more interested in the greater good than in you? How can you be
sure you aren't dispensable, just like my little sister?"

Evidence II - Electric Bogaloo Their Roles in the Plot

Both Dumbledore and Merlin play similar roles; that is, serving as
mentors, father figures, and guides to a young boy who is "the
Chosen One" of prophecy, helping to teach said boy about magic.

In Harry Potter, Dumbledore is the mentor to Harry Potter, the

"Chosen One" who is prophesized to defeat Lord Voldemort.

In medieval lore and the novel The Once and Future King, Merlin is the
mentor to Arthur ("Wart"), the "Chosen One" who is prophesized to
become the King of the Britons.

Both Dumbledore and Merlin, at least in Harry Potter lore, formed

Orders, including followers who followed their respective (also
similar) causes.

Dumbledore founded the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society

founded by Albus Dumbledore to oppose Lord Voldemort and his
Death Eaters, and to help defend Muggles, Muggle-borns, and those
who believed that Muggles and Muggle-borns should have rights,
against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

On the other hand, Merlin founded the Order of Merlin, presumably,

against another powerful, Dark sorcerer of his time: Morgan le Fay. 4/22
04/09/2019 [Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin. : FanTheories

At some point
Search in his lifetime, Merlin became a part of the Court of
King Arthur, assisting him during his reign. He was the enemy of
Arthur's half-sister, Morgan le Fay (also known as Morgana), a dark
 26   [H… CLOSE

Much like Dumbledore, Merlin believed that wizards should help

Muggles and live peacefully with them. To this end, Merlin founded
the Order of Merlin, an organisation which promoted Muggle rights,
creating rules against using magic on them. Likewise, Merlin also
likely used his Order in the same was a Dumbledore did his,
gathering followers dedicated to combating an evil Dark Lord (or
Lady, in the case of Morgan le Fay), and defending Muggles and

At some point, either during Merlin's lifetime or after his death, the
Order of Merlin switched from a Muggle rights organisation, to an
award bestowed upon witches and wizards who performed a great
deed at personal risk or contributed to the betterment of wizarding
society in some way - a sign of the estrangement of the Muggle
community from the Wizarding one.

Dumbledore himself also was awarded an "Order of Merlin" for his

defeat of the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, effectively putting an
end to the global wizarding war.

However, an important point should be noted. During the campaign

to discredit him, it was suggested by Remus Lupin that the Ministry
would consider taking away the Order of Merlin from Dumbledore.
Dumbledore claimed that "he didn't care, as long as he wasn't taken
off of the Chocolate Frog Cards".

Indeed, both Dumbledore and Merlin are featured on Chocolate Frog


What's more, Harry Potter found a copy of Merlin's card in one of the
Chocolate Frogs he bought on his first ride on the Hogwarts Express
on his way to Hogwarts in Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone. Additionally,
the first Chocolate Frog Card that Harry gets is none other than Albus
Dumbledore. (Coincidence? I think not!)

Evidence III - Shared Power, Status, Fame, and Otherwise

Merlin's powers, as per the HP Wiki, are stated as follows:

Magical Mastery: Arguably one of the most powerful wizards

of all time, it can be assumed that Merlin were rich in learning
and experience and that his proficiency and knowledge in
magic were matched by few if any wizard in his time.
Charms: Merlin's skill in using charms, bewitchments and
enchantments are legendary, to the point of him being dubbed 5/22
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the "Prince of Enchanters", which speaks for his exceptional

ability inr/FanTheories
this field of magic.
Spell inventor (possibly): It was thought by some that the
 26   [H…
Disarming Charm had been a creation of Merlin's, although

some (like Miranda Goshawk writes in Book of Spells) maintain

that that spell was created in the 14th century by Elizabeth

And Dumbledore's are the listed as the following (paraphrased):

Magical mastery: Albus Dumbledore was considered to be one

of, if not, the most powerful wizard of his time, and he lived up
to this title on many occasions. After his first year at Hogwarts,
he was already known to be prodigiously talented in the
magical arts, and considered nothing more or less than the
most gifted student the school would ever see. He returned to
the school later to serve as the Professor of Transfiguration, a
complex and difficult field of magic. He later proved to be
admittedly more skillful than the second most powerful Dark
Wizard of all time, Gellert Grindelwald. He was also the only
wizard to ever be feared by the most dangerous Dark Wizard of
all time, Lord Voldemort, whom he forced to retreat during their
only known duel. This act was aided by Dumbledore's wielding
of the Elder Wand, unknown to Voldemort at the time, although
Voldemort noted that Dumbledore was not fighting to kill
during the duel.
Spell creation: Dumbledore was known for having created
unique magical spells and devices. His deluminator was
considered to be unique, and was of his own invention.
Furthermore, after it had been bequeathed to Ron Weasley, he
discovered that he could sometimes hear Harry and Hermione's
voices through it, and that it also allowed him to Apparate to
their location. He also developed a method to communicate
using Patronus charms, which he taught to the members of the
Order of the Phoenix.
Charms: Albus was known to be a master in Charms, as his
papers were published in Achievements in Charming. He could
cast a corporeal Patronus charm (in the form of a phoenix) and
created new parameters for said charm, allowing it to be used
as a form of communication (with the caster speaking with their
own voice through the Patronus). He was also capable of
performing the extremely complex Fidelius Charm.

It should also be noted that both Merlin and Dumbledore were

skilled in Transfiguration. In The Once and Future King and Disney's
The Sword in the Stone, Merlin transfigures Arthur into several
different animals. On the other hand before becoming headmaster,
Albus Dumbledore was the Hogwarts Transfiguration teacher,
showing that he had a high level of skill in that area. 6/22
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Merlin, "oner/FanTheories
Search of the most famous wizards of all time", was also
nicknamed "the Prince of Enchanters" for his prodigial skills in magic.
Merlin was powerful enough to hold his own, and openly defy, a very
 26   [H… CLOSE
powerful Dark sorceresss of his time, Morgan le Fay, who was also
noted to also be "incredibly skilled in Transfiguration, being an
Animagus with the form of a bird".

In the same vein, Albus Dumbledore, in Harry's time, is "considered

by many to be the most powerful wizard of his time, and his
incredible powers were admired and feared by even others of
outstanding magical talent". Even the Dark Lord Voldemort, who
thought himself as the greatest and strongest wizard of them all, had
acknowledged that Dumbledore was a very great wizard and secretly
feared him. However, it was later confirmed that old age had
somewhat diminished Dumbledore's abilities since his legendary
defeat of Gellert Grindelwald, though they were still indeed were
admirably high and comparable with those of Voldemort.

Evidence IV - Nicholas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone

According to the HP Wiki:

Nicolas Flamel (c. 1327 – 1992) was a well-known alchemist and

only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary
substance with incredible powers. He was a close friend and
partner with former Hogwarts School Headmaster Albus
Dumbledore. He owed his considerable age to the Elixir of Life. He
and his wife Perenelle created this Elixir using the Stone. They
were aged six hundred sixty-five and six hundred fifty-eight,
respectively, at their time of deaths.
[...] Flamel is noted as an alchemist of considerable talent and as
an opera-lover. It is said he enjoyed his later years living a quiet
life in Devon. Although it is clear that he used the Elixir to greatly
extend his life, it is not specified whether he used the Stone's
powers to make himself greatly wealthy, as the Stone is also
capable of turning any metal into gold.
[...] Flamel is briefly mentioned on Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate
Frog Card.

However, a fact crucial to the plot of Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone is

that Dumbledore was also good friends with Flamel:
Albus Dumbledore was a close friend to Nicolas. Albus was the
one who gave the advice to Nicolas Flamel to put the Stone in
Gringotts Wizarding Bank in 1991. It was also Albus, who moved
the stone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for
further protection later the same year (1991).

In the film, if I recall correctly, Dumbledore also states that Flamel

has been "sharing" some of the Elixir of Life with Dumbledore. 7/22
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This Search
could be why Dumbledore is older than some of the other
witches and wizards mentioned in the series, and why, unlike Harry's
and Draco Malfoy's grandparent(s), he does not seem to get sick and
 26   [H… CLOSE
die from magical illnessses. This seems very unusual and strange,
especially considering that Draco Malfoy's grandfather, Abraxas, was
born decades after Dumbledore, and yet died in 1992 of dragon pox.
The same goes for Harry's grandparents.

It is also worth noting that Flamel himself is several hundred years

old. In the Potter universe, he was born in 1325, making him "666"
years old in Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone (1991). Based on what
Rowling said of Flamel and his wife being recluses, living "a quiet life
in Devon", I also find it odd and strange that Flamel would be friends
with one of the most famous and popular wizards of Harry's time

That's not even considering the downright huge age gap between
Flamel and Dumbledore, the latter of whom was born in 1881. How
and why, then, did Flamel and Dumbledore become friends, to the
point where Flamel might have even shared some of the Elixir of Life
with Dumbledore himself?

Likewise, Flamel's reclusive nature is also cited in both real-life and

the books:

Nicolas Flamel was a real French Alchemist believed in legend to

have created the Philosopher's Stone. He was born about 1330
and died in 1418.
There is no proof that he achieved immortality with his wife
Perenelle, but a few have claimed to have seen him throughout
the centuries. Some treasure-hunters accidentally dug up his
grave and discovered that his tomb was empty. Another goal of
Nicolas Flamel was to turn ordinary lead into pure gold. The
reference to Flamel marks one of the few occasions in which a real
person has been referenced as a character in the Potter books.
In a deleted first draft of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,
Hermione revealed that Nicholas Flamel "was spotted in an opera
house which was located in Paris in 1762". (Source)

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also have a great difficulty in locating

Flamel in Hogwarts's Library books, having to resort to breaking into
the Restricted Section at night [for Harry] in order to try and locate a
book on the alchemist.

However, why is this? Why is information on Flamel so hard to find?

I believe, again, that Albus Dumbledore was the cause of this. After
all, he "worked on alchemy with Flamel himself".

As a student named Tom Riddle at Hogwarts in the 1940s,

[Voldemort] learned of Horcruxes through books in the Restricted 8/22
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Section, including Secrets of the Darkest Art, and sought out Potions
master r/FanTheories
Slughorn for further information about creating
more than one, of which no book would have any record. Albus
  [H…removed those books from the Hogwarts CLOSE
 26 Dumbledore Library
soon afterwards. [...] Hermione was able to Summon the books
on the subject to her from the Headmaster's office at the end of
the 1996-1997 school year to aid them in their research on

The most obvious answer is that Dumbledore removed most books

on Flamel from the Hogwarts Library, because he suspected that
Voldemort was after the Stone. Another obvious reason is Flamel's
elusiveness, or desire to live a private life.

However, I think that there was another reason for this: Dumbledore
was trying to cover up any and all information about the
Philosopher's Stone, at least at Hogwarts. Dumbledore also, along
with Flamel, believed the Stone's physical existence to be "too
dangerous" at the end of the novel, and Flamel "agreed to destroy it".

However, what if there was more to the story? Let's take a look at the
last piece of evidence.

Evidence V - The Merlin Paradox and the Time-Turner

Despite Rowling confirming that Merlin, indeed, attended Hogwarts

as a Slytherin in the Potter universe, many fans have noted that this
is inconsistent with real life lore about the wizard.

From the HP Wiki:

The entire placement of Merlin at Hogwarts is paradoxical.
Hogwarts was founded in the 9th/10th century, and while the
early 9th century was the time the first records of the Arthur-myth
were written, the actual myth plays around the year 500 A.D.,
meaning that the 'historical' Merlin in fact predates Hogwarts by
roughly five-hundred years.

Furthermore, Dumbledore's involvement with Hermione and the

Time-Turner in Prisoner of Azkaban serves to give one pause:

As the school year drew to its close, it became clear to Harry and
his friends that Sirius Black had been framed for his crimes. But
Sirius was captured, locked in the highest tower, and sentenced to
the Dementor's Kiss. Dumbledore believed Harry and his friends
about Sirius's innocence, but the Minister did not and Dumbledore
was incapable of over-ruling the Ministry's decision, despite him
being Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, granting him the power
to order a trial. Instead, he told Hermione Granger to use her
Time-Turner to save Sirius and in the process Buckbeak as
well. The rescue was a success, Sirius escaped on Buckbeak and 9/22
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the Dementors were removed from the grounds for their attack
and the attempted removal of his soul.

did Hermione get the Time-Turner, anyways? CLOSE

However, how[H…
 26  
We're told that Minerva McGongall gave it to her, making Hermione
swear to secrecy to "tell absolutely no one about it", but why? And
how did McGonagall get the Time-Turner as well?

Again, I believe the reason lies with Albus Dumbledore.

I think that, before Goblet of Fire, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge
would have been a bit more lenient in granting Dumbledore's
request for a Time-Turner to be loaned to a Hogwarts student.

This is especially true given Dumbledore's influence: not only was he

offered the role of Minister of Magic several times, which he declined,
but he's also Headmaster of Hogwarts; the defeator of Gellert
Grindelwald; discoverer of the 12 uses of dragon's blood; Supreme
Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards; and Chief
Warlock of the Wizengamot.

Dumbledore certainly has enough clout to ask for a Time-Turner,

which are normally kept quarantined in the Department of Mysteries,
deep within the bowels of the Ministry.

I think Dumbledore merely pulled some strings, or had some

connections, within the Department of Mysteries to get someone
from the Department to authorize the Time-Turner loan.

There's also the fact that Hermione was not just any Hogwarts
student, but also a very promising one. To the Ministry, who are
looking to later hire and employ students like Hermione, loaning her
a Time-Turner to help her take on more academically would have
some weight and expectation to it.

Think of it this way: by loaning a very important Time-Turner to

Hermione, and trusting her with such a powerful object, they may
have expected or predicted that they would also get something in
return. Hermione, being at the top of her class and excelling
academically, also would prove to be a very desirable candidate for
the Ministry to later hire. Technically, they later did: Hermione later
got a job at the Ministry after her graduation from Hogwarts.

So, I'd say it was a mix of both Dumbledore using his influence, and
Hermione's own academic excellence and achievements, that
ultimately helped her to secure the Time-Turner for her classes.

It could have also been used by Dumbledore for the ultimate "greater
good" by attempting to steer Hermione into the direction he wanted
- especially true, since Rowling said that she eventually rose to
[deputy] Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as an
adult. 10/22
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Search Dumbledore also knows how to use a Time-Turner, as
evidenced in Prisoner of Azkaban - both the books and the film.
Indeed, it's Dumbledore
[H… that tells Hermione how and when to use it.
 26   CLOSE
‘What we need,’ said Dumbledore slowly, and his light-blue eyes
moved from Harry to Hermione, ‘is more time.'
‘But –’ Hermione began. And then her eyes became very round.
‘Now, pay attention,’ said Dumbledore, speaking very low, and
very clearly. ‘Sirius is locked in Professor Flitwick’s office on the
seventh floor. Thirteenth window from the right of the West
Tower. If all goes well, you will be able to save more than one
innocent life tonight. But remember this, both of you. You must not
be seen. Miss Granger, you know the law – you know what is at
stake ... you – must – not – be – seen.’
Harry didn’t have a clue what was going on. Dumbledore had
turned on his heel and looked back as he reached the door.
‘I am going to lock you in. It is –’ he consulted his watch, ‘five
minutes to midnight. Miss Granger, three turns should do it. Good

But how would Dumbledore know all of this, anyways? ...unless he,
himself, had also used a Time-Turner before.

We also know that Dumbledore's office houses "a number of curious

[...] instruments." A Time-Turner would certainly not be out-of-place
among them.

Dumbledore's collection includes a Pensieve, a stone receptacle used

to store and review memories. Dumbledore was also seen using the
Deluminator, a device for removing and later returning light, and for
use as a homing device. It is confirmed when the object is inherited
by Ron that the Deluminator was of Dumbledore's own design.

What if, perhaps, it was Dumbledore who invented the Time-Turner to

begin with, much like he invented the Deluminator?

To add it all together...

Given all of the similarities between Dumbledore and Merlin, my

theory is that Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin.

Unlike many other major characters (and even some minor

characters) in the series, Dumbledore is never given a definitive "date
of birth". He is simply claimed to have been born "in the summer of
1881", and his brother Aberforth apparently remembers growing up
with Albus.

However, Dumbledore's lack of an official birthdate seems quite odd,

especially considering we know most of the other Potter characters' 11/22
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birthdays. But there is another, notable character who had her age
altered, r/FanTheories
specifically through time-travel: Hermione Granger, who
Dumbledore likely aided by putting a Time-Turner into her hands.
 26   [H… CLOSE
It is confirmed that Hermione was slightly aged by her constant use
of the Time-Turner over the course of one school year. While she was
officially born on 19 September 1979, Hermione is anywhere from
one week, to several weeks, older now, due to the effects of time-

In the same vein, let's say that Dumbledore also used a Time-Turner,
or time travel. He, too, would age, in direction correlation to just how
often he time-travelled. However, in the books, the safest time back
you can travel is five hours into the past - without serious harm, that

However, time-travel further back without injury is not impossible.

Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

In the Potter universe, time is one of the most complex and strongest
kinds of magic. It iis governed by natual laws, which magic can
circumvent to some degree — although time-related magic is
unstable, and serious breaches in the laws of time result in
catastrophic events, the investigations conducted in the Department
of Mysteries make it possible to go back in time for a period of no
more than five hours (and, even so, the use of a time-travelling
device such as a Time-Turner is hedged around with hundreds of

In 1899 - the year in which Dumbledore would have been 18, and a
recent graduate of Hogwarts - the Department of Mysteries
conducted its last experience concerning time-travelling back in time
for more than a few hours.

Eloise Mintumble was sent to the year 1402 (Nicholas Flamel would
have been around 77 years old at the time), wherein she became
stuck for a period of 5 days. When she was finally retrieved to the
present, her body had aged 500 years, and, irreparably damaged,
she died in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Her excursion to the past provoked a great disturbance to the life

paths of all those she met, changing the present so dramatically, that
no fewer than twenty-five of their descendants vanished in the
present, having been "un-born". Moreover, there were a few more
alarming signs that time itself had been disturbed: Tuesday following
her reappearance lasted two and a half full days, whereas Thursday
shot by in the space of four hours.

The Ministry of Magic had a great deal of trouble covering up the

mishap and, since then, the most stringent laws and penalties have
been placed around those who study time travel. 12/22
04/09/2019 [Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin. : FanTheories

However, given
Search that Dumbledore was involved with none other than
aspiring Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald at the time, I seriously doubt
that such a public event escaped Dumbledore's notice. Indeed, I fully
 26   [H… CLOSE
believe that Dumbledore, around that time or after, tried to
experiment with time-travel at some point in his life.

Let's say Dumbledore was experimenting with time travel, and he's
successful. However, given that it's an experiment (or perhaps he
intends to travel to that time period all along), he ends up blasting
himself almost a thousand years into the past - to the time of the
Hogwarts Founders. Stuck there, he enrolls at Hogwarts, being
(re)Sorted into Slytherin (we don't know whether or not Hogwarts
only accepted children as students at this point), and begins to study
a way to return to the present.

Instead of using his true identity, Dumbledore decides to create a

false persona for himself: Merlin.

Taking heed from existing lore, Dumbledore becomes the Merlin of

the Potter-verse, much like Harry "becomes his own savior" at the
end of Prisoner of Azkaban. Likewise, Merlin in lore, like Dumbledore,
is believed to be a "Half-blood" wizard.

In time, and after accomplishing all of Merin's great deeds,

Dumbledore finally succeeds in returning to his own time. (Or,
perhaps he doesn't quite make it yet, and ends up accidentally or
intentionally in Nicholas Flamel's time, befriending the alchemist.)

This is also backed up by Pottermore mentioning that "Merlin's grave

has never been found". What if it was never found, because he was
Dumbledore, and never "died" in the first place?

Also worth noting, perhaps, that Disney's version of Merlin from The
Sword in the Stone is also depicted as a time-traveller, specifically, as
one perferring the future:

"Oh, big news, eh? They can't wait for the London Times. First
edition won't be out for at least, uh..."
"Well, I happen to be a wizard. A soothsayer. A prognosticator. I
have the power to see into the future. Centuries into the future!
I, I've even been there, lad. And I've seen all these things.
They're, they're only plans and small models, of course, you know.
Now, this for instance is a steam locomotive. There she goes.
Pretty good, eh? Now, that won't be invented for hundreds of
"How do you ever expect to amount to anything without an
education, I'd like to know? Even in these bungling, backward,
medieval, you must plan for the future, boy."
"What a mess! What a medieval muddle. We'll have to modernize
it." 13/22
04/09/2019 [Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin. : FanTheories

"Now, first of all, lad...we've got to get all these medieval ideas out
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your head. Clear the way for new ideas. Knowledge of man's
fabulous the centuries ahead. Now that'll be a
 26 great  [H… boy. round now...Man will discover thisCLOSE
 advantage, in
centuries to come. And he will also find that the world is
merely...a tiny speck in the universe."
"Man will fly someday, I tell you. I have been there. I have seen

And also:

"All right! All right. Have it your way, Archimedes. You're in charge.
You're the Headmaster now."

Disney's Merlin, in a scene where Wart has to break the heart of a

lady-squirrel after turning back into a human, similarly to
Dumbledore, explains love:
"Ah, you know, lad...that love business is a powerful thing."
"Greater than gravity?"
"Well, yes, boy, in its way, I'd, uh...Yes, I'd say it's the greatest force
on Earth."

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PeaceFrog89 5 points · 3 years ago

A very interesting read! I think you might have done more
research than J. K. Rowling herself XD

Moderator of r/FanTheories Obversa  1 point · 3 years ago

Thank you so much! My thoughts are that Rowling
originally based Dumbledore on Merlin, and their
similarities were fully intended.

twistediniquity 3 points · 3 years ago

Well, this explains why Dumbledore is older in Sorcerer's
Stone, than in Half Blood Prince.

dragonbrei 2 points · 3 years ago

I wasn't 100% with you, until this: "Let's say Dumbledore
was experimenting with time travel, and he's successful.
However, given that it's an experiment (or perhaps he
intends to travel to that time period all along), he ends up 14/22
04/09/2019 [Harry Potter] Dumbledore is a time-travelling Merlin. : FanTheories

blasting himself almost a thousand years into the past - to

time ofr/FanTheories
the Hogwarts Founders. Stuck there, he enrolls
at Hogwarts, being (re)Sorted into Slytherin (we don't know
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