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Before You Read Sometimes pilot s see

mysterious tights in the sky.
Others have seen aircraft
A. Definitions. Look al the photo and read the caption. Then match that Iook like disk s or
each word in bold with its definition. " 1Iyi"g saucers. ~ We call
1. pilots • • a. machines that fly these "UFOs" (unidentified
flying objects). Some people
2. aircraft • • b. people who fly airplanes
think UFOs are aUen
3. disks • • c. from other places or planets
spaceships visi!ing Earth.
4. alíen • • d. objects with a round shape

B. Skim. Quickly skim pages 9-10. What is the passage mainly about?
Cirele a , b , or c. Then read the passage to check your answer.
a. UFO sightings around (he world
b. a famous place to see UFOs
c. famous movies about UFOs
a Unit 10\
Many people have stories about seeing aliens. Here are two.

Judy Varns works for a group called the Mutual UFO

Network. The purpose of this group is to research UFO
sightings.\ Varns thinks a place called Area 51, in Nevada in
S the U.S., may be the best place on Earth to see UFOs. One
day, she took some photos in the area and saw something
she thinks is a UFO. "We saw this little disk-shaped thing in
our photos. It's kind of exciting," she says.

Pat Travis lives near Area 5 1. One night, she saw a strange
10 light in the sky. The light's movements were very unusual. I When ~ tw a tl¡h1hll 01
Travis saw the lights move sideways2 and up and down. 1oOITII:thn, unusu~l. lhey
toee i1.
She saw them make many strange moves. Travis thinks it 2 M(w,ng tid.w.)". is movng
was a UFO. from \el! lo ,ighl or righl lo lel!.
A fake alíen body lies

Secrets of Area 51 in a display in Roswell.

New Mexico. where
15 Some people think Area 51 is where the U.5. Air Force3 keeps peopIe think an alien
secrets, like UFOs that came to Earth and the aliens inside them. ship lande<:! on Earth.
But really, Area 51 is a place the U.s. Air Force uses to test new Some believe the ship
technology, such as new kinds of aircraft. and aliens were taken
toAreaS1 .
James McGaha is a pilot who flew airplanes at Area 51. "There
2D is absolutely4 no UFO activity at Area 51," he says. "No flying
saucers, no live aliens, no dead aliens."

So what did Varns and Travis see? Bill Fax worked at Area 51,
too. He thinks he knows the answer. "We did build sorne
strange- looking airplanes," he says. "1 (ould see why sorne
25 people would think they were UFOs."

So are UFOs real? You'U have to decide for yourself. But if you
3 An .i.10,cI K lhe ~rt of in
almv th~t fights in the l ÍO'.
do visit Nevada, keep yaur eyes on the skies! .. Ab.olutely _ l ns " toUI/y"."

10 U.illA
Reading Comprehension
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
Detail 1. Which of (hese sentences abour Judy Vams is true?
a. She works at an airport in Area 51.
b. She helped Bill Fax build new airplanes.
c. She works for a group that studies UFO sightings.
Mam Idea 2. What is the main idea of (he second paragraph (from line 9)?
a. Pat Travis lives near Area 51.
h. Pat T ravis thinks she saw a U FO.
c. Pat T ravis has seen many unusual things.

VocabUaIY 3. In line 18, the word kinds means _ _ __

a. a lot
b. types
c. people
Detall 4. What was James McGaha'sjob at Area 51?
a. He flew airplanes.
b. He made airplanes.
c. He {cok secret photos.
Paraphrase 5. What does -¡ could see whysome people would think tMy were
UFOs. ~ (Iines 24-25) mean?
a. I agree with people who believe in UFOs.
b. [saw UFOs near Area 51 with my own eyes.
c. I understand why sorne people think they saw UFOs.
Inference 6. Which person is likely to say "l believe UFOs are real, and could
be afien spaceships."?
a. Bill Fox
b. Judy Vams
c. James McGaha

Did VOU Know?

l here is a UFO sighting
somewhere on Earth
every three minutes.

Unitl A 11
You sean a text when you want to fiOO specific information .
When you sean . you only look for the information yau want.
You don't read the rest of the text. far example, for the question
Where is Afea 51 ?, look through the text for a place name,
possibly a word beginning with a capitalletter (Nevada or U.S,) .

A. Sean . Look back at the passage on pages 9-10. Find and underline
these words in the passage as quickly as you can.
1. Earth 3. flew 5. dead
2. sideways 4. saucers 6. skies

B. Sean. Read the questions below. Think abaut what answers you
need to look foro Then sean the passage on pages 9-10, and write the
answers. Try to find the answers as quickly as you can.
1. Who works for the Mutual UFO Network?
2. Who lives near Area 51?
3. What does the U.S. Air Force test at Area 51? _ _ _ __ __
4. What is James McGaha's job?
5. What did BiI! Fax build?

Critical Thinking Discuss with a panner. Do yau think UFOs are real?
Why or why not? What other things do you think could explain what
Judy Varns and Pat Travis saw?

A model 01 a
saucer-shaped aircraft,
the Couzinet Aerodyne
RC-360, built in
France, in 1952 .

12 U.illA
Vocabulary Practice
A. Matching. Read the informarion. Then match each word in red with its
definirian below.

Crop Circles
A farmer wakes up to find something very strange in his field. I CroPI ue ploonl$
"own in .... ge
Someone or something has made strange shapes in the field by _ n h.

pushing down his craps, I The shapes can only be seen from the
sky! These are called crap circles.

Where do these crap circl es come from? Sorne people think that
UFOs make the crap circles when they Jand. But research shows
most crap circles are made by people. The technology to make
them is ver¡ simple-just a rope and sorne wood.

What is the purpose of making crap circles? Sorne people make

them so others will believe in aliens. Sorne people make crap
circles just tar fun . Today, sorne farmers even make them to
mark out each different area of their farms .
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : hard to understand or explain
2. : the reason you do something
3. : a pan of a place, or or some land
A cropdrde
4. : the use or science and machines ro do things
is made when
5. : the work or trying to find racts about something somelhi ng pushes
the crops down.
B. Words in Contexto Complete each sentence with the correct answer. leaving e mpty
spaces in the field .
1. When you decide what to have for lunch. yau what you want.
a. dan't know b. knaw
2. A secret is something you want _ _ _ _ to know about.
a. very few peaple b. a lot of people
3. An example of technology is _ _ __ Usage
a. a computer b. a song Research can be
used as a verb or a
4. The purpose of your English textbook is to _ __ _
noun. Professor Baker
a. have 160 pages b. help you read better researches UFOs. His
5. An example of movement is _ _ __ research will take five
a. somelhing yau hear b. somelhing you do yea".

Unit lA 13
Before You Read Many believe thal
Atlantis had rings
01 land with water
A. Matching. Look al the picture and read the information below. between them. A
Then match each word in bold with its defin¡tion. temple stood right in
the center 01 Ihe island.
Long ago, the Greek w riter Plato wrote about Atlantis-an
is land that sank into the sea. In his story, the people of
Atlantis were very rich. But they were al50 very greedy. They
wanted too much, so they lost everything.
1. _ _ _ _ _ : went underwater
2. : having a lot ofmoney
3. : land with water around it
4. : wanting a 101 of money. things, or road

B. Sean . Quickly sean [he passage on the next page. Remember that
names of people and places usually start with capitalletters.
1. What names of people can you find? Underline them.
2. What names of places are mentioned? Circle lhem.
14 Unitl8
Most people have heard the story of the last island of
Atlantis. But is any part of the story t rue?

Over two thousand years ago, the Creek writer Plato

wrote about Atlantis, an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The
S island's people were very rich. They built a big city with
many great buildings. At the center of the island, they
built a beautiful golden temple. 1 But the people became
greedy-they had many things, but they still wanted more.
So the gods became angry, and the island was struck by
10 earthquakesl and very large waves. Finally, the whole
island sank into the sea.

Many explorers have looked for Atlantis. In 2004, explorer

Robert 5armast reported finding the remains' of a city
under the sea near Cyprus. However, Sarmast and other
15 scientists later found out the structures he found under
the sea were natural, not man-made.

Many people think Atlantis is simply a story. The

purpose of the story is to teach people not to be greedy.
Richard Ertis wrote a baok about Atlantis in 1999.
2G He says "there is not a piece of salid evidence" 4 for a
real Atlantis.

So was the island real or not? We only know one thing:

The mystery of Atlantis will be with us for a long time.

Many people
1 A la mpla ;, a bo,¡'ld,ng ~re people pr;>ctice a religion.
beheve very tall
1 An a.n h qu.b is the 1hI.kmg 01 the ground cause<! by movef1"Oeflt 01 lhe Earlh
l TIH! .... m.I ... 01 somelhong are \he parts Ihat are left a/ter mOSI 01 ji ;' gOM
waves slruck !he
4 EvI~nc. k ... ylh,ng lhal makH 1""1 believ1! lhal """"'Ihing is true. ci ty before it sank.
Reading Comprehension
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.

Gisl 1. Another title for this passage could be _ _ __

a. Atlantis Sinks
b. 15 Atlantis Real?
c. 1 Found Atlantis!
2. In Plato's story about Atlantis, the people were _ __
a. angry at the gods
b. wealthy but greedy
c. greedy but beautiful
Did You Know?
Seq~ 3. What happened after Roben Sarmast said he raund Atlantis? The story of Atlantis
a. He wrote a book about his findings. was first written down
b. Richard ElIis said that Atlantis was oot real. in Plato's Dialogues in
c. He raund out the structures were oot man-made. 360 B.e. Even today,
Plato is known as one
Main Jde'a 4. What is the maio idea of the third paragraph (from line 12)1
of the great thinkers
a. Scientists faund out the structures were naturaL
of all time.
b. Explorers raund a city under the sea near Cyprus.
c. People are looking for Atlantis, but no Qne has faund it.

voc~ 5. We can replace the word simply (lioe 17) with _ _ __

a. just
b. easy
c. sometimes
Paraphr.ue 6 . Which sentence is closest in meaning to ~there is
nOl a piece ofsalid evidence ~ for a real Atlantis.
~ines 20-21)?
a. There is only one reason to believe {he Atlantis story
is true.
b. The story of Atlantis is made up of many
small pieces.
c. There is nothing to make us believe the Atlantis story
is true.

16 U.illB
Vou skim a passage when you laok at the whole passage quickty to see
what it is about. You do not read every word. Instead, look at the title.
headings, photos. and captions. Read the first tine of each paragraph.
and quickly read the condusion.

A. Skim or Sean . Look at these reasons for reading. For each reason, should
you skim or sean? Check (.1) the correct boxes.
Skim Sean
1. to see ir a story is funny or serious O O
2. to find the names of countries memioned D D
3. to find a quote (" ") by a scientist D O
4. to see ir the author fee ls positive about (he tapie D O
B. Skim . Quickly skim the passage below. What is it mainly
about? CircJe a, b , or c.
a. Kimura has faund Atlantis in the Pacific Ocean.
b. Kimura believes he has found a tost tand near Japan.
c. Kimura has shown that the strange structures he found
were made by humans.

The Lost Continent in the Pacific Ocean

People believe that thousands of years ago, like Atlantis,
the lost continent of Mu sank because of an earthquake.
Today, no one knows if there real1y was a place called
Mu, or where it was.

However, Professor Masaaki Kimura thinks he knows

where the remains of Mu are. He believes they are near A di\ler explores the
the Yonaguni Islands of Japan. Kimura thinks the strange slrange sleplike structures
structures he has found were made by people. Some in Ihe walers near the
Yonaguni Islands.
other researchers don't think so. No one is sure, but the
research continues.

Critical Thinking Diseuss with a partner. Can you think of times you sean
or skim things outside of class? What kinds of texts do you usually sean
or skim?
Unil!B 11
Vocabulary Practice
A. Completion. Choose the correet words to complete
the information below.

leeds Castle, in Engrand , has a long history. The

1. (structure / piece) of the castle is very cid, and
today, it is empty---except. sorne say, far the ghost '
of a big black dogoSorne believe that people who
see the dog are 2. (struck I lost) with bad luck.

But ene woman 3. (struck / reported) that the

dog brought her very good luck. She was sitting
by a window in the castle one day. She Jooked
up and saw a big black dog walk through a
4. (salid I natural ) wall. She got up to raok far
it-and then a 5. (piece I natural) of the window
where she was sitting fell into the water below.
Thanks to the ghost dog, the lucky woman got out
of the castle safely!
Is there really the
I A ¡hou ;"!he spint 01 . <!e;ld penon Of ;lnilTWl. ghost of a dog in
leeds Caslle?

B. Words in Contexto Read [he senrences and circle true (T ) or false (F).
1. When an area is struck by a storm, T F
it is suddenly hit by the storm.
2. Something that is natural is made by humans. T F
3. If something is lost, you know where it is. T F
4 . When you repert something has happened, T F
yeu say it never happened.
5. Vou use the word finally to say something T F
happened after a long time.

The word solid is used to
describe objects that are fixed
in shape and volume. Salid
can also describe information
that can be trusted.

18 U.illB

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