Avoid Torrents Destroy Your HD

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Tips to avoid downloading torrents destroy your HD

It may seem an exaggeration, but the amount of reads and writes in HD while
downloading torrents can be devastating
By Felipe Augusto Cavalcante 18 / Jun / 2012

The HD (hard disk) of the computer as well as any machine has its useful life;
which may be higher or lower, depending on the use made of it. Of course there
are some random factors that can spoil even a new device, such as power
surges and even failures in manufacturing. Still, the more you use the faster the
device will deteriorate.
One of the most harmful activities to the hard drives is file sharing, especially
via torrent. For while you download a file, you are sharing thousands of pieces
of it and others directly from the hard disk. All this transfer just reflected in
thousands of read and write operations on the device.
Unfortunately wear is inevitable, but not so you have to stop downloading and
sharing files. Just use some strategies to reduce read and write HD operations.
This material explains how uTorrent (uTorrent / mTorrent) help with this problem
and indicates an online service that makes downloading torrents in something
like conventional direct downloads. Check it!

Confira os segredos d

How the uTorrent can save HD

The trick uTorrent (uTorrent / mTorrent) is to use a resource that brings the program
itself and is enabled from the installation, which is the "Disk cache". This technical
reserve space in RAM of PC memory to store the pieces of received and sent more files.
Thus, it reduces the need to directly access the hard drive. Do not worry, because the
memory is really designed for this large amount of access, with thousands of reads and
writes per second.
The tool manages the single disk cache, but following are some tips to achieve a more
effective protection of HD. A good option for computers with enough available memory
(4GB or more).
1. Click the "Options" uTorrent (uTorrent / mTorrent) menu. Then choose the item

2. Follow up to the item "Advanced", select the "Disk Cache" option.

3. At this point, your uTorrent is with the default settings, as well as in the image below.
4. Check out the meaning of each of the caching options (below) or skip the setting in
step 5.
• Set cache size manually: by checking the box you can choose the amount of memory
(in MB) reserved to handle the torrents. With the option deselected, uTorrent
automatically manages;
• Reduce memory usage when the cache is not used uTorrent consumes less memory
when it considers it unnecessary to use;
• Enable write caching: placeholder in memory to record information in the HD
(download the file);
Save the modified cache every 2 minutes reduces the uTorrent memory consumption,
passing the data to the HD every 2 minutes;
the Write cache parts terminated immediately: at the end parts of the download, now
switches to HD. Another measure to reduce memory consumption;
• Enable read caching: the memory to read HD information (uploading files);
Off the reading if the upload speed is low: disable the cache for slower connections, the
upload operations. A measure somewhat relative and controversial because still would
access thousands of pieces of files per second;
Remove the old blocks from the cache: Once a part is not accessible (upload), it is
removed from the reserved memory area. Measure to save memory, but it increases the
disk access;
Increase the size of the cache every cleaning cache: more memory buffer when the
current space no longer gives more consideration. This option works only when the "Set
cache size manually" is unchecked;
• Disable write cache: disable the write cache on the Windows disk. Prevents the
uTorrent and the system to use cache at the same time (could cause slowdowns);
• Disable read caching: Disables the read cache in the Windows disk. Prevents the
uTorrent and the system to use cache at the same time (could cause slowdowns);
Warning: Past settings below will cause the uTorrent use a large amount of machine
memory. Use it only when you are not with programs and heavy games running. Ideal
for anyone who leaves the PC making downloads overnight.

5. Set the cache size as the amount of memory you have on your PC. Do not forget to
check the box "Set the cache size ..." before selecting the value. If you have 4 GB or
more of memory, leave the value to 1800 MB (the maximum supported by the tool yet);
otherwise, leave the value at most 512 MB to not mess up the operating system.

6. Clear the following options:

• Reduce memory usage when the cache is not used: thus the area of memory is always
• Write cache parts terminated immediately: as the option to record blocks every 2
minutes is still enabled, do not need to record each part when it is ready;
• Turn off reading the upload speed is low: even with low upload speed, we can avoid
unnecessary reading the same part several times in HD;
• Remove old blocks from the cache: with a good amount of memory reserved, we can
leave the uTorrent delete cache data, as others receive more reading.

7. In the end, your cache configuration is similar to the image below:

It is good to test various configurations, always seeking the best according to the PC
you have and the amount of torrent that often download. If you notice a problem, just
need to return the settings to the default, displayed in step 3

Fonte: http://www.superdownloads.com.br/materias/dicas-evitar-que-download-de-

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