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1 GREETING AND To efficiently and politely greet the guest arriving at

INTRODUCING the restaurant, introducing yourself to the guest and
YOURSELF seat the guest effectively
2 QUESTION WORDS To efficiently know how to ask question and how to
answer question based on what the guest or customers
want when they are in the restaurant
3 TIME To effectively respond to enquiries about time on the
clock, times of the day and starting and closing times
of a particular service
4 PREPOSITIONS OF To effectively explanation about to show where is
PLACE something located
5 RESERVATIONS BY To effectively find out what guests or customers want
PHONE when they are making a table reservation, and to take
a reservation accurately
6 HAVE YOU GOT A To effectively seat the guests who have reservation
RESERVATION and politely handle the guests who do not have
PLEASE reservations when the restaurants is full
7 DRINKS BEFORE To effectively and politely offer the guests drinks
MEALS before their meals and take the order

9 TAKING ORDERS To effectively and politely ask the guest if they are
ready to order and to take order accurately
10 PAYING THE BILL To effectively handle the guest payment and complain


A. Read and answer the questions.

In English we say Good Morning when we meet people in the morning, that is, from when
the sun comes up (about 5 am) until 12 noon. After that we say Good Afternoon until about 5 or
6 pm. When the sun goes down. When they leave we say Goodbye. In the evening or at night we
say Good evening when we meet people and we say Good night when we leave them.
If you don’t know the name of a man who is a guests in your restaurants, call him sir. When
you talk to an older woman, call her madam. A young girl is called miss. More than one man are
called gentlemen and more than one woman are called ladies.
When we great our client, we don’t say Good morning mr or Good Afternoon Mrs. We only
use the words Mr and Mrs with the first and the surname of the client. If the client is john smith,
call him Mr Smith or Mr John Smith not Mr John. If the client is Jane Brown, and she is married,
call her Mrs Brown or Mrs Jane Brown. Ms is used before the the first name and the surname of
awoman, whether married or unmarried for example Ms Marry

How would you great your guests in the following situations?

1. A woman aged about 30 comes to the restaurants at 12:30
2. You welcome a group of guest (some men and some women) who come for breakfast
3. You great a married couple in front of the restaurant at about 10 pm
4. Four men arrive in the restaurant at about 22:00
5. You welcome John potter and his wife in the morning
6. Alice Watson and her husband leave the restaurant after having their dinner
7. A woman guets named Mary Wagner leaves at lunch time

Here is few question and answer that common in english that you can use to introduce yourself
1. How do you do? (salam kenal)
- How do you do. (salam kenal)

2. Do you speak English? (anda bisa bahasa Inggris?)

- Yes I do. (ya, saya bisa)

3. Is there anything I can help? (ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

- Yes, Can you help me to bring this luggage please?
(ya, Bisa tolong bawakan barang bawaan saya?)
- No, thank you. (tidak, terima kasih)

4. Can I help you? (bisa saya Bantu?)

- Yes, Can you help me to bring this luggage please?
(ya, Bisa tolong bawakan barang bawaan saya?)
- No, thank you. (tidak, terima kasih)

5. Can you help me? (Bisa tolong Bantu saya?)

- Yes, of course. (ya, tentu saja)
- I’m sorry. I can’t. (maaf saya tidak bisa)

6. What is your name? (Siapakah namamu?)

- My name is Airlangga. (Namaku Airlangga)

7. What is your complete name? (Siapakah nama lengkapmu?)

- My complete name is Aris Airlangga (nama lengkapku Aris Airlngga)

8. What is your nick name? (siapakah nama panggilanmu?)

- You can call me Angga. (kamu bisa memanggilku Angga)

9. Nice to meet you? (Senang berkenalan denganmu)

- Nice to meet you too. (senang berkenalan dengan anda juga)

10. Glad to see you. (Senang berkenalan denganmu)

- Nice to meet you too. (senang berkenalan dengan anda juga)

11. How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)

- I’m fine, thank you. (aku baik-baik saja, terima kasih)
- I’m not really good to day (kabarku buruk hari ini)

12. Where do you live? (Kamu tinggal dimana?)

- I live on Jayabaya street, Block B, number 57-B.
(aku tinggal di Jl. Jayabaya, Blok B, nomor 57-B

13. What is your phone number? (berapa nomor teleponmu?)

- My phone number is 081955044372 (Nomor teleponku adalah 081955044372)

14. What is your occupation? (Apa pekerjaanmu?)

- I’m a police (Aku seorang polisi)

15. Where do you study? (kamu sekolah dimana?)

- I study at State Senior High School 7 Samarinda
(Aku sekolah di SMAN 7 Samarinda)

16. What is your religion? (Agamamu apa?)

- I’m a Moslem (Aku orang Islam)
- I’m a Christian (Aku orang Kristen)
- I’m a Catholic (Aku orang Katolik)
- I’m a Buddhism (Aku orang Budha)
- I’m a Hinduism (Aku orang Budha)

17. What is your ethnic? (Apakah sukumu?)

- I’m Dayak ethnic. (aku orang dayak)
- I’m Java ethnic (aku orang Jawa)
- I’m Bugis ethnic (aku orang Bugis)

18. What is your ambition? (apakah cita-citamu?)

- I want to become a doctor. (aku ingin menjadi dokter)

19. What is your hobby? (apakah hobimu?)

- My hobby is playing music. (hobiku adalah bermain musik)

20. What is your marital status? (Apakah status pernikahanmu?)

- I’m marriage (Aku telah menikah)
- I’m single (aku belum menikah)
- I’m engaged (Aku sudah bertunangan)
- I’m a widow (Aku seorang janda)
- I’m a widower (Aku seorang duda)

21. Where do you come from? (Dari manakah asalmu?)

- I come from Canada. (Aku berasal dari Kanada)

22. Where is your home town? (Dimanakah kampong halamanmu?)

- Bontang is my home town. (Bontang adalah kampong halamanku)

23. What is your nationality? (Apakah kebangsaanmu?)

- I’m Indonesian (aku orang Indonesia)

24. How old are you? (Berapakah umurmu?)

- I’m twenty one years old (aku berumur 21 tahun)

25. What is your date of birth? (Kapankah tanggal lahirmu?)

- I was born on 27 January 1988 (Aku lahir pada tanggal 27 January tahun 1988)

Based on the example please try to introduce your self in front of the classroom!


How we make the question?

Let’s we see the rules below!

Who dan What

 Who dan What dalam menanyakan subject
Who + Verb + modifier

Contoh kalimat:

1. Who brings this book? (Siapa yang membawa buku ini?)

2. Who opened the window? (Siapa yang membuka jendela?)
3. What happens to you? (Apa yang terjadi denganmu?)
4. What happened last night? (Apa yang terjadi tadi malam?)

 Who dan What dalam menanyakan object

Who + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?

What do,does,did

Contoh Kalimat:

1. Who are you waiting for? (Siapa yang sedang kamu tunggu?)
2. What do you want? (Apa yang kamu inginkan?)
3. What do you think about Indonesia? (Apa pendapatmu tentang Indonesia?)

 What diikuti noun

Contoh kalimat:

1. What sport do you like? (Olahraga apa yang kamu sukai?)

2. What book do you read? (Buku apa yang kamu baca?)
3. What fruit do you want? (Buah apa yang kamu sukai?)

 Where, When dan Why

Pola kalimat tanya untuk where, when, dan why:
Where + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?
When do,does,did

Contoh kalimat:
1. Where do you live? (Dimana kamu tinggal?)
2. Where does he work? (Dimana dia bekerja?)
3. When will you go to Bali? (Kapan kamu akan pergi ke Bali?)
4. When did they meet? (Kapan mereka bertemu?)
5. Why do you learn English? (Mengapa kamu belajar Bahasa Inggris?)
6. Why does she bring this book? (Mengapa dia membawa buku ini?)

 How
Pola kalimat tanya untuk how:
How + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?

Contoh kalimat:
1. How do you go to school? (Bagaimana kamu pergi ke sekolah?)
2. How many students came to library? (Berapa siswa yang datang ke perpustakaan?)


Bagaimana cara menjawab pertanyaan 5W 1H dalam Bahasa Inggris?

 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang who

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

Who brings this book? Andi brings this book.

Who opened the window? Rendi opened the window.

What happened last night? Car accident happened last light.

Whos is your father? My father is M. Fauzan.

Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for Nina.


 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang what

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

What happened last night? Car accident happened last light.

What is your name? My name is Risa.

What do you want? I want a new phone .

 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang where

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

When did they meet? They meet last week .

Where will you go to Bali? I will go to Bali next month.

 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang when

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

When did they meet? They meet last week .

Where will you go to Bali? I will go to Bali next month.

 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang why

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

Why do you learn English? Because I want to be an ambassador.

Why do you bring this book? Because I forget to bring another book.
 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang how

Pertanyaan Jawaban
(Questions) (Answer)

How are you? I am fine.

How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.

How many students came to library? 40 students.


Okay, class. Bagaimana materinya? Itu semua mengenai penjelasan lengkap 5W 1H dalam Bahasa
Inggris, meliputi pengertian 5W 1H, jenis-jenis 5W 1H, cara membuat pertanyaan 5W 1H, dan cara
menjawab pertanyaan 5W 1H disertai contoh kalimatnya.

A. Times on the clock
Notice these two ways of telling the time.
It’s three o’clock 03:00 It’s three o’clock
It’s ten past three 03:10 It’s three ten
It’s a quarter past three 03:15 It’s three fifteen
It’s half past three 03:30 It’s three thirty
It’s twenty five to four 03:35 It’s three thirty five
It’s quarter to four 03:45 It’s three forty five
It’s ten to four 03:50 It’s three fifty

B . Asking about and telling the times

Complete these dialogues. Put the words in the correct order, then answer the questions.
1. Guest : Is/it/time/please/what ?
Waiter : ……………………………………

2. Guest : the/please/time/what’s? 10:15

Waiter : ………………………………….

3. Guest : time/the/you/me/could/tell 09:50

Waiter : ………………………………………..
4. Guest : got/you/the/please/have/time 11:15
Waiter : ………………………………….
5. Guets : time/do/the/you/please/know
Waiter : ………………………………..

B. Is it a.m or p.m ?
A.m is a short form of Ante merediem(Latin), meaning before noon. It refers to the times after
midnight(24:00) until before nood/midday (12:00). So, a.m means in the morning
P.m (Post merediem) means after noon. It refers to the times after noon/midday until before
midnight. So, p.m can mean : in the afternoon, in the evening, at night
07. 00 = 7 am or 7 in the morning
19. 00 = 7 pm or 7 in the evening

04. 00 = 4 am or 4 in the morning

16. 00 = 4 pm or 4 in the evening

10. 00 = 10 am or 10 in the morning

22. 00 = 10 pm or 10 at night

C. Read and practice this dialogue

Guest : What time is it ?

Waiter : it’s half past twelve, sir
Guest : Do you serve lunch?
Waiter : I’m sorry sir. We only open for dinner
Guest : I see. What time do you open?
Waiter : We open at five o’clock
Guest : Oh, it’s too long
Waiter : you can have lunch in Ganesha Restaurant over there, sir.
It’s open from 6 am to 4 pm sir.
Guest : Pardon? How long is it open?
Waiter : It’s open from 6 o’clock in the morning until 4 o’clock in the afternoon
Guest : Oh, good. Thank you very much
Waiter : You’re welcome sir.

Where is the location?

Prepositions of place

Preposition Explanation Example

of place
in  inside  I watch TV in the living-room
 I live in New York
 Look at the picture in the book
 She looks at herself in the mirror.
 She is in the car.
 Look at the girl in the picture
 This is the best team in the world

at  used to show an exact position  I met her at the entrance, at the bus
or particular place stop
 table  She sat at the table
 events  at a concert, at the party
 place where you are to do  at the movies, at university, at work
something typical (watch a
film, study, work)

on  attached  Look at the picture on the wall

 next to or along the side of  Cambridge is on the River Cam.
(river)  The book is on the desk
 used to show that something is  A smile on his face
in a position above something  The shop is on the left
else and touching it.  My apartment is on the first floor
 left, right  I love traveling on trains /on the bus
 a floor in a house / on a plane
 used for showing some  My favorite program on TV, on the
methods of traveling radio
 television, radio

by, next to,  not far away in distance  The girl who is by / next
beside, near to / besidethe house.

between  in or into the space which  The town lies

separates two places, people halfway between Rome and
or objects Florence.

behind  at the back (of)  I hung my coat behind the door.

in front of  further forward than someone  She started talking to the man in

or something else front of her

under  lower than (or covered by)  the cat is under the chair.
something else

below  lower than something else.  the plane is just below the the cloud

over  above or higher than  She held the umbrella over both of
something else, sometimes so us.
that one thing covers the  Most of the carpets are over $100.
other.  I walked over the bridge
 more than.  She jumped over the gate
 across from one side to the
 overcoming an obstacle

above  higher than something else,  a path above the lake

but not directly over it

across  from one side to the other of  She walked across the field/road.
something with clear limits /  He sailed across the Atlantic
getting to the other side

through  from one end or side of  They walked slowly through the
something to the other woods.

to  in the direction of  We went to Prague last year.

 bed  I go to bed at ten.

into  towards the inside or middle  Shall we go into the garden?

of something and about to be
contained, surrounded or
enclosed by it

towards  in the direction of, or closer to  She stood up and

someone or something walked towardshim.

onto  used to show movement into  I slipped as I stepped onto the

or on a particular place platform.

from  used to show the place where  What time does the
someone or something starts: flight fromAmsterdam arrive?

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions of place.

1. Can you see a woman ……………… the picture? (in / on / at)

2. London is ………………… the river Thames. (on / at / in)
3. The man is sitting ……………. a table. (in front of / in / to)
4. The mother sat ………………. her children. (beside / besides / across)
5. There are a laptop and a few books …………………. the table. (on / at / with)
6. He put the money ……………….. the box. (in / on / under)
7. The cat was hiding ………………… the door. (behind / on / under)
8. Why do you wear that ring ……………… your first finger? (in / on / at)
9. Can you see the helicopter ………………. the palace? (above / under / on)
10. The plane was flying ……………… Scotland. (along / across / above)

In a restaurant, communication with guests must be both courteous and clear. This is as true when you
use a telephone as when you speak directly to guests.
When you speak on the phone, you represent your restaurant. People can’t see you. They can only hear
your voice . In a way, your voice is the restaurant’s voice. The impression you give people is the
impression they have of the restaurant. So, politeness is vitally important. The ‘magic words” of
courtesy, Thank you, I’m sorry, Please and You’re welcome are even more important than usual.
Here are some rules for using the telephone
1. When answering a call, identify your restaurant or section clearly. For example : good morning,
Janger restaurant or good morning, Room Service
2. If calling, identify yourself and say why you are calling. For example Good morning, this is
Kecak Restaurant. Your breakfast is ready sir.
3. Use a natural voice. Don’t shout and don’t whisper
4. Give your message clearly
5. Listen with full attention to the caller
6. Have a pencil and paper ready to take messages
7. Repeat message and instructions
8. Remember the “magic words’ when you have finished, always say Goodbye

B. Practise this conversation (On taking a reservation by telephone)

Waitress : Good afternoon, Nusantara Restaurant
Guest : Hallo, I’d like to reserve a table for two at eight o’clock tonight, please
Waiter : Of course, sir. May I have your name, please?
Guest : Lennon
Waitress : I beg your pardon, sir ?
Guest : I’m sorry. Could you spell that please, sir?
Waitress : Yes, L-E-Double N-O-N
Waitress : Yes, Mr Lennon. So, that’s a table for two at eight o’clock
Guest : Yes, that’s right
Waitress : Thank you Mr Lennon, Goodbye

C. Complete this conversation. Use these words.

Arriving Thanks And Do About Will

Arriving Many Speak Lunch On Book


Manager : Campyall Hill Restaurant. Good morning

Customer : Can i…….to the manager, please ?

Manager : …………………………………………May I help you?

Customer : Can I ………a table for…….tomorrow?

Manager : yes madam, For how …………..?

Customer : For seven

Manager : And what time ………… be …………..?

Customer : Oh….what time …….you open?

Manager : We open at 11 o’clock

Customer : Oh, good. We’ll be…………at ……………..11:30

Manager : So that’s a table for seven at 11:30 …….Wednesday

…….your name please?

Customer : White, Mrs Margaret white

Manager : Thank you Mrs White

Customer : ……………..Goodbye

Manager : Goodbye

D. Make a Conversation using this situation

At about 9 p.m Mrs Britten phones Padma restaurant to book a table for her family
( herself, her husband, and their three children) at 7 tomorrow evening. She wants a table
near the garden.

A. Practise this conversation
The restaurant is nearly full. The waiter must ask if the clients have a reservation
Waiter : Good afternoon sir, Good afternoon madam
Guest : Good afternoon, We’d like a table for three please
Waiter : Have you got a reservation please, sir?
Guest : Yes, for Smith, at one o’clock
Waiter : Oh yes Mr smith. Could you follow me, please?
……………………….Here’s your table Mr and mrs smith
Guest : Thank you
Waiter : I’ll get you the menu

B. Put these sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.

 May I have your name please, sir ?
 Good evening, sir
 Oh yes Mr Lennon. That’s a table for two, Isn’t It?
 That’s right
 Would you like to follow me, please?
 Good evening. I’ve got a reservation for eight o’clock
 Yes, the name’s Lennon

C. Practise this conversation. The restaurant is full

Waiter : Good evening, ladies
Guest : Good evening. Have you got a table for two?
Waiter : Have you got a reservation please, madam?
Guest : No, we haven’t
Waiter : I’m sorry, madam. The restaurant is full now.
Guest : Oh, I see

Waiter : Would you like to wait, madam?

We’ll have a table in about half an hour
Guest : Yes, please. We’ll wait. Where can we wait?
Waiter : You can wait in the cocktail lounge, if you like

D. Put these sentences in the correct order to make a conversation

 Do you have reservation please, madam?
 I’m very sorry madam. We’re full now
 Do you have a table for two, please?
 No, thanks. We’ll come back then
 In about 20 minutes, madam
 When will you have a table?
 Good morning,madam
 Would you like to wait?
 No, we don’t

E. Make a Conversation using this situation

At about 7 p.m Mr John Smith comes to the restaurant with his wife. The restaurant is full
and he wants to have dinner with his wife in that restaurant. The waiter ask him to wait
for 20 minutes.

A. Practise this conversation (about ordering a drink before dinner)

Waiter : would you like something to drink before your meal, sir?
Guest 1 : Yes, I’ll have a beer please.
Waiter : And you, madam?
Guest 2 : What have you got?
Waiter : We have beer, wines, fruit juices soft drinks…
Would you like to see the beverage list, madam?
Guest 2 : No, thank you. I’ll have a fruit juice, please
Have you got any orange juice?
Waiter : Yes, madam
Guest 2 : I’ll have an orange juice, please
Guest 3 : I’ll have an orange juice too, please.
Waiter : yes sir, so that’s one beer and two orange juice
Guest 1 : Yes, that’s right

B. Make conversations using these situations

1. A married couple with a son. Orders : husband a mineral water, wife : a tomato juice
Son : a tmato juice
2. Two woman. Guest 1 orders a gin and tonic
Guest 2 orders a soft drink. She ask if you have a coca cola
3. A guest wants to order a beer. You have Bir Bintang, San Miguel and Guinness. The guest
orders a bir bintang

C. Practise! The waiter takes the orders of two guests.

Waiter : Are you ready to order now sir?
Mr French : Yes, please. What will you have Jan?
Mrs French : I’ll have a sandwich, please.
Waiter : And you sir?
Mr French : I’ll have spaghetti, please
Waiter : and would you like something to drink?
Mrs French : I’ll have mineral water
Mr French : And I’ll have a Bir BIntang, please
Waiter : so that’s one club sandwich, one sandwich, a mineral water and a beer
Mr French : Yes, that’s right. Thank you.

D. Make a conversation using this situation

 A married couple. The wife orders cheese hamburger, and the husband orders nasi
goreng. The wife wants to drink an orange juice with ice and the husband orders an
orange juice without ice.
 The waiter takes the orders of a married couple. The husband orders crab soup but the
restaurants is out of crab soup. The wife orders beef sate. The husband orders beef sate
too. They ask the types of beer the restaurant has. It has bir bintang and San Miguel.
They both drink beer.

E. I recommended today’s special

Waiter : are you ready to order now sir?
Guest : No, I’m still deciding
Waiter : Of course sir, Please take your time. I’ll come back.
(the waiter is about to go but is called by the guest)
Guest : what do you suggest ?
Waiter : I recommend today’s special, sir
Guest : What’s that?
Waiter : fish and chips with mayoinese sir. It’s very good from this restaurants sir.
Guest : No, thanks, I want to try some Indonesian food.

Waiter : well…..Have you tried our Sate Pusut Ikan, sir ? It’s typically Indonesian food
Guest : Which one is that?( Looking for it in the menu)
Waiter : Excuse me sir, This one sir…..Just here
Guest : oh yes, Yes…I’ll try that please.

This Polite “How would you like……? Can be used when we
ask guest how they want their food/drink served or prepared

A. Paying In cash
Waiter : Is everything allrigt sir?
Guest : Yes, thanks. Could we have the bill now please?
Waiter : Of course sir, one moment please
………………..Here is your bill sir.
Guest : Thanks. 135.000 Rupiah. I only have 200.000. Have you got any change?
Waiter : Yes, sir. We have plenty of change
(The guest gives the waiter tow Rp 100.000 notes)
Thank you sir, Here’s your change sir.
Guest : Thank you
Waiter : Thank you sir. I hope you enjoyed your meal
Guest : Yes, it was very nice. Thank you. Goodbye
Waiter : Goodbye sir. Goodbye madam

B. Understand this situations.

1. Bill = Rp 76.000 the guest pay with a Rp 100.000 note
2. Bill = Rp 34.300 the guest pays with a Rp 50.000 note
3. Bill = Rp 212.500 the guest pays with three Rp 100.000 notes

Answer these questions for each situation above

a. How much is the change
b. How many notes are there in the change (use minimum number)
c. How does the waiter give the change

C. Signing for the bill in the hotel

Waiter : Would you like some more coffee, madam?
Guest : No, thanks. Can I pay now please?
Waiter : Of course madam, One moment please.

Here you are, madam. (the waiter gives the guest the bill)
Guest : What’s this for?
Waiter : That’s for the wine, madam
Guest : I see…and what about this?
Waiter : That’s for the service and government tax
Guest : Fine
Waiter : would you like to sign for it, madam?
Guest : Yes, please (the guest signs for the bill)
Waiter : I’m sorry, madam. I can’t read your name.
How do you spell it please?
Guest : W-I-L-D-E (the waiter writes the name clearly on the bill)
Waiter : And is this room 315 or 316, madam?
Guest : It’s 316
Waiter : Thank you, madam. I hope you enjoyed your meal
Guest : It was delicious, thank you.

D. The guest pays with a Credit Card

Waiter : Here’s your bill sir, if you’d like to check it
Guest : Yes, that’s fine. Can I pay with a credit card?
Waiter : It depends, sir. What kind of card have you got?
Guest : Visa
Waiter : I’m sorry sir, We only accept American Express cards
Guest : That’s fine.
Waiter : Well, there’s no problem then, sir.
Could I borrow it for a moment pelase?
and do you have some identification too please ?
Guest : of course, Here you are.
Waiter : Could you sign here please, sir?

A. Practise this conversation
Waiter : Here is your bill, sir
Guest : Thanks. Here you are……Rp 100.000
Waiter : Thank you sir, I’ll get your change
Guest : Is service included
Waiter : No sir, It isn’t
Guest : Well, keep the change then
Waiter : thank you, sir. It’s very knd of you.
Guest : It was a delicious meal
Waiter : Thank you,sir. I’m glad you enjoyed it sir.

B. Practise these conversation

1. Guest : Waiter!
Waiter : Yes, madam?
Guest : This soup is cold. Could you get me some hot soup please?
Waiter : I’m sorry, madam. I’ll get you some more
2. Guest : This coffee’s burnt!
Waiter : I’m very sorry, madam. I’ll get you another cup
3. Guest : This steak’s over cooked
Waiter : Pardon, sir?
Guest : It’s too well-done. I ordered a medium steak. This is like charcoal
Waiter : I’m terribly sorry sir. I’ll have them prepare another one, if you like.

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