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Application Workshop

Duvan Santiago Peña Peña

University La Salle
February of 2018
The linear equations are characterized for having a constant average change, a slope, those
of the first grade it is that that involves only sums and subtractions of variables risen up to
the first potency, these linear calls why they can be represented like straight lines in the
Cartesian system. The form of polynomial that is to say characterizes that of the first grade
because the unknowns are not raised to potency, not multiplied between themselves, not the
denominator, the linear equations with 2 unknowns can turn out to be represented in a
Cartesian plane you are called a two-dimensional plane, in case of the equations of 3
unknowns the system will be called a three-dimensional space, being every equation a plane
inside the same one. But the linear equations can be use in the normal life? And in which
career you can see it more. This questions are the most important to solve the linear equations.

The linear equations are the simplest way to solve an equation in these ones it involves only
sums and subtractions of variables risen up to the first potency (raised to one, who does not
write himself). They are called linear why they can be represented like straight lines in the
Cartesian system. There three types of linear equations: properly such linear equations,
fractional equations and literal equations. These three equations are the most important for
the linear equations.
Properly such linear equations: In this type of equation the denominator of all the algebraic
expressions is equal to 1.

Eg: 4x – 2(6x – 5) = 3x + 12(2x + 16)

4x – 12x + 10 = 3x + 24x + 192
4x – 12x – 3x – 24x = 192 – 10
–35x = 182
X= -26/5
Fractional equations: In this type of linear equation the denominator of to less one of the
algebraic expressions is different from 1

(linea, 18)

Literal equations: They can be linear or fractional. If they are fractional, they take the linear
guy, but in the step of reducing similar terms factorize for "x" to clear it.

(linea, 18)
The linear equations in the everyday life they can see relations like magnitudes, the number
of articles about a shop and its price. This facilitates the work making it more effective for
its development. Also the linear equations are used like known quantities to discover
unknown quantities, in my business profession and international relations it is possible to see
applied more in the business ambience since this one is named by the exchange of money
and any monetary unit that measures itself like quantity, the money on the other hand turns
out to be applied in the use of the workpeople, tons of raw material or the volts of electricity
that can distribute the general expenses. Now days is so important make the mathematics
easier for the essential of each professional career.

It’s important the correct application of the linear equations if you want to apply it in your
days and days, so we need to understand and solve perfectly the problems of the linear
equations, practice makes perfect if you want to understand the topic, also application and
use of the linear equations can turn out to be reflected in any daily ambience of the life that's
why it is possible to see applied in any career making her more effective in its development
giving him to the applicator a big facility in its work.

linea, P. e. (28 de 02 de 18). Profesor en linea. Obtenido de

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