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Evaluation of tablet properties-

The prepared glipizide floating tablets were evaluated for organoletio properties.
Uniformity of weight,thickness,diameter,hardness,friability and drug content.Two
Tablets from each formulation were selected and organoleptic properties such as
colour,odour,taste and shape were evaluated.ten tablets from each formulation were
measure the thickness and diameter by using vernier calipers.five tablets from each
formulation were used for find hardness of tablets using monosunto hardness tester.
Friability of tablet was determined by using roche friabilator.
Uniformity of weight,20tablets were weighed indivisually to check the weight
Drug content estimation five tablets were taken and amount of drug present in each
was crushed and transferred to 100ml conical flask and dissolve with 3ml methanol and
volume was made with 0.1N Hcl and mixed for 5minutes then it was filtered through
whatman filter paper.the filtered solution is diluted 1ml to 10ml with 0.1N Hcl and the
absorbence measured at the 276nm.

Invitro buoyancy study-

The invitro buoyancy study was characterzed by floating lag time and total
floating time.the test was performed using a USP type-Π paddle apparatus.(electro
lab)using 900ml of 0.1N Hcl at paddle rotation.of 50rpm,at 37c ±0.5c.the time required
for the tablet to rise to the dissolution medium and the duration of time the tablet
constantly floated on the dissolution medium were noted as floating lag time and total
floating time respectively 18,19

Invitro dissolution studies-

The release rate of glipizid floating tablets were determined by using dissolution
test apparatus USP type-Π,paddle type(electro lab).The dissolution testing was performed
using 900ml of 0.1N Hcl at 37c±0.5c temperature and at a speed of this study
one tablet containing 20mg of glipizide was placed in dissolution medium.5ml sample
were withdrawan at a time interval of 1hour and same volume of fresh medium was
replaced. The sample were analyzed for drug content against 0.1N Hcl as a blank at λmax
276nm.the percentage drug release was plotted against time to determine the release

Drug release kinetics-

To analyze the mechanism of the drug release rate kinetics of the dosage form,the
data obtained were fitted,into higuchi modal zero order and korsmeyer’s equation release
modals 20,21.

Result and discussion-

The formulaton f1-f10 exhibited good flow property and compressibility index
shown in table 2.The anle of repose ranged from and compressibility
index(%)ranged from and respectively.
The shape of the tablets of all 10 formulations was circular with no visible
cracks.The thickness and diameter of tablet was measured by vernier calipers.the
diameter of the tablet is 8mm for all 10 formulations.
The thickness of the tablet was range from2-5mm to 3.0mm.
hardness of the tablet was range of measured by monsantro.
The uniformity of content(table 3)shows that all f1-f10 formulations are within the
pharmacopial limits.
The friability was in range of the value of average weight are within

Invitro buoyancy studies conducted the gas generated is trapped and protected
within the gel,formed by hydration of polymer.the floating lag time was in range of 40sec
to 60sec.Also tablets remained buoyant for a period of 8hours.
Invitro dissolution studie for f1-f10 formulation are shown in table 4

F1,f2,f5,f6 drug released was at the end of 8hours in the formulation f3

and f4 two polymers and f5and polymers are tof1 f2,f5 and f6 in this
20mg of solubilizing agent PVP was added.tablet f9 and f10 in this formulation gas
generating agent sodium bicarbonate is added more quantity and HPMC polymer is
used more quantity in f9 compare to f10 released of drug respectively.thus
formulation contains more amount of gas generating agent and thus can be compared to
remaining all the formulations to find out the effect gas generating agent on drug release
as well as the buoyancy.amoung the all 10 formulation f10 is found to be better with
respect to the release.

The objective of this formulation is to improve the release of drug in controlled fashion
in the acidic ph.the polymer used in the formulation for control release as well as to make
the formulation buoyant.the tablet were prepared by direct compression method.the
granules of different formulations were evaiuayed for angle of
repose,LBD,TBD,compressibility index and drug content.the result of angle of repose
show good flow property of granules.the compressibility index(%)values range of 17-21
show good flow property the solubilizing agent PVP is added and used to promote
the release of drug and play the role of binding agent to certain extent.

The 10 formulation were subjected to in process parameters evaluation such

as physical appearance,thickness,diameter,content,uniformity,weight
variation,hardness,friability test.All the 10 formulation tablets are circular in shape and
no visible cracks with smooth appearance.the weight variation test revealed that the
tablets were within the range of pharmacopial limit 20 the percentage drug content was
more than 95% and good hardness value of approximately 5.5kg/cm friability test
value also considered the weight loss of less than 1% in friability test considered as
acceptable value for conventional tablet
The floating lag time was in range of 40sec to 60sec als tablet remained buoyant
for a period of 8hours

Invitro dissolution studies-

Formulation were prepared by HPMC and Edragit rs 100 polymers both are
have good swelling properties.the rate of swelling of polymer depends upon the amount
of water taken up by the polymer.sodium bicarbonate is added as gas generating agent
which contanct which contact with Hcl liberates carbondioxide and expels from the
dosage form creating pores through which water can penetrate into dosage form and the
rate of wetting of polymer since solubilizing agent PVP is added because
glipiziders less soluble in acidic media.The result was plotted against time vs amount of
released drug

After invitro release profiles of all formulation was concluded that formulation
containg both HPMC and Eudragit rs100 showed less release in comparison to
formulation containg only HPMC this is due to less permeability of water to eudragit
The concentration of HPMC increases from 30 to 40mg the release rate was
decreased(fig-1)however when the release of f1 compared with f5 in this formulation part
of HPMC replaced with Eudragit rs100 it was found that eudragit rs100 decresed the
release of PVP and sodium bicarbonate was added.But sodium bicarbonate marked less
effect in comparission to PVP(f10 vs f6 release data)formulation containg highest
concentration of sodium bicarbonate andPVP showed best result so formulation f9 and f7
are the best amoung 10 formulation….
Yhe release marginally increased when PVP amount was increased in f7
formulation so better release of drug f7 comprared to f5 (fig 2)
The role of pvp as solubility enhancer is also evident with f3 when compared with f1(fig
3) and f8 campared with f6(fig 2)f9 when compared to f10(fig 4)
The amount of sodium bicarbonate in formulation is also played a very important
role in drug release.the buoyancy effect due to the liberation of carbondioxide after
interacting with Hcl.the release of drug increased while comparission of f6 and f10.this is
due to the reason that the pores increase the wetting rate of polymers as well as the gas
generating agent effect of sodium bicarbonate contributes to the solubility of drug to be
better SLS was added as wetting agent.
The selected formulation is f9.the drug release data was fitted to models
representing higuchi,zero order and korsmeyer’s equation(table 5)release of drug from
matrix tablet containing hydrophilic polymers genrally involves factors of diffusion in
our study in vitro release profiles could be best expreesed by higuchi’s equation as well
as formulation showed good linearity(R o.9586-0.9937) indicating that diffusion is
dominant mechanism of drug release with these formulations….

- Gastric oral floating controlled drug delivary of glipizide was prerared by
HPMC k 100 and eutragit rs 100 as polymer,solubilizing agent as PVP and gas
generating agent sodium bicarbonate was used,proved to be an ideal
formulation as it released the drug in controlled fashion for extended perioid of
time by maintaining the buoyancy the formulationh was selected as an
optimized formulation.contolled release floating drug del;ivary of glipizide
showed sufficient release for extended period of was very economical
dosage form…;.

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