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Rage Two-Player Rules Blood Rage Two-Player Variant Rules

This 2-Player variant introduces a third, or Dummy, Player. The Dummy Player is a militant clan primarily
interested in ridding the land of other clans. The Dummy Player is therefore more interested in conquest and
pillaging than attaining Glory.

Use the three player rules for setup

Card Draft
Card draft
Shuffle the deck of cards that will be used for the upcoming Age

Deal 8 cards to each player 2 cards to the Dummy Player.

Both players draft 6 cards each then give the remaining 2 cards each to the Dummy player. This will result in
all three players receiving 6 new cards.

Take the Dummy Player’s deck, shuffle the cards, and put them in a stack facedown next to its player board.

Players will alternate taking the First Player token. The player with the token in their possession (referred to
here as the First Player) will also control the Dummy Player for that round of play.

Play for the two players progresses as normal for each of their plays.
After each player has either played or passed, it is the Dummy Player’s turn.

Even if a player has passed, he or she still receives the First Player token so long as the Dummy Player can still
perform an action.

Dummy Player Turn
Dummy Player Turn
The First Player controls the Dummy Player action. As with the two players, the Dummy Player can only
perform an action if it has enough Rage remaining. If the Rage level is zero, it must pass.

The first step in the Dummy Player’s action is for the First Player to take the Dummy Player’s deck of cards
and flip over the first card.

If the card is a Quest card or an Upgrade card (in which the Dummy Player has enough rage to accomplish),
that is the action that the Dummy Player will perform.

If the card is a Battle card or a Quest/Upgrade card that cannot be performed, the Dummy Player can
perform any one of the Invade, March or Pillage actions of the First Player’s choosing. In this case, the rules are
no different from if the Dummy Player were a normal player in the game.

In many instances, the First Player will be able to use the Dummy Player to perform an action that is
advantageous to the First Player (battling with the other player or marching out of a province that the First
player is in, as examples).

Occasionally, there will be no Invasion, March or Pillage move that would provide an advantage for the First

Example: it is the first round of the game and it is the Dummy Player’s turn. The First Player flips over the top
card of its deck and it is a Battle Card; therefore, the First Player can select what the Dummy Player will do. In
this case, there are no enemy warriors on the board and no villages have been pillaged.

In the instances in which there is no action available that would aid the First Player, the Dummy Player then
selects these actions in descending priority order: Invade, Pillage, then March.

As with other players, the Dummy Player cannot have more figures on the board than its current Horns level.
If it has reached this limit, it must perform a March/Pillage.

Selecting a figure to use
The Dummy Player selects the warrior that has the highest STR-to-invasion-cost differential. This
differential is the difference between the STR and the Rage cost to Invade.

Example: a leader has a STR of 3, but costs zero to Invade, resulting in a 3 differential whereas a normal
warrior has a STR of 1 and cost of 1, making its differential 0.

Selecting a province to Invade
The Dummy Player invades the province that would provide it the upgrade to its lowest of its two Rage or
Horns clan stats.

If two or more provinces are candidates (for instance, if the Dummy Player’s Rage and Horns are at the
same level), the Dummy Player invades the province that would provide it with a Rage upgrade.

If no provinces are available that would provide either Rage or Horns, it selects the province that would
provide an Axes upgrade.

If no provinces provide Axes, the Dummy Player selects a province that provides Glory.

If the Dummy Player cannot Invade, it will Pillage a province that will provide an upgrade to the lowest of
the Rage and Horns stats, prioritizing Rage over Horns. If neither of these are available, it will Pillage a
province providing an Axe upgrade, then finally Glory.

If the Dummy Player cannot Invade or Pillage, it will March.

Selecting figures
The Dummy Player selects the figure(s) that have the highest combined STR.

Selecting provinces to March to
The Dummy Player marches to the provinces that would provide it upgrades to its lowest of its two Rage or
Horns clan stats.

If two or more provinces are candidates (for instance, if the Dummy Player’s Rage and Horns are at the
same level), and the Dummy Player cannot March to both, it marches to the province that would provide it
with Rage upgrades.

If no provinces are available that would provide either Rage or Horns, it selects the province that would
provide an Axes upgrade, then finally to a province providing Glory points.

If no provinces would provide any upgrade, the Dummy Player marches to the province with the Doom
Token on it.

If the province with the Doom Token on it is full, the Dummy Player marches to Yggdrasil.

The Dummy Player always answers the call to battle and moves all available figures to a battle. If there is not
enough space for all units, it selects those with the highest STR first.

There are two types of Battle with the Dummy Player: battle involving only one other clan, or battle involving
all clans.

Battle involving one other Clan
The player not involved in the battle takes the Dummy Player’s deck of cards and selects the one the Dummy
Player will play in battle. Battle proceeds as per normal rules.

Battle involving all Clans
The player with the First Player token selects the top card from the Dummy Player’s deck and reveals it
simultaneously with the other players’ cards. If the flipped card is not a Battle card and is not a
Quest/Upgrade card that would aid the Dummy Player in battle, continue to draw a card until the deck is
empty or a card that can aid the Dummy Player is revealed.

Example: A Battle is initiated in Yggdrasil in which both players are involved. Because the Dummy Player answers
all Calls to Battle, it moves all its figures to Yggdrasil as well. Now, all clans are involved in the Battle. The two
players select their card(s) they will play in Battle then simultaneously reveal them. The First Player then reveals
the top card on the Dummy Player’s deck. The revealed card is a Clan Upgrade card and hence has no impact on
the current battle. The First Player then flips over the next card in the Dummy Player’s deck, this time revealing a
+3 Battle card. Battle resolution continues as normal. In this case, the Dummy Player was defeated and so all its
figures are sent to Valhalla and its card is returned to its deck. The deck is then reshuffled by the First Player and
placed facedown.

After Battle is completed
The First Player reshuffles the Dummy Player’s cards, discarding cards as normal per Battle rules, and places
the deck facedown next to the Dummy Player’s board.

Blood Rage Two-Player Variant Rules Summary

§ Use three player rules for setup

§ Draft
Card draft
§ Shuffle deck of cards that will be used for upcoming Age.
§ Deal 8 cards to each player and 2 cards to the Dummy Player.
§ Both players draft 6 cards each; remaining 4 cards go to Dummy player.
§ Dummy Player’s deck shuffled and put in stack facedown next to its player board.

§ Players alternate taking First Player token each round.
§ After each player has either played or passed, it is the Dummy Player’s turn.
§ If a player has passed, he or she still receives the First Player token.

Dummy Player Turn
Dummy Player Turn
§ First Player controls Dummy Player action.
§ Flip over first card in Dummy Player deck.
Quest/Upgrade: Dummy Player performs that action (if Rage level allows).
Battle or a Quest/Upgrade card that cannot be performed: First Player chooses action.
§ No Invasion, March or Pillage move that provides advantage for First Player: Dummy Player selects

Priority 1: Invade
Figure: Highest STR-Cost differential.
Province: Upgrade to lowest clan Rage/Horns stat; prioritizing Rage.
No Rage/Horns available, Invade province with Axes, then Glory.

Priority 2: Pillage
Province: Upgrade to lowest clan Rage/Horns stat; prioritizing Rage.
No Rage/Horns available, Pillage province with Axes, then Glory.

Priority 3: March
Figures: Highest combined STR.
Province(s) priority:
Lowest clan Rage/Horns stat; prioritizing Rage à Axes à Glory à Doom Token à Yggdrasil.

Dummy Player always moves all available figures to battle. Prioritize figures with highest STR if space is

Battle involving one other Clan
Player not involved in battle selects Dummy Player card(s) to be played.

Battle involving all Clans
First Player selects top card from the Dummy Player’s deck and reveals it. If not a Battle card or
Quest/Upgrade card that affects battle, continue to draw until deck is empty or useful card flipped.

After Battle is completed
First Player reshuffles Dummy Player’s cards, places deck facedown.

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