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The Auckland Times | Issue 185| October 15, 2019

Local News 05
Phil Goff starts 'cabinet' talks at start of new mayoral term
council and the board, and it
should be as a full director.
"If you were just an
observer, your fellow
directors are not going to
treat you as an equal,says
Dardy who will discuss the
idea of a councillor having
an interim role on the board
when he sits down with the
Goff doubted decisions
on governance would be
made ahead of a full review
of the Auckland Transport
structure, which could start
soon but possibly take years
if it involved law changes
Even as Goff starts
his second term, political
observers are pondering
whether this will be the
final stint as mayor for the
66-year old, with 36 years
in politics already under his

"I'm not ready to say that
hil Goff's office was challenger John Tamihere in The future governance Christine Fletcher and Mike councillors sit on boards
at all, at the present time I'm
empty except for Saturday's election. of council agency Auckland Lee, in 2016. with speaking rights but not
his Civil Defence fit and healthy, and I have
Individual discussions with Transport was an early voting rights'" he said.
satellite phone the 20 councillors would priority, with appointments "The auditor-general the enthusiasm and energy to
when he turned up for the start on Monday, as Goff waiting to be confirmed for advised strongly against the Senior councillor Chris do the job," said Goff.
start of his second term settled on who his deputy a new chair, and several appointment of councillors Darby has already signalled "I wouldn't have run but
as Auckland's mayor on would be, and who would directors needed to fill as voting or paid members an interesting in sitting on for that, and gone through a
Monday. chair the major committees. vacancies. of boards," said Goff. the AT board, returning to gruelling campaign of more
A cardboard carton of "I'd like to talk to as many Goff was not keen on "A councillor is paid a practice Goff scrapped on than 40 debates and over
files arrived soon after, as councillors as possible, reviving the councillor- to be a councillor, not to taking office in 2016. 100 meetings - I'm anxious
Goff said what would follow especially the (four) new director position, after pick up major directorships, Darby said there needed to contribute to the city."
his resounding defeat of ones coming in says Goff. removing the previous pair, but I am inclined to have to be a conduit between the

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