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COD. 431171061

Libro-Inglés Express-AGUILAR

This an accelerated English book, which is used by our teacher from our internship as
english teacher, and it is used with the student’s part of secondary.

this book is presented by levels; every level has a thematic unit where grammar is explained
in a deductive way. Well, it always does start with a
presentation of the rules and by last it shows how the
rules are put into practice through some different
examples. On the other hand, the vocabulary is shown
in a word-list. For practicing grammar and vocabulary are
found a set of exercises in which the rules must be
applied and vocabulary from the unit is also used.

Bad thing that can be observed on this book, is that it

does not implement communication factors nor of
culture, this book is only based on content teaching,
grammar and vocabulary. This book could be better if it
combined grammar and speaking, if it had transversal
contents that make communicative skills stronger and if
it incorporated culture topics where students tend to feel
closes to the language they are learning, since by the time of showing how two different
cultures can share similitudes at some topics, it constitutes a better understanding and a
motivation factor that is important for the students to learn another language from their own
culture and at the same time be able to learn about another foreign culture.

Other thing is, this book does not include audio files nor other ways students can develop
their other skills (reading, speaking, listening) in English, since, it’s only based in a particular
skill (writing), grammar and vocabulary can be learned in different ways, not only by word-
list, if this book were focused in the students’ context would be way easier for them to learn

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