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MEDT 7472

Lesson Title: Creating a Weebly as a Review tool for End of Year Testing

Lesson Grade: 8th Excel

Lesson Objectives

By the end of the course, the students will reflect the knowledge and skills necessary to

create and maintain a Weebly for the use of other students as a study guide/review tool for

information learned throughout the year. They will also be able to translate the knowledge of

creating Weebly into other types of informational, functional, etc sites.

Specifically, the student will be able to:

 Participate in meaningful discussions pertaining to information they have

assimilated from reading and researching information given.

 Determine which images and visual media support the learning goal of the

Weebly and utilize them resourcefully

 Demonstrate their knowledge on how to create and maintain a webpage.

 Collaborate with others efficiently and effectively, creating the review product as

a group

 Assimilate the information they wish to include in their Weebly and create a

proficient review site

 Organize and construct the information they wish to include in their website as a

Standards Statement

Students will be utilizing the ISTE Standards for Students to justify the creation of their

Weebly. The content of their Weeblys will reflect the standards of the skills they are showcasing.

These could be any standards from the school year. The ISTE standards are the ones that they

will be graded on for the creation of their digital product. Keeping in consideration that these are

middle school students and have likely never been introduced to Visual Literacy concepts, they

will be introduced to the ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards.

ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards

 Standard One: The visually literate student determines the nature and extent of the

visual materials needed.

 Standard Two: The visually literate student finds, and accesses needed images and

visual media effectively and efficiently.

 Standard Three: The visually literate student interprets and analyzes the meanings

of images and visual media.

 Standard Four: The visually literate student evaluates images and their sources.

 Standard Five: The visually literate student uses images and visual media


 Standard Six: The visually literate student designs and creates meaningful images

and visual media.

 Standard Seven: The visually literate student understands many of the ethical,

legal, social, and economic issues surrounding the creation and use of images and

visual media, and accesses and uses visual materials ethically.

2016 ISTE Standards for Students

 Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in

choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by

the learning sciences.

 Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of

living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in

ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using

digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful

learning experiences for themselves and others.

 Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process

to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

 Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for understanding

and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to

develop and test solutions.

 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves

creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital

media appropriate to their goals.

 Global Communicator: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and

enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally

and globally.
Lesson Activities

 Students will participate in 6 discussion posts throughout the modules. Initial discussions
must be posted by Friday and responses by Sunday night.
 TSW create a Weebly
 TSW create a video explaining their skill
 TSW create an infographic explaining their skill
 TSW create a comic strip explaining their skill
 TSW attach a Google Form that consists of practice for their skill
 TSW include at least 2 pieces of digital media on every page of their Weebly.
 The Weebly is due on Friday of the last week.

Lesson Assessments

 Students will be assessed through their assignments and discussions. They will be graded
for participation in discussions – initial posts and responses, level of depth of their posts

and responses, and timely answers.

 Students will be required to submit a reflective paper at the end of the creation process.
The paper is due on the last day of the project.

 Students will be graded on their final project – the Weebly - based on a rubric.
Instructional Design Model

The design model I chose for this project is the ARCS Model. This type of instructional

design model focuses on the motivational aspects of learning. This lesson is created for

Gifted/Excel students. Digital creation, being seen as a wanted skill in today’s technological

landscape, makes this type of learning module a different type of skill. This lesson is created to

encourage group collaboration and encourage the student’s motivation to learn.

ARCS has four key elements:

A – Attention: Keep the students’ attention through hands-on, variety of media, conflict,

real-world examples

R – Relevance: perceived present worth, future usefulness, modeling, choice

C – Confidence: facilitate self-growth, communicate objectives and prerequisites, provide

feedback, give learner’s control

S – Satisfaction: praise or rewards, immediate application

Module Design

Overview: This module is the students’ introduction to the course and to the concept of a

Weebly. In this course they will meet their classmates, create groups, discuss information

they have learned and create their initial Weebly.

Module One

Week One
What is Weebly?

 Introduction to Weebly

 Activities/Assignments

o Discussion One: Introduce Yourself

 Welcome to the class! In this initial post, you will introduce yourself to

your classmates. In your posting please include your name, your

experience in creating web pages, your level of technology skills, your

favorite subject in school, and your hobbies/interests.

 You should respond to two classmate’s postings.

o Assignment One: Use the discussion board titled “Assignment One” to find two

partners to work with during this class. If there are any issues with numbers or

special requests, please let me know.

Once groups are set up, add group name and its members to the Google Doc

linked below.

o Discussion Two: Please use the following resources to learn more about Weeblys.

Please take this time to explore the Weebly website and become familiar with

how it works.




This video will walk you through how to get started with your Weebly.

- After fully exploring the resources, list three things that you learned or

discovered during your research. Also answer the following questions:

- Do you feel that using a website such as Weebly is useful? What do you

anticipate being the hardest part about using a Weebly for your assignment?

What do you feel will be the advantages of using Weebly to create your


o Assignment Two: For this assignment, sign up for a free Weebly and create your

initial site. You should have the following pages set up for this assignment –

 Title page

 Topic Page

 Practice PageIn

 Assessment Page

o Post link to Weebly below.

Module Two
Week Two

o Discussion One: This discussion will be on visual media and how to incorporate it

into your project. Research visual/digital media – what is it, examples, why

should it be incorporated. List what types of media your group would like to

incorporate into your project.

o Assignment One: Design the layout for your webpages, using the basic outline

you have been given.

o Your Title Page must include:

 Header

 Introduction to the topic that explains the grade level and

skill the Weebly is highlighting

 At least two pieces of visual media that add to the aesthetic

of the page.

o Your Topic page must include:

 Video explaining how to solve at least one problem

using the skill.

 The infographic on the skill.

 The cartoon on the skill.

 At least two pieces of visual media that add to the

aesthetic of the page.

o Your Practice Page must include:

 a Google Form with practice problems on the skill. The

questions can be multiple choice or short answer. This

page will also include either external links to other

websites for practice, such as Kuta or Kahn Academy,

or a graphic of a practice sheet.

 At least two pieces of visual media that add to the

aesthetic of the page.

o Your Assessment Page must include:

 A Google Form with a short assessment on the skill.

 At least two pieces of visual media that add to the

aesthetic of the page.

 A short “About Me” section highlighting short bios on

every member of the group.

o Discussion two: On this board you must post the link to your infographic. You

will also be required to give at least two other classmates feedback on their


o Assignment Two: Create an infographic using one of the tools listed below that

explains how to utilize the skill your Weebly is highlighting. Upload the

infographic to the appropriate file.

 Resources:

Articles to read first:

Infographic Tools:
Week Three
o Discussion One: Post the link to your Weebly page where your video is

embedded. In addition, discuss the following: What was the hardest part about

creating a teaching video? Do you feel that having access to such videos is

helpful for students? In addition, review and reflect on at least two other

classmate’s videos. Again, these must be more specific than “it’s really good.”

o Assignment One: Create a video explaining how to solve at least two

problems using the skill that your Weebly is highlighting. This can be done as

a regular video with your smartphone or other video equipment using a

whiteboard, etc., or with a screen recording software such as one listed below.

Post the link to your page with the video embedded on the discussion board.

Resources for creating a video:






It might also be helpful to look at other teaching videos such as

those on YouTube or Kahn Academy to get ideas.

o Discussion Two: Post the link to the Weebly page that includes your

comic/cartoon. Also, discuss the following: do you feel that teaching through

comics/cartoons is effective? Why or why not? Talk about the process of

creating your comic/cartoon – difficulty or ease of using the software. Is it

worth the time? Also give two of your classmate’s feedback on their


o Assignment Two: Create a cartoon or comic that pertains to the skill in your

Weebly. This cartoon/comic could explain how to solve a problem, define the

skill, define terms used for the skill, etc. This is up to you; it just has to be

pertinent to the skill. Upload the product to the appropriate file.


Read the following articles first:



Tools for comic/cartoon creation:




Module Three
Week Four
 Discussion One: In this forum, discuss your answers to the following questions:

 What do you feel is the number one skill you have taken away from

this course?

 What was the most difficult aspect of creating a Weebly?

 Do you feel that working in a group was helpful or would you have

rather completed this project on your own? Why or why not?

 Assignment One: Formative Assessment Feedback of your teammates. Each

student will complete a Google Form discussing the performance of their

teammates on the project. This will go towards the final grade in the class.




 Discussion Two: Share the link to your Weebly in this board. Then look over at

least 2 classmates’ websites and provide two items of constructive feedback on

their projects. Simply saying “good work!” is not acceptable. You must specify an

aspect from their work.

 Assignment Two: Every student will write a reflective essay discussing the

following topics. The essay must be at least one page and answer the following


 Thinking back on the creative process, is there any information

you did not have that wish you had?

 What was the most difficult aspect of the project?

 Do you feel that this project was beneficial? Why or why not?

 Would you be interested in taking another online module such as

this? Why or why not?

 Do you feel that your project would be helpful for other students?

Use of Technology
o Students will use computers to create all parts of their project. The main website

they will use is

o They will be required to utilize a video creation program such as Screencast,

FlipGrid,YouTube, etc to make a video teaching others how to use the skill they

are showcasing.





o The student will use either Piktochart, Canva, Venngage, or Picmonkey to create

an infographic for their webpage.





o The student will use Google Forms to create a practice page for their skill.


o The students will use a comic creator to create a comic for their page that is pertinent
to their skill.




o The student could use audio/visual equipment (this can be their cellphone) to create

the video.

Learner Support/Interactivity/Collaboration

The students will be able to converse with each other and their instructor via Canvas (the

LMS). Students will be provided with all resources they need to utilize for their discussions and

assignments. Students will also have access to each other and the instructor via email and the

discussion boards. Students will also receive feedback from the instructor in a timely manner in

order to aid them in the learning process.

Students will interact with each other through the discussion boards, providing each other

with opinions, advice, feedback, and ideas. They will understand the importance of peer

feedback through their interactions with each other. During their project creation, they will have

the ability to interact with each other via email, Google Hangouts, sms messaging, etc. This

encourages collaboration among the groups.

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