Community Connections

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Holdaway 1

On October 29, 2019 Carter Pike, Juliana Yagyu, and I visited the Cobb County fire

station to interview some fire and EMS/EMT men. I was able to talk to Mr. Lange who was able

to talk with me about his job of being a driver and engineer of the firetrucks. Mr. Lange states,

“We have to do pump formulas and find the proper PSI to correctly put out the fire”. At each

time they are called for a fire they have to calculate the proper amount of pressure to use to put

out the fire and to know how much water it will actually take. His use of formulas in his field of

work helped me to draw the connection between the real worlds and STEM also his love for

helping others made me realize why I enjoy my pathway and the career choice I plan to make.

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