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Concept Paper on

Establishment of an efficient school network at

each education division: developing selected
secondary schools and primary schools

Ministry of Education

© Policy & Planning Branch
Ministry of Education

First draft: July, 2010

Second draft:September 6, 2010
Final Version: October 1, 2010

Contents..................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Background.......................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Current issues emerging from irrational school distribution and structures .......6
3.0. Conceptual framework........................................................................................7
3.1 Justification........................................................................................................7
3.2 Vision ................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Goals ................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Objectives of the programme............................................................................8
3.5 Anticipated outcomes........................................................................................9
3.6 Process of selection and conditions for development of schools.....................10
4.0 Development components to be rationally considered for inclusion in the
development plans of selected schools....................................................................14
4.1 Quality development component ...................................................................14
4.2 Physical infrastructure facilities.......................................................................15
4.3 Strengthening governance and service delivery ............................................16
5.0 Quota for each province....................................................................................18
6.0 Programme period and tentative estimated cost..............................................18
7.0 Implementation arrangements...........................................................................19
7.1 Implementation of programme with the provincial education authorities:......19
7.2 Composition of the committees:......................................................................19

Establishment of an efficient school network at each
education division: developing selected secondary schools
and primary schools


Providing equitable access for education is a fundamental policy of the

education system in Sri Lanka. In order to ensure this policy, during past
decades, various programmes have been implemented, e.g. fee-free
education, implementation of education subsidy programmes (school
textbooks, uniforms and mid-morning meals) and establishment of central
colleges etc. As a result of these initiatives, the participation in education has
increased substantially. All the subsequent governments that came to power
in Sri Lanka after the independence, adhered to these policies and also as a
result of the investments made, the participation rate and literacy rate have
increased. Sri Lanka has for ahead in both qualitative and quantitative
development of education compared to the other countries of the South
Asian region.

Despite such achievements, at present, it can be seen that schools are being
closed down in the rural areas while some urban schools attract large
number students. This has resulted in create bi-polarization of school system
which has adversely affected education quality and development. In one
end, number of schools with less than 100 students has increased up to
2,973 in 2009 and this was a 4.6 per cent increase compared to the year
2000. On the other end, number of schools with more than 3,000 students
has been increased to 89.

Any investment in the general education system requires careful planning

based on the national education policies. The programmes or projects needs
medium or long-term approaches in order to enable students to acquire
competencies that are needed to meet current and future labour market
requirements. The current ESDFP attempted to promote students’ acquisition
of curriculum specified learning competencies and hence included a revision
of competency-based curriculum, dissemination of such competencies
through teacher instructional manuals (TIMs) and ISAs’ and teachers’
training, and preparation of examination guidelines and an Item Bank which
supports measurement of competencies than memorizing through rote

Such attempts should be supported with strengthened capacities of

personnel of the system as well as by the improved educational
infrastructure facilities. Strengthening of management and timely delivery of
services are also prerequisites to ensure promotion of acquisition of learning

outcomes. Therefore, current ESDFP attempted to facilitate schools with
funds for higher-order processes, to construct infrastructure and
procurement of equipment. The national assessments were regulated to
measure system’s performance. Even though Sri Lanka is not participating in
any international assessment, the national assessments conducted by
NEREC are expected to play a similar role in assessing students’
performance over time. King (2009 in Kellaghan et al. 2009: xi), states that:

.......more than years of schooling, it is learning-or the

acquisition of cognitive skills that improves individual
productivity and earnings, ……one standard deviation
increase in student scores on international assessments of
literacy and mathematics competencies is associated with a
2 per cent increase in annual growth rates of GDP per

The gradual improvement of national assessment results in Sri Lanka (e.g.

Grade 4 results) indicates the possibilities of earning an increased
productivity in the future. In terms of learning achievements, EFA movement
has been continuously highlighting the need for addressing disparities in
terms of equity and quality of the system. World Declaration on Education for
All, (1990: Articles 1-4,) emphasizes that:

……basic education services of good quality should be

expanded and consistent measures must be taken to reduce
disparities. For basic education to be equitable, they
[learners] must be given the opportunity to achieve and
maintain an acceptable level of learning. The focus must be
on actual learning acquisition and allowing learners to reach
their fullest potential…… (NEREC, 2007:1-2).

Therefore, a future educational investment should be clearly focused on to

reducing disparities in the general education system while preparing
students to meet the labour market needs and to improve productivity and
their own earnings. Hence, a greater emphasis is to be given to initiate
appropriate programmes at school level specifically targeting students in
secondary education stage (Grades 6 to 13).

In Sri Lanka, nationally, the gross survival rates at Grade 9 have been
increased up to 91 per cent (MoE, (2009) School Census, 2009). However,
provincial gross survival rates are varied from 79.2 per cent (Northern
Province) to 94.7 per cent (North Central Province). The drop-out rates are
higher in Grades 6 to 9. Performance of schools measured by public
examinations and national assessment results also in many education zones,
is low. Lack of availability of a viable school network with primary schools
and quality secondary schools, could be one of the issues that contribute to
the said situation. It is a well-known fact that many parents are willing to

enroll their children in so-called popular secondary schools in the urban
areas and the demand for such schools for exceed the supply. The raised
demand for urban and sub-urban schools has directly resulted in increasing
the number of smaller schools and gradual closing down of such schools
located in the rural peripheral areas. This should be seen as a serious issue
connected to quality of education. Hence, the GoSL should look into
alternative but best solutions which address social demand for equity and
quality of education while assuring efficient investment of available

The GoSL wishes that he aforementioned issues could be addressed to a

greater extent by improving secondary schools’ quality with adequate
physical infrastructure and enriched teaching and learning processes.
Accordingly, 1,000 secondary schools will be selected scattered throughout
the country, to be developed as fully-pledged secondary schools.
When the 54 Central Colleges were established, Dr CWW Kannangara
directed the officers to follow accurate school mapping exercise to select the
locations. Most of such Central Colleges are today functioning as centers to
deliver a better service to the surrounding primary schools. Nonetheless, we
have to admit that certain previous school development programmes which
did not follow proper mapping exercises (‘Navodya’, ‘Isuru’ schools) have not
been able to reach up to the desired objectives.

In this context, it is essential to identify schools for the proposed 1,000

secondary schools development programme (as proposed in the Mahinda
Chinthana Vision for the Future) based on a careful mapping and
rationalization exercise and be the lead project of the general education
sector for next five years. The schools should be developed balancing
between development of physical infrastructure and improvement of quality
of learning. The network should be developed in such a way that each
secondary school should serve for at least three primary feeder schools.

2.0 Current issues emerging from irrational school distribution and


1. Gaps in equity and equality in educational opportunities and quality for

students, especially, those who are living in the rural disadvantaged
2. Learning outcomes of students, (especially in secondary education) is
yet to be improved;
3. Total child development is not very-well focused within schools:
inadequate coverage to address health and nutritional issues of school
students. Issues such as long hours travelling to schools have affected
children's mental and physical growth;
4. Survival rate at secondary level has not yet exceeded 91% at Grade 9;

5. Congested classrooms within which students do not receive individual
attention of teachers;
6. Exclusion of students from meaningful learning as most of the schools
do not promote inclusive learning1 practices;
7. Absence of conducive learning environment due to low student
population in some schools resulting in low motivation of both students
and academic staff (principals and teachers), imbalances in social and
emotional development, low achievement of students, and waste of
infrastructure facilities;
8. Inadequacy of quality secondary schools: there has been a serious
concern among parents over continuation of their children's secondary
education after completion of primary education in a good quality
school. This, in turn has created an overemphasis on admissions to
Grade 1 of prestigious /popular secondary education. The situation has
peanalised the rights of those who qualify at grade 5 scholarship
examination to receive a good secondary education due to limited
spaces available at Grade 6 of those schools.
9. The said overemphasis on admission to Grade 1 has resulted in
corruptions and mal-practices in admission procedures to so-called
popular schools;
10. Disciplinary issues also take place due to poor administration of
schools with large number of students;
11. Education officials at national and provincial levels are heavily involved
in matters related to school admissions. This has affected the progress
of development programmes of education.

The previous experience with school development projects such as Navodya

and Isuru, shows that the principles and procedures followed to select
schools and implement development activities in those have not been
worked well and that has resulted in low achievement of desired objectives.

3.0. Conceptual framework

3.1 Justification

To address prevailing performance issues in the system of education, it is

essential to ensure establishment of well-performing schools in the suburbs.
Therefore, to bring about a change of the general education system through
the proposed 1,000 secondary school development programme requires a
careful planning for selection, rational allocation of financial and physical
resources on site-based needs and assuring capacity building of school
professional staff. These secondary schools should be established in order to
Inclusive education: Identifies and reduces the barriers that lead to exclusion; ensures not only
enrollment, but full-participation of all children in school; responds positively to diversity and
differences; and aims to meet the needs of all learners through an ongoing process of quality
improvement in teaching and learning (Source: UNESCO (2006) EFA, Mid Decade Assessment: Planning
Guide) .

cater to the needs of the primary school network in the closer geographical
area. To ensure that a viable network of quality secondary schools is
available throughout the country, schools should be selected by
divisional/zonal level. This programme should be an innovative programme
which will bring about a managerial and cultural change within schools and
attitudes of parents and school community about the public education.
Identified schools will provide rich learning environment for students to
acquire higher-order skills which are required to enter and progress in rapidly
changing labour market (world of work). This programme will be identified as
the flagship programme of the general education sector for the next five

3.2 Vision

Produce Sri Lankan citizens with knowledge, attitudes, skills and values
enabling them to fulfill the requirements of a modern local and global
knowledge economy.

3.3 Goals

• Transforming the school system with a view to linking human capital

foundation to the future knowledge hub in Sri Lanka and thereby to
contribute to the future global knowledge economy;
• Improving student learning outcomes: knowledge, attitude, values, skills
and specially soft skills,i.e. teamwork, communication, leadership,
entrepreneurial abilities etc. required in general by society and by
employers at both local and international labour markets;
• Minimize gaps of procedural and distributional equity and quality of
resource allocation and distribution between and within provinces and
between schools;
• Ensure learning occurs in an inclusive learning environment.

3.4 Objectives of the programme

Proposed 1,000 schools will ensure that the implementation of free

education, right to education of each child and equitable access to good
quality education. The programme in whole will include developing a
comprehensive strategic plan which will serve following objectives:

1. develop secondary schools selected through a mapping exercise and

ensure each of them will cater to 3-5 feeder primary schools;;
2. establish attractive and viable school network in each education
division by developing these selected 1,000 secondary schools
equipping them with adequate human and physical resources;

3. develop feeder primary schools within a supplementary medium-term
4. optimize utilization of education resources and provide equal
educational opportunities for all students ensuring compulsory free
5. reduce competition for admission to urban schools;
6. ensure that the aforementioned network of schools will improve
student learning outcomes through promoting acquisition of cognitive
and non-cognitive skills.
7. ensure in each education division, within these schools, will have tri-
lingual learning environment.
8. ensure these schools promote social cohesion and values based
9. promote resource sharing between schools;
10. establish public-private partnerships for improving learning of ICT,
languages etc.; teacher empowerment; resource generation;
knowledge sharing; sports and co-curricular activities;
11. ensure conducive and inclusive learning environment where each
student is equitably treated and individually attended;
12. ensure acquisition of soft skills as they are defined in the curriculum as
well as defined for other relevant fields, (e.g. communication; team
work etc.). It may need a consultation with relevant stakeholders
(Higher Education, Ministry of Finance & Planning, Ministry of Economic
Development, public and private sector employers etc..) in order to
define the soft skills needed for secondary education
13. provide access to learn full-curriculum (e.g. making available facilities
ICT/Maths/Science /English Language);
14. establish capacity development programmes for teachers, principals
and officials;
15. raise awareness among parents and communities; and
16. establish mechanisms to further transfer of financial and managerial
decision-making powers to schools and to prepare schools,
divisions/zones and provinces to undertake changing roles and

3.5 Anticipated outcomes

Following outcomes and outputs are expected to result from this


(i) Equity for all to access to quality primary and secondary education;
(ii) Strong administration and enriched pedagogical practices within
schools and assured higher-level standards of quality of education in
general education;
(iii) Increased utilization rate of education resources;
(iv) Minimize closing-down schools located in rural areas;

(v) Citizens with positive attitudes and human qualities;
(vi) Minimize corruption and mal-practices in education (sp. In relation to
school admission processes) and improved transparency in school
management and administration;
(vii)Empower schools and communities with decision-making authorities and
schools transformed to deliver timely and better services to the
(viii)Schools that share educational benefits with other educational
organizations and the society; and
(ix) Improved contribution by the schools to socio economic development
of the society.

3.6 Process of selection and conditions for development of schools

3.6.1 Responsibilities

1. Undertaking the mapping exercise in order to identify the schools for

the programme - Planning Branches of the Provincial Departments of
Education in consultation with the respective provincial education

2. Provide advocacy for the mapping process and make

recommendations for selection of schools taking in to account the
conditions given below and the need for minimizing bi-polarization
issue in the future, and the available financial resources and obtaining
concurrence of the provincial education authority. There should be a
justification for each school selected for further development
(Provincial Structure Committee).

3. Parallel to above school mapping exercise, considering the schools

with very small number of students proceed with an appropriate school
rationalizing process to define school network. It is essential to
ascertain that right to access of each children is secured (Provincial
Structure Committee).

4. Finalizes selection schools, development components and financial and

human (e.g. teacher deployment, principal's professional development,
etc.) resource matters -National-Level Steering Committee with the
membership of provincial secretaries of education headed by the
Secretary, Ministry of Education.

3.6.2 Process of selection

1. The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the provincial education

authorities will conduct a school mapping exercise and will identify
most appropriate secondary schools for further development. The
mapping exercise will include following steps:
(i) Identification of student flow within each school, by grades and by
GN divisions, during past 3/5 years (Attachment- Example-No.1);
(ii) Identify schools with student flow information by GN divisions
(Attachment- Example-No.2);
(iii)Identify patterns of student flow by GN divisions and emerging
school groups (i.e. schools with high student flows from particular
GN divisions) (Attachment- Example-No.3);
(iv) Identify schools for further development within each selected
school group and submit structure proposals in respect of each
selected school to the Steering Committee to be established at the
Ministry of Education for approval.

2. Selection procedures should strictly be conducted associating available

school data, geographical information system data, student flow
analyses and zone and divisional level officials' own professional
experience. School mapping techniques should be used to ensure more
rationalized distribution of schools with secured access to all children.
Education division should be considered as the unit of analysis, and
student flow analyses will inform about the schools that are more
feasible for further development. Projected student flow for at least
next 05-10 years should be studied in this exercise.

Certain aspects to be considered are:

a. Geographical location and road access;

b. Number of students of the primary and secondary schools;
c. Patterns of student flow of the selected school and surrounding
schools (sp. Feeder primary schools);
d. Distance to the secondary school from the primary feeder schools;
e. Available and required spaces of the school (both basic and
higher-order learning spaces);
f. Access for public facilities and government administrative offices;
g. Pattern of demographic changes and population growth in the area;
h. Availability/ if not available, whether access can be established
for electricity, communication;
i. Cultural and environmental factors and any special circumstances;
j. Feasibility for rational deployment of subject specific teachers in the school;
k. Selection of a good principals

l. Leadership capacity of the principal.
m. Maximum size per school.

3. Every selected school need to cater at least three primary schools

located in the surrounding geographical area, creating a viable and
inter-linked school network, hence the mapping exercise should be
extended to identify most appropriate primary schools for
development through a supplementary component.

4. In line with this programme, the provincial education authorities may

suggest for a comprehensive supplementary plan for the development
of small schools with less than 50 students. Where ever possible, some
of such schools could be included in the selected networks while others
located in isolated areas may remain to be developed as they are.

3.6.3 Conditions for development of schools

1. Selected schools should demonstrate viability for development in the

future as a promising institution that will provide better service to a
wider community;

2. Selected schools may be belong to any existing type of schools (i.e.

1AB, 1C, Type 2, Type 3/ National, Provincial/ Central schools,
Navodya, Isuru etc.);

3. Under unavoidable circumstances certain primary schools could be

selected provided such schools demonstrate the potential of growing
as a secondary school.

4. Selected schools perhaps may belong to type 2/1C/1AB with grade

span of 1 to 13. Such schools will be subject to the condition to be
transformed to schools with Grades 6-13, by gradually removing
primary classes (by not enrolling Grade 1 students. In such cases, the
Directors of respective Zonal Education Offices should be made
responsible for assuring rights of prospective children to be admitted
to Grade 1 of such schools, by making arrangement to enroll them in
close by primary schools).

5. All selected secondary schools should have medium-term development

plans for 2012-2016. The primary schools that will belong to the

network and any new primary schools to be established should also
have medium-term development plans for 2012-2016.

6. The medium-term school development plan may include following


a. Strategies to improve access and participation while adhering to

the stipulated national norms regarding class sizes

b. Quality development: processes

c. Capacity development: teachers, senior management staff,

principals and communities. Add to this, the capacity
development of divisional and zonal officials.

d. Procurement of basic and higher-order capital equipment.

e. Infrastructure development: continuations and constructions of

school buildings, other infrastructure.

f. Maintenance of capital assets (buildings and equipment)

- This plan should include cost estimates by

components and by activities.

- Implementation should be phased out and prioritized

considering the costs.

- Requirements should be computed based on the

national norms/criteria

- Building constructions designs may include provincial

specific historical architecture.

7. The budget for each school should be decided taking into account the
essential requirements and on priority. It could be suggested to agree
upon the amount allocated for a school may range from Rs 5mn to
60mn, as to meet the availability of limited financial resources. It is
also suggested for all selected schools to be provided with a catalytic
grant to meet requirements of their quality development processes
and procurement of equipment, as the first step.

4.0 Development components to be rationally considered for
inclusion in the development plans of selected schools

The programme may comprise of three major components.

4.1 Quality development component –processes

4.2 Physical infrastructure facilities
4.3 Strengthening governance and service delivery including capacity

4.1 Quality development component

This component will have to be developed in order to facilitate students to

acquire learning experience in an inclusive environment. Therefore attention
should be brought about to include higher order learning processes,
acquisition of basic and higher-order /minor capital items or assets and
services as well as capacity building requirements of managerial, teaching
and non academic staff in the school development plans. Some of the
examples are: Student camps; extra- curricular activities:
aesthetic/sports/entrepreneurship; special seminars for remedial teaching;
school-based teacher development; community-based activities; health
promotion environment with safety and security; etc.

4.2 Physical infrastructure facilities

This component will be aimed at provision of essential physical infrastructure

facilities, basic and higher-order capital assets, basic and higher-order
spaces, completion of renovation and rehabilitation requirements.
(i) Enrich school environment
Green schools with different eco systems
Smart classes (define: IT-based)
Prepared for any emergency situation
Safe environment (e.g. Fence & a gate)

(ii) Basic assets

• Classroom furniture
• Office furniture
• Library furniture

(iii) Higher-order physical assets

• Laboratory equipment
• Library books
• ICT facilities
• Technical workshop equipment

(iv) Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities based assets

• Sports equipment
• Aesthetic instruments
• Any other subject related…

(v) Basic physical infrastructure

o Functional water and sanitary facilities
o adequate classroom spaces
o Hostel facilities (where necessary)
o School plant and garden
o Administrative complexes
o Staff quarters (principals, teachers)
o Playground and sport facilities
o Access to children with special needs
• Email/internet accessories
• Electricity
• Telephone

(vi) Higher-order physical infrastructure

o GCE OL science laboratory buildings
o GCE AL science laboratory buildings
o Computer laboratory facilities with internet

o Library facilities
o Home science rooms, agriculture rooms, activity rooms

All selected schools may not be required all kinds of physical assets and
buildings. The programme should not merely be concentrated on
construction of buildings and purchase of expensive equipment. Programme
should be carefully planned with a better understanding of possible
budgetary implications but taking into consideration the prime need of
having established well-functioning group of schools. Hence, the ingredients
for each school should be identified based on location specific feasibility
assessment. Physical infrastructure with expensive buildings should not be
over-emphasised. Multi-purpose buildings may be promoted. If land space is
there, single storied school buildings with attractive designs could be
promoted. School communities should not be looking forward to receive
expensive buildings. However, the school plant should be modified with
minimum -affordable- cost.

Suggestions for identification for priorities of infrastructure


Selected schools may be classified on the availability of physical

infrastructure facilities [Ref: 4.2, (v) & (vi)] in preparation of the medium-
term development plans.

(i) Schools which satisfy 100% of suggested building infrastructure

facilities and require maintenance and improvements;

(ii) Schools which satisfy 75%-100% of suggested infrastructure facilities

and require certain constructions, maintenance and improvements;

(iii)Schools which satisfy 50%-75% of suggested infrastructure facilities

but substantially require constructions, maintenance and

(iv) Schools with less than 50% of suggested infrastructure facilities and
seriously require constructions, maintenance and improvements.

4.3 Strengthening governance and service delivery

o Capacity building
o Human resource development
o School principals to acquire innovative leadership skills (selected
schools should be managed by qualified, formally appointed,
talented principals with a better service history).
o teaching staff
o Registrars (cadre to be established and recruited)

o Supportive staff
o School community
o Relevant divisional and zonal officials

5.0Quota for each province
Option 1: based on the proportion between existing secondary and primary
schools (as proposed below)

Ser. Province When a secondary school Number of secondary

No. is identified for a schools to be selected
network of minimum of for the development
three primary schools
1 Western 13.40 134
2 Central 15.30 153
3 Southern 11.00 110
4 Northern 9.00 90
5 Eastern 10.30 103
6 North 12.70 127
7 North 8. 20 82
8 Uva 8.80 88
9 Sabaragam 11.30 113
10 Total 100.00 1,000

The above option was agreed by the Hon. Minister of Education and the Hon.
Provincial Chief Ministers at the meeting held on September 20, 2010.

[Option 2: 111 schools for each province (1000 schools divided by nine

Option 3: Quota to be determined after completion of the entire school

mapping in the province].

6.0 Programme period and tentative estimated cost

Programme period: 5 years (2012 – 2016), initiation in 2011.

Tentative estimated cost: to be worked out.
[Per school cost may vary between Rs 5mn to
60mn. A school based grant of Rs 10mn for
each school is proposed and that may cover
costs of higher-order processes (teacher and
student based); acquisition of quality inputs,
assets, minor constructions and rehabilitation
works. Construction and rehabilitation works

worth more than Rs 10mn may be incurred by
the authorities beyond the school].
7.0Implementation arrangements
Following arrangements will be made in order to undertake the implantation
arrangements of the programme

1. Establishment of National-Level Steering Committee (Chair/

Secretary/Ministry of Education).

2. Establishment of a Consultative Committee (Chair/ Additional


3. Establishment of Technical Committee (Chair: DE/Planning)

4. Provincial level monitoring by ESDFP theme coordinators

7.1 Implementation of programme with the provincial education


This is the lead programme in the education sector for next medium-term
phase and will be implemented jointly by the Ministry of Education, Provincial
Ministries of Education, and Provincial Departments of Education. As per the
instructions of the MFP, the provincial education authorities will undertake
the responsibility of provincial component while the MoE will undertake
selected national schools.

7.2 Composition of the committees:

Two committees will be established for monitoring, supervision, directions

and implementation as well as providing policy guidance for the programme.

National-level Steering Committee:

The National-level Steering Committee will provide policy advocacy and
mediate to solve policy issues. Following members are included in this

- Chair: Secretary, MoE

- All Provincial Secretaries of Education
- All Provincial Directors of Education
- Director General, National Institute of Education
- Commissioner General of Examinations
- Commissioner General, Department of Education
- Additional Secretaries/PPRD, EQD, ESE
- Chairman/FC

The Additional Secretary of the Policy, Planning and Performance Review
Division of the Ministry of Education is the convener of the meeting.

Consultative Committee
- Chair: Addl. Sec./PPRD
- Chief Accountant
- Development partners who support the prog
- Secretary/FC
- Academics/researchers/principals/trade
unions/teachers/private sector
education providers/public and private sector employers Prov
Deputy Chief Sec/Planning

Technical Committee:
The National-level Technical Committee will coordinate provincial activities
and report to the National-level Steering Committee. Following members of
the national and provincial levels are included in this committee:
- Chair: Director of Education, Policy and Planning Branch,
Ministry of Education
- All relevant Subject Heads
- Provincial planning officers
- provincial ESDFP Chief Coordinator
- Director, School Works, Ministry of Education
- Relevant other officers

Example 01
Student flow by student information (need to fill according to separate grades)

Name of the Grama Niladari Division

student A B C D E F G.. Other

Student flow by Grades

Grade Grama Niladari Division

A B C D E F G.. Other

Example 03
Student flow by Schools (summarized by division)

School Grama Niladari Division

A B C D E F G.. Other

Student flow Information (By Division) (Example for format 03)

School Grama Niladari Division

A B C D E F G H I J K Other
L 15 9 8 4 2 2 1 3 -- -- -- 02
M 7 10 6 5 -- -- 3 2 1 -- -- 06
N 16 25 18 20 4 6 2 1 -- -- -- 03
O 8 10 25 30 10 2 4 1 -- 3 2 06
P 2 4 17 25 30 4 5 3 2 -- 1 07
Q 2 1 5 1 5 2 19 20 21 17 18 06
R -- -- 4 2 3 6 10 12 14 16 06 03
S 3 6 2 1 5 7 17 18 20 06 07 01
T -- -- 6 7 8 11 15 16 12 03 04 02
U 1 2 4 3 3 6 14 11 18 20 06 01

Schools of a selected Group Grama Niladari Division
A B C D E F G Other

School Cycle
L 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
M 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
N 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
. 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
. 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
. 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr
U 5-1 Gr
11-6 Gr
13-12 Gr


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